Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 47

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 47 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Diane Dreher
Leaders are not buffeted about by circumstance. They make what is into what might be, transforming challenging situations by means of courage and insight.
- Diane Dreher
Collection: Mean
Image of Harold Innis
The significance of a basic medium to its civilization is difficult to appraise since the means of appraisal are influenced by the media, and indeed the fact of appraisal appears to be peculiar to certain types of media. A change in the type of medium implies a change in the type of appraisal and hence makes it difficult for one civilization to understand another.
- Harold Innis
Collection: Mean
Image of Leslie Jamison
Empathy isn’t just listening, it’s asking the questions whose answers need to be listened to. Empathy requires inquiry as much as imagination. Empathy requires knowing you know nothing. Empathy means acknowledging a horizon of context that extends perpetually beyond what you can see.
- Leslie Jamison
Collection: Mean
Image of Leslie Jamison
When people ask what kind of nonfiction I write, I say 'all kinds,' but really I mean I don’t write any kind at all: I’m trying to dissolve the borders between memoir and journalism and criticism by weaving them together.
- Leslie Jamison
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Shumlin
Single payer means something different to everyone. The way I define it is that health care is a right and not a privilege.
- Peter Shumlin
Collection: Mean
Image of Veronica Rossi
People are imperfect, but that doesn’t mean they spoil like milk.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Mean
Image of Marie Forleo
Creative success means balancing your love of starting things with a habit of finishing them.
- Marie Forleo
Collection: Mean
Image of Henryk Gorecki
I do not choose my listeners. What I mean is, I never write for my listeners. I think about my audience, but I am not writing for them. I have something to tell them, but the audience must also put a certain effort into it. But I never wrote for an audience and never will write for one, because you have to give the listener something and he has to make an effort in order to understand certain things.
- Henryk Gorecki
Collection: Mean
Image of Cary Fowler
In the game of life, less diversity means fewer options for change. Wild or domesticated, panda or pea, adaptation is the requirement for survival.
- Cary Fowler
Collection: Mean
Image of Ahmed Ali
If we have only one that can govern, and we chose him... does that mean we're not democratic?
- Ahmed Ali
Collection: Mean
Image of Gelek Rimpoche
Training in compassion is a mental activity. but our mind should also be brought to the level where every action we take is influenced by compassion. That means engaging ourselves in compassion in action.
- Gelek Rimpoche
Collection: Mean
Image of Gelek Rimpoche
The ego prevents us from helping ourselves by presenting a false notion of what it really means to help ourselves.
- Gelek Rimpoche
Collection: Mean
Image of James Whitbread Lee Glaisher
Pure mathematics offers no mercenary inducements to its followers, who is attracted to it by the importance and beauty of the truths in contains; and the complete absence of any material advantage to be gained by means of it, adds perhaps another charm to its study.
- James Whitbread Lee Glaisher
Collection: Mean
Image of Janet Fitch
Just because a poet said something didn’t mean it was true, only that it sounded good.
- Janet Fitch
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Malkmus
I'm sort of socially inept, so music is my way to connect to people. It's a means of socializing and having a life. Otherwise I wouldn't bother. I would just make home recordings and play them for myself. And that's not really healthy.
- Stephen Malkmus
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Malkmus
Оur music, it's an acquired taste. It's almost cult, even at our level. It can mean nothing to somebody and it can mean everything to somebody else.
- Stephen Malkmus
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Malkmus
There's probably a certain confidence in your voice, or something, that is validated. You know what I mean? I'm just imagining if people didn't already say that you were cool, that you'd [have] more doubt in what you're doing. That's not so conscious, but that's part of my cosmology now.
- Stephen Malkmus
Collection: Mean
Image of Gustav Stickley
It should be the privilege of every worker to take advantage of all the improved methods of working that relieve him from the tedium and fatigue of purely mechanical toil, for by this means he gains leisure for the thought necessary to working out his designs, and for the finer touches that the hand alone can give. So long as he remains master of his machinery it will serve him well, and his power of artistic expression will be freed rather than stifled by turning over to it work it is meant to do.
- Gustav Stickley
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Capaldi
I think the most extraordinary thing about fans is the level of excellence that they show in the work that they do. I mean, if you go onto the internet and see some of the fan videos that have been put together, they're just extraordinary; they could be programmes in their own right.
- Peter Capaldi
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Morgan
You don't really work together with Clint Eastwood. I mean, he takes the script and he shoots it - and he shoots it very faithfully.
- Peter Morgan
Collection: Mean
Image of Herbert Jay Stern
What does this mean 'mailer daemon'? Satan, are you messing with the e-mail system already?
- Herbert Jay Stern
Collection: Mean
Image of George Eastman
The rich man never really gives anything, he only distributes part of the surplus. It is the person of moderate means who really gives.
- George Eastman
Collection: Mean
Image of Julie Czerneda
Curiosity’s primal. Our senses scan our surroundings, alerting us most urgently about sudden change. Useful, that. Change can mean opportunity. It can mean danger. Finding lunch or being lunch. We’re hard-wired to notice the unexpected, then take action.
- Julie Czerneda
Collection: Mean
Image of Albrecht Durer
But I shall let the little I have learnt go forth into the day in order that someone better than I may guess the truth, and in his work may prove and rebuke my error. At this I shall rejoice that I was yet a means whereby this truth has come to light.
- Albrecht Durer
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan Bersin
To the extent that President Trump means strengthened border security, I am fully in favor of the idea that the rule of the law, secure borders and public safety should prevail. Drugs should not enter illegally. Migration should take place in accordance with lawful norms and secure and safe procedures.
