Robert Barry

Image of Robert Barry
I think words speak to us even though they may be written on a wall. So we hear them in our mind. We say it to ourselves. But they are also visual things. You draw them. They are designed. They are colored. They have a certain size. I put them in a certain place. So they are objects that have to be - artistic decisions have to be made in terms of the color and the size and the line and whatever.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Barry
I liked the idea of the words floating in space and the space behind it moving all the time, ever changing.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Moving
Image of Robert Barry
A text makes the word more specific. It really kind of defines it within the context in which it is being used. If it is just taken out of a context and presented as a sort of object, which is what - you know, which is a contemporary art idea, you know. It is like an old surrealist idea or an old cubist idea to take something out of context and put it in a completely different context. And it sort of gives it a different meaning and creates another world, another kind of world in which we enter.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
And we live in a kind of realm of language and words and so forth. So we can sort of relate to them. They don't exist without us. We create words.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Language
Image of Robert Barry
I know where the mistakes are. Nothing is perfect and I understand that.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Mistake
Image of Robert Barry
I try not to manipulate reality... What will happen, will happen. Let things be themselves.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Reality
Image of Robert Barry
The words represent ideas first of all. That is something you have to understand. I mean, it is not just an object, but it is an object with a history and it is loaded with all kinds of implications and ideas. They exist in the world in a very special way. So they kind of represent some aspect of the world that we perceive, as do photographs, as do drawings of trees or whatever. And they are not a one to one. They are not the world, but they kind of refer to the world and they also exist in the world.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Barry
I am always producing work, but there is always a sort of deadline where you have to finish work. I don't do it for a show. In other words, I am not like a fashion designer where I have a, you know - I have to put out the full line or I have to put out the summer line like that.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Summer
Image of Robert Barry
I like the work hanging free in the frame. I don't like too much frame around it but I like a little breathing space around the piece.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Breathing Space
Image of Robert Barry
There's a kind of poetic aspect to inert gas. And remember, first of all, they were completely unknown a hundred years earlier. We just didn't know about them. And then when they were discovered in the atmosphere, the idea that this is a material that would breathe in and exhale and becomes part of us for a while made it even more intriguing. The names, the Greek names, are interesting, too - if you translate neon, xenon and so forth are kind of interesting.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Xenon
Image of Robert Barry
Art was something that I was really interested in, probably more so than writing or anything else.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
Most of the criticism of my work was pretty good, but occasionally it would not be. And I just sort of felt that they absolutely didn't get what I was doing. It was their limitations on what they thought art should be or what they thought my work should be in relation to earlier work or whatever.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
I took art courses, only in the sense that I was able to - I took art classes, which were fun, which I liked, but it was a - just a kind of a general education that I got, a regular academic - academic diploma, but I kind of had the feeling that art was something that I really liked the most but I wasn't really sure that that was it.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
Developing your own style became something very interesting, very important to me.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Interesting
Image of Robert Barry
I went to Our Lady of Mercy, parochial school and I started Fordham Prep, but that only lasted about a year and then I - to me, it was like going to some kind of concentration camp. I was not very happy. And I only went there because that's where my brother went, really.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Brother
Image of Robert Barry
I shoot a lot of video, first of all, whatever I think is interesting, just my travels; hard to say why. If something looks good, I take a picture or try to shoot it.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Barry
The idea of, say, the compressed space between the floor and the object hanging over it and then the long space between the object and the ceiling was a kind of interesting idea for me - the idea of compressing and expanding. That was an idea that I worked with, which you could only do sculpturally. You can't really do with a painting on the wall.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Barry
Any artwork is part of something larger, grander and, you know, the situation that it's in is very important.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Important
Image of Robert Barry
So it sort of dawned on me that you have to build into your work the fact that it's going to be shown in different kinds of places and different kinds of light. And the fact that the surroundings and where you're going to be shown is always changing, so that should really not affect the meaning of the work. It should be part of what the work is about.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Light
Image of Robert Barry
reaking up the space and using the space, using the length of the space, the height of it, whatever, the light, all of those things. It's something that you have to kind of slowly recognize in your work and develop over years of making work.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Light
Image of Robert Barry
But if I did read, say, [Maurice] Merleau-Ponty, for instance, it always seemed to me that the parts that I understood in what he was talking about - and I read him because - well, he wrote a book, well, the Phenomenology of Perception [New York: Humanities Press, 1962]. And it seemed to me that perception had a lot do with how we take in art.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
How does any idea come to your mind? I don't know.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Ideas
Image of Robert Barry
