Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 224

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 224 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Abraham Maslow
Common sense means living in the world as it is today; but creative people are people who don't want the world as it is today but want to make another world.
- Abraham Maslow
Collection: Mean
Image of Judith Martin
People think, mistakenly, that etiquette means you have to suppress your differences. On the contray, etiquette is what enables you to deal with them; it gives you a set of rules.
- Judith Martin
Collection: Mean
Image of Terence McKenna
When your time is turned into money, the felt presence of immediate experience is analogous to being enslaved. I mean, let's be frank about it, it is enslavement.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Mean
Image of Audre Lorde
Without community, there is no liberation...but community must not mean a shedding of our differences, nor the pathetic pretense that these differences do not exist.
- Audre Lorde
Collection: Mean
Image of Martin Luther
It hath been said, that there is of nothing so much in hell as of self-will. The which is true, for there is nothing else there than self-will, and if there were no self-will, there would be no Devil and no hell. When it is said that Lucifer fell from Heaven, and turned away from God and the like, it meaneth nothing else than that he would have his own will, and would not be at one with the Eternal Will. So was it likewise with Adam in Paradise. And when we say Self-will, we mean, to will otherwise than as the One and Eternal Will of God willeth.
- Martin Luther
Collection: Mean
Image of Richelle Mead
We're going on a, um, windmill tour later this week." If I'd wanted to shut them all up, I'd definitely succeeded. They all looked stunned. Adrian spoke first. "I'm going to assume that means he's flying you to Amsterdam on his private jet. If so, I'd like to come along. But not for the windmills.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Mean
Image of Harvey Mackay
Delegating doesn't mean passing off work you don't enjoy, but letting your employees stretch their skills and judgment.
- Harvey Mackay
Collection: Mean
Image of Gary Kraftsow
I'm in a body, and when my sleep ends, I'm awake. I don't really understand the... that's not really a choice. I mean unless I chose to stay in bed, but I'd still be awake.
- Gary Kraftsow
Collection: Mean
Image of Dave Barry
The Internet is a giant international network of intelligent, informed computer enthusiasts, by which I mean, "people without lives." We don't care. We have each other.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Mean
Image of David Lynch
It's better not to know so much about what things mean or how they might be interpreted or you'll be too afraid to let things keep happening. Psychology destroys the mystery, this kind of magic quality. It can be reduced to certain neuroses or certain things, and since it is now named and defined, it's lost its mystery and the potential for a vast, infinite experience.
- David Lynch
Collection: Mean
Image of Jennifer Lopez
I've never done a kissing scene with someone even when you're friends. I mean that sort of even makes it weirder. If you don't know them or like them at all, you can kind of put some weird like ... I don't know. It's the strangest thing. Look at the person next to you and imagine making out with them now, while I film it.
- Jennifer Lopez
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm X
Speaking like this doesn't mean that we're anti-white, but it does mean we're anti-exploitation, we're anti-degradation, we're anti-oppression.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Mean
Image of Niccolo Machiavelli
Only those means of security are good, are certain, are lasting, that depend on yourself and your own vigor.
- Niccolo Machiavelli
Collection: Mean
Image of Rachel Maddow
You know just because you don't like the way it sounds when I say it or you don't like my haircut or you don't like that I'm gay, it does not mean that what we say is not true. If you squint a little bit, it is true I do sometimes look like a dude, and I am definitely gay.
- Rachel Maddow
Collection: Mean
Image of Richelle Mead
You said you were a victim. That's why...that's why ultimately, you and I aren't matched for each other. In spite of everything that's happened, I've never though of myself that way. Being a victim means you're powerless. That you won't take action. Always...always I've done something to fight for myself...for others. No matter what.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Mean
Image of Richelle Mead
Are we going to New Orleans?" "No", she said, backing out of the spot. "We're going to West Virginia." "I assume by 'West Virginia,' you actually mean 'Hawaii,'" I said. "Or some place equally exciting.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Mean
Image of Drew Barrymore
I don't like working by a monitor. I stand right next to the camera, and I'm very performance-oriented. That really means everything to me, whether it's doing an improv of a joke or an emotional scene, and everything in between.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Mean
Image of Terence McKenna
Information is just simply bootstrapping itself to higher and higher levels of self-reflection and self-coordination using whatever means are necessary.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Mean
Image of Golda Meir
But the individual was not a tool for something. He was the maker of tools. He was the one who must build. Even for the best purpose it is criminal to turn an individual into simply a means for some ultimate end. A society in which the dignity of the individual is destroyed cannot hope to be a decent society.
- Golda Meir
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Maher
Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking. It's nothing to brag about. And those who preach faith, and enable and elevate it are intellectual slaveholders, keeping mankind in a bondage to fantasy and nonsense that has spawned and justified so much lunacy and destruction.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Maher
Just honest. To me, being 'politically incorrect' means the opposite of being political -- which means to spin everything. That's all it's ever meant to me. It's never meant liberal or conservative. It means honest.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Maher
Ninety percent of people support background checks. Which means even people who can't pass a background check support background checks.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Mean
Image of Cormac McCarthy
When I came into your life your life was over. It had a beginning, a middle, and an end. This is the end. You can say that things could have turned out differently. That they could have been some other way. But what does that mean? They are not some other way. They are this way.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Mean
Image of James M. Barrie
I should like to say that I left off smoking because I considered it a mean form of slavery, to be condemned for moral as well as physical reasons; but though I see the folly of smoking clearly now, I was blind to it for some months after I had smoked my last pipe. I gave up my most delightful solace, as I regarded it, for no other reason than that the lady who was willing to fling herself away on me said that I must choose between it and her.
