Dodie Smith

Image of Dodie Smith
The family, that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor in our innermost hearts never quite wish to.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Family
Image of Dodie Smith
There is something revolting about the way girls' minds often jump to marriage long before they jump to love. And most of those minds are shut to what marriage really means.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Marriage
Image of Dodie Smith
Contemplation seems to be about the only luxury that costs nothing.
- Dodie Smith
Image of Dodie Smith
Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression.
- Dodie Smith
Image of Dodie Smith
I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring.
- Dodie Smith
Image of Dodie Smith
I have noticed that when things happen in one's imaginings, they never happen in one's life.
- Dodie Smith
Image of Dodie Smith
Time takes the ugliness and horror out of death and turns it into beauty.
- Dodie Smith
Image of Dodie Smith
The family - that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Funny
Image of Dodie Smith
Like many other much-loved humans, they believed that they owned their dogs, instead of realizing that their dogs owned them.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Friendship
Image of Dodie Smith
If you love people, you take them on trust.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: People
Image of Dodie Smith
Perhaps watching someone you love suffer can teach you even more than suffering yourself can.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Suffering
Image of Dodie Smith
When I read a book, I put in all the imagination I can, so that it is almost like writing the book as well as reading it - or rather, it is like living it. It makes reading so much more exciting, but I don't suppose many people try to do it.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Book
Image of Dodie Smith
Even a broken heart doesn't warrant a waste of good paper.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Heart
Image of Dodie Smith
I only want to write. And there's no college for that except life.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Dodie Smith
It came to me that Hyde Park has never belonged to London - that it has always been , in spirit, a stretch of countryside; and that it links the Londons of all periods together most magically - by remaining forever unchanged at the heart of a ever-changing town.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Heart
Image of Dodie Smith
The key to all knowledge comes in words of just one syllable, apparently.... There's only the last page left to write on. I'll fill it with words of just one syllable. I love. I have loved. I will love.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Dodie Smith
Was I the only woman in the world who, at my age - and after a lifetime of quite rampant independence - still did not quite feel grown up?
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Independence
Image of Dodie Smith
What a tiny list of friends I have! All my fault. I less and less want to see people.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Friendship
Image of Dodie Smith
I suppose the best kind of spring morning is the best weather God has to offer.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Morning
Image of Dodie Smith
There is something revolting about the way girls' minds so often jump to marriage long before they jump to love.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Girl
Image of Dodie Smith
Many dogs can understand almost every word humans say, while humans seldom learn to recognize more than half a dozen barks, if that. And barks are only a small part of the dog language. A wagging tail can mean so many things. Humans know that it means a dog is pleased, but not what a dog is saying about his pleasedness.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Dog
Image of Dodie Smith
I was wandering around as usual, in my unpleasantly populated sub-conscious.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Usual
Image of Dodie Smith
...I have noticed that when things happen in one's imaginings, they never happen in one's life, so I am curbing myself.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Happens
Image of Dodie Smith
Death is too much to ask of the living.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Grief
Image of Dodie Smith
Only the margin left to write on now. I love you, I love you, I love you.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Love You
Image of Dodie Smith
People's clothes ought to be buried with them.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Clothes
Image of Dodie Smith
He stood staring into the wood for a minute, then said: "What is it about the English countryside — why is the beauty so much more than visual? Why does it touch one so?" He sounded faintly sad. Perhaps he finds beauty saddening — I do myself sometimes. Once when I was quite little I asked father why this was and he explained that it was due to our knowledge of beauty's evanescence, which reminds us that we ourselves shall die. Then he said I was probably too young to understand him; but I understood perfectly.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Father
Image of Dodie Smith
I shouldn't think even millionaires could eat anything nicer than new bread and real butter and honey for tea.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Real
Image of Dodie Smith
It is rather exciting to write by moonlight.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Dodie Smith
Ah, but you're the insidious type--Jane Eyre with of touch of Becky Sharp. A thoroughly dangerous girl.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Girl
Image of Dodie Smith
Am I really admitting that my sister is determined to marry a man she has only seen once and doesn't much like the look of? It is half real and half pretense - and I have an idea that it is a game most girls play when they meet an eligible young men. They just...wonder.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Girl
Image of Dodie Smith
I could hear rain still pouring from the gutters and a thin branch scraping against one of the windows; but the church seemed completely cut off from the restless day outside--just as I felt cut off from the church. I thought: I am a restlessness inside a stillness inside a restlessness.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Rain
Image of Dodie Smith
I found it quite easy to carry on a casual conversation it was as if my real feelings were down fathoms deep in my mind and what we said was just a feathery surface spray.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Real
Image of Dodie Smith
Oh, comfortable cocoa!
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Cocoa
Image of Dodie Smith
Father says hot water can be as stimulating as an alcoholic drink and though I never come by one...I can well believe it.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Father
Image of Dodie Smith
My God - it's a green child!" said the American. "What is this place - the House of Usher?
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Children
Image of Dodie Smith
Just to be in love seemed the most blissful luxury I had ever known. The thought came to me that perhaps it is the loving that counts, not the being loved in return -- that perhaps true loving can never know anything but happiness. For a moment I felt that I had discovered a great truth.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Love
Image of Dodie Smith
When things mean a very great deal to you, exciting anticipation just isn't safe.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Mean
Image of Dodie Smith
I wanted so terribly to be good to him.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Be Good
Image of Dodie Smith
What is it about the English countryside — why is the beauty so much more than visual? Why does it touch one so?
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Doe
Image of Dodie Smith
Ham with mustard is a meal of glory
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Meals
Image of Dodie Smith
How I wish I lived in a Jane Austen novel!
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Wish
Image of Dodie Smith
Well, my paper has asked me to do a series: Lives of the Great Musicians, reading time 2 minutes.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Reading
Image of Dodie Smith
Oh, wise young judge.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Wise
Image of Dodie Smith
Perhaps it would really be rather dull to be married and settled for life. Liar! It would be heaven.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Liars
Image of Dodie Smith
There was a wonderful atmosphere of gentle age, a smell of flowers and beeswax, sweet yet faintly sour and musty; a smell that makes you feel very tender towards the past.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Sweet
Image of Dodie Smith
And who says you always have to understand things? You can like them without understanding them -- like 'em better sometimes.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Understanding
Image of Dodie Smith
Perhaps what you call conventionality, I call decency.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Conventionality
Image of Dodie Smith
Sometimes [the expression] old age has a kind of harrowing beauty. But elderly - ugh!
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Elderly
Image of Dodie Smith
...surely I could give him--a sort of contentment... That isn't enough to give. Not for the giver.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Giving