Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 89

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 89 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of John D'Agata
When you're a young writer and you look at people praising a big hefty anthology that has uncovered a long lost genre, it can be disorienting to look inside it and think, "But what it's uncovered still isn't me. What does this mean? Do I not belong in this genre, or is there more of the genre yet to find?"
- John D'Agata
Collection: Mean
Image of David Livermore
Perspective taking is taking on the perspective of others. It's what we do anytime we buy a gift for someone else ("What would they like?"). So it means breaking the golden rule ("Treat others the way you want to be treated") and instead, acknowledges that others may not want what you want.
- David Livermore
Collection: Mean
Image of Kit Malthouse
I actually think the debate is a good idea because if internationally somehow we can bring home to Americans that their decision about who they select as their candidate has international implications then by all means we should.
- Kit Malthouse
Collection: Mean
Image of B. J. Porter
Andy Kindler. Andy's set - somehow he slayed that night. But something weird about it that wasn't translating for the CD. I don't know what it was. But we listened to it and it wasn't the greatest audio recording - I mean, the quality of it was good. But we didn't want to put it on the record because it doesn't represent what Andy does.
- B. J. Porter
Collection: Mean
Image of John Malkovich
Along with the good qualities, if someone isn't vulnerable I can't be around them to a certain extent. And I don't mean vulnerable to me or vulnerable to me in a sexual way. I just mean vulnerable, period.
- John Malkovich
Collection: Mean
Image of Sheila Jasanoff
Climate change is there as a reminder that we can get richer and safer societies that are also consuming more and more to the point where the stability of Earth's systems is being challenged at potentially catastrophic levels. I don't think we can stop that. Just the very same worries I have about prediction on the positive progressive side - I mean, predictions that say we'll be great, we'll be fine - also apply to predictions that are too catastrophic. I'm not sure we get those predictions right either.
- Sheila Jasanoff
Collection: Mean
Image of Barry Lopez
The land gets inside of us; and we must decide one way or another what this means, what we will do about it.
- Barry Lopez
Collection: Mean
Image of Ian MacKaye
We play loud electric guitar music, and we'd hope that that doesn't mean you have to act like an asshole.
- Ian MacKaye
Collection: Mean
Image of Theresa May
Brexit means Brexit.The public made their verdict.
- Theresa May
Collection: Mean
Image of Theresa May
Brexit must mean control of the number of people who come to Britain from Europe, and that is what I will deliver.
- Theresa May
Collection: Mean
Image of Marc Maron
It amazes me that we are all on Twitter and Facebook. By "we" I mean adults. We're adults, right? But emotionally we're a culture of seven-year-olds. Have you ever had that moment when are you updating your status and you realize that every status update is just a variation on a single request: "Would someone please acknowledge me?
- Marc Maron
Collection: Mean
Image of David Rolf
When families can afford the basics, they can reinvest in their communities, and higher wages means a broader consumer base for businesses.
- David Rolf
Collection: Mean
Image of Warren Hellman
I think the good part of the crisis is that finally, everybody is going to have to come to the table. That means the mayor's office, the board (of supervisors), the labor council, the chamber, small business. You end a recession healthier than you were when you went into it.
- Warren Hellman
Collection: Mean
Image of Rod Beckstrom
So end-to-end encryption, keeps things encrypted and that means that law enforcement, without a warrant, cannot read that information.
- Rod Beckstrom
Collection: Mean
Image of Ted Genoways
The pleasure of nonfiction is that it takes all of that sort of artistic and observational skill, but then there's a more intellectual layer on top of it: it's not enough to make us see things in new ways, we have to try to figure out what that means for the way we live.
- Ted Genoways
Collection: Mean
Image of Ted Genoways
What I want is for people to be treated better, to be paid better, and when you start doing something simple , it forces your price point up, which means that you have to produce a higher quality product in order to justify that.
- Ted Genoways
Collection: Mean
Image of Italia Ricci
I have such incredible friends in L.A. that are pretty much my family now - I mean, outside of the family I have back in Canada - but they just supported me so hard and believed in me when I barely believed in myself anymore. I still can't thank them enough. They mean the world to me.
- Italia Ricci
Collection: Mean
Image of Kimberly Zisk Marten
Russia has the ability to control Ukraine's economic future because of the natural gas pipeline link. And as a result, that means that Russia has just all along been in a stronger bargaining position.
- Kimberly Zisk Marten
Collection: Mean
Image of Sarnath Banerjee
India has sanctioned phenomenal injustices for years and years and years. And normalized it. There is no understanding of what it means to be born into a class that has been denied basic human dignity for generations and generations.
- Sarnath Banerjee
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Druckmann
I want studios that make story-based games to start taking their stories more seriously. And that doesn't mean hiring a big shot writer from Hollywood; it means that story becomes integral to making your game. I don't see how you can achieve that without having an in-house writer that sits next to the designer, helping them make their levels, talking with the engineers about where we can tell the story more dynamically, pushing at technology.
- Neil Druckmann
Collection: Mean
Image of Wynton Marsalis
As long as there is democracy, there will be people wanting to play jazz because nothing else will ever so perfectly capture the democratic process in sound. Jazz means working things out musically with other people. You have to listen to other musicians and play with them even if you don't agree with what they're playing. It teaches you the very opposite of racism and anti-Semitism. It teaches you that the world is big enough to accommodate us all.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Mean
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Ethics are more important than laws. Which means that the exact note is less important than the feeling of the note.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Mean
Image of Wynton Marsalis
I think that virtuosity is the first sign of morality in a musician. It means you're serious enough to practice.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Mean
Image of Marnie Stern
You like some things, you don't like others. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the others, it just means you have an opinion.
