Top Organization Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Organization quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Organization quotes.

Image of Celinda Lake
The fastest surging woman leadership position is heading non-profit organizations. Women are not rejecting leadership positions -- they're rejecting politics.
- Celinda Lake
Collection: Organization
Image of Max De Pree
Innovation is the lifeblood of an organization. Knowing how to lead and work with creative people requires knowledge and action that often goes against the typical organizational structure. Protect unusual people from bureaucracy and legalism typical of organizations.
- Max De Pree
Collection: Organization
Image of Charlie Crist
Any person, institution or organization that conveys bodies or parts of bodies into or out of the state for medical education or research purposes shall notify the Anatomical Board of such intent and receive approval from the board.
- Charlie Crist
Collection: Organization
Image of James C. Collins
The greatest leaders build organizations that, in the end, don't need them.
- James C. Collins
Collection: Organization
Image of Colin Ward
Anarchy is a function, not of a society's simplicity and lack of social organization, but of it's complexity and multiplicity of social organizations.
- Colin Ward
Collection: Organization
Image of Chelsea Manning
If an organization produces a document, it should be made public as soon as possible.
- Chelsea Manning
Collection: Organization
Image of Arthur Curley
Alliances are crucial to success in the political sphere. However, if we are to approach other organizations to propose alliances for the public good, we must be prepared to assert a far more important role for the library. We must clearly define what we do and establish and assert the relationship of libraries to basic democratic freedoms, to the fundamental humanistic principles that are central to our very way of life. . . .
- Arthur Curley
Collection: Organization
Image of Peter Friedman
Several respected climate scientists have told me that there would be even more vocal skeptics if they were not afraid of losing funding, much of which is controlled by politically correct organizations.
- Peter Friedman
Collection: Organization
Image of Riane Eisler
Religion supports and perpetuates the social organization it reflects.
- Riane Eisler
Collection: Organization
Image of Sunny Singh
Supporting customers through multiple channels is no longer an option for financial services organizations; it's a necessity.
- Sunny Singh
Collection: Organization
Image of Peter Bergen
If you don't understand what al Qaeda was trying to do on 9/11, if you don't have a sense of who Osama bin Laden is as a person, if you don't have a sense of what al Qaeda, the organization, was on 9/11, 9/11 appears to be more or less inexplicable.
- Peter Bergen
Collection: Organization
Image of Joanne Simpson
Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly....As a scientist I remain skeptical.
- Joanne Simpson
Collection: Organization
Image of Nahum Goldmann
As president of the largest Jewish organization, I disposed of budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars; I directed thousands of employees, and all this, I emphasize again, not for one particular state, but within the frame work of International Jewry.
- Nahum Goldmann
Collection: Organization
Image of Anthony Stafford Beer
Management problems are not respecters of the company organization, nor of the talents of the people appointed to solve them.
- Anthony Stafford Beer
Collection: Organization
Image of Linda Medley
Organization is the Devil's work.
- Linda Medley
Collection: Organization
Image of Daniel Katz
Social organizations are flagrantly open systems in that the input of energies and the conversion of output into further energetic input consists of transactions between the organization and its environment.
- Daniel Katz
Collection: Organization
Image of Jim Highsmith
If you find that your organization can't make the hard decisions that Scrum demands, then high-risk, uncertain projects have very little probability of success in your organization.
- Jim Highsmith
Collection: Organization
Image of Richard G. Wilkinson
Instead of exposures to toxic materials and mechanical dangers, we are discovering the toxicity of social circumstances and patterns of social organization.
- Richard G. Wilkinson
Collection: Organization
Image of Horst Schulze
Leadership is creating an environment in which people want to be part of the organization and not just work for the organization. Leadership creates an environment that makes people want to, rather than have to, do.
- Horst Schulze
Collection: Organization
Image of Flora Tristan
Prostitution is the most hideous of the afflictions produced by the unequal distribution of the world's goods; this infamy stigmatizes the human species and bears witness against the social organization far more than does crime.
- Flora Tristan
Collection: Organization
Image of Dave Ulrich
When leaders behave consistently with the expectations of customers, they are doing things inside their organization that deliver value outside.
- Dave Ulrich
Collection: Organization
Image of Peter Drucker
Only three things happen naturally in organizations: friction, confusion, and underperformance. Everything else requires leadership.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Organization
Image of Peter Drucker
Of all the decisions an executive makes, none is as important as the decisions about people, because they determine the performance capacity of the organization.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Organization
Image of Sam Altman
Keep salaries low and equity high. Keep the organization as flat as you can.
- Sam Altman
Collection: Organization
Image of Graham Roberts
Every hour of every day, at every level in every organization, influential people succeed and non-influential people don't.
- Graham Roberts
Collection: Organization
Image of Francisco Varela
The relations that define a system as a unity, and determine the dynamics of interaction and transformations which it may undergo as such a unity constitute the organization of the machine.
