Francois Truffaut

Image of Francois Truffaut
When humor can be made to alternate with melancholy, one has a success, but when the same things are funny and melancholic at the same time, it's just wonderful.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Humor
Image of Francois Truffaut
In love, women are professionals, men are amateurs.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Women
Image of Francois Truffaut
Film lovers are sick people.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Movies
Image of Francois Truffaut
I have always preferred the reflection of the life to life itself.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
The film of tomorrow will be an act of love.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
The film of tomorrow will not be directed by civil servants of the camera, but by artists for whom shooting a film constitutes a wonderful and thrilling adventure.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
The film of tomorrow will resemble the person who made it, and the number of spectators will be proportional to the number of friends the director has.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
Taste is a result of a thousand distastes.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
During the war, I saw many films that made me fall in love with the cinema.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
To be a film-maker, you are almost forced to be surrounded by contradictions... You must have talents of so many different kinds - talents that are contradictory.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
Hitchcock loves to be misunderstood, because he has based his whole life around misunderstandings.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
Some day I'll make a film that critics will like. When I have money to waste.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
I want my audience to be constantly captivated, bewitched, so that it leaves the theatre dazed, stunned to be back on the pavement.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
If I have some free time, I leave Paris with some books about the cinema. If I'm not filming, I'm watching films.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
Is the cinema more important than life?
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
An actor is never so great as when he reminds you of an animal - falling like a cat, lying like a dog, moving like a fox.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
The film of tomorrow appears to me as even more personal than an individual and autobiographical novel, like a confession, or a diary.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
I've always had the impression that real militants are like cleaning women, doing a thankless, daily but necessary job.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
At first, I wasn't sure whether I'd be a critic or a filmmaker, but I knew it would be something like that.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
I had thought of writing, actually, and that later on I'd be a novelist.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
I'd skip school regularly to see movies - even in the morning, in the small Parisian theaters that opened early.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
I prefer to be busy all day long, and when you work for someone else, you're not busy enough.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
What switched me to films was the flood of American pictures into Paris after the Liberation.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
I may find myself changing my notions about what I want to do right in the middle of a film. And on days when I'm feeling merry, I shoot merry scenes, and on gloomy days, I shoot gloomy ones.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
I am less instinctive as I try to be more professional - about the music, about the sound.
- Francois Truffaut
Image of Francois Truffaut
Three films a day, three books a week and records of great music would be enough to make me happy to the day I die.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Book
Image of Francois Truffaut
When I begin a film, I want to make a great film. Halfway through, I just hope to finish the film.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Want
Image of Francois Truffaut
There are no good and bad movies, only good and bad directors
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Directors
Image of Francois Truffaut
I demand that a film express either the joy of making cinema or the agony of making cinema. I am not at all interested in anything in between.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Agony
Image of Francois Truffaut
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen in a movie theatre is to go down to the front and turn around, and look at all the uplifted faces, the light from the screen reflected upon them.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Francois Truffaut
Life has more imagination than we do.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Imagination
Image of Francois Truffaut
But the cinephile is … a neurotic! (That’s not a pejorative term.) The Bronte sisters were neurotic, and it’s because they were neurotic that they read all those books and became writers. The famous French advertising slogan that says, “When you love life, you go to the movies,” it’s false! It’s exactly the opposite: when you don’t love life, or when life doesn’t give you satisfaction, you go to the movies.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Book
Image of Francois Truffaut
The man who thinks he can do without the world is indeed mistaken; but the man who thinks the world cannot do without him is mistaken even worse.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Men
Image of Francois Truffaut
We often forgive those who bore us, but never those whom we bore.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Forgiving
Image of Francois Truffaut
Everyone who works in the domain of fiction is a bit crazy. The problem is to render this craziness interesting.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Crazy
Image of Francois Truffaut
A film is a boat which is always on the point of sinking-it always tends to break up as you go along and drag you under with it.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Movie
Image of Francois Truffaut
I am often asked at what point in my love affair with films I began to want to be a director or a critic. Truthfully, I don't know. All I know is that I wanted to get closer and closer to films.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Want
Image of Francois Truffaut
I love the way she projects two facets: a visible persona and a subterranean one. She keeps her thoughts to herself; she seems to suggest that her secret, inner life is at least as significant as the appearance she gives.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Two
Image of Francois Truffaut
Although men flatter themselves with their great actions, they are not so often the result of a great design as of chance.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Humility
Image of Francois Truffaut
All film directors, whether famous or obscure, regard themselves as misunderstood or underrated. Because of that, they all lie. They're obliged to overstate their own importance.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Lying
Image of Francois Truffaut
There's no such thing as an anti-war film.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: War
Image of Francois Truffaut
Purely cinematic film ... actually the purest expression of a cinematic idea.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Expression
Image of Francois Truffaut
Airing one's dirty linen never makes for a masterpiece.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Dirty