Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 48

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 48 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Cornelius Plantinga
In the Bible, shalom means universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight--a rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts fruitfully employed, a state of affairs that inspires joyful wonder as its Creator and Savior opens doors and welcomes the creatures in whom he delights. Shalom, in other words, is the way things ought to be.
- Cornelius Plantinga
Collection: Mean
Image of Conor Cruise O'Brien
British diplomats, constantly exposed to American political-ethical rhetoric, find their professional skills tested to the limits by the need to keep a straight face. For illustrations of what I mean, study the photographs of the expressions worn by Mr Douglas Hurd at any international conference involving all the Western allies.
- Conor Cruise O'Brien
Collection: Mean
Image of Patty Griffin
Most everything means nothing, except some things that mean everything.
- Patty Griffin
Collection: Mean
Image of Kim Deal
I mean, it's so normal for everybody to have a huge ego, it's great. It's great. Otherwise, everybody would act like Bono, you know, really big.
- Kim Deal
Collection: Mean
Image of Laurance Labadie
In a world where inequality of ability is inevitable, anarchists do not sanction any attempt to produce equality by artificial or authoritarian means. The only equality they posit and will strive their utmost to defend is the equality of opportunity. This necessitates the maximum amount of freedom for each individual. This will not necessarily result in equality of incomes or wealth but will result in returns proportionate to service rendered.
- Laurance Labadie
Collection: Mean
Image of Pat Toomey
Fed role - legal system, currency & defense, within its means.
- Pat Toomey
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephan Kinsella
In a market economy with the division and specialization of labor, people use others as means to achieve their ends. This is the essence of market cooperation.
- Stephan Kinsella
Collection: Mean
Image of Rahm Emanuel
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that: it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
- Rahm Emanuel
Collection: Mean
Image of Zacky Vengeance
Fans and friends are considered family. Being an A7X fan isn’t always easy because it means you’re not only gonna laugh with us, but cry with us and defend us on occasion. If you’re part of the family it’s for life.
- Zacky Vengeance
Collection: Mean
Image of J. J. Abrams
Directing's the best part. Whenever I've directed something, there's this feeling of demand and focus that I like. And secondly, it means that you've gotten through all the writing stuff, and the producing stuff, and casting, and prep, and all those stages that are seemingly endless. So directing is sort of the reward for all the work you put in before. And then there's the editing, which is another amazing stage of the process. It's incredible the moments you can create.
- J. J. Abrams
Collection: Mean
Image of Alfred Kahn
Whenever competition is feasible it is, for all its imperfections, superior to regulation as a means of serving the public interest.
- Alfred Kahn
Collection: Mean
Image of Steve Largent
This years keynote session is a clear reminder that wireless data technology is expanding its reach beyond that of an alternative to wireline telephony. We have gathered an exclusive group of business leaders to share how wireless is being integrated into their companys business strategies and what it means for their bottom lines. The presence of these telecom, media and entertainment giants on our center stage is a great indicator of the impact wireless data has made on countless industries.
- Steve Largent
Collection: Mean
Image of Rudolf Rocker
People forgot that industry is not an end in itself, but should be only a means to insure to man his material subsistence and to make accessible to him the blessings of a higher intellectual culture. Where industry is everything and man is nothing begins the realm of a ruthless economic despotism whose workings are no less disastrous than those of any political despotism.
- Rudolf Rocker
Collection: Mean
Image of Holly Golightly
You know those days when you get the mean reds?
- Holly Golightly
Collection: Mean
Image of Holly Golightly
The mean reds are horrible. You're afraid and you sweat like hell, but you don't know what you're afraid of. Except something bad is going to happen, only you don't know what it is.
- Holly Golightly
Collection: Mean
Image of Frances Allen
You've got to be very insightful about your brand, who you are, and what you mean to people. You've got to be able to inspire the whole organization behind that vision, so that every touch point the consumer experiences with the brand is reflective of that same brand promise.
- Frances Allen
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Dessaix
I think that a lot of people do have a physical Ithaca, but I don't think that I do and I think that a lot of people do not. This depends on your values and the circumstances of your life. My Ithaca is in the Mental realm and this doesn't mean that you don't have to go back to it.
