Top Order Quotes Collection - Page 25

Discover a curated collection of Order quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 25 provides more Order quotes.

Image of Voltaire
In every province, the chief occupations, in order of importance, are lovemaking, malicious gossip, and talking nonsense.
- Voltaire
Collection: Order
Image of Gore Vidal
Religions are manipulated in order to serve those who govern society and not the other way around.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Order
Image of Gretchen Rubin
Outer order contributes to inner calm.
- Gretchen Rubin
Collection: Order
Image of H. G. Wells
The German people are an orderly, vain, deeply sentimental and rather insensitive people. They seem to feel at their best when they are singing in chorus, saluting or obeying orders.
- H. G. Wells
Collection: Order
Image of Wallace Stevens
A violent order is disorder; and a great disorder is an order. These two things are one.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Order
Image of Samantha Power
There is a fair amount of competition, obviously, with ISIL and the terrorist networks around the world, China also posing a different kind of threat to the rules-based order.
- Samantha Power
Collection: Order
Image of Rick Riordan
The Death Mist is not for helping!" Akhlys shrieked. "It shrouds mortals in misery as their souls pass into the Underworld. It is the very breath of Tartarus, of death, of despair!" "Awesome," Percy said. "Could we get two orders of that to go?
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Order
Image of Michel de Montaigne
Order a purge for your brain, it will there be much better employed than upon your stomach.
- Michel de Montaigne
Collection: Order
Image of Laozi
Solve it before it happens. Order it before chaos emerges.
- Laozi
Collection: Order
Image of Katherine Paterson
What a gift of grace to be able to take the chaos from within and from it create some semblance of order.
- Katherine Paterson
Collection: Order
Image of Frank Zappa
Our criminal institutions are full of creeps like you who do wrong things, and many of them were driven to these crimes by the horrible force called music.
- Frank Zappa
Collection: Order
Image of Libba Bray
The mere suggestion of fame and fortune casts a glamour all its own. It is rather alarming how quickly people will turn someone else's fiction into fact in order to support their own fictions of themselves.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Order
Image of Walter Benjamin
Any order is a balancing act of extreme precariousness.
- Walter Benjamin
Collection: Order
Image of Donald Trump
I will cancel every illegal Obamacare executive order. I will cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities. Out.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Order
Image of Eckhart Tolle
Many people live habitually as if the present moment were an obstacle that they need to overcome in order to get to the next moment, and imagine living your whole live like that. Always, this moment is not quite good enough because you need to get to the next one.
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: Order
Image of Harry S. Truman
All will concede that in order to have good neighbors, we must also be good neighbors. That applies in every field of human endeavor.
- Harry S. Truman
Collection: Order
Image of Dani Shapiro
There's nothing confessional about crafting and shaping a story out of a lived life. In fact, it's quite the opposite - the writer has to be able to transcend the life, to see it as if standing outside of it, in order to be able to make something of it. There's something enormously satisfying and gratifying about crafting something, taking all that chaos and giving it shape.
- Dani Shapiro
Collection: Order
Image of Pete Wentz
Freud suggests that in order to love someone else, one must love themselves; it's a classic "needs before other needs" argument. Unfortunately, no one really loves themselves . And, if they do, they need to get to know themselves better. Unfortunately, no one is really happy.
- Pete Wentz
Collection: Order
Image of Vladimir Putin
Therefore today we have an absolutely sufficient level of gold and foreign currency reserves in order to ensure economic stability and sustainable foreign trade turnover.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Order
Image of E. F. Schumacher
Nobody really likes large-scale organizations; nobody likes to take orders from a superior who takes orders from a superior who takes orders.
- E. F. Schumacher
Collection: Order
Image of Miguel de Unamuno
I would say that teleology is theology, and that God is not a "because," but rather an "in order to.
- Miguel de Unamuno
Collection: Order
Image of Moby
I’ve been making electronic music for twenty some odd years but, because I grew up playing in punk rock bands, when I started touring, I thought in order to be a viable touring musician I had to do it with a band. I would DJ or tour with a full rock band.
- Moby
Collection: Order
Image of Simone Weil
Those who love a cause are those who love the life which has to be led in order to serve it.
- Simone Weil
Collection: Order
Image of Eric Ries
Using the Lean Startup approach, companies can create order not chaos by providing tools to test a vision continuously.
- Eric Ries
Collection: Order
Image of George Bernard Shaw
Our laws make law impossible; our liberties destroy all freedom; our property is organized robbery; our morality an impudent hypocrisy; our wisdom is administered by inexperienced or mal-experienced dupes; our power wielded by cowards and weaklings; and our honour false in all its points. I am an enemy of the existing order for good reasons
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Order
Image of Ned Vizzini
I should be a success and I'm not and other people- younger people- are. Younger people than me are on TV and getting their lives in order. I'm still a nobody. When am I going to not be a nobody?
- Ned Vizzini
Collection: Order
Image of Cate Blanchett
As an actor I suppose you're constantly observing. I don't sit in restaurants making notes, I don't live my life in order to then feed it into my work.
