Paul Craig Roberts

Image of Paul Craig Roberts
I have no sympathy for debunking human achievements that, in the end, gave ordinary people liberty.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Jobs offshoring began with manufacturing, but the rise of the high-speed Internet made it possible to move offshore tradable professional skills, such as software engineering, information technology, various forms of engineering, architecture, accounting, and even the medical reading of MRIs and CT-Scans.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Collection: Architecture
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The road to economic well-being is to reward productive economic activity and to provide a moderate and predictable growth of money to finance real economic growth without reigniting the fires of inflation.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Collection: Finance
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Looting is the only way left for the Western financial system to make money.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Trump has more understanding and insight than his opponents realize. For a man such as Trump to risk acquiring so many powerful enemies and to risk his wealth and reputation, he had to have known that the people's dissatisfaction with the ruling establishment meant he could be elected president.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Marx and Lenin were ahead of their time. Marx wrote before offshoring of jobs and the financialization of the economy. Lenin presided over a communist revolution that jumped the gun by taking place in a country in which feudal elements still predominated over capitalism.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Humans regard animals as worthy of protection only when they are on the verge of extinction.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Putin does not lie. When he says something, he means it.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
If the Obama regime gave a hoot about 'humanitarian crisis,' the Obama regime would not have orchestrated humanitarian crisis in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Yemen.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Both political parties, Republicans and Democrats, are dependent on the same private interest groups for campaign funds, so both parties dance to the same masters.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The Golden Rule is to 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' Allegedly, America is a Christian country. This means that Christian America is following Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in a masochistic way.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
As the dollar's exchange value declines, so will the value of dollar-denominated financial instruments, regardless of how many bonds the Federal Reserve purchases.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
If it turns out that global warming and ocean acidification are consequences of capitalism's carbon-based energy system, the entire world could end up dead from the external costs of capitalism.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Elephants are magnificient creatures.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Marxism is a success because it fuses the two inconsistent strains in Western thought - moral skepticism and moral indignation - and makes them complements in the attack against existing society.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Marxism is the only doctrine that both satisfies the demands for progress and provides a safe outlet for moral expression in a skeptical age.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
I have argued that the Soviet story is one of the interaction of speculative excess or utopian aspirations with refractory reality.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Krugman, a professor at MIT and a consultant to the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Trilateral Commission, is certainly a member of the establishment.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The human capital of most macroeconomists, heavily invested in demand management, was wiped out by the policy failures of the 1970s.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Under Reagan's policies, inflation and nominal GNP growth shriveled much faster than predicted, throwing off government revenue estimates and resulting in budget deficits.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The U.S. is ruled by private interest groups and by the neoconservative ideology that history has chosen the U.S. as the 'exceptional and indispensable' country with the right and responsibility to impose its will on the world.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The neoconservative ideology supports American financial and military-political imperialism or hegemony.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
There is no independent American print or TV media.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
As the U.S. is import-dependent, this will translate into higher domestic prices.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
When I met with Chinese policymakers in 2006, I advised them that there was a limit to how long they could rely on the U.S. consumer market, as jobs offshoring was destroying it.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Few, if any, corporations absorb the full cost of their operations. Corporations shove many of their costs onto the environment, the public sector, and distant third parties.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Despite massive evidence to the contrary, libertarians hold tight to their romantic concept of capitalism, which, freed from government interference, serves the consumer with the best products at the lowest prices.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Progressives regard government as the white knight that protects the public from the greed of capitalists. If only.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The public subsidies provided to miners, loggers, and ranchers are as extravagant and as harmful to the public interest as the subsidies that the Federal Reserve and Treasury provide to the 'banks too big to fail.'
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The Western media is a Ministry of Truth that operates full-time in support of the artificial existence that Westerners live inside The Matrix where Westerners exist without thought. Considering their inaptitude and inaction, Western peoples might as well not exist.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
In the Matrix in which Americans live, nothing is ever their fault.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Once a country descends into evil, it doesn't emerge.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Clearly America is exceptional in its immorality, lack of human compassion, and disrespect for law and its founding document.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The great problem with corporate capitalism is that publicly owned companies have short time horizons. Unlike a privately owned business, the top executives of a publicly owned corporation generally come to their positions late in life. Consequently, they have a few years in which to make their fortune.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
By offshoring the production of their products, U.S. corporations transferred technology, physical plant, and business knowhow to China.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Offshoring manufacturing jobs left Americans with fewer high-value-added, well-paid jobs, and the U.S. middle class downsized. Ladders of upward mobility were taken down. Income and wealth distributions worsened.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Washington is a black hole into which all sanity is sucked out of government deliberations.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
In 2004, I predicted in a nationally televised conference in Washington, D.C., that the U.S. would be a Third World country in 20 years.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The concentration of U.S. income and wealth in the hands of the very rich is a new development in my lifetime.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Vice is Washington's signature. A fish rots from the head, and Washington has led our country into vice, greed, selfishness, and the mockery and destruction of human life.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Washington's impulsive use of power is a danger to America and to the world.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The real Social Security crisis is that the government does not have the money to redeem its IOUs.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The government, of course, will print money to bail out the banks' uncovered casino bets, but not to bail out the elderly from the theft of their funds.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
Representing the people is not something 'our' representatives do. They are too busy representing a handful of private interest groups such as the financial sector, the military/security complex, and agribusiness.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The way to attack the entitlements problem is to bring the jobs home. This could be done by taxing corporations according to the location, domestic or foreign, at which they add value to their product.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
If all countries are exceptional, the word loses its meaning.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
A government that cannot survive truth and must resort to stamping out truth is not a government that any country wants.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The Transatlantic and Transpacific Trade and Investment Partnerships have nothing to do with free trade. 'Free trade' is used as a disguise to hide the power these agreements give to corporations to use lawsuits to overturn sovereign laws of nations that regulate pollution, food safety, GMOs, and minimum wages.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
The office of U.S. Trade Representative was created in order to permit corporations to write law that serves only their interests.
- Paul Craig Roberts
Image of Paul Craig Roberts
There are no free financial markets in America or, for that matter, anywhere in the Western word, and few, if any, free markets of any other kind.
- Paul Craig Roberts