Top opportunity Quotes Collection - Page 52

Discover a curated collection of opportunity quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 52 provides more opportunity quotes.

Image of Rush Limbaugh
The media has lost its monopoly. They have lost the opportunity they had to define what's news and what isn't news. They have lost the monopoly on telling people what to think, as in commentary and this kind of thing.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Every crisis has both its dangers and its opportunities. Each can spell either salvation or doom.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Alveda King
African-Americans who might have disagreed with candidate Barack Obama's left-of-center politics voted for him in 2008 because electing a candidate with brown skin was too historic an opportunity to miss.
- Alveda King
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Terry Bozzio
I think my music is great for film, but I don't have the opportunity, or goesche to go and pitch myself to Hollywood.
- Terry Bozzio
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Thomas Kinkade
Quiet time and solitude are vital to helping me keep perspective. I consider myself fortunate to have so much quiet built into my profession. I spend long hours by myself at my easel. And while I work, I think-of the future, of my loved ones, of God's goodness and the many exciting opportunities that surround me. I ponder the challenges I face, the needs of others, the direction my life is going.
- Thomas Kinkade
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rush Limbaugh
By the way, one other thing, T-Mobile, these cellular providers offer all kinds of data deals to get you to sign up. You can stream Netflix on T-Mobile, I think, with no cap. There's all kinds of opportunities for people out there. You don't need command-and-control central authority trying to regulate all of this stuff because all of it, again, is about punishing success from the left.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Abraham Lincoln
I will learn, the opportunity will come.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Michael Lewis
The longer-term the option, the sillier the results generated by the Black-Scholes option pricing model, and the greater the opportunity for people who didn't use it.
- Michael Lewis
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Naomi Klein
The fact that Trump's refused to divest from his labyrinth of business holdings, the fact that he's continuing to profit from his brand and indeed create all kinds of new opportunities to profit off the presidency is outrageous. The flip side is that he's left out a lot of levers through which to pressure him. You know, the reason you want a president to divest from his business holdings is that foreign governments can try to exert pressure on him by becoming customers of these hotels and inflating the value of how much they're willing to pay for a Trump brand.
- Naomi Klein
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Ray Kroc
I saw opportunity appear in an ugly six-spindle shake machine ... and grabbed it.
- Ray Kroc
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Kellyanne Conway
The excuse of divided government is over: they have the House and the Senate as well; they have the state legislatures; they have a majority of the governors. And that's exciting. But for me, I think the lesson also is all the opportunities out there for women, increasingly in politics and media and public policy and government affairs - all the things we do here in Washington - that we still have to make choices, there are limits.
- Kellyanne Conway
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Dean Koontz
No degree of prosperity can be sufficient to eliminate all misfortune, and sloth is impervious to opportunity.
- Dean Koontz
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rush Limbaugh
They're the bigots and they're the intolerant ones. There is a way for them, if they wanted to convey a message to the new administration, there was a way to do it that they probably could have been hailed and applauded, but doing it the way they did it totally backfired because it's what you say, it didn't show respect, it seemed taking advantage of an opportunity and so forth. And it wasn't effective.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Steve Ballmer
I think there are lots of opportunities to improve the product. When you read the press, people say, "Oh, the product needs improvement." I look at that and say, "Hey, that's an exciting thing to get behind!" Because they can improve that product. That leaves more upside from an innovation and revenue potential than you're gonna find in a lot of places. So you could say that's a downside, I see that as an opportunity.
- Steve Ballmer
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Everyone has an opportunity to be great because everyone has an opportunity to serve.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Abraham Lincoln
As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rush Limbaugh
When the media would call and want to interview me, I thought it was 'cause they really wanted to find out what I thought about things. I thought it was because they really wanted to find out who I am. That's not what they wanted. They already in their minds knew who I was and they didn't like it, and they wanted face-to-face opportunities to expose my defects and my problems and my racism and bigotry and all this.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Jiddu Krishnamurti
Awareness is observation without choice, condemnation, or justification. Awareness is silent observation from which there arises understanding without the experiencer and the experienced. In this awareness, which is passive, the problem or the cause is given an opportunity to unfold itself and so give its full significance. In awareness there is no end in view to be gained, and there is no becoming, the 'me' and the 'mine' not being given the continuity.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Dalai Lama
It is crucial that we realize the great value of human existence, the opportunity and the potential that our brief lives afford us. It is only as humans that we have the possibility of implementing changes in our lives.
- Dalai Lama
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The United States of America was the first place on earth where average people had the opportunity to become the greatest among all people. It was the first time in human history where people were allowed to pursue the best of their abilities to whatever desire they wanted, because it was a nation founded under the concept of human beings being born free.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Lewis H. Lapham
Tardiness is next to wickedness in a society relentless in its consumption of time as both a good and a service--as tweet and Instagram, film clip and sound bite, as sporting event, investment opportunity, Tinder hookup, and interest rate--its value measured not by its texture or its substance but by the speed of its delivery, a distinction apparent to Andy Warhol when he supposedly said that any painting that takes longer than five minutes to make is a bad painting.
