Top passion Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of passion quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more passion quotes.

Image of Agnes Repplier
Why do so many ingenious theorists give fresh reasons every year for the decline of letter writing, and why do they assume, in derision of suffering humanity, that it has declined? They lament the lack of leisure, the lack of sentiment ... They talk of telegrams, and telephones, and postal cards, as if any discovery of science, any device of civilization, could eradicate from the human heart that passion for self-expression which is the impelling force of letters.
- Agnes Repplier
Collection: Passion
Image of Gay Talese
Most journalists are restless voyeurs who see the warts on the world, the imperfections in people and places. . . . gloom is their game, the spectacle their passion, normality their nemesis.
- Gay Talese
Collection: Passion
Image of Alexander von Humboldt
Collaboration operates through a process in which the successful intellectual achievements of one person arouse the intellectual passions and enthusiasms of others.
- Alexander von Humboldt
Collection: Passion
Image of Sam Walton
If I had to single out one element in my life that has made a difference for me, it would be a passion to compete.
- Sam Walton
Collection: Passion
Image of Siegfried Sassoon
Oh yes, I know the way to heaven was easy. We found the little kingdom of our passion that all can share who walk the road of lovers. In wild and secret happiness we stumbled; and gods and demons clamoured in our senses.
- Siegfried Sassoon
Collection: Passion
Image of Kenneth Branagh
The ferocity of passion that is engendered by people when they don't like what you've done is really tremendous. It's intense.
- Kenneth Branagh
Collection: Passion
Image of Jacquelyn Frank
I am going to devour you, Magdelegna,” he promised her, the darkness of his cravings coming to bear on her fully at last. “You wanted to know my passions? Allow me to introduce them to you.
- Jacquelyn Frank
Collection: Passion
Image of Jacquelyn Frank
You wanted to know my passions? Allow me to introduce them to you.
- Jacquelyn Frank
Collection: Passion
Image of Michael Biehn
I don’t want to spread myself out to other games that don’t have the passion… You know, like the Aliens game.
- Michael Biehn
Collection: Passion
Image of Haruki Murakami
Passion can’t sustain itself forever.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Passion
Image of Patton Oswalt
You can be an amateur and have a passion for something, but it takes a long time to actually become a professional, meaning that you can handle any situation.
- Patton Oswalt
Collection: Passion
Image of Andrew Sean Greer
Surely words are just the background music when passion pounces on a soul.
- Andrew Sean Greer
Collection: Passion
Image of Stefan Zweig
He who studies without passion will never become anything more than a pedant.
- Stefan Zweig
Collection: Passion
Image of Gene Simmons
You always start off with passion and the people that have it.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Passion
Image of Maurice Sendak
Knowledge is the driving force that puts creative passion to work.
- Maurice Sendak
Collection: Passion
Image of Kirby Larson
I think if you find your passion and you go with it you are rewarded.
- Kirby Larson
Collection: Passion
Image of Pythagoras
The soul of man is divided into three parts, intelligence, reason, and passion. Intelligence and passion are possessed by other animals, but reason by man alone.
- Pythagoras
Collection: Passion
Image of Pythagoras
None can be free who is a slave to, and ruled by, his passions.
- Pythagoras
Collection: Passion
Image of Eric Ripert
I had a passion for cooking, and I was a very bad student.
- Eric Ripert
Collection: Passion
Image of Eric Ripert
When I started to work in Paris in fine dining, the passion really kicked in, and I knew that I would not, for the rest of my life, do anything else.
- Eric Ripert
Collection: Passion
Image of Laura Prepon
Food is a passion because I basically grew up in a kitchen.
- Laura Prepon
Collection: Passion
Image of Joe Rogan
The Universe rewards calculated risk and passion
- Joe Rogan
Collection: Passion
Image of Cynthia Leitich Smith
Love isn’t only passion and joy. It’s also sacrifice.
- Cynthia Leitich Smith
Collection: Passion
Image of Trevanian
Ripe for romance? Is that not only the self-conscious and sensitive young man's way of saying he was heavy with passion? Is not, perhaps, romance only the fiction by means of which the tender-minded negotiate their lust?
- Trevanian
Collection: Passion
Image of Sandra Boynton
"Chocolate - The Consuming Passion" was written for the Chocolate Elite - the select millions who like chocolate in all its infinite variety, using 'like' as in 'I like to breathe.'
- Sandra Boynton
Collection: Passion
Image of Terri Windling
We’re all misfits herefrom our weirdnesses and our differences, from our manic fixations, our obsessions, our passions. From all those wild and wacky things that make each of us unique.
