Top Organization Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Organization quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Organization quotes.

Image of Stokely Carmichael
An organization which claims to speak for the needs of a community must speak in the tone of that community.
- Stokely Carmichael
Collection: Organization
Image of Elizabeth David
Even more then long hours in the kitchen, fine meals require ingenious organization and experience which is a pleasure to acquire.
- Elizabeth David
Collection: Organization
Image of Karl Albrecht
We are going to need organizations that are culturally equipped to adapt. They must have internal processes that are creative, generative, and productive rather than controlled, confining, and normative. In short, we must UNSHACKLE THE HUMAN BRAIN and exploit its productive potential.
- Karl Albrecht
Collection: Organization
Image of Karl Albrecht
If the frontline people do count, you couldn't prove it by examining the reward systems in most organizations.
- Karl Albrecht
Collection: Organization
Image of Al Capone
I have built my organization upon fear.
- Al Capone
Collection: Organization
Image of Aruna Roy
The internal and external ethics of an organization must be the same; you cannot talk about minimum wages for poor people and not pay minimum wages to your own workers.
- Aruna Roy
Collection: Organization
Image of Ricardo Semler
Large, centralized organizations foster alienation like stagnant ponds breed algae.
- Ricardo Semler
Collection: Organization
Image of Spruille Braden
There is nothing new in state interventionism. It is as old and reactionary as societal organization itself. Always, when it permeates the body politic, it kills the nation.
- Spruille Braden
Collection: Organization
Image of Shoshana Zuboff
It looks like the age of the mass is behind us and the age of the individual is upon us. The chasm that now exists between new people and old organizations is destroying economic value and inhibiting the emergence of a new chapter of capitalism aligned with the needs of this new society. The new purpose of commerce is to provide the tools, platforms, and relationships, digital or human, that enable individuals to live the lives they choose.
- Shoshana Zuboff
Collection: Organization
Image of Marty Neumeier
A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service or organization
- Marty Neumeier
Collection: Organization
Image of William Anthony Donohue
The ACLU's record, far from showing a momentary wavering from impartiality, is replete with attemps to reform American society according to the wisdom of liberalism. The truth of the matters is that the ACLU has always been a highly politicized organization.
- William Anthony Donohue
Collection: Organization
Image of Charles A. Reich
Organizations are not really "owned" by anyone. What formerly constituted ownership was split up into stockholders' rights to share in profits, management's power to set policy, employees' right to status and security, government's right to regulate. Thus older forms of wealth were replaced by new forms.
- Charles A. Reich
Collection: Organization
Image of Aldrich Ames
An espionage organization is a collector: it collects raw information. That gets processed by a machinery that is supposed to resolve its reliability, and to present a finished product.
- Aldrich Ames
Collection: Organization
Image of Rod Paige
The NEA is a terrorist organization.
- Rod Paige
Collection: Organization
Image of Carlos Slim
You cannot have people in your organization who are pessimists. They take you to mediocrity.
- Carlos Slim
Collection: Organization
Image of Josiah Royce
A crowd, whether it be a dangerous mob, or an amiably joyous gathering at a picnic is not a community. It has a mind, but no institutions, no organizations, no coherent unity, no history, no traditions.
- Josiah Royce
Collection: Organization
Image of James Chanos
What people don't realize is that China papered over its last two credit bubbles, those in 1999 and 2004. The banks were never bailed out - they just exchanged their bad loans for questionable bonds from quasi-state organizations.
- James Chanos
Collection: Organization
Image of Jules Olitski
Color in color is felt at any and every place of the pictorial organization; in its immediacy - its particularity. Color must be felt throughout.
- Jules Olitski
Collection: Organization
Image of Michael Scheuer
Initial incompetence is not a reason to be dismissive of capabilities. Al Qaeda itself was incompetent when it started as a terrorist organization. And clearly it's gone from blowing themselves up to knocking down the World Trade Center.
- Michael Scheuer
Collection: Organization
Image of Steve Young
Fundamentally, if the league is going to have a no-tolerance policy for domestic abuse, if we're going to be a global organization that's going to have this as a perspective, we've got to back it up. We can't be backed into it with a video with more coming out. We have to make an affirmative stand on it.
- Steve Young
Collection: Organization
Image of Buck Rodgers
The ultimate compliment a customer can make to an organization about one of its marketing people is: "I'm not sure whether your sales rep works for me or for you."
- Buck Rodgers
Collection: Organization
Image of Manning Marable
Malcolm X envisions a broad-based pluralistic united front, which is spearheaded by the Nation of Islam, but mobilizing integrationist organizations, non-political organizations, civic groups, all under the banner of building black empowerment, human dignity, economic development, political mobilization.
- Manning Marable
Collection: Organization
Image of Jeffrey Pfeffer
Profits are related to customer retention. Customer retention is related to employee retention. Employee retention may or may not be related to benefits, but benefits could be part of the package that causes people to stay and -- by the way -- engage in discretionary effort. .. If you go into any organization that's customer-facing, you can tell in five minutes when the employees are feeling abused. They retaliate on the customers.
