Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 91

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 91 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Charles Spurgeon
Earnestness is good; it means business. But fanaticism overdoes, and is consequently reactionary.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Mean
Image of Wallace Stevens
One ought not to hoard culture. It should be adapted and infused into society as a leaven. Liberality of culture does not mean illiberality of its benefits.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Mean
Image of Pat Summitt
I mean, we're always trying to evaluate and tweak things and get better.
- Pat Summitt
Collection: Mean
Image of Rachel Carson
The procedure has a strange Alice-in-Wonderland quality. The reservoir was created as a public water supply, yet the community, probably unconsulted about the sportsmen's project, is forced either to drink water containing poisonous residues or to pay our tax money for treatment of the water to remove the poisons - treatments that are by no means foolproof.
- Rachel Carson
Collection: Mean
Image of Will Smith
Probably means there's a good chance. Possibly means we might or we might not.
- Will Smith
Collection: Mean
Image of Mike Birbiglia
In our culture right now, I want to take on this notion of what a singular success means. We think success is one thing, but it's actually a spectrum of where our life takes us.
- Mike Birbiglia
Collection: Mean
Image of Shunryu Suzuki
The seed has no idea of being some particular plant, but it has its own form and is in perfect harmony with the ground, with its surroundings ... and there is no trouble. This is what we mean by naturalness.
- Shunryu Suzuki
Collection: Mean
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
In this present culture, we need to find the means to work and live together with less aggression if we are to resolve the serious problems that afflict and impede us.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Rock
If you live below your means, you can turn down stuff all the time.
- Chris Rock
Collection: Mean
Image of Ayn Rand
Sacrifice does not mean the rejection of the worthless, but of the precious
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Twain
He was sunshine most always-I mean he made it seem like good weather.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Paine
A bad cause will ever be supported by bad means and bad men.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Mean
Image of Nora Roberts
Fate rules. You follow the steps and you plan and you work. Then fate slips in laughing and makes fools of us. Sometimes we can trick it or out guess it but most often its already written. For some its written in blood. That doesn't mean we stop, but it does mean we can't comfort ourselves with blame. It's easier to take the blame than to admit there was nothing you could do to stop whatever happened.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph Sobran
Controlling the interpretation of the Constitution is vital to the leftist agenda of expanding the federal government's power. That means keeping the federal judiciary as liberal as possible and treating the U.S. Supreme Court's liberal legacy as sacrosanct.
- Joseph Sobran
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph Sobran
Now whatever you think of the liberal agenda on its merits, until very recently nobody thought the Constitution meant what liberals now say it means.
- Joseph Sobran
Collection: Mean
Image of Gregory Maguire
[Puggles] "What population signs on willingly for slavery?" "You mean other than wives?" [Glinda]
- Gregory Maguire
Collection: Mean
Image of Os Guinness
Calling means that everyone, everywhere, and in everything fulfills his or her (secondary) callings in response to God's (primary) calling.
- Os Guinness
Collection: Mean
Image of Joan Miro
That which interests me above all else is the calligraphy of a tree or the tiles of a roof, and I mean leaf by leaf, branch by branch, blade by blade of grass.
- Joan Miro
Collection: Mean
Image of Joan Miro
As regards my means of expression, I try my hardest to achieve the maximum of clarity, power, and plastic aggressiveness; a physical sensation to begin with, followed up by an impact on the psyche.
- Joan Miro
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Sowell
It is amazing how many people act as if the right to free speech includes the right to be free of criticism for what you say - which means that other people should not have the same right to free speech that they claim for themselves.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Mean
Image of Bernie Sanders
We have got to change the political culture in America. We need a political revolution. That means we are working on politics not just three weeks before an election but 365 days a year.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Mean
Image of Eliezer Yudkowsky
I am tempted to say that a doctorate in AI would be negatively useful, but I am not one to hold someone’s reckless youth against them – just because you acquired a doctorate in AI doesn’t mean you should be permanently disqualified.
- Eliezer Yudkowsky
Collection: Mean
Image of Gary Shteyngart
Don't be pretentious is my first advice to young writers. This is the big problem - just because you're getting an MFA doesn't mean you have to write for the Academy. Be true to your personality. Don't temper your personality down with words. Don't build defensive fortresses around yourself with words - words are your friends.
- Gary Shteyngart
Collection: Mean
Image of Terry Pratchett
Building a temple didn't mean you believed in gods, it just meant you believed in architecture.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Mean
Image of Melina Marchetta
Do you want to hang out? At your place or something?" Hanging out with Jimmy Hailler will mean that I have to say hello to him every day. I'm not ready to say hello to him every day. Too much commitment. It's bad enough that I'm sharing chocolate brownies swith him. I shake my head. "Not today.
- Melina Marchetta
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Warren
Only you can be you. God designed each of us so there would be no duplication in the world. No one has the exact same mix of factors that make you unique. That means no one else on earth will ever be able to play the role God planned for you. If you don’t make your unique contribution to the Body of Christ, it won’t be made.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Mean
Image of Andy Warhol
I always think about what it means to wear eyeglasses. When you get used to glasses you don't know how far you could really see. I think about all the people before eyeglasses were invented. It must have been weird because everyone was seeing in different ways according to how bad their eyes were. Now, eyeglasses standardize everyone's vision to 20-20. That's an example of everyone becoming more alike. Everyone could be seeing at different levels if it weren't for glasses.
