Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 45

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 45 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Champ Bailey
It means a lot. It means I'm accountable.
- Champ Bailey
Collection: Mean
Image of Sallust
It is better to use fair means and fail, than foul and conquer.
- Sallust
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla
This problem will knock on the doors of all of us, whether through uncontrolled and unmanageable migration flows, by means of diseases and epidemics, as a result of the conflicts generated by poverty and hunger, or as a result of events which are today unforeseeable.
- Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla
Collection: Mean
Image of Milton Steinberg
Jewish nationalism means no more than recognition of the peoplehood of Israel, and of the propriety of that people's being a religio-cultural group in America, a nationality in Eastern Europe, and in Palestine an actualized nation.
- Milton Steinberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan Dershowitz
Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a safety hazard don't see the danger of the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use this same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like.
- Alan Dershowitz
Collection: Mean
Image of Dambisa Moyo
The fact that China has about seven percent arable land, means that she’s always going to be looking for places that have more arable lands to finance or to provide food stuffs.
- Dambisa Moyo
Collection: Mean
Image of Dambisa Moyo
The fact that Brazil and Chile now has China as their largest trading partner means the Monroe Doctrine is certainly something of the past.
- Dambisa Moyo
Collection: Mean
Image of Joey Logano
Just because I'm not coordinated doesn't mean I can't kick your ass.
- Joey Logano
Collection: Mean
Image of Sheila Rowbotham
Language conveys a certain power. It is one of the instruments of domination. It is carefully guarded by the superior people because it is one of the means through which they conserve their supremacy.
- Sheila Rowbotham
Collection: Mean
Image of Theo Paphitis
The Internet means everything to everybody and it's growing by the day. You can't survive as a business, especially a small business, without having some form of good Internet presence; whether you're a shop or it's a showcase or just a way to talk to your customers.
- Theo Paphitis
Collection: Mean
Image of Patterson Hood
I never want to be that guy spouting off my political views. I mean, they're pretty well known, and it certainly comes out. If something's bugging my ass on any particular day, I'm probably going to say something about it, but I'm not going to go on a tirade. I dislike George Bush as much as probably anybody on earth could, but having said that...I've said it, you know? It's not like I'm going to change anybody's mind.
- Patterson Hood
Collection: Mean
Image of Patterson Hood
I never want to be that guy spouting off my political views. I mean, they're pretty well known, and it certainly comes out.
- Patterson Hood
Collection: Mean
Image of Marc Edwards
Ideally, what you would like to have eventually is such a unique and identifiable brand that when someone says 'Indiana State University,' they know exactly what that means. And that takes a long time coming.
- Marc Edwards
Collection: Mean
Image of Ethan Zuckerman
The wider world is a click away, but whether we mean to or not, we're usually filtering it out.
- Ethan Zuckerman
Collection: Mean
Image of Jaimie Alexander
Um, the relationship between Thor and Sif in this movie is quite platonic. I mean, they're good buddies, they've grown up with each other, they're warriors, they fight side by side. We haven't take it to the next level yet. I'm going to throw that in there. But yeah, she kind of thinks he's a little bit pig-headed, but she loves him nevertheless, you know, she's like that's my buddy, I'll do what I can for him.
- Jaimie Alexander
Collection: Mean
Image of Stanley Forman Reed
The nation relies upon public discussion as one of the indispensable means to attain correct solutions to problems of social welfare. Curtailment of free speech limits this open discussion. Our whole history teaches that adjustment of social relations through reason is possible when free speech is maintained.
- Stanley Forman Reed
Collection: Mean
Image of Nico
I don't have a sense of time. Time is timeless to me, and I'm not in a hurry to get older. I mean, if I were worried about time, all the time, it would be terrible.
- Nico
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom Regan
If abandoning animal research means that there are some things we cannot learn, then so be it ... We have no basic right ... not to be harmed by those natural diseases we are heir to.