- James M. Barrie
Collection: Mean
Image of James Madison
There is not a more important and fundamental principle in legislation, than that the ways and means ought always to face the public engagements; that our appropriations should ever go hand in hand with our promises.
- James Madison
Collection: Mean
Image of John C. Maxwell
Change means traveling in uncharted waters and this causes our securities to rise.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Mean
Image of Baron Vaughn
When you do comedy, the audience is not your boss. They are your collaborators and when you collaborate with someone you don't have to listen to everything they think or say. Sometimes you're not getting the laughs you want or at the place you want but that doesn't mean it's not funny. It means you haven't explored it enough. I'll get laughs in the places I don't want them and that makes me realize the direction I want to go in.
- Baron Vaughn
Collection: Mean
Image of Dave Barry
I do not mean to suggest for a moment that all it takes to be a top executive is a custom-tailored European suit. You also need the correct shirt and tie.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Mean
Image of Freddie Mercury
Does it mean this, does it mean that, that's all anybody wants to know. I'd say what any decent poet would say if anyone dared ask him to analyze his work: if you see it, darling, then it's there!
- Freddie Mercury
Collection: Mean
Image of Willie Mays
I don't mean to be bashful, but I was
- Willie Mays
Collection: Mean
Image of P. T. Barnum
Those who really desire to attain an independence, have only set their minds upon it, and adopt the proper means, as they do in regard to any other object which they wish to accomplish, and the thing is easily done.
- P. T. Barnum
Collection: Mean
Image of Max Lucado
I think we pray, we make a clear-headed decision, and then we quit being so mean to each other. We've got to stop that.
- Max Lucado
Collection: Mean
Image of Judith Martin
Meanwhile, the empty forms of social behavior survive inappropriately in business situations. We all know that when a business sends its customers 'friendly reminders,' it really means business.
- Judith Martin
Collection: Mean
Image of Katherine Mansfield
By health I mean the power to live a full, adult, living, breathing life in close contact with... the earth and the wonders thereof - the sea - the sun.
- Katherine Mansfield
Collection: Mean
Image of Abraham Maslow
False optimism sooner or later means disillusionment , anger and hopelessness.
- Abraham Maslow
Collection: Mean
Image of Dave Barry
Technically, Windows is an "operating system," which means that it supplies your computer with the basic commands that it needs to suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, stop operating.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Mean
Image of Rob Lowe
I think I have a pretty good ear. I mean, even just starting with, like, Austin Powers, where I did young Robert Wagner. People were, like, "How do you imitate Robert Wagner? What does he sound like? What does that even involve?".
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Mean
Image of Richelle Mead
Look, Sage. I don't know much about chemistry or computer hacking or photosynthery, but this is something I've got a lot of experience with." I think he mean photosynthesis, but I didn't correct him. "Use my knowledge. Don't let it go to waste.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Mean
Image of Demetri Martin
Villains fear me because I am unpredictable and broccoli. See what I mean?
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Mean
Image of Demetri Martin
There's an old Russian saying that goes some way or another. I don't know it. I don't speak Russian. But sometimes I think about it and wonder if it's relevant to what I'm going through at the time. Probably not. I mean what do Russian know about hunger, anyway?
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Mean
Image of Hanya Yanagihara
Health insurance, which is exceedingly difficult to secure as an individual in New York. Obamacare, while certainly better than nothing, is pretty awful, and if you have a complicated health history, as I do, you need premium insurance, which means private insurance. The challenge, though, is finding a company that will give you the privilege of paying up to $1,400 a month for it. When I didn't have a job, I spent more time thinking about insurance - not just paying for it, but securing it in the first place - than I wanted to.
- Hanya Yanagihara
Collection: Mean
Image of David O. McKay
The best means of preaching the gospel is by personal contact.
- David O. McKay
Collection: Mean
Image of Eva Longoria
I grew up as the ugly duckling, they called me 'la prieta fea', which means ugly dark one - that was my nickname.
- Eva Longoria
Collection: Mean
Image of Bob Marley
Well, what we know Is not what they tell us We're not ignorant, I mean it, And they just cannot touch us Through the powers of the Most-High We keep on surfacin' Thru the powers of the Most-High We keep on survivin'.
- Bob Marley
Collection: Mean
Image of Bob Marley
tell me what you think it means.
- Bob Marley
Collection: Mean
Image of Maxwell Maltz
Your automatic creative mechanism is teleological. That is, it operates in terms of goals and end results. Once you give it a definite goal to achieve, you can depend upon its automatic guidance system to take you to that goal much better than "you" ever could by conscious thought. "You" supply the goal by thinking in terms of end results. Your automatic mechanism then supplies the means whereby.
- Maxwell Maltz
Collection: Mean
Image of Groucho Marx
Hey, when I said work fast, I didn't mean your friend, I meant the maid.
- Groucho Marx
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Martin
If your wife went out with Brad Pitt, you'd want to prove yourself, you know what I mean?
- Chris Martin
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm X
I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the American black man's problem just to avoid violence.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Mean