Veronica Rossi

Image of Veronica Rossi
People can be cruelest to those they love.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Love
Image of Veronica Rossi
Love was like the waves in the sea, gentle and good sometimes, rough and terrible at others, but that it was endless and stronger than the sky and earth and everything in between.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Sea
Image of Veronica Rossi
Because people are more than emotions. People have thoughts and reasons for doing things.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: People
Image of Veronica Rossi
How do you restart something that had never been turned off?
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Turned Off
Image of Veronica Rossi
You can't be miserable when you're running. It's such a simple and pure way to feel alive.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Running
Image of Veronica Rossi
We all have the potential to do terrible things. But we also have the potential to overcome our mistakes.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Mistake
Image of Veronica Rossi
Try to sleep. Tomorrow’s coming, whether we worry about it or not.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Sleep
Image of Veronica Rossi
And it's always better, isn't it, when you discover answers on your own?
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Answers
Image of Veronica Rossi
We have to tell each other the little things, the bad things. Maybe they’ll hurt for a while, but at least they won’t become big things. If we don’t, we’re just going to keep hurting each other. And I don’t want to do that anymore.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Hurt
Image of Veronica Rossi
Fear is dangerous. It sparks violence much faster than anger.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Sparks
Image of Veronica Rossi
People are imperfect, but that doesn’t mean they spoil like milk.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Mean
Image of Veronica Rossi
There was nothing more painful than hurting someone you loved.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Hurt
Image of Veronica Rossi
There is no way forward that isn’t through pain.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Pain
Image of Veronica Rossi
The more I try to catch up, the farther I fall behind.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Fall
Image of Veronica Rossi
A good dream was something you clung to until the last moment before waking.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Dream
Image of Veronica Rossi
An oath is a promise-and a promise can be made regardless of feeling.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Feelings
Image of Veronica Rossi
If there was no fear, how could there be comfort? Or courage?
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Fear
Image of Veronica Rossi
People who try to be nice are false. They're liars. You should never force your behavior to be a certain way. You should just be. Maybe it's not going to be nice, but at least it'll be honest.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Liars
Image of Veronica Rossi
Everyone feels lost and low. It's how a person acts that makes them different.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Different
Image of Veronica Rossi
In the afternoon, they stopped to eat on a rocky outcrop. Perry brushed a kiss on her cheek while she was chewing, and she learned that it was the loveliest thing to be kissed for no reason, even while chewing food. It brightened the woods, and the never sky, and everything.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Adventure
Image of Veronica Rossi
She’d fallen into a deep silence once, when the sun appeared, and it was then he’d wondered most what she was thinking.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Romance
Image of Veronica Rossi
His hand snapped shut over the device and then he crossed his arms. Aria stared in horror. Her Smarteye was buried in a Neanderthal’s armpit.
- Veronica Rossi
Collection: Romance