- Lewis H. Lapham
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Lewis H. Lapham
Given lesser opportunities, Kissinger would have done very well as a talk show host. Fortunately for him, although not so fortunately for the United States, he found his patron in Nelson Rockefeller instead of William Paley.
- Lewis H. Lapham
Collection: Opportunity
Image of John Krasinski
It's a great wake-up call for our entire industry: What movies are we making? What storytellers are we allowing to tell the stories? What people are we allowing to be cast in those stories? I think we need newer stories, and more people given the opportunity to do anything they want.
- John Krasinski
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Goals happen to be restrictive to me. Goals can cause me to maybe miss out or make a wrong decision on an opportunity that pops up.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Jay Leno
President Obama is currently on a week-long trip to Africa, where he will promote freedom, democracy, and economic opportunity. I guess he figured it hasn't worked here - so try it somewhere else.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Opportunity
Image of David Letterman
This will be Michelle Obama's last opportunity to try to get me to eat kale.
- David Letterman
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Dalai Lama
Provided that societies stay mindful of the challenges that capitalism creates and never forget the paramount importance of inclusion and equal opportunity, we can and should celebrate the miracle of free enterprise-and the billions of souls it has helped free from desperate poverty.
- Dalai Lama
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Paul Kengor
If our presidents, or potential presidents, don't know this or don't articulate [an America ideal], that's a blown opportunity. The president can teach as well as lead.
- Paul Kengor
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Dalai Lama
Each of us has the potential to contribute... You have a great opportunity to make a new shape of the world.
- Dalai Lama
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Louis L'Amour
For a man with an education the world is a wide place and the opportunities are many
- Louis L'Amour
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Beyonce Knowles
We have a lot of work to do, but we can get there if we work together. Women are more than 50 percent of the population and more than 50 percent of voters. We must demand that we all receive 100 percent of the opportunities.
- Beyonce Knowles
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Ashton Kutcher
Opportunity looks a lot like work...
- Ashton Kutcher
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rush Limbaugh
If you don't want to join a union, you're gonna have much more opportunity for individual expansion, individual expression of talent and achievement. But when you go to work at a place where salaries are predetermined not by your productivity and not by your talent and not by how much you work, but rather by what the union contract is, you're locked into that no matter how good a job you do. The only option you have is overtime to make more than what standard pay is.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Robert Kiyosaki
Don’t just try to find great opportunities. Find an opportunity and make it great.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The Democrats stand to lose even more seats in the Senate. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's certainly a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix everything that has been on our minds for 30 years. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it's not being utilized - and it isn't being utilized, sadly, because the perception is that it's House and Senate Republicans that are refusing to work with Donald Trump, that they're embarrassed of him, that they don't want Trump to become the definition of a Republican.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Republicans are being loyal to their donors. They're being loyal to the paymasters, if you will. And it's squandering an opportunity.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Life is like an escalator. You see, it carries you on regardless. And you might as well enjoy the view and seize every opportunity while you're passing. Otherwise, it'll be too late.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
In isolation I ruthlessly plow the deep silences, seeking my opportunities like a miner seeking veins of treasures. In what shallow glimmering space shall I find what glimmering glory?
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The Republican establishment cringe at the very discussion of social issues. They are in favor of big government for the most part. They think campaigns on smaller government are losers and they worry that, if they succeed, there's going to be less of an opportunity for them to have jobs in government. They're basically people who don't think we have a spending problem and that that's great.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Donald Knuth
We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%
- Donald Knuth
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Jared Leto
I like to employ the power of no. We all want to say yes, because with yes comes so much opportunity, but with the power of no comes focus and engagement.
- Jared Leto
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Aung San Suu Kyi
Religion is about increasing peace and harmony in the world. ... People of all different religions should be given the opportunity to pursue good in their own way.
- Aung San Suu Kyi
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Dalai Lama
The Buddha gave equal opportunities to women. But we, even as followers of Buddha, neglected that.
- Dalai Lama
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
I choose to give my life for those who have been left out of the sunlight of opportunity
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Bruce Lee
You have to create your own luck. You have to be aware of the opportunities around you and take advantage of them.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Robert Barry
If you are operating in a certain way and you are thinking in a certain direction, suddenly opportunities arise. And if you are open to it, if you are not locked into your style too much or to what you think works.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Thomas Mann
What good would politics be, if it didn’t give everyone the opportunity to make moral compromises.
- Thomas Mann
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Konrad Lorenz
Every mutation through a new combination of genetic factors that provides the organism with a new opportunity for coming to terms with the conditions of its environment signifies no more and no less than that new information about this environment has got into that organic system. Adaptation is essentially a cognitive process.
- Konrad Lorenz
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Ken Moelis
There is a lot of opportunity in all of this stuff [like healthcare business]. I don't know why everybody is focused on the negatives.
- Ken Moelis
Collection: Opportunity