- Tom Regan
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom Regan
When I say a vegan diet can be "the healthiest dietary option we can live by," I mean an informed vegan diet.
- Tom Regan
Collection: Mean
Image of Janet Gaynor
Naturally, I was thrilled but being the first year, the Academy Awards had no background or tradition, and it naturally didn’t mean what it does now. Had I known then what it would come to mean in the next few years, I’m sure I’d have been overwhelmed. At the time, I think I was more thrilled over meeting Douglas Fairbanks.
- Janet Gaynor
Collection: Mean
Image of Alexis Ohanian
I think we are a better and a more efficient society when people actually get to do the things that they really are passionate about, and really are amazing at, because it's going to mean better stuff for us, too.
- Alexis Ohanian
Collection: Mean
Image of Brian Kernighan
Some compilers allow a check during execution that subscripts do not exceed array dimensions. This is a help, but not sufficient. First, many programmers do not use such compilers because They're not efficient. (Presumably, this means that it is vital to get the wrong answers quickly.)
- Brian Kernighan
Collection: Mean
Image of Malidoma Patrice Some
Whether they are raised in indigenous or modern culture, there are two things that people crave: the full realization of their innate gifts, and to have these gifts approved, acknowledged, and confirmed. There are countless people in the West whose efforts are sadly wasted because they have no means of expressing their unique genius. In the psyches of such people there is an inner power and authority that fails to shine because the world around them is blind to it.
- Malidoma Patrice Some
Collection: Mean
Image of J.K. Simmons
I literally went in and auditioned and got the part of "sounds like J.K. Simmons." I've heard people say a "J.K. Simmons type, but younger" or "J.K. Simmons, but with hair" or "J.K. Simmons but Mongolian." It's often "J.K. Simmons but...". You think you're on top of the world and they're asking for a "J.K. Simmons-type" and then, before you know it, they're asking for a "J.K. Simmons only younger." The next step is for a "J.K. Simmons-type...Oh, you mean he's still alive?"
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: Mean
Image of Doug Casey
Today most funding for science comes through government. That means that you have to be known to be sympathetic to conclusions that are acceptable to the political classes.
- Doug Casey
Collection: Mean
Image of Daphne Oz
Make sure you eat whole foods that are good for your entire body. This doesn't mean that you can't enjoy your food or make room for plenty of indulgences. But your conscious goal has to be to eat for long term health and what you do most of the time is what really counts.
- Daphne Oz
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph O'Connor
It is not a matter of ends justifying means: but of the creation of new means and new ends.
- Joseph O'Connor
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Spinks
I had heard everything, Larry gonna knock me out, he gonna beat me, this and that. I got so sick of that. I had a little talk with myself in my bedroom and I said, Don't think about getting in the ring with Larry Holmes, I mean, Don't forget Larry Holmes is getting in the ring with you. You're champ for so many years. And just do what you're best at. What I am best at was not letting anybody have their way with me in the ring.
- Michael Spinks
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Spinks
I felt so good when I fought Larry [Holmes]. When I fought Larry the first time, I mean, first time in my life, I mean, I could remember I wanted to fight.
- Michael Spinks
Collection: Mean
Image of Nina Berman
I think matching up Vietnam vets with these Iraqi vets would be a really great thing. When soldiers say only other soldiers can understand, that's what they're talking about: what it means to kill.
- Nina Berman
Collection: Mean
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
Fifty is a big corner to turn. It used to mean being put out to pasture, but it's the opposite with me. I feel more vibrant; I'm more active than I've ever been. The F-word really is freedom. It's the freedom to have dropped the rock-the rock of addiction, of family, of comparisons with other people. It's being fit and focused and kind of furious.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Mean
Image of Arj Barker
I'm not even worried about settling down. I think it's way too early. I'm 25 and I'm in show business. I mean, if things go well, my wife hasn't even been born yet.