- Andy Warhol
Collection: Mean
Image of Brendon Burchard
Ours is a society that has falsely assumed that contribution must mean giving to some specific cause rather than simply giving our best selves. Thus, too many people don't recognize the fact that simply being who they are is contributing significantly to the world. What if simply living your truth, being your best, and fully expressing your strengths, talents, and abilities at whatever you do were sufficient to contribute to the world? I say it is, and we must not overlook the fact that being our best ultimately inspires others and can and does indeed make an impact.
- Brendon Burchard
Collection: Mean
Image of Roger Scruton
To teach virtue we must educate the emotions, and this means learning "what to feel" in the various circumstances that prompt them.
- Roger Scruton
Collection: Mean
Image of Barack Obama
You always hear about waste and abuse in Washington. And usually it doesn't mean much, because nobody ever finds where that waste and abuse is.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Mean
Image of Miguel Angel Ruiz
Being impeccable with your word is the correct use of your energy; it means to use your energy in the direction of truth and love for yourself.
- Miguel Angel Ruiz
Collection: Mean
Image of Jodi Picoult
Doing the right thing for someone else occasionally means doing something that feels wrong to you.
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Mean
Image of Wendell Berry
If in the human economy, a squash in the field is worth more than a bushel of soil, that does not mean that food is more valuable than soil; it means simply that we do not know how to value the soil. In its complexity and its potential longevity, the soil exceeds our comprehension; we do not know how to place a just market value on it, and we will never learn how. Its value is inestimable; we must value it, beyond whatever price we put on it, by respecting it.
- Wendell Berry
Collection: Mean
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
If I do, I say so. That's the only way out of that. If there are three words that need to be used more in American journalism, commentary, politics, personal life... it's the magic words "I don't know." I mean, there are certain basic principles, like the dignity of the individual and the individual's responsibility, and certain basic economic principles, like how when something costs less, more of it will be consumed... There are certain things that I feel pretty confident about.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Mean
Image of Desmond Tutu
I have seen firsthand how injustice gets overlooked when the victims are powerless or vulnerable, when they have no one to speak up for them and no means of representing themselves to a higher authority. Animals are in precisely that position. Unless we are mindful of their interests and speak out loudly on their behalf, abuse and cruelty go unchallenged.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Mean
Image of Lewis Mumford
In vulgar usage, progress has come to mean limitless movement in space and time, accompanied, necessarily, by an equally limitless command of energy: culminating in limitless destruction.
- Lewis Mumford
Collection: Mean
Image of Pablo Picasso
Forcing yourself to use restricted means is the sort of restraint that liberates invention. It obliges you to make a kind of progress that you can't even imagine in advance.
- Pablo Picasso
Collection: Mean
Image of William Styron
Many of the artifacts of my house had become potential devices for my own destruction: the attic rafters (and an outside maple or two) a means to hang myself, the garage a place to inhale carbon monoxide, the bathtub a vessel to receive the flow from my opened arteries. The kitchen knives in their drawers had but one purpose for me.
- William Styron
Collection: Mean
Image of Taylor Swift
I never read one hateful thing said about me by some 12-year-old. So I got to live an actual life. And I've kept that mentality. Just because there's a hurricane going on around you doesn't mean you have to open the window and look at it.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Mean
Image of Toni Morrison
Political doesn't necessarily mean you have an agenda.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Mean
Image of Kiersten White
So, we’ve got a problem,” I said. “What?” Lend yelled. “We’ve got a problem!” I shouted. “No, I heard that. I mean, what’s the problem now?
- Kiersten White
Collection: Mean
Image of Glenn Beck
For a lot of people, me included, abortion is murder. And it just becomes clearer and clearer the closer you get to birth. I mean, it's just so - I think if you had a womb with a window, it would never happen.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Mean
Image of Amos Oz
Hebrew has a system of tenses, which is, in a big way, different from the English system of tenses, probably different than any European system of tenses, which means a different sense of reality, which means a different concept of time.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Mean
Image of Francis Collins
It is certainly true in the United States that there is an uneasiness about certain aspects of science, particularly evolution, because it conflicts, in some people's minds, with their sense of how we all came to be. But you know, if you are a believer in God, it's hard to imagine that God would somehow put this incontrovertible evidence in front of us about our relationship to other living organisms and expect us to disbelieve it. I mean, that doesn't make sense at all.
- Francis Collins
Collection: Mean
Image of Eckhart Tolle
For most people on the planet, consciousness can be equated with thought. They haven't experienced what it means to be conscious without thought, or they have only for very brief instants.
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: Mean
Image of Paramahansa Yogananda
If religion means primarily God-consciousness, or the realization of God both within and without, and secondarily a body of beliefs, tenets and dogmas, then, strictly speaking, there is but one religion in the world, for there is but one God.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
Collection: Mean
Image of D.T. Suzuki
When I say that Zen is life, I mean that Zen is not to be confined within conceptualization, that Zen is what makes conceptualization possible.
- D.T. Suzuki
Collection: Mean
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
It is by no means necessary that a great nation should always stand at the heroic level. But no nation has the root of greatness in it unless in time of need it can rise to the heroic mood.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Mean
Image of Conor Oberst
I'd rather be working for a paycheck, than waiting to win the lottery. Besides, maybe this time it's different, I mean, I really think you like me.
- Conor Oberst
Collection: Mean