Top Order Quotes Collection - Page 12

Discover a curated collection of Order quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 12 provides more Order quotes.

Image of Michael Graves
The design of the building addresses the public nature of both the urban context and the internal program. In order to reinforce the building's associative or mimetic qualities, the facades are organized in a classical three-part division of base, middle or body, and attic or head.
- Michael Graves
Collection: Order
Image of Natalie Massenet
In order to stay relevant, you have to stay open to new trends and keep educating yourself. You have to keep evolving.
- Natalie Massenet
Collection: Order
Image of Theoren Fleury
It is important for me to share my experiences in order to create strength and hope for others. No matter how far down you go, it is never too late to come back.
- Theoren Fleury
Collection: Order
Image of Friedrich Engels
Terror consists mostly of useless cruelties perpetrated by frightened people in order to reassure themselves.
- Friedrich Engels
Collection: Order
Image of Satoshi Kanazawa
A theory's assumptions always are and ought to be unrealistic. Further, we should attempt to make them more unrealistic in order to increase a theory's fruitfulness.
- Satoshi Kanazawa
Collection: Order
Image of Frank Barron
The sorcery and charm of imagination, and the power it gives to the individual to transform his world into a new world of order and delight, makes it one of the most treasured of all human capacities.
- Frank Barron
Collection: Order
Image of Willie Walsh
We are pleased we haven't got one on order. It's too big an aircraft.
- Willie Walsh
Collection: Order
Image of Larry Rosenberg
The ground of fearlessness is fear. In order to be fearless, you have to stand in the middle of your fear.
- Larry Rosenberg
Collection: Order
Image of Lata Mangeshkar
Sourav's calm and assured presence sets him apart. His captaincy is of a high order but he bats sensibly and reads situations well. I hope Sourav too becomes a World Cup wining captain.
- Lata Mangeshkar
Collection: Order
Image of Norman Lamont
If higher unemployment is the price we have to pay in order to bring inflation down, then it is a price worth paying.
- Norman Lamont
Collection: Order
Image of Ferdinand Foch
The truth is, no study is possible on the battle-field; one does there simply what one can in order to apply what one knows . Therefore, in order to do even a little, one has already to know a great deal and to know it well.
- Ferdinand Foch
Collection: Order
Image of Ferdinand Foch
One does simply what one can in order to apply what one knows .
- Ferdinand Foch
Collection: Order
Image of Bushwick Bill
I got dead bodies rotting in my Benz trunk. Trunk of funk, I call it.
- Bushwick Bill
Collection: Order
Image of Andrea Mitchell
journalism was for me more than a business or a profession. It was a way of living, of experiencing the world even as I instantly distanced myself from it, in order to recreate what I'd witnessed for the public.
- Andrea Mitchell
Collection: Order
Image of Ed Seykota
Charting is a little like surfing. You dont have to know a lot about the physics of tides, resonance, and fluid dynamics in order to catch a good wave. You just have to be able to sense when its happening and then have the drive to act at the right time.
- Ed Seykota
Collection: Order
Image of Ed Seykota
In order of importance to me are: 1) the long term trend, 2) the current chart pattern, and 3)picking a good spot to buy or sell.
- Ed Seykota
Collection: Order
Image of Richard P. Feynman
Looking back at the worst times, it always seems that they were times in which there were people who believed with absolute faith and absolute dogmatism in something. And they were so serious in this matter that they insisted that the rest of the world agree with them. And then they would do things that were directly inconsistent with their own beliefs in order to maintain that what they said was true.
- Richard P. Feynman
Collection: Order
Image of Tim McCarthy
The end goal of meditation is to do whatever helps slow your mind down, in order to achieve a peaceful, positive state of mind and body.
- Tim McCarthy
Collection: Order
Image of Francis Ayer
I will have clients rather than people who just give me orders
- Francis Ayer
Collection: Order
Image of Leszek Kolakowski
We learn history not in order to know how to behave or how to succeed, but to know who we are.
- Leszek Kolakowski
Collection: Order
Image of Ariel Durant
When his apprenticeship was finished (the candidate for Knighthood) was received into the Knightly Order by a ritual of sacramental awe.
- Ariel Durant
Collection: Order
Image of Andrew Lam
Today, more people are crossing various borders in order to survive, thrive, change their lives. Even if you don't cross the border, with demographic shifts, the border sometimes crosses you.
- Andrew Lam
Collection: Order
Image of Laura Esquivel
Once again she would arrive at a foreign place. Once again be the newcomer, an outsider, the one who did not belong. She knew from experience that she would quickly have to ingratiate herself with her new masters to avoid being rejected or, in more dire cases, punished. Then there would be the phase where she would have to sharpen her senses in order to see and hear as acutely as possible so that she could assimilate quickly all the new customs and the words most frequently used by the group she was to become a part of--so that finally, she would be judged on her own merits.
- Laura Esquivel
Collection: Order
Image of Kevin Cook
Justice is God's control over the order of the universe. Mercy is God's power even over the order of the universe.
- Kevin Cook
Collection: Order
Image of Cathy Davidson
The process of unlearning in order to relearn demands a new concept of knowledge not as thing but as a process, not as a noun but as a verb.