- Alan Bersin
Collection: Mean
Image of Jaime Hernandez
Every time I copy something, I can draw it for the rest of my life. But research is so painful - I mean just opening up a magazine looking for a picture of a car or looking out the window looking for a car is just hard!
- Jaime Hernandez
Collection: Mean
Image of E. J. Dionne
If you really want to change the Trump administration, you have to change the guy at the top. And that's not happening anytime soon. But, again, where I do think where you will see some movement is on this economic side, where I suspect, for example, this is a victory for China, because Trump was - I mean, Bannon was the hawk on China trade.
- E. J. Dionne
Collection: Mean
Image of Brent L. Top
In the scriptures the term light-mindedness means making light of sacred things or not taking seriously those eternally significant things that should be treated with reverence (D&C 84:54).
- Brent L. Top
Collection: Mean
Image of Juan Goytisolo
The fundamental purpose of a novel like Count Julian is to achieve the unity of object and means of representation, the fusion of treason as scheme and treason as language.
- Juan Goytisolo
Collection: Mean
Image of Scott Meyers
... the results are undefined, and we all know what 'undefined' means: it means it works during development, it works during testing, and it blows up in your most important customers' faces.
- Scott Meyers
Collection: Mean
Image of Reginald Hill
Pace doesn't mean speed; it means the right speed. Diagnosis and cure are simple. If you've reached where you want to be in your story too quickly, ask yourself what you've left out. If you've come to a certain point too slowly, ask yourself what kept you so long.
- Reginald Hill
Collection: Mean
Image of Sam Tanenhaus
We all nurture impulses which promise freedom from the demands of others, even if that freedom means death.
- Sam Tanenhaus
Collection: Mean
Image of Julie Newmar
Cats are sleek, cats are fast. Cats are... well... they aren’t mean their just wiley. And they will grab your attention in the most seductive way.
- Julie Newmar
Collection: Mean
Image of Henry Ford
Impossible means that you haven't found a solution yet .
- Henry Ford
Collection: Mean
Image of Kenneth E. Hagin
The trouble with us is that we've preached a 'cross' religion, and we need to preach a 'throne' religion. By that I mean that people have thought they were supposed to remain at the cross. Some have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, have backed up to the cross, and have stayed there ever since...The cross is actually a place of defeat, whereas the Resurrection is a place of triumph. When you preach the cross, you're preaching death, and you leave people in death.
- Kenneth E. Hagin
Collection: Mean
Image of Sarah Fielding
What I mean by love ... is this. A sympathetic liking--excited by fancy, directed by judgment--and to which is joined also a most sincere desire of the good and happiness of its object.
- Sarah Fielding
Collection: Mean
Image of Patricia McConnell
One of the principle things life has taught me is that we always have a choice. When we say we "can't," we usually mean we're just not willing to pay the price.
- Patricia McConnell
Collection: Mean
Image of Donavon Frankenreiter
I just try to enjoy the moment and enjoy what's happening. I mean, I want to be conscious of what's going on around me, and be aware of if I can make a change and make things better, which I think is very important.
- Donavon Frankenreiter
Collection: Mean
Image of Jacqueline Novogratz
Being poor doesn't mean being ordinary.
- Jacqueline Novogratz
Collection: Mean
Image of Jacqueline Novogratz
A sustainable world means working together to create prosperity for all.
- Jacqueline Novogratz
Collection: Mean
Image of Steve Keen
If you have a sane economy, and by sane economy I mean one which is not addicted to debt, not a Ponzi economy, then the change in debt each year should contribute a minor amount to demand. Therefore, if you tried to correlate debt to the level of unemployment you would not find much of a correlation. Unfortunately that is not the economy we live in.
- Steve Keen
Collection: Mean
Image of Ogden Nash
Humor is the best means of surviving in a difficult world.
- Ogden Nash
Collection: Mean
Image of Gerry McGovern
How do we professionally manage content? We don’t. We shouldn’t manage content in the same way that we shouldn’t manage technology. Content and technology are merely a means to an end. What is the end? The end is the task the customer wishes to complete. That is what we should manage.
- Gerry McGovern
Collection: Mean
Image of Fannie Flagg
Remember, if people talk about you behind your back, it only means you are two steps ahead of them.
- Fannie Flagg
Collection: Mean
Image of James Arthur
For me, intuitive thinking means associative thinking; intuition causes us to introduce narrative or figurative elements into a poem before we're able to explain why those elements belong.
- James Arthur
Collection: Mean
Image of Betty Dodson
The powers that be understand that sexual freedom or liberation with any kind of joy means they are losing control.
- Betty Dodson
Collection: Mean
Image of Ruth Davidson
Britain deserves better than people who say they've got a quick fix but won't tell you what it actually means for Britain, we need a much bigger conversation than this.
- Ruth Davidson
Collection: Mean
Image of Heather Boushey
All of us were born at some point, and at some point, unfortunately, most people get sick or need to care for a loved one who is sick. I mean, that's just acknowledging the reality of how we have to have labor market policies that allow people to have families, which is why we work in the first place. We have to have policies that allow us to be able to focus on our jobs and be highly productive employees. You need to be able to have policies that allow us to adjudicate between those two.
- Heather Boushey
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Hartshorne
God thus excludes the world; he is only its cause; in no sense is he effect, of himself or anything else. Pantheism (better, "pandeism," for again it is not really the theos that is described) means that God is the integral totality of ordinary cause-effects, and that there, is no super-cause independent of ordinary causes and effects.
- Charles Hartshorne
Collection: Mean