I never stop thinking about what I have to do. Let's put it that way. The only thing that takes me out of that is probably a film. I watch a lot of movies.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Barry
The space between things is important to me. The projections, that darkness between the words or the images is very important.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Space
Image of Robert Barry
I like a lot of good European films, good - anything really. I'm a big fan of Netflix and I get films from them all the time. If I hear about something that I don't know, that I haven't seen, forgot about, I immediately jot it down and add it to my Netflix list or if there's a film that's available that I haven't seen for many years, I get that.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Years
Image of Robert Barry
A word refers to something in the real world and so, in a way, does a photo. It's not the thing itself, but it's a kind of suggestion of where you might look for that thing.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Real
Image of Robert Barry
The idea of words and photos was something that appealed to me.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Ideas
Image of Robert Barry
I always took photographs. I photographed a lot of trees, by the way, which is another image I used often in my work, the tree image.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Tree
Image of Robert Barry
If I'm reading something and a word pops up, or I just catch it, I try to mark it off and then, later, write it down on a piece of paper and add it to my list.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Reading
Image of Robert Barry
And after a while, you just pare things down more and more and more, until you get to certain basic things which just - basic ideas which just seem to work for you over and over again.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Ideas
Image of Robert Barry
And style, by the way, is a very important thing. It is like your signature, your handwriting or it is something that you develop that is your way of presenting yourself and also your way of looking at what art - of how to make art.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
I'm always looking for relations between my work and the old masters.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Masters
Image of Robert Barry
I mean, part of the justification for art is art history, the fact that you're part of this tradition. You can't really operate outside of it. So looking for what this work is really about, if I look at Velázquez, if I look at Las Meninas or The Tapestry Weavers [1657] or something and really study it and try to figure out what that painting is really about, then I find relationships between what I'm trying to do and what he was doing.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
I may have a lot of political opinions but it doesn't necessarily come into my work. I keep the two worlds separate.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Political Opinions
Image of Robert Barry
I like challenge. I like to be put into a situation which I haven't done before. Something new presents itself and I see if I can somehow finagle it into making a work of art out of it.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
I make videos which are works of art in themselves which have nothing to do with Hollywood movies or anything along those lines and I like videos because they deal with light and dark and time and change and they're just another kind of medium that I can get into and work with when I choose to other than, say, doing something on the wall or a window.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
My videos rarely run longer than 20 minutes. They're made for private viewing in your home or specifically either that or for a gallery situation where you sit and look.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Running
Image of Robert Barry
Whatever came out came out. That was it. That's what you live with. If you don't like it, that's your problem.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Problem
Image of Robert Barry
Normally my head is always filled with art ideas and things that I have to do, deadlines that I have to meet.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
I usually, if I give a talk, I don't usually prepare anything. I just say - you know, I may stop talking by showing some video or slides of what I do but mainly I try to respond to what problems people have with my work.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Talking
Image of Robert Barry
The idea of the culture that you live in determining meaning in your art, though, is a very important aspect of what art would be about. But that had more to do with the kind of general understanding of what the hell you're doing, you know.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
The notion of a thing, materiality, was something that I think was something very in peoples' minds when they were dealing with earth and metal and different kinds of metals and the interaction of different sorts of material.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Barry
The Vogels were quite strict in what they acquired. They never acquired a projection. They never acquired a sound piece. They were never big on photos that much, unless it was photos documenting something. They had some limitations into what they bought.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Sound
Image of Robert Barry
You can't have silence on the radio; people will turn away from the station.
- Robert Barry
Collection: People
Image of Robert Barry
I had always taken photos - always, always taken photos, made movies.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Taken
Image of Robert Barry
People ask me why I use words and the reason, of course, is that words talk to you. I mean, they're something that are generated inside of you and that you can relate to you.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Barry
Even though you're reading something, it's as though that person who wrote it is speaking to you. It's a form of conversation, really.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Reading
Image of Robert Barry
When you present works of art, one thing I've learned is that if you're lucky - [Laughs] - there will be those few people who, shall we say, get it? Really become engaged, become moved by it in their own way. You cannot control what other people are going to think about it.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Barry
You can never really predict how people are going to react, what they're going to think about, whether they care.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Barry
You can't make somebody care about what you're doing. Either they get it, either there's that connection - or they don't.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Connections