- Cate Blanchett
Collection: Order
Image of Frederic Bastiat
It is easier to show the disorder that must accompany reform than the order that should follow it.
- Frederic Bastiat
Collection: Order
Image of Salman Rushdie
I know that when people pull apart, they usually employ misunderstanding as a weapon, deliberately getting hold of the stick's wrong end, impaling themselves on its point in order to prove the perfidy of the other.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Order
Image of Michael Parenti
Just as the power of the feudal aristocracy had to be broken in order for capitalism to emerge fully, so must imperialism and capitalism in Third World nations be overcome if a new system is to prevail.
- Michael Parenti
Collection: Order
Image of Lil Wayne
I get Head and Tail like a quarter... in that order.
- Lil Wayne
Collection: Order
Image of Timothy Keller
The purpose of Sabbath is not simply to rejuvenate yourself in order to do more production, nor is it the pursuit of pleasure. The purpose of Sabbath is to enjoy your God, life in general, what you have accomplished in the world through his help, and the freedom you have in the gospel-the freedom from slavery to any material object or human expectation. The Sabbath is a sign of the hope that we have in the world to come.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Order
Image of Adam Smith
Among civilized and thriving nations, on the contrary, though a great number of people do no labor at all, many of whom consume the produce of ten times, frequently of a hundred times more labour than the greater part of those who work; yet the produce of the whole labour of the society is so great, that all are often abundantly supplied, and a workman, even of the lowest and poorest order, if he is frugal and industrious, may enjoy a greater share of the necessaries and conveniencies of life than it is possible for any savage to acquire.
- Adam Smith
Collection: Order
Image of Ken Wilber
Furthermore, it is not that Spirit is present but you need to be enlightened in order to see it. It is not that you are one with Spirit but just don't know it yet. Because that would also imply that there is some place Spirit is not. No, according to Dzogchen, you are always already one with Spirit, and that awareness is always already fully present, right now. You are looking directly at Spirit, with Spirit, in every act of awareness. There is nowhere Spirit is not.
- Ken Wilber
Collection: Order
Image of Anna Godbersen
A lady must retain always her composure. Even in a rainstorm, she must appear joyous and dry. When she loses her composure, then the respect of her peers and her staff will follow in short order.
- Anna Godbersen
Collection: Order
Image of Hilaire Belloc
It has unfortunately now become a habit for so many generations, that it has almost passed into an instinct throughout the Jewish body, to rely upon the weapon of secrecy. Secret societies, a language kept as far as possible secret, the use of false names in order to hide secret movements, secret relations between various parts of the Jewish body: all these and other forms of secrecy have become the national method.
- Hilaire Belloc
Collection: Order
Image of Adrienne Rich
In order to live a fully human life we require not only control of our bodies (though control is a prerequisite); we must touch the unity and resonance of our physicality, our bond with the natural order, the corporeal grounds of our intelligence.
- Adrienne Rich
Collection: Order
Image of Jerry Seinfeld
There is no more embarrassing thing in my life than the fact that I have actually uttered the phrase, 'I would like to order the Ginsu Knife.'
- Jerry Seinfeld
Collection: Order
Image of Nas
In hip hop no one cares. No one stands up for it and it's a mess. We need order so we can all follow the tradition of where we came from. We need to keep referring to the pioneers.
- Nas
Collection: Order
Image of Tom Robbins
Let us, rather, gather facts, all the facts, regardless of aesthetic appeal or theoretical social worth, and spread those facts before us not as the soothsayer spreads the innards of a turkey but as a newspaper spreads its columns. Let us be journalists, then. And like all good journalists, we shall present our facts in an order that will satisfy the famous five W's: wow, whoopee, wahoo, why-not and whew.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Order
Image of Vladimir Putin
In order to preserve a balance, while we aren't planning to build a missile defence of our own, as it's very expensive and its efficiency is not quite clear yet, we have to develop offensive strike systems. They [U.S.] should give us all the information about the missile defence, and we will be ready then to provide some information about offensive weapons.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Order
Image of Jean Racine
You feign guilt in order to justify yourself.
- Jean Racine
Collection: Order
Image of Alfred Lord Tennyson
The old order changeth, yielding place to new, and god fulfills himself in many ways, lest one good custom should corrupt the world.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Collection: Order
Image of Siri Hustvedt
The truth is that personality inevitably bleeds into all forms of our intellectual life. We all extrapolate from our own lives in order to understand the world.
- Siri Hustvedt
Collection: Order
Image of Richard Rohr
The greatest enemy of ordinary daily goodness and joy is not imperfection, but the demand for some supposed perfection or order.
- Richard Rohr
Collection: Order
Image of Igor Stravinsky
Music's exclusive function is to structure the flow of time and keep order in it.
- Igor Stravinsky
Collection: Order
Image of Dan Quayle
And this is the best chance to begin to establish the New World Order.
- Dan Quayle
Collection: Order
Image of Neil Postman
Remember: in order for a perception to change one must be frustrated in one's actions or change one's purpose.
- Neil Postman
Collection: Order