- Cathy Davidson
Collection: Order
Image of Shigeo Shingo
There are four purposes of improvement: easier, better, faster, and cheaper. These four goals appear in the order of priority.
- Shigeo Shingo
Collection: Order
Image of Henri Pirenne
There happened in the Middle Ages what has happened so often since then. Those who were the beneficiaries of the established order were bent on defending it, not so much, perhaps, because it guaranteed their interests, as because it seemed to them indispensable to the preservation of society.
- Henri Pirenne
Collection: Order
Image of Michael Lind
On the conservative side, today's libertarianism is far more dogmatic and devoid of qualification than the liberalism of Adam Smith or J.S. Mill. Like Marxism, libertarianism is a utopian worldview based on an economic-determinist vision of history. Unlike Marxism, libertarianism is highly specific in its predictions about the transition to the utopian world order, rendering it vulnerable to fact.
- Michael Lind
Collection: Order
Image of Satoru Iwata
In order to realize the goal of creating a new starting line that anyone can instinctively understand we have come up with a design that differs greatly from any of today's controllers. We have also made bold innovations in play style as well.
- Satoru Iwata
Collection: Order
Image of Emma Darcy
All the words you need are to be found in the dictionary. All you have to do is put them in the right order.
- Emma Darcy
Collection: Order
Image of Emile Durkheim
If one class of society is obliged, in order to live, to take any price for its services, while another can abstain from such action thanks to resources at its disposal which, however, are not necessarily due to any social superiority, the second has an unjust advantage over the first at law. In other words, there cannot be rich and poor a birth without there being unjust contracts.
- Emile Durkheim
Collection: Order
Image of Lucille Kallen
Monstrous behavior is the order of the day. I'll tell you when to be shocked. When something human and decent happens!
- Lucille Kallen
Collection: Order
Image of Tyler Christopher
Working with my new coach has helped a lot. I've been a lot more focused and I'm doing all the little things in order to get faster. It's been a total lifestyle change really.
- Tyler Christopher
Collection: Order
Image of Jessica Walsh
You need the confidence to fail in order to take risks in your work
- Jessica Walsh
Collection: Order
Image of Michael Maloney
Gold and Silver have been the predominant currency for 4,500 years, but they became money in Lydia, in about 680 B.C. When they were minted into coins of equal weight in order to make trade easier and smoother. But it was when coinage first made its appearance in Athens that it truly flourished.
- Michael Maloney
Collection: Order
Image of Michael Port
We need to be willing to be comfortable with discomfort in order to grow.
- Michael Port
Collection: Order
Image of Pierre Boulez
More and more I find that in order to create effectively one has to consider delirium and, yes, organize it.
- Pierre Boulez
Collection: Order
Image of Tim Brown
It’s critical that young people start flexing their creative muscles in order to take on the world's most complex challenges.
- Tim Brown
Collection: Order
Image of Tim Brown
Most business processes are about making choices from a set of existing alternatives. Clearly, if all your competition is doing the same, then differentiation is tough. In order to innovate, we have to have new alternatives and new solutions to problems, and that is what design can do.
- Tim Brown
Collection: Order
Image of Talal Asad
You do not need intellectuality for deep faith. You do not need it for behaving humanely towards people whether fellow Muslims or non-Muslims. You do not need a concept, a theory, you do not need intellectual arguments for justifying a way of living that is already in place in order for it to proceed.
- Talal Asad
Collection: Order
Image of Talal Asad
Language has multiple uses, and is embedded in different forms of life. It is not necessary to have this grand concept of "humanity" in order to behave decently.
- Talal Asad
Collection: Order
Image of Talal Asad
For the law, the clarity of language and the finality of judgment is crucial, because you have to decide a case one way or another - whether it is criminal or civil or whatever. In ordinary life, you do not have to decide things with absolute finality. You do not have to decide on a theory in order to behave in a certain way towards other people.
- Talal Asad
Collection: Order
Image of Talal Asad
Certainly in order to understand the natural world one needs clarity, logic, and the capacity for theory building. But that understanding tends to improve because and to the extent that it is provisional, hypothetical, when it looks for disconfirmation in the particular rather than final proof as a universal.
- Talal Asad
Collection: Order
Image of William Kempe
I enjoy being given a certain amount of freedom in order to interpret or to come up with stuff, but I do enjoy collaboration. I seek and thrive on projects where I am going to learn from the people I'm working with.
- William Kempe
Collection: Order
Image of Gerald C. Meyers
In order to promote your own career, you need to promote the careers of others.
- Gerald C. Meyers
Collection: Order
Image of John Foster Dulles
Our capacity to retaliate must be, and is, massive in order to deter all forms of aggression
- John Foster Dulles
Collection: Order
Image of James Dyson
In order to fix it, you need a passionate anger about something that doesn't work well.
- James Dyson
Collection: Order
Image of Georges Duhamel
The desire for order is the only order in the world.
- Georges Duhamel
Collection: Order
Image of Neil Clark Warren
In order to know how to talk, you have to know what to say. In order to know what to say, you have to get in touch with those deep-inside-of-you thoughts, feelings, needs, and yearnings. These are the parts of you that must be communicated if you are going to be known.
- Neil Clark Warren
Collection: Order