Top Order Quotes Collection - Page 27

Discover a curated collection of Order quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 27 provides more Order quotes.

Image of Dallas Willard
The soul's order is re-established in God through the law.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Order
Image of Zygmunt Bauman
If there is something to permit the distinction between "solid" and "liquid" phases of modernity (that is, arranging them in an order of succession), it is the change in both the manifest and latent purpose behind the effort.
- Zygmunt Bauman
Collection: Order
Image of Zygmunt Bauman
If you look back on the history of the 20th century, the 19th century or even to the ancien régime of the 18th, you will see that first people rebelled against the order of the things because of lack of liberty, and demanded more freedom. And when they got more freedom, they got frightened, and they desired more security for a change. After a while, they started complaining, although more secure, they also become more dependent and rule-bound.
- Zygmunt Bauman
Collection: Order
Image of Elif Safak
God is a meticulous clockmaker. So precise is His order that everything on earth happens in its own time. Neither a minute late nor a minute early. And for everyone without exception, the clock works accurately. For each there is a time to love and a time to die.
- Elif Safak
Collection: Order
Image of Edward R. Murrow
In order to progress, radio need only go backward, to the time when singing commercials were not allowed on news reports, when there was no middle commercial on a news report, when radio was rather proud, alert and fast.
- Edward R. Murrow
Collection: Order
Image of R. C. Sproul
In Reformed theology, if God is not sovereign over the entire created order, then he is not sovereign at all. The term sovereignty too easily becomes a chimera. If God is not sovereign, then he is not God.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Order
Image of George Bernard Shaw
The only way in which a nation can make itself wealthy and prosperous is by good housekeeping: that is, by providing for its wants in the order of their importance, and allowing no money to be wasted on whims and luxuries until necessities have been thoroughly served.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Order
Image of Bertrand Russell
Even if it is indifferent to human desires, as it seems to be; if human life is a passing episode, hardly noticeable in the vastness of cosmic processes; if there is no superhuman purpose, and no hope of ultimate salvation, it is better to know and acknowledge this truth than to endeavor, in futile self-assertion, to order the universe to be what we find comfortable.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Order
Image of Margaret Sanger
The marriage bed is the most degenerative influence in the social order.
- Margaret Sanger
Collection: Order
Image of Desmond Tutu
Poverty - the greatest cause of human suffering on the planet - is itself exacerbated by conflict, competition for resources, injustice, even the global downturn and climate change. Diseases like AIDS, TB and malaria cannot be tackled without adequate resources. So you see everything is connected. In order to address any major cause of human suffering, we have to work together across many fronts.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Order
Image of Boris Pasternak
Yet the order of the acts is planned And the end of the way inescapable. I am alone; all drowns in the Pharisees' hypocrisy.
- Boris Pasternak
Collection: Order
Image of Salman Rushdie
I for one don't need a supreme "sacred" arbiter in order to be a moral being.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Order
Image of Henri Nouwen
If you start with community and want to be faithful to community, you have to realize that what binds you together is not mutual compatibility or common tasks, but God. In order to stay in touch with that call to community, we always have to return to solitude.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Order
Image of Maria Montessori
Order is not goodness; but perhaps it is the indispensable road to arrive at it.
- Maria Montessori
Collection: Order
Image of Claude Monet
I'm not lacking for enthusiasm as you can see, given that I have something like 65 canvases covered with paint and I'll be needing more since the place is quite out of the ordinary; so I'm going to order some more canvases.
- Claude Monet
Collection: Order
Image of Jonathan Swift
There is no quality so contrary to any nature which one cannot affect, and put on upon occasion, in order to serve an interest.
- Jonathan Swift
Collection: Order
Image of Terry Pratchett
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Order
Image of Alan Moore
Equality and freedom are not luxuries to lightly cast aside. Without them, order cannot long endure before approaching depths beyond imagining.
- Alan Moore
Collection: Order
Image of Charles Spurgeon
We are in hot haste to set the world right and to order all affairs; the Lord hath the leisure of conscious power and unerring wisdom, and it will be well for us to learn to wait.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Order
Image of Sathya Sai Baba
Virtue is the panacea for both body and mind. The virtuous person can be both healthy and happy. How is virtue to be cultivated? How can it express itself in daily practice? Through service to living beings, through seva. Virtue must flow through the triple channel of love, mercy and detachment, in order to feed the roots of seva.
- Sathya Sai Baba
Collection: Order
Image of Rachel Naomi Remen
What we do to survive is often different from what we may need to do in order to live.
- Rachel Naomi Remen
Collection: Order
Image of Robert Bresson
Two types of films: those that employ the resources of the theater (actors, direction, etc...) and use the camera in order to reproduce; those that employ the resources of cinematography and use the camera to create
- Robert Bresson
Collection: Order
Image of Jack Benny
I must be cheaper now than I was ten years ago in order to get a laugh. It's not funny now if I leave the table and give the waiter a nickel tip, which was a laugh years ago. Today I must maneuver it so that somehow I get the waiter to give me a nickel tip.