- Jeffrey Pfeffer
Collection: Organization
Image of Richard Saul Wurman
The organization of information actually creates new information.
- Richard Saul Wurman
Collection: Organization
Image of Jan Carlzon
The moral of the story: perceptions are everything. During each moment you are in contact with a customer, you are the organization.
- Jan Carlzon
Collection: Organization
Image of Jan Carlzon
I learned that, before you reach an objective, you must be ready with a new one, and you must start to communicate it to the organization. But it is not the goal itself that is important.
- Jan Carlzon
Collection: Organization
Image of Chester Barnard
In a community all acts of individuals and of organizations are directly or indirectly interconnected and interdependent
- Chester Barnard
Collection: Organization
Image of Chester Barnard
Organizations endure, however, in proportion to the breadth of the morality by which they are governed. Thus the endurance of organization depends upon the quality of leadership; and that quality derives from the breadth of the morality upon which it rests.
- Chester Barnard
Collection: Organization
Image of Arie de Geus
Once a company has adapted to a new environment, it is no longer the organization it used to be; it has evolved. That is the essence of learning.
- Arie de Geus
Collection: Organization
Image of Justin Rosenstein
In a knowledge economy, natural selection favors organizations that can most effectively harness and coordinate collective intellectual energy and creative capacity.
- Justin Rosenstein
Collection: Organization
Image of Isidor Isaac Rabi
There isn't a scientific community. It is a culture. It is a very undisciplined organization.
- Isidor Isaac Rabi
Collection: Organization
Image of Steve Blank
A startup is a temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.
- Steve Blank
Collection: Organization
Image of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
Design is the organization of materials and processes in the most productive way, in a harmonious balance of all elements necessary for a certain function.
- Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
Collection: Organization
Image of Silvan Shalom
There is no taboo after this assassination and no one of the Palestinian leaders has immunity anymore, ... It shows once again the necessity to collect the illegal weapons and to dismantle the infrastructure of terrorist organizations.
- Silvan Shalom
Collection: Organization
Image of Chris Hughes
It takes time for people to get to know a cause or an organization.
- Chris Hughes
Collection: Organization
Image of Noah
I'm not part of any organization that has initials.
- Noah
Collection: Organization
Image of Kevin Eikenberry
When you take action on ideas and tactics you will begin to uncover great potential and begin to unleash it for the betterment of yourself, your organization and the world.
- Kevin Eikenberry
Collection: Organization
Image of Peter Senge
A learning organization is an organization that is continually expanding its capacity to create its future.
- Peter Senge
Collection: Organization
Image of Peter Senge
Collaboration is vital to sustain what we call profound or really deep change, because without it, organizations are just overwhelmed by the forces of the status quo.
- Peter Senge
Collection: Organization
Image of Joan Konner
And journalism itself has changed. News organizations and some journalists have transformed from their traditional role as watchdogs of power into institutions of power themselves with an ability, indeed, a susceptibility, to abuse that power.
- Joan Konner
Collection: Organization
Image of David Weinberger
Your organization is becoming hyperlinked. Whether you like it or not. It's bottom-up; it's impossible.
- David Weinberger
Collection: Organization
Image of Rex Hudler
I enjoy doing motivational talks with businesses and other organizations. I really enjoy being with people and encouraging them in the work they do.
- Rex Hudler
Collection: Organization
Image of Ronald Coase
It is clear that these are alternative methods of co-ordinating production. Yet, having regard to the fact that, if production is regulated by price movements, production could be carried on without any organization at all might we ask, why is there any organization?
- Ronald Coase
Collection: Organization
Image of Oliver E. Williamson
The study of economic organization commonly proceeds as though market and administrative modes of organization were disjunct. Market organi­zation is the province of economists. Inter­nal organization is the concern of organization theory specialist. And never the twain shall meet.
- Oliver E. Williamson
Collection: Organization
Image of Dov Frohman
If you aren’t even aware that the people in the organization disagree with you, then you are in trouble
- Dov Frohman
Collection: Organization
Image of Nancy Duarte
Presentations are the most amazing persuasion tool available in organizations today
- Nancy Duarte
Collection: Organization
Image of Nick Denton
It's harder now for journalists to do stories about billionaires, like Peter Thiel, without having at the back of their minds the fear that maybe somebody deep-pocketed, you know, with limited resources is going to come after us and can my organization afford to defend me?
- Nick Denton
Collection: Organization
Image of Jeremy Miller
I've been in a bad accident on I-95, as well as my friend. Having this kind of organization is important so that change can occur. I'll be around whenever they need me.
- Jeremy Miller
Collection: Organization
Image of Star Parker
Doesn't anyone wonder why the NAACP does not have events celebrating the first black woman secretary of state?.. Why does an organization whose mission is to advance the lot of blacks not celebrate Clarence Thomas, our black Supreme Court justice?
- Star Parker
Collection: Organization