Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 132

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 132 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Karen Chance
One day, you will say it to me again. You will be sober. And you will mean it.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Mean
Image of John Ruskin
You do not see with the lens of the eye. You seen through that, and by means of that, but you see with the soul of the eye.
- John Ruskin
Collection: Mean
Image of David Foster Wallace
Perhaps this is what it means to go mad: to be emptied and to be aware of the emptiness.
- David Foster Wallace
Collection: Mean
Image of Sarah Silverman
I'm so much more famous than I am financially successful. I mean, I live in a three-room apartment. I mostly make free videos on my couch. But I am fine.
- Sarah Silverman
Collection: Mean
Image of Lil Wayne
There's this thing that publishes pictures of people out and about. So when I go out, I do see pictures of myself. I don't know where those pictures come from - I mean, I don't see the cameras. But I guess I'm just not looking for them.
- Lil Wayne
Collection: Mean
Image of Timothy Keller
Faith in God's promises means not always following the expected, rational path.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Mean
Image of Beth Moore
The power of the resurrection means that nothing but the tomb is meant to be empty.
- Beth Moore
Collection: Mean
Image of John Owen
It is the Spirit alone that can mortify sin; he is promised to do it, and all other means without him are empty and vain. How shall he, then, mortify sin that has not the Spirit? A man may easier see without eyes, speak without a tongue, than truly mortify one sin without the Spirit.
- John Owen
Collection: Mean
Image of Bertrand Russell
... mathematical knowledge ... is, in fact, merely verbal knowledge. "3" means "2+1", and "4" means "3+1". Hence it follows (though the proof is long) that "4" means the same as "2+2". Thus mathematical knowledge ceases to be mysterious.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Mean
Image of Huston Smith
The word translated, koan, it means a problem. But it's a very special problem. And to strip it down to the way it works, you are given a problem which has no rational solution. There is a contradiction built into it. One standard - one is this is the sound of two hands clapping. What is the sound of one hand clapping? And so on. All right, so the first thing is that it brings your rational mind to an impasse.
- Huston Smith
Collection: Mean
Image of John Selden
The law against witches does not prove there be any; but it punishes the malice of those people that use such means to take away men's lives.
- John Selden
Collection: Mean
Image of Kathleen Norris
The very nature of marriage means saying yes before you know what it will cost. Though you may say the “I do” of the wedding ritual in all sincerity, it is the testing of that vow over time that makes you married.
- Kathleen Norris
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Trump
Fortunately in Libya, there's only a few cities on the coast, because most of Libya is a desert. The fact of the matter is, we absolutely have to be - and not just with special forces - I mean, that's not going to work. Come on, you've got to go back to the invasion, when we pushed Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. We have to be there on the ground in significant numbers. We do have to include our Muslim Arab friends to work with us on that. And we have to be in the air. And we - it should be a broad coalition made up of the kinds of people that were involved when we defeated Saddam.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Mean
Image of Ilona Andrews
You’re like a god from a Greek myth, Saiman. You have no empathy. You have no concept of the world beyond your ego. Wanting something gives you an automatic right to obtain it by whatever means necessary with no regard to the damage it may do. I would be careful if I were you. Friends and objects of deities’ desires dropped like flies. In the end the gods always ended up miserable and alone." — Kate Daniels
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Mean
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Mrs. Spencer said it was wicked of me to talk like that, but I didn’t mean to be wicked. It’s so easy to be wicked without knowing it, isn’t it?
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Mean
Image of Anne Bradstreet
He that would be content with a mean condition must not cast his eye upon one that is in a far better estate than himself, but let him look upon him that is lower than he is, and, if he see that such a one bears poverty comfortably, it will help to quiet him.
- Anne Bradstreet
Collection: Mean
Image of John Flanagan
I'm the new Oberjarl." I knew it," said Halt instantly, and the other three looked at him, totally scandalized. You did?" Erak asked, his voice hollow, his eyes still showing the shock of his sudden elevation to the highest office in Skandia. Of course," said the Ranger, shrugging. "You're big, mean, and ugly and those seem to be the qualities Skandian's value most.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Mean
Image of Henry Mintzberg
Everyone is against micro managing but macro managing means you're working at the big picture but don't know the details.
- Henry Mintzberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Radhanath Swami
Service is life. No service means, spiritually no life.
- Radhanath Swami
Collection: Mean
Image of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Any Government, like any family, can for a year spend a little more than it earns. But you and I know that a continuation of that habit means the poorhouse.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Collection: Mean
Image of Franklin D. Roosevelt
This law represents a cornerstone in a structure which is being built but is by no means completed--a structure intended to lessen the force of possible future depressions, to act as a protection to future administrations of the Government against the necessity of going deeply into debt to furnish relief to the needy--a law to flatten out the peaks and valleys of deflation and of inflation--in other words, a law that will take care of human needs and at the same time provide for the United States an economic structure of vastly greater soundness.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Collection: Mean
Image of Alexei Navalny
People often say that I represent people who earn a lot of money. Of course, a person who is well-educated and affluent is more likely to support me than Vladimir Putin. But that doesn't automatically mean that the others are against me.
