Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 155

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 155 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Richard Rodriguez
For them [LGBT group], language has to say exactly what it means. "Why aren't you proud of being gay?" they wanted to know. "Why are you so dark? Why are you so morbid? Why are you so sad? Don't you realize, we're all okay? Let's celebrate that fact." But that is not what writers do. We don't celebrate being "okay." If you want to be okay, take an aspirin.
- Richard Rodriguez
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Rodriguez
It is very curious that the United States and Canada both assume that diversity means only race and ethnicity. They never assume it might mean more Nazis, or more Southern Baptists. That's diversity too, you know.
- Richard Rodriguez
Collection: Mean
Image of Joycelyn Elders
I've pretty much always used my positions as a bully pulpit. What that means is strongly advocating for the things I feel are really important. Gun violence, to me, is the highest-priority public-health issue, and I have to make sure Congress is aware of it, the American people are aware of it, the president is aware of it, and that we all begin together to develop policies to exterminate the disease - the epidemic, really - of gun violence.
- Joycelyn Elders
Collection: Mean
Image of Rhonda Byrne
By all means ask for abundance and health for you, but also ask for it to be given to everyone.
- Rhonda Byrne
Collection: Mean
Image of Charlie Munger
Most people are too fretful, they worry to much. Success means being very patient, but aggressive when it's time.
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Mean
Image of Sharon Gannon
There are many activities that human beings have been doing "forever." We might argue from that perspective that eating meat should be allowed to continue. Men have been raping women for thousands of years; does that mean that it is normal and should be allowed to continue?
- Sharon Gannon
Collection: Mean
Image of Sharon Gannon
Compassion is the key to a successful relationship because by means of compassion we can access the innermost needs of the other. When we are aware of those needs, we can begin to communicate and not just profess what we think we know and demand that others change because we want them to.
- Sharon Gannon
Collection: Mean
Image of P. C. Cast
She's magnificent," Radius said, smiling proudly as he vaulted the steps and followed Aphrodite. "I can think of a lot of m words that she could be. Magnificent isn't one of them," Stark grumbled. "Mental and mean pop into my head," I said. "Manure pops into mine," Stark said. "Manure?" "I think she's full of shot, but it's too many words and doesn't start with an m, so that's as close as I could get," he said.
- P. C. Cast
Collection: Mean
Image of Sam Storms
The Spirit has determined that he will operate through certain means and at certain times and if we sinfully put obstacles or warnings or prohibitions in the way, he may well not do for us what he otherwise would have done.
- Sam Storms
Collection: Mean
Image of Anne Carson
Comfortable means gradually more and more flattened down, more and more blunt - less and less sharp and biting into you.
- Anne Carson
Collection: Mean
Image of Julian Huxley
Quantity of material production can only be a means to a further end, not an end in itself.
- Julian Huxley
Collection: Mean
Image of Rene Dubos
The wooing of the Earth thus implies much more than converting the wilderness into humanized environments. It means also preserving natural environments in which to experience mysteries transcending daily life and from which to recapture, in a Proustian kind of remembrance, the awareness of the cosmic forces that have shaped humankind.
- Rene Dubos
Collection: Mean
Image of Woody Allen
I don't like to meet the actor and have a lot of conferences and talk about their sub-life and their off-screen life and their back stories and all that nonsense, because it never means anything.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Mean
Image of Edmund Burke
Our manners, our civilization, and all the good things connected with manners and civilization, have, in this European world of ours, depended for ages upon two principles: I mean the spirit of a gentleman, and the spirit of religion.
- Edmund Burke
Collection: Mean
Image of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Christ means Krishna, love of Godhead, Who has His face annointed with tilak.
- A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Collection: Mean
Image of Edmund Burke
Refined policy ever has been the parent of confusion, and ever will be so as long as the world endures. Plain good intention, which is as easily discovered at the first view as fraud is surely detected at last, is of no mean force in the government of mankind.
- Edmund Burke
Collection: Mean
Image of Jimmy Carter
The decision to attack the entire nation [of Yugoslavia] has been counterproductive, and our destruction of civilian life has now become senseless and excessively brutal. ... The United States' insistence on the use of cluster bombs, designed to kill or maim humans, is condemned almost universally and brings discredit on our nation (as does our refusal to support a ban on land mines). Even for the world's only superpower, the ends don't always justify the means.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Mean
Image of Raj Patel
I definitely think the price of food is going up. We need to figure out ways to manage that in a sustainable way. We have to figure out ways of increasing wages so people can afford it. That means redistribution, and rich people don't like to hear that. This administration simply won't hear of it. But without it, I fear even more Americans will be going hungry in the future.
- Raj Patel
Collection: Mean
Image of Kristen Schaal
Just because I'm married to Doug doesn't mean I can't be here for you.
- Kristen Schaal
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
In U.S. politics, 'compassion' means giving money and privileges to well organized interest groups at everyone else's expense.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
According to the Tax Foundation, the average American worker works 127 days of the year just to pay his taxes. That means that government owns 36 percent of the average American's output-which is more than feudal serfs owed the robber barons. That 36 percent is more than the average American spends on food, clothing and housing. In other words, if it were not for taxes, the average American's living standard would at least double.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Collection: Mean
Image of Nicky Gumbel
Just because something isn't happening for you right now, doesn't mean it won't happen. God's timing is perfect.
- Nicky Gumbel
Collection: Mean
Image of George W. Bush
The Geneva Convention . . . says that there will be no outrages upon human dignity. It’s very vague. What does that mean, ‘outrages upon human dignity’?