- Jack Benny
Collection: Order
Image of Francesca Lia Block
In order to have bliss you have to be able to accept all the parts of the other, all the wildness and the darkness. You have to be able to hold on.
- Francesca Lia Block
Collection: Order
Image of Jim Butcher
in McAnally's pub and grill, there aren't any service people. According to Mac, if you can't get up and walk over to pick up your own order, you don't need to be there at all.
- Jim Butcher
Collection: Order
Image of Edward Snowden
We have to be able to ask questions in order to answer them.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Order
Image of William Graham Sumner
In England pensions used to be given to aristocrats, because aristocrats had political influence, in order to corrupt them. Here pensions are given to the great democratic mass, because they have political power, to corrupt them.
- William Graham Sumner
Collection: Order
Image of Herbert Read
Sensibility... is a direct and particular reaction to the separate and individual nature of things. It begins and ends with the sensuous apprehension of colour, texture and formal relations; and if we strive to organize these elements, it is not with the idea of increasing the knowledge of the mind, but rather in order to intensify the pleasure of the senses.
- Herbert Read
Collection: Order
Image of Arthur Miller
A play's an interpretation. It is not a report. And that is the beginning of its poetry because, in order to interpret, you have to distort toward a symbolic construction of what happened, and as that distortion takes place, you begin to leave out and overemphasize and consequently deliver up life as a unity rather than as a chaos, and any such attempt, the more intense it is, the more poetic it becomes.
- Arthur Miller
Collection: Order
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
The Earth is indeed a precious gift of the Creator who, in designing its intrinsic order, has given us bearings that guide us as stewards of his creation. Precisely from within this framework, the Church considers matters concerning the environment and its protection intimately linked to the theme of integral human development.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Order
Image of Gore Vidal will do more harm than good by attempting to supplant old dogmas and customs with new dogmas. It will be the same in the end except that the old is less militant, less dangerous than a new order imposed by enthusiasts.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Order
Image of David Platt
That is relinquishing control in a culture that prioritizes control and doing what you need to do in order to advance yourself.
- David Platt
Collection: Order
Image of Rick Riordan
Frank Zhang! I, Jason Grace, praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata, give you my final order: I resign my post and give you emergency field promotion to praetor, with the full powers of that rank. Take command of this legion!
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Order
Image of Yoko Ono
You have to release your emotion in order to keep your sanity.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Order
Image of Toni Morrison
I tell my students one of the most important things they need to know is when they are at their best, creatively. They need to ask themselves, What does the ideal room look like? Is there music? Is there silence? Is there chaos outside or is there serenity outside? What do I need in order to release my imagination?
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Order
Image of Gary Zukav
When you strive for perfection, you compare different versions of what could be instead of being present with what is. Perfectionism is an attempt to inhabit an imaginary world in order to avoid experiencing the world in which you live.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Order
Image of Octavio Paz
Distraction is our habitual state. Not the distraction of the person who withdraws from the world in order to shut himself up in the secret and ever-changing land of his fantasy, but the distraction of the person who is always outside himself, lost in the trivial, senseless, turmoil of everyday life.
- Octavio Paz
Collection: Order
Image of Alfred Lord Tennyson
The old order changes yielding place to new.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Collection: Order
Image of Anthony Trollope
Satire, though it may exaggerate the vice it lashes, is not justified in creating it in order that it may be lashed.
- Anthony Trollope
Collection: Order
Image of Daniel Quinn
[A]ny species that exempts itself from the rules of competition ends up destroying the community in order to support its own expansion.
- Daniel Quinn
Collection: Order
Image of Mark Nepo
There is no getting around the fundamental fact that we need to interact with everything in order to manifest the wholeness we are born with.
- Mark Nepo
Collection: Order
Image of Blaise Pascal
If our condition were truly happy, we would not need diversion from thinking of it in order to make ourselves happy.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Order
Image of R. C. Sproul
The grand difference between a human being and a Supreme being is precisely this: Apart from God I cannot exist; apart from me God does exist. God does not need me in order for Him to be. I do need God in order for me to be. We are dependent. We are fragile. This is how we differ from God.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Order
Image of Mira Grant
The world is out of order. It's been broken since you came.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Order
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
In order that a people may be free, it is necessary that the governed be sages, and those who govern, gods.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: Order
Image of David Brooks
Putin's an egomaniac, so there are two ways he can process his ego mania. He can say, "Oh, I stood up to the U.S.," or, "Hey, I'm essential to the world order."
- David Brooks
Collection: Order
Image of Robert Grudin
You may cure yourself of a depression by forcing yourself to perform, in rapid order and with excruciating concentration, half a dozen or so unpleasant chores, especially if they have long been postponed. This is a kind of homeopathic purgative, a treatment of like with like.
- Robert Grudin
Collection: Order
Image of Bertrand Russell
Written words differ from spoken words in being material structures. A spoken word is a process in the physical world, having an essential time-order; a written word is a series of pieces of matter, having an essential space-order.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Order
Image of Francois Rabelais
There is nothing holy nor sacred to those who have abandoned God and reason in order to follow their perverse desires.
- Francois Rabelais
Collection: Order