- Marnie Stern
Collection: Mean
Image of Marnie Stern
There are so many good guitarists out there, I am by no means a very good guitar player.
- Marnie Stern
Collection: Mean
Image of Marnie Stern
When you're a solo artist and you have a band on tour you have to pay the band some salary. You don't realise the expenses, the way they add up SO quickly. But thank god I'm not a money person. So it doesn't really bug me at all, I mean it's more comical to me.
- Marnie Stern
Collection: Mean
Image of Philip Taaffe
I don't understand why a Mark Rothko painting - as much as I love Mark Rothko - has to cost $73 million. I mean, I think $14 million is a pretty reasonable sum of money for a good Rothko painting. What's disturbing about this present moment is that these prices have been so out of control.
- Philip Taaffe
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Walters
We have a stewardship responsibility to keep ourselves healthy physically and emotionally. If we don't, we cannot carry out our obligations to God, to family, to our employer, or to others. With this in mind, we put limits on the extent to which we allow others to abuse us. Doing right will mean abuse part of the time; that goes with the turf. But inviting abuse or failing to deal with it is wrong.
- Richard Walters
Collection: Mean
Image of Herbert Marcuse
Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right, and toleration of movements from the Left.
- Herbert Marcuse
Collection: Mean
Image of Mirah
So when you're talking about lyrics in the context of music, it's not just about what the words mean, and what you were thinking about when you wrote it. It's not cognitive in that same way. It's almost like music turns words into touch, which is hard to describe, like the feeling of your shirt on your back. It's a pretty delicate thing to try to put into words. You just feel it.
- Mirah
Collection: Mean
Image of Jack London
To be able to forget means sanity.
- Jack London
Collection: Mean
Image of Sarah Palin
There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you - in places where winning means survival and defeat means death - and that man is John McCain
- Sarah Palin
Collection: Mean
Image of Martha Beck
To care for someone can mean to adore them, feed them, tend their wounds. But care can also signify sorrow, as in "bowed down by cares." Or anxiety, as in "Careful!" Or investment in an outcome, as in "Who cares?" The word love has no such range of meaning: It's pure acceptance.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Mean
Image of St. Catherine of Siena
There is no perfect virtue-none that bears fruit- unless it is exercised by means of our neighbor.
- St. Catherine of Siena
Collection: Mean
Image of Bono
I do see the good in people, but I also see the bad --- I see it in myself. I know what I'm capable of. Good and bad. It's very imnportant that we make that clear. Just because I often find a way around the darkness doesn't mean tjat I don't know it's there. (Bono)
- Bono
Collection: Mean
Image of Nicole Richie
They may signify wealth, but they can actually mean so much more-like committment, family, and love. And there's nothing like a perfect diamond to remind you that you'll never be perfect - the truth is, all you can do is try.
- Nicole Richie
Collection: Mean
Image of Susan Sontag
A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world. That means trying to understand, take in, connect with, what wickedness human beings are capable of; and not be corrupted - made cynical, superficial - by this understanding.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Mean
Image of Bonnie Raitt
Nobody went out to pasture, and a lot of people are doing their best work. Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, and Sting are at the top of their game. I mean, Tony Bennett is the coolest guy I ever met! We have to figure out how to break out of this age ghetto.
- Bonnie Raitt
Collection: Mean
Image of Todd Rundgren
There are people who are known for some contribution to pop culture, but that doesn't mean that you've survived solely on your relevance to whatever is currently popular. That's what a pop star is, in that sense. You might start out as a pop star, but that's just an opportunity to become more relevant, if you possibly can.
- Todd Rundgren
Collection: Mean
Image of Andre Agassi
There's no such thing as an open draw. At least for me - I mean, obviously for Roger Federer, I think every draw feels open for him - but for me there's no such thing as an open draw
- Andre Agassi
Collection: Mean
Image of Frances Moore Lappé
Individuality doesn't just mean individualism-standing alone. It means developing one's unique gifts, and being able to share them for the enjoyment of oneself and others.
- Frances Moore Lappé
Collection: Mean
Image of Tony Robbins
I don't mean to sound corny, but it's one word: results. If you get results, you can get anyone.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Mean
Image of Neale Donald Walsch
It is not nearly so important how well a message is received as how well it is sent. You cannot take responsibility for how well another accepts your truth; you can only ensure how well it is communicated. And by how well, I don't mean merely how clearly; I mean how lovingly, how compassionately, how sensitively, how courageously, and how completely.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Collection: Mean
Image of Rajneesh
To be spontaneous means not to act out of the past, because out of the past is all cunningness, cleverness, calculation, arithmetic.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Mean
Image of Justin Timberlake
If I'm not learning from something that I'm doing, then that means I've done it before. Do something different, even if it's within the same medium.
- Justin Timberlake
Collection: Mean
Image of George Berkeley
That food nourishes, sleep refreshes, and fire warms us; that to sow in the seed-time is the way to reap in the harvest, and, in general, that to obtain such or such ends, such or such means are conducive, all this we know, not by discovering any necessary connexion between our ideas, but only by the observation of the settled laws of nature, without which we should be all in uncertainty and confusion, and a grown man no more know how to manage himself in the affairs of life than an infant just born.
- George Berkeley
Collection: Mean
Image of Ludwig Wittgenstein
I think one of the things you and I have to learn is that we have to live without the consolation of belonging to a Church.... Of one thing I am certain. The religion of the future will have to be extremely ascetic, and by that I don't mean just going without food and drink.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Collection: Mean
Image of Bayard Rustin
Looking back at his career, Mr. Rustin, a Quaker, once wrote: ‘The principal factors which influenced my life are 1) nonviolent tactics; 2) constitutional means; 3) democratic procedures; 4) respect for human personality; 5) a belief that all people are one.’
- Bayard Rustin
Collection: Mean