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mean
Image of Rhonda Byrne
You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy just changes form. And that means You! The true essence of You, the pure energy of You, has always been and always will be. You can never not be.
- Rhonda Byrne
Collection: Mean
Image of Ned Rorem
Classic means standard as opposed to Romantic: form before meaning as opposed to meaning before form. It grows from inside out, while Romantic grows from outside in.
- Ned Rorem
Collection: Mean
Image of Emile M. Cioran
If truth were not boring, science would have done away with God long ago. But God as well as the saints is a means to escape the dull banality of truth.
- Emile M. Cioran
Collection: Mean
Image of Robin Sharma
Just because you couldn't do it yesterday doesn't mean you can't do it today.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert M. Price
"Heresy," by the way, simply means "choice." It came to mean "thoughtcrime," implying it was blasphemy to presume to choose your own belief instead of swallowing what the bishops spoonfed you.
- Robert M. Price
Collection: Mean
Image of Danielle LaPorte
I focus for periods of time on creative work and I'm very insular during those times - not a lot of socializing. I play when I want. That means I can take off on a retreat, catch a matinee, make friends. My core desired feelings are my time management system.
- Danielle LaPorte
Collection: Mean
Image of Cesar Chavez
In non-violence the cause has to be just and clear as well as the means.
- Cesar Chavez
Collection: Mean
Image of David Korten
But we can also take the radical view that the test of an economy has to do with the extent to which it is providing everybody with a decent means of living.
- David Korten
Collection: Mean
Image of Brit Marling
I think we're in this exciting moment of Internet streaming storytelling, and it's anybody's guess what that is or what it means. It can take on any form. That's what's so exciting about the time we're in; these filmmakers are coming in and letting the story tell itself as it wants to be told.
- Brit Marling
Collection: Mean
Image of Martin Buber
Every person born into the world represents something new, something that never existed before, something original and unique....If there had been someone like her in the world, there would have been no need for her to be born." --Martin Buber as quoted in Narrative Means for Sober Ends, by Jon Diamond, p.78
- Martin Buber
Collection: Mean
Image of Walter J. Phillips
When technique is obtrusive it becomes mere mannerism, a conscious striving for effect. It is only a means to an end - the manner of putting paint to paper. It hardly embraces the expressive side of painting.
- Walter J. Phillips
Collection: Mean
Image of Hillary Clinton
My opponent misses something important. When we say America is exceptional, it doesn`t mean that people from other places don`t feel deep national pride, just like we do. It means that we recognize America`s unique and unparalleled ability to be a force for peace and progress.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Mean
Image of P. C. Cast
Actually, since I'm gay I think I should count for two guys instead of just one. I mean, in me you get the male point of view and you don't have to worry about me wanting to touch your boobies.
- P. C. Cast
Collection: Mean
Image of Frank Stella
I had to find a way to paint abstractly, which is what I wanted to do. I couldn't forget Wassily Kandinsky and Kazimir Malevich and Piet Mondrian, I mean that was the basis.
- Frank Stella
Collection: Mean
Image of John Calvin
Can true repentance exist without faith? By no means. But although they cannot be separated, they ought to be distinguished.
- John Calvin
Collection: Mean
Image of Cassandra Clare
khalepa ta kala, greek. It means 'beauty is harsh'.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Emerson
I never meet a church that wishes they didn't do it. I never meet a leader that wishes they didn't do it. They will all say, to the person, it's hard. It's difficult. It comes with complexities and confusion as you're trying to go across cultures, and you don't understand, you didn't mean to offend somebody but you've offended somebody. But they will all say it just does something.
- Michael Emerson
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Emerson
There's always the question of time. Does time at 10:00 mean 10:00 sharp? Or does it mean give or take a few minutes? And a few minutes, is that plus or minus two minutes? Or plus or minus ten, or maybe a half an hour each way?
- Michael Emerson
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Emerson
You find the most in not any particular denomination specifically. It's the style of worship. So if we have what we call a charismatic worship style, that means upbeat music and a more lively style of preaching usually, people are allowed to clap, say "Amen," whether they're mainline Protestant, conservative Protestant, and Catholics, whatever, they're much more likely to be integrated.
- Michael Emerson
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Emerson
There's one denomination in particular, though, that has pushed very hard to be multiracial in its denomination - not only its denomination but, I mean, in its congregations, and it's called the Evangelical Covenant Church, which is headquartered in Chicago. Their whole goal is that's the kind of churches they start, multiracial, and I think they say now 20 percent of their churches are that.
- Michael Emerson
Collection: Mean
Image of Winston Churchill
Democracy means that if the doorbell rings in the early hours, it is likely to be the milkman.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Medawar
I shall borrow two words used for a slightly different purpose by the great demographer Alfred Lotka to distinguish between the two systems of heredity enjoyed by man: endosomatic or internal heredity for the ordinary or genetical heredity we have in common with animals; and exosomatic or external heredity for the non-genetic heredity that is peculiarly our own - the heredity that is mediated through tradition, by which I mean the transfer of information through non-genetic channels from one generation to the next.
- Peter Medawar
Collection: Mean
Image of Oswald Chambers
Our circumstances are the means God uses to exhibit just how wonderfully perfect and extraordinarily pure His Son is.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Mean
Image of Zhuangzi
When I talk about having good hearing, I don't mean just listening, but listening to yourself. When I talk about good eyesight, I don't mean just looking, but looking at yourself.
- Zhuangzi
Collection: Mean
Image of Cassandra Clare
The funny thing about mundies is how obsessed with magic they are for a bunch of people who don't even know what the word means.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Mean