- Robert Dessaix
Collection: Mean
Image of Saul Kripke
Let's call something a rigid designator if in every possible world it designates the same object, a non-rigid or accidental designator if that is not the case. Of course we don't require that the objects exist in all possible worlds.... When we think of a property as essential to an object we usually mean that it is true of that object in any case where it would have existed. A rigid designator of a necessary existent can be called strongly rigid.
- Saul Kripke
Collection: Mean
Image of Daniel Starch
Advertising as the printed form of selling would seem . . . ultimately to be justified in so far as it serves as a means of increasing legitimate human wants, as an agency of fair and economic competition in the distribution of goods, and as a stimulant to social progress.
- Daniel Starch
Collection: Mean
Image of Karen Dawn
Caring for animals means caring for the environment they live in, and vice versa.
- Karen Dawn
Collection: Mean
Image of Karen Dawn
Because I am all too human, I don't always do the right thing, so how can I expect others to perform perfectly on the issues that are my top priority? I don't mean that we shouldn't try to do our best, but judgment and recrimination are such heavy weights. I find that accepting that we are all fallible lightens my load.
- Karen Dawn
Collection: Mean
Image of Kim Ki-duk
I always ask myself one question: what is human? What does it mean to be human? Maybe people will consider my new films brutal again. But this violence is just a reflection of what they really are, of what is in each one of us to certain degree.
- Kim Ki-duk
Collection: Mean
Image of Will Muschamp
The collisions happen 40 yards down the field, so if you take off from 5 yards or 10, it does not even matter. Do I make sense? I mean, come on.
- Will Muschamp
Collection: Mean
Image of Scott Cunningham
Eventually, ritual was developed as a means of contacting and utilizing the energy within humans as well as in the nature world.
- Scott Cunningham
Collection: Mean
Image of Diane Birch
I'm very nostalgic, and I spend a lot of time in the past, in my mind. That's part of my challenge, and what I really want to do is, I want to be present. I want to leave that in the past. When I say nostalgic, I mean my own life. I spend a lot of time reflecting on my past and not being able to process time.
- Diane Birch
Collection: Mean
Image of Simon McBurney
Theatre artists are essentially sort of charlatans and thieves, I mean that's the tradition that we come from, so I have absolutely no, I make no bones about the fact that I steal from here and I take from there, and we all do it, that's perfectly all right, that's the nothing, there's nothing new in the world, there's nothing actually new in the way that you do something, but the point is is how do you take something and use it to articulate what is essentially a core of any given theatrical production.
- Simon McBurney
Collection: Mean
Image of Simon McBurney
I mean I'm talking about playing games, about imagining other people, and it's part of the way that it helps you actually see the world.
- Simon McBurney
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen R. Bissette
If you have birds, or if you're a herpetologist and raise reptiles - you look in those eyes, and there is nothing there that's human. I mean, they don't think like us, they don't see the world like us.
- Stephen R. Bissette
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Strozzi-Heckler
Being a warrior doesn’t mean winning or even succeeding. It means risking and failing and risking again, as long as you live.
- Richard Strozzi-Heckler
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan A. Altshuler
When a planner speaks of implementing goals rationally, he implies that it is possible to demonstrate logically and experimentally the relationship between the proposed means and the ends they are intended to further.
- Alan A. Altshuler
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Twight
I don't actually care what I climb, only how it affects me. Which means the summit doesn't matter as much as the emotional process.
- Mark Twight
Collection: Mean
Image of Matthew Freud
I am by no means alone within the family or the company in being ashamed and sickened by Roger Ailes's horrendous and sustained disregard of the journalistic standards that News Corporation, its founder and every other global media business aspires to.
- Matthew Freud
Collection: Mean
Image of F. R. Leavis
Literature is the supreme means by which you renew your sensuous and emotional life and learn a new awareness.
- F. R. Leavis
Collection: Mean
Image of F. R. Leavis
Poetry can communicate the actual quality of experience with a subtlety and precision unapproachable by any other means.