- Terri Windling
Collection: Passion
Image of Alan Sillitoe
For it was Saturday night, the best and bingiest glad-time of the week, one of the fifty-two holidays in the slow-turning Big Wheel of the year, a violent preamble to a prostrate Sabbath. Piled up passions were exploded on Saturday night, and the effect of a week's monotonous graft in the factory was swilled out of your system in a burst of goodwill. You followed the motto of 'be drunk and be happy,' kept your crafty arms around female waists, and felt the beer going beneficially down into the elastic capacity of your guts.
- Alan Sillitoe
Collection: Passion
Image of Terri Irwin
I found that Steve's passion for wildlife and willingness to lay his life on the line so exciting. What you have in our academic arena is a lot of people who are brilliant at what they do-and boring as the day is long.
- Terri Irwin
Collection: Passion
Image of Marina Tsvetaeva
What is this gypsy passion for separation, this readiness to rush off when we've just met? My head rests in my hands as I realize, looking into the night that no one turning over our letters has yet understood how completely and how deeply faithless we are, which is to say: how true we are to ourselves.
- Marina Tsvetaeva
Collection: Passion
Image of Francoise Sagan
Passion is the salt of life, and that at the times when we are under its spell this salt is indispensable to us, even if we have got along very well without it before.
- Francoise Sagan
Collection: Passion
Image of Dan B. Allender
The desire for beauty, the hunger for union, the passion to be part of something greater than self, all arise out of our bent to worship.
- Dan B. Allender
Collection: Passion
Image of Steve Pavlina
Passion requires focused direction, and that direction must come from three other areas: your purpose, your talents, and your needs.
- Steve Pavlina
Collection: Passion
Image of Nicole Jordan
Abduction is a romantic expression of passion.
- Nicole Jordan
Collection: Passion
Image of Aron Ralston
So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon,for each day to have a new and different sun.
- Aron Ralston
Collection: Passion
Image of Gary Vaynerchuk
The only differentiator in the game is your passion and your hustle.
- Gary Vaynerchuk
Collection: Passion
Image of Christina Baker Kline
One of the wonderful things about being a writer is that you're constantly dredging up some arcane knowledge or long-forgotten experience, rediscovering old passions and interests.
- Christina Baker Kline
Collection: Passion
Image of Margo Lanagan
OTHERBOUND is a web of spells and counterspells, but Corinne Duyvis never loses sight of the bodies, minds and all-too-human emotions that absorb the impact of the magical power-plays. It's an action-packed tale of passion, possession and hair-raising leaps from world to world. As you read it, remember to keep breathing.
- Margo Lanagan
Collection: Passion
Image of Howard Schultz
I think that sometimes the difference between winning and losing, success and failure, is this gray line between will, passion and self-belief that says, 'I'm going to do this'.
- Howard Schultz
Collection: Passion
Image of Freya Stark
It is better to be passionate than to be tolerant at the expense of one's soul.
- Freya Stark
Collection: Passion
Image of Chris Gardner
There is no plan B for passion
- Chris Gardner
Collection: Passion
Image of John Burnside
That's the wonderful thing with nerds: they're enthusiasts. Not having a life means you get to love things with a passion and nobody bothers you about it.
- John Burnside
Collection: Passion
Image of Maria Shriver
The most important thing we can tell young people is not to be an imitation of somebody else. That their life is special. They are the creator of their life and their way and find something that they enjoy doing that doesn't even feel like work. It feels like a passion. And then just by doing that and bringing that to the world, they become architects of change.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Passion
Image of Kenneth Oppel
There is a passion in you that scares me.
- Kenneth Oppel
Collection: Passion
Image of Jacques Barzun
Education in the United States is a passion and a paradox. Millions want it, and commend it, and are busy about it. At the same time they degrade it by trying to get it free of charge and free of work.
- Jacques Barzun
Collection: Passion
Image of Carl T. Rowan
The Reagan Administration has fostered a climate in which a barest majority of the Supreme Court caters to the passions and hatreds of the American mob, stripping away the constitutional shield outside our bedrooms.... How tragically ironic that an Administration that promised to get Government "off our backs" is now so active in draping Government gumshoes over every part of our anatomies.
- Carl T. Rowan
Collection: Passion
Image of William E. Simon
Infinitely more important than sharing one's material wealth is sharing the wealth of ourselves-our time and energy, our passion and commitment, and, above all, our love.
- William E. Simon
Collection: Passion
Image of Martha Stewart
There is no single recipe for success. But there is one essential ingredient: Passion
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Passion
Image of Martha Stewart
Our passion is and should always be to make life better.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Passion
Image of Martha Stewart
Once you realize that you have identified a passion, invest in yourself. Figure out what you need to know, what kind of experience and expertise you need to develop to do the things that you feel in your heart you will enjoy and that will sustain you both mentally and economically.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Passion