Top movies Quotes Collection - Page 14

Discover a curated collection of movies quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 14 provides more movies quotes.

Image of Woody Allen
If my films make one more person miserable, I'll feel I have done my job.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Movies
Image of Francois Truffaut
Film lovers are sick people.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Movies
Image of Louise Brooks
The great art of films does not consist of descriptive movement of face and body but in the movements of thought and soul transmitted in a kind of intense isolation.
- Louise Brooks
Collection: Movies
Image of Frank Capra
I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries.
- Frank Capra
Collection: Movies
Image of George Lucas
The secret to film is that it's an illusion.
- George Lucas
Collection: Movies
Image of Andy Warhol
It's the movies that have really been running things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look how you feel about it.
- Andy Warhol
Collection: Movies
Image of Mary Pickford
Make them laugh, make them cry, and hack to laughter. What do people go to the theatre for? An emotional exercise. I am a servant of the people. I have never forgotten that.
- Mary Pickford
Collection: Movies
Image of Grace Kelly
I don't want to dress up a picture with just my face.
- Grace Kelly
Collection: Movies
Image of Peter Weller
The best reason to go to the movies is to be with other people. Eating the popcorn, being with other people you don't know.
- Peter Weller
Collection: Movies
Image of Sam Peckinpah
The end of a picture is always an end of a life.
- Sam Peckinpah
Collection: Movies
Image of Jean-Luc Godard
A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order.
- Jean-Luc Godard
Collection: Movies
Image of Ralph Fiennes
So much of movie acting is in the lighting. And in loving your characters. I try to know them, and with that intimacy comes love. And now, I love Voldemort.
- Ralph Fiennes
Collection: Movies
Image of Eli Roth
Horror movies are the best date movies. There's no wondering, 'When do I put my arm around her?'
- Eli Roth
Collection: Movies
Image of Alfred Hitchcock
The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.
- Alfred Hitchcock
Collection: Movies
Image of Wim Wenders
Movies are something people see all over the world because there is a certain need for it.
- Wim Wenders
Collection: Movies
Image of Alan Alda
If I can't get the girl, at least give me more money.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Movies
Image of Jeff Bridges
Movies are like magic tricks.
- Jeff Bridges
Collection: Movies
Image of Orson Welles
A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet.
- Orson Welles
Collection: Movies
Image of Oskar Werner
I'm married to the theater but my mistress is the films.
- Oskar Werner
Collection: Movies
Image of George Lucas
I was going to go to a four-year college and be an anthropologist or to an art school and be an illustrator when a friend convinced me to learn photography at the University of Southern California. Little did I know it was a school that taught you how to make movies! It had never occurred to me that I'd ever have any interest in filmmaking.
- George Lucas
Collection: Movies
Image of Oliver Stone
There's an electrical thing about movies.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: Movies
Image of Robert Redford
I am a cynical optimist. Big opening weekends are like cotton candy. The films you will remember over time are the films that stick in the consciousness of the audience in a good way.
- Robert Redford
Collection: Movies
Image of Jim Morrison
Film spectators are quiet vampires.
- Jim Morrison
Collection: Movies
Image of John Huston
The directing of a picture involves coming out of your individual loneliness and taking a controlling part in putting together a small world. A picture is made. You put a frame around it and move on. And one day you die. That is all there is to it.
- John Huston
Collection: Movies
Image of Terri Windling
Filmmaking can be a fine art.
- Terri Windling
Collection: Movies
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Everything makes me nervous - except making films.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Movies
Image of Vincente Minnelli
It's the story that counts.
- Vincente Minnelli
Collection: Movies
Image of John Hughes
I was obsessed with romance. When I was in high school, I saw 'Doctor Zhivago' every day from the day it opened until the day it left the theater.
- John Hughes
Collection: Movies
Image of Alfred Hitchcock
Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.
- Alfred Hitchcock
Collection: Movies
Image of Carol Burnett
My grandmother and I saw an average of eight movies a week, double features, second run.
- Carol Burnett
Collection: Movies
Image of Bernardo Bertolucci
I make movies in order to make things understood, not to be shocking.
- Bernardo Bertolucci
Collection: Movies
Image of The Miz
I will be the biggest WWE Superstar the WWE has ever seen. I will be the biggest movie star movies have ever seen. I will be the biggest TV star that TV has ever seen. I will be the biggest person in the world.
- The Miz
Collection: Movies
Image of Brad Feld
I'm an optimistic person, and I tend to bury my cynicism in what I read and the movies I watch. My optimism holds that the good guys eventually come out on top.
- Brad Feld
Collection: Movies
Image of Chris Columbus
I can understand the validity of showing people the ugliness of the world, but I also think there is a place for movies to leave people with a sense of hope.
- Chris Columbus
Collection: Movies
Image of Reed Morano
I want to make the movies that move people in a way they've never been moved before.
- Reed Morano
Collection: Movies
Image of Quinton Aaron
I like to be someone else. I like to be someone other than myself. I grew up watching movies and being a fan of what I'd seen portrayed in the movies, and I always wanted to do that one day.
- Quinton Aaron
Collection: Movies
Image of Andi Dorfman
Never take a girl to the movies on a first date! That's basically like, 'We don't want to hear you talk.'
- Andi Dorfman
Collection: Movies
Image of Karan Singh Grover
TV is like a school. It is easy to shoot for a film. In movies, you have a definite start and end. You know your character is there for a particular period.
- Karan Singh Grover
Collection: Movies
Image of John Travolta
I'm willing to look my own nightmare on film, but if it endangers my life, then I'm willing to put my life before movies.
- John Travolta
Collection: Movies
Image of Jean Paul Gaultier
My best experiences with movies have come when I didn't know what to see.
- Jean Paul Gaultier
Collection: Movies
Image of Storm Reid
I feel like it's important for young African-American girls - and all people - to read books that tell our stories and watch movies that tell our stories and do the research on our own, too, because sometimes that's not being told, and we're not being seen and shown.
- Storm Reid
Collection: Movies
Image of Emma Stone
I like to look like a person. It drives me crazy when you see women in movies playing teachers, and they have biceps. It totally takes me out of the movie. I start thinking, Wow, that actress playing this part really looks great!
- Emma Stone
Collection: Movies
Image of Thalia
A song like 'Osito Carpintero' came straight from the Pedro Infante films, movies that all the kids in Mexico watched.
- Thalia
Collection: Movies
Image of Akira Toriyama
In spite of being so absorbed in comics when I was in primary school, for whatever reason, I stopped reading them that much once I started junior high. I think it's probably because I got caught up in movies and TV.
- Akira Toriyama
Collection: Movies
Image of Virat Kohli
I'm not a nerd, obviously. Do I look like one? I'm not someone who sits at home and doesn't like to go out, doesn't like to watch movies. I like to live my life.
- Virat Kohli
Collection: Movies
Image of Megan Thee Stallion
I like movies that make you semi fall in love with the villain so you have sympathy for him.
- Megan Thee Stallion
Collection: Movies
Image of David Lowery
I've always endeavored to make movies with my friends.
- David Lowery
Collection: Movies
Image of Robert Stromberg
My dad was a low budget film director. I grew up as a kid making movies, based on the love of seeing what my dad was doing.
- Robert Stromberg
Collection: Movies
Image of Rosie Perez
In movies, you shoot out of sequence, so the issue of reality is really taken out of it.
- Rosie Perez
Collection: Movies