- Francisco Varela
Collection: Organization
Image of Francisco Varela
The emergence of a unified cognitive moment relies on the coordination of scattered mosaics of functionally specialized brain regions. Here we review the mechanisms of large-scale integration that counterbalance the distributed anatomical and functional organization of brain activity to enable the emergence of coherent behaviour and cognition. Although the mechanisms involved in large-scale integration are still largely unknown, we argue that the most plausible candidate is the formation of dynamic links mediated by synchrony over multiple frequency bands.
- Francisco Varela
Collection: Organization
Image of Laurie Garrett
All across America news organizations have been devoured by massive corporations, and allegiance to stockholders, the drive for higher share prices, and push for larger dividend returns trumps everything that the grunts in the newsrooms consider their missions.
- Laurie Garrett
Collection: Organization
Image of Bill Kovach
The journalist's first allegiance is to those who receive the work. Although there is no doubt that many owners and business managers of news organizations also have a deep allegiance to the public, that allegiance is necessarily alloyed with their concern for their own point of view or for the bottom line.
- Bill Kovach
Collection: Organization
Image of Adam Hartung
United decidedly is not an innovative, adaptive organization.
- Adam Hartung
Collection: Organization
Image of Elinor Ostrom
What is missing from the policy analyst's tool kit -- and from the set of accepted, well-developed theories of human organization -- is an adequately specified theory of collective action whereby a group of principals can organize themselves voluntarily to retain the residuals of their own efforts.
- Elinor Ostrom
Collection: Organization
Image of Scott Bedbury
The best brands never start out with the intent of building a great brand. They focus on building a great – and profitable – product or service and an organization that can sustain it.
- Scott Bedbury
Collection: Organization
Image of Howard Kurtz
The dismissive notion that conservatives leak to outlets on the right for ideological reasons ignores the fact that liberals often do the same thing with news organizations that are either left-of-center or likely to be sympathetic to the message being peddled.
- Howard Kurtz
Collection: Organization
Image of Scott Raab
Pro Publica distorts the relationship between organizations and their consultants.
- Scott Raab
Collection: Organization
Image of David Shuster
Most of us entered journalism and joined "news organizations" because we care about the greater good. We strive to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
- David Shuster
Collection: Organization
Image of Douglas Engelbart
Today's environment is beginning to threaten today's organizations, finding them seriously deficient in their nervous system design... The degree of coordination, perception, rational adaptation, etc., which will appear in the next generation of human organizations will drive our present organizational forms, with their clumsy nervous systems, into extinction.
- Douglas Engelbart
Collection: Organization
Image of Emile Durkheim
There is no society known where a more or less developed criminality is not found under different forms. No people exists whose morality is not daily infringed upon. We must therefore call crime necessary and declare that it cannot be non-existent, that the fundamental conditions of social organization, as they are understood, logically imply it.
- Emile Durkheim
Collection: Organization
Image of Tim Brown
Physical and psychological spaces of an organization work in tandem to define the effectiveness of the people within it
- Tim Brown
Collection: Organization
Image of Jerry Falwell
The National Organization of Women is the national organization of witches.
- Jerry Falwell
Collection: Organization
Image of John Todd
The Rothschild family is the head of the organization in which I entered in Colorado. All the Occult Brotherhoods are part of it. It is a Lucifer Organization to install his reign in the whole world. ... Supposedly the Rothschilds have personal dealings with the Devil. I have personally been in his villa and have experienced it. And I know it is true.
- John Todd
Collection: Organization
Image of Julian Smith
Success works as a cycle - growth and contraction, balancing and unbalancing - all while you're encountering hurdles that get higher and higher over time.
- Julian Smith
Collection: Organization
Image of David Adjaye
What I resist is techniques. I find techniques very problematic. So when critics talk about my work in those terms, I find that they miss the condition. I am comfortable with the notion of pattern and ornament as a system of organization, [but] for me it acts as a textile. So it's not about pattern, but the notion of architecture through the lens of textile, rather than architecture through the lens of brick and mortar.
- David Adjaye
Collection: Organization
Image of Jim C. Walton
Since I arrived at CNN, it has grown into one of the largest and most trusted news organizations in the world.
- Jim C. Walton
Collection: Organization
Image of Jim C. Walton
CNN was one of the first news organizations in the world to train and equip its journalists before deploying them to dangerous areas.
- Jim C. Walton
Collection: Organization
Image of Larry Burkett
In business, organization is an absolute necessity, not an alternative.
- Larry Burkett
Collection: Organization
Image of Charlotte Sullivan
UNICEF is such a special organization, and to spread the word just makes me so happy.
- Charlotte Sullivan
Collection: Organization
Image of Chase Utley
I’ve talked to guys who have played for the Phillies and gone on to other organizations and the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
- Chase Utley
Collection: Organization
Image of Bill Gross
Finding the best person or the best organization to invest your money is one of the most important financial decisions you'll ever make.
- Bill Gross
Collection: Organization
Image of John Kao
An organization is really a factory for producing new ideas and for linking those ideas with resources - human resources, financial resources, knowledge resources, infrastructure resources - in an effort to create value. These are processes that you can map, with results that you can measure.
- John Kao
Collection: Organization