- F. R. Leavis
Collection: Mean
Image of Percival Lowell
Speculation has been singularly fruitful as to what these markings on our next to nearest neighbor in space may mean. Each astronomer holds a different pet theory on the subject, and pooh-poohs those of all the others. Nevertheless, the most self-evident explanation from the markings themselves is probably the true one; namely, that in them we are looking upon the result of the work of some sort of intelligent beings. . . . The amazing blue network on Mars hints that one planet besides our own is actually inhabited now.
- Percival Lowell
Collection: Mean
Image of Percival Lowell
Irrigation, unscientifically conducted, would not give us such truly wonderful mathematical fitness [as we observe in the Martian canals]. . . . A mind of no mean order would seem to have presided over the system we see-a mind certainly of considerably more comprehensiveness than that which presides over the various department of our own public works.
- Percival Lowell
Collection: Mean
Image of Colin Farrell
I do have the ability to explore life and to be over the moon at the smallest thing - a few pints and a craic in the pub and I'm in heaven. But I have a melancholy side to me as well. Acting allows me to feel things, it kind of buys me human experience. And I don't mean this as acting as higher cause, because it's not, but it does kind of have a higher awareness emotionally.
- Colin Farrell
Collection: Mean
Image of Ian Bogost
Any phrase that suggests play is this domain that's the opposite of work, or the thing that you do when you're done working, should trouble us. Because it means that play is always relegated to the exhaust of life. It's the thing that you do after you do the important stuff, it's what you do on your own time.
- Ian Bogost
Collection: Mean
Image of Ian Bogost
Once you get yourself on that path where you're willing to find something delightful in laundry and in dishwashers, it means that you train yourself to be able to find it almost anywhere in almost anything.
- Ian Bogost
Collection: Mean
Image of Mamoru Oshii
Just because a movie is satisfactory means that the person who makes it is satisfactory. One can make a wonderful movie but still not be a wonderful person. In terms of interviews, it's probably not a good idea, because moviemakers tend not to tell the truth, even when asked a question.
- Mamoru Oshii
Collection: Mean
Image of Alex Flinn
I enjoy people who aren't afraid to say what they mean. It makes life so much easier!
- Alex Flinn
Collection: Mean
Image of Matt Mickiewicz
A poor logo doesn't mean a business will fail, and a good logo doesn't mean it will succeed - it just helps. Ultimately a good logo is something that people recognize instantly and relate to.
- Matt Mickiewicz
Collection: Mean
Image of Walther von Brauchitsch
Hitler is still such a popular man; we are afraid of the Hitler myth. We want to give to the German people and to the world the final proof by means of the Supreme Court-Martial and its verdict.
- Walther von Brauchitsch
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeremy Seabrook
Human rights are particularly cherished by the West, which has never acknowledged economic rights. Human rights mean freedom from politcal oppression, tyranny and abuse, while economic oppression, tyranny and abuse are built into the very structures of globalization.
- Jeremy Seabrook
Collection: Mean
Image of Otto Weininger
The man of genius is he whose ego has acquired consciousness. He is enabled by it to distinguish the fact that others are different, to perceive the "ego" of other men, even when it is not pronounced enough for them to be conscious of it themselves. But it is only he who feels that every other man is also an ego, a monad, an individual centre of the universe, with specific manner of feeling and thinking and a distinct past, he alone is in a position to avoid making use of his neighbours as means to an end.
- Otto Weininger
Collection: Mean
Image of Katherine Dunn
Within a social structure, a familial structure, or a cultural structure of various kinds, there is a substitute for actual freedom. I mean, actual freedom is a very abstract notion; we have no idea what it means, except within a context - freedom to do what? So within these social structures, freedom becomes defined as power, your ability to make choices, and the power relationship within a family, any family.
- Katherine Dunn
Collection: Mean
Image of LeCrae
Peace doesn't mean you won't have problems. It's means problems won't have you.
- LeCrae
Collection: Mean
Image of Ben Klassen
Living in, and promoting a eugenic White society. This means that we take particular care in not only assuring the perpetuation of our precious White Race, but we take deliberate care that the misfits are culled and that each generation advances to higher and more salubrious levels, physically, aesthetically, and mentally.
- Ben Klassen
Collection: Mean
Image of David Lee
A lot of bands mature, which means they get square; they start delivering messages. Hey, you got a message, use Western Union.
- David Lee
Collection: Mean