- Alexei Navalny
Collection: Mean
Image of Bernie Sanders
This is what income inequality means in America, and why the gap between the very rich and everyone else is growing wider. According to a recent study, CEO pay is now 295 times more than the pay of a typical worker. In 1965, the differential was 20 times. We must create an economy that works for all, not just the top 1%.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Mean
Image of Rajneesh
In the beginning this is bound to happen. You have been sitting on the lid that covers your repressions, and you have been riding on that lid a long time, trying continuously to hold down everything beneath it. To become a witness means that you have finally jumped off the lid; now you will only stand aside and will not do anything. Now you will no longer repress, now you will just witness. So everything suppressed will arise, all the repressions will catch fire; you will find flames leaping where there were only ashes.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Mean
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Sterling
Open-source is a means of production.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Sterling
The future is a process, not a destination. Richard Stallman is a guy my age. I sympathize with Richard rather more than I sympathize with Richard's open-source ideas, but the guy's a mortal human being and so is his social movement. Open-source is a means of production.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Mean
Image of P. G. Wodehouse
I mean, if you're asking a fellow to come out of a room so that you can dismember him with a carving knife, it's absurd to tack a 'sir' on to every sentence. The two things don't go together.
- P. G. Wodehouse
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Merton
We are not perfectly free until we live in pure hope. For when our hope is pure, it no longer trusts exclusively in human and visible means, nor rests in any visible end. He who hopes in God trusts God, Whom he never sees, to bring him to the possession of things that are beyond imagination.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Mean
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
What is wisdom? It is the skill to achieve the perfect means by the perfect ends
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Mean
Image of Karen Marie Moning
You're grumpy and broody and secretive all the time. You're no joy to live with, I can tell you that!""I smile sometimes. I even laughed about your . . . hat.""MacHalo," I corrected tightly. "It's a brilliant invention, and it means I don't need you or V'lane to keep my safe from Shades, and that, Jericho Barrons, is worth its weight in gold: not needing either of you for something!
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Mean
Image of Haruki Murakami
Is this what it means to go back to square one? Most likely. He had nothing left to lose, other than his life.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Mean
Image of George Bernard Shaw
What man really wishes to do he will find a means of doing.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph Stalin
It was necessary, temporarily, to limit certain requirements, accumulate necessary means, strain forces. We acted precisely in this way and built a socialist society.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Spurgeon
I need not ask whether I may call on Him or not, for that word 'Whosoever' is a very wide and comprehensive one...My case is urgent, and I do not see how I am to be delivered; but this is no business of mine. He who makes the promise will find ways and means of keeping it. It is mine to obey His commands; it is not mine to direct His counsels. I am His servant, not His solicitor. I call upon Him, and He will deliver.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Aggression, occupation and a repetition of the Holocaust won't bring peace. What we want is a sustainable peace. This means that we have to tackle the root of the problem. I am pleased to note that you are honest people and admit that you are obliged to support the Zionists.
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Collection: Mean
Image of Martha C. Nussbaum
There are no general-interest media that all of us can tap into. I'm not a good person to talk to about social media. I just avoid it. I'm suspicious also of the culture of venting. But the bigger question is, How can we in this media world have a genuine civic conversation? I mean, look at Franklin Roosevelt. He had these radio talks that all Americans listened to, and there was a common civic conversation that came out of it.
- Martha C. Nussbaum
Collection: Mean
Image of Lee Trevino
Show me a golfer who doesn't have a mean streak, and I'll show you a weak competitor.
- Lee Trevino
Collection: Mean
Image of Cornel West
He[Michael Jackson] had a joy in being alive. There was a joy you felt of him on the stage and making us not just feel good but pushing us against ourselves with the "Man in the Mirror," looking at ourselves critically, "Black or White," what does it mean to get caught in a color as opposed to a rich history and culture?
- Cornel West
Collection: Mean
Image of Cornel West
One is that I am a regular, everyday person, you know what I mean. I feel that wherever I am, I really am.
- Cornel West
Collection: Mean
Image of Peace Pilgrim
When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others. Inner peace is not found by staying on the surface of life, or by attempting to escape from life through any means. Inner peace is found by facing life squarely, solving its problems, and delving as far beneath its surface as possible to discover its verities and realities.
- Peace Pilgrim
Collection: Mean
Image of Shonda Rhimes
Yes, it is hard out there. But hard is relative. I come from a middle-class family, my parents are academics. I was born after the Civil Rights movement, I was a toddler during the women's movement, I live in the United States of America, all of which means I am allowed to own my freedom, my rights, my voice and my uterus.
- Shonda Rhimes
Collection: Mean
Image of Steven Pinker
We are all members of the same flawed species. Putting our moral vision into practice means imposing our will on others. The human lust for power and esteem, coupled with its vulnerability to self-deception and self-righteousness, makes that an invitation to a calamity, all the worse when the power is directed at a goal as quixotic as eradicating human self-interest.
- Steven Pinker
Collection: Mean
Image of R. C. Sproul
It’s dangerous to assume that because a person is drawn to holiness in his study that he is thereby a holy man. There is irony here. I am sure that the reason I have a deep hunger to learn of the holiness of God is precisely because I am not holy. I am a profane man—a man who spends more time out of the temple than in it. But I have had just enough of a taste of the majesty of God to want more. I know what it means to be a forgiven man and what it means to be sent on a mission. My soul cries for more. My soul needs more.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Mean
Image of Gregory David Roberts
The only victory that really counts in prison is survival. But survival means more than simply being alive. It's not just the body that must survive a jail term; the spirit and the will and the heart have to make it through as well. If any one of them is broken or destroyed, the man whose living body walks through the gate, at the end of his sentence, can't be said to have survived it. And it's for those small victories of the heart, and the spirit, and the will that we sometimes risