Vincente Minnelli

Image of Vincente Minnelli
It's the story that counts.
- Vincente Minnelli
Collection: Movies
Image of Vincente Minnelli
Dali was the great painter then and surrealism was a way of life.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I learn new things all the time.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I always have coffee without sugar, you know. Just cream.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I seem to be drawn to things that actually happen.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
Designing Woman was written for the screen.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
It's always the story that interests me.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I allow an area for improvisation because the chemical things actors bring to stories make it not work.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
Fortunately, John Houseman is a marvelous writer and he sat in on so many story conferences. He worked with Welles, you know, and he's a marvelous man.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
But surrealism is present in most of my pictures.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
In the Thirties, when I was in New York, I did the first surrealistic ballet in a show of mine.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
The Pirate is surrealism and so, in a curious way, is Father of the Bride.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
Cedric Gibbons was the grand cardinal of the art department.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
But I went down to Venezuela and spend a few weeks going through jungles. It's fantastic looking.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I always liked the Van Gogh story because I was terribly involved in that.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
We shot that in all the real places where Van Gogh worked.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I use colors to bring fine points of story and character.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
Color can do anything that black-and-white can.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
If anybody reads a story in a magazine or book, different pictures compete in their minds.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I've worked with an awful lot of people. Katy Hepburn, Spencer Tracy.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I made three films with Douglas, two with Charles Boyer.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
Nowadays the audience has changed. No one can anticipate the audience.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I started out to be a painter and was born into the theater.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I had given up the theater and everything propelled me into entertainment. And I didn't resist it.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
American films are terribly popular all over the world and American movie stars are terribly important. I don't know why.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I see wonderful films by Bertolucci, Visconti, and Fellini.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
But I think musicals are going to have to deal with important subjects.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
West Side Story was terribly important because of the style of the dancing and the gangs of New York.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
That's what I think musicals will come to. No backstage stories, nothing of that sort.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
No, I only like whether I like the story or not, essentially see something in it that isn't completely there.
- Vincente Minnelli
Image of Vincente Minnelli
I feel that a picture that stays with you is made up of a hundred or more hidden things. They’re things that the audience is not conscious of, but that accumulate.
- Vincente Minnelli
Collection: Conscious
Image of Vincente Minnelli
Once you find the right idea, then go ahead and embellish it.
- Vincente Minnelli
Collection: Ideas
Image of Vincente Minnelli
If you want to learn how to sing, listen to Ella Fitzgerald.
- Vincente Minnelli
Collection: Want
Image of Vincente Minnelli
The Long, Long Trailer (1954) actually happened and the man wrote a book about it. Father of the Bride, same thing; a banker wrote that who had never written anything else.
- Vincente Minnelli
Collection: Father