Lou Holtz

Image of Lou Holtz
When people need love and understanding and support the most is when they deserve it the least.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Love
Image of Lou Holtz
If you're bored with life - you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Morning
Image of Lou Holtz
Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Positive
Image of Lou Holtz
At home I have a copy of the April 21, 1986, issue of 'Sports Illustrated.' I'm on the cover with the blurb, 'Can Lou Do It?' I'd just arrived at Notre Dame, and with spring football underway, I was the focal point of that week's coverage.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Sports
Image of Lou Holtz
I think that everybody needs four things in life. Everybody needs something to do regardless of age. Everybody needs someone to love. Everybody needs something to hope for, and, of course, everybody needs someone to believe in.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Hope
Image of Lou Holtz
No matter what happens on the field, getting an education makes you a winner.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Education
Image of Lou Holtz
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that's the difference.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Work
Image of Lou Holtz
I believe - we all pay taxes. I'm happy to pay it, but I hate to have it abused, money wasted, no accountability. That's going to bother you.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Money
Image of Lou Holtz
I look at athletes in all sports and try to picture what kind of football player they'd be, what position they'd play and so on.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Sports
Image of Lou Holtz
You're never as good as everyone tells you when you win, and you're never as bad as they say when you lose.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Good
Image of Lou Holtz
I was born January 6, 1937, eight years after Wall Street crashed and two years before John Steinbeck published The Grapes of Wrath, his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about the plight of a family during the Great Depression.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Family
Image of Lou Holtz
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Attitude
Image of Lou Holtz
Sacrifice, discipline and prayer are essential. We gain strength through God's word. We receive grace from the sacrament. And when we fumble due to sin - and it's gonna happen - confession puts us back on the field.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Strength
Image of Lou Holtz
See, winners embrace hard work.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Work
Image of Lou Holtz
The problem with having a sense of humor is often that people you use it on aren't in a very good mood.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Humor
Image of Lou Holtz
Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Life
Image of Lou Holtz
I never learn anything talking. I only learn things when I ask questions.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Learning
Image of Lou Holtz
My wife told me if there is any rumors about me, it better be about politics and not about my social life.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Politics
Image of Lou Holtz
I'm proud to be part of the Dr. Pepper Scholarship Giveaway. It's a great program that gives me the chance to brighten the day for some lucky college students with free tuition.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Chance
Image of Lou Holtz
I follow three rules: Do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Best
Image of Lou Holtz
Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Best
Image of Lou Holtz
Our cellar home had a kitchen and a combination bedroom and half bath, which meant we had a sink next to the bed. We had no refrigerator, no shower or tub, and no privacy. My parents shared the bedroom with my sister and me.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Home
Image of Lou Holtz
When the bank asks me about my assets, I include my friendship with Regis Philbin.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Friendship
Image of Lou Holtz
We can all be successful and make money, but when we die, that ends. But when you are significant is when you help other people be successful. That lasts many a lifetime.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Money
Image of Lou Holtz
Don't tell your problems to people: eighty percent don't care; and the other twenty percent are glad you have them.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
Don't run if you can walk. Don't walk if you can stand. Don't stand if you can sit. Don't sit if you can lie down.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven't done anything today.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
Nothing on this earth is standing still. It's either growing or it's dying. No matter if it's a tree or a human being.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
You aren't going to find anybody that's going to be successful without making a sacrifice and without perseverance.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
No one has ever drowned in sweat.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
When all is said and done, more is said than done.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
If you burn your neighbors house down, it doesn't make your house look any better.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
God looks after children, animals and idiots.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
Motivation is simple. You eliminate those who are not motivated.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
In the nineties, everybody wants to talk about their rights and privileges. Twenty-five years ago, people talked about their obligations and responsibilities.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
Don't be a spectator, don't let life pass you by.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
I don't drink water, haven't drank water in 40 years.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
You don't go to Notre Dame to learn something; you go to Notre Dame to be somebody.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
In the successful organization, no detail is too small to escape close attention.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
You'll never get ahead of anyone as long as you try to get even with him.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
I'm so old, I don't buy green bananas any more.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
I do know this: God does answer your prayers, but it's not always in the way you expect. God knows what's best for us, though, so there's no need to worry when things don't go how we originally wanted them to go.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
I can't believe that God put us on this earth to be ordinary.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
One thing about me is I try to be honest.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
How you respond to the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game, whether you are a winner or a loser.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
If he's got golf clubs in his truck or a camper in his driveway, I don't hire him.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
Everyone goes through adversity in life, but what matters is how you learn from it.
- Lou Holtz