- Arj Barker
Collection: Mean
Image of Arj Barker
You can get tested now for early onset Alzheimer's. Hold on a second, could someone hire a marching band, cause I'm so happy I feel like having a parade. You mean I can find out early if I'm going to die of a super horrible disease that there's no cure for? Well, whoopee!
- Arj Barker
Collection: Mean
Image of Celia Fremlin
Infatuation means, 'A love that it is inconvenient to go on with.
- Celia Fremlin
Collection: Mean
Image of Sarah Wilson
At the core of Fashletics you have a woman who is committed to exploring and expressing the true meaning of strength from the inside out and that will never change. I am honored to serve a community that has proven to me over and over again that it wants to be a part of my quest to inspire positive change through physical means.
- Sarah Wilson
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeff Hardy
I don't think there's a day that goes by that I don't feel like I've had enough and there's nothing left, but desire means...never quit.
- Jeff Hardy
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeff Hardy
Desire means never quit.
- Jeff Hardy
Collection: Mean
Image of Kumi Naidoo
Many people theorize poverty, but so many elements of poverty, individually, for most people who theorize about poverty would be really difficult to even comprehend the individual things. Just take homelessness. If you are homeless, what does it mean not to have a post box where people can contact you; what does it mean not knowing where you're going to sleep at the end of the day; what does it mean not having a place where you can store what little you might possess. So dealing with homelessness in itself is a huge thing for most people who are commentators [on] or benefactors to poverty.
- Kumi Naidoo
Collection: Mean
Image of Kumi Naidoo
Whenever anybody called Nelson Mandela a saint, he would say: "If by saint you mean a sinner who is trying to be better, then I'm a saint."
- Kumi Naidoo
Collection: Mean
Image of Adrien Brody
Part of what attracted me to the village was it had a lot of parallels to contemporary issues. Like, fear and the way fear controls us. How the governing body of a town, or a nation, controls us through fear. They might mean well by it, but we are conditioned to be afraid of things. Fear of the unknown. Fear of terrorism. And it's unfortunate.
- Adrien Brody
Collection: Mean
Image of Elizabeth Aston
There was no escaping by means of any journey, however adventurous, one took one's problems and sorrows with one.
- Elizabeth Aston
Collection: Mean
Image of Jonathan Rosenbaum
Since many people have been asking me to elaborate on why I think "Inglourious Basterds" is akin to Holocaust denial, I'll try to explain what I mean as succinctly as possible, by paraphrasing Roland Barthes: anything that makes Fascism unreal is wrong. For me, "Inglourious Basterds" makes the Holocaust harder, not easier to grasp -- as a historical reality, I mean, not as a movie convention. Insofar as it becomes a movie convention, it loses its historical reality.
- Jonathan Rosenbaum
Collection: Mean
Image of Styles P
An emcee is a Master of Ceremonies. If you're an emcee, and I am an emcee... I rhyme, you know what I mean? I do things for my fans that still appreciate me, let them know what's coming.
- Styles P
Collection: Mean
Image of Tony Fernandes
Human rights means that each individual should be treated with respect, dignity and equality.
- Tony Fernandes
Collection: Mean
Image of Eddie Cahill
Everybody wants to get along with everyone else in the sandbox. I'm that kind of kid, you know what I mean? That will never change about me.
- Eddie Cahill
Collection: Mean
Image of Stiv Bators
Once you’ve actually died on stage… I mean, how do you top that?
- Stiv Bators
Collection: Mean
Image of Lawana Blackwell
True repentance means making amends with the person when at all possible.
- Lawana Blackwell
Collection: Mean
Image of George Weigel
But ripped out of context, ["Who am I to judge?" phrase] has become an all-purpose filter through which everything else - including the pope's multiple reaffirmations of Humanae Vitae, Paul VI's encyclical on the morally appropriate means of family planning - gets airbrushed out of the picture.
- George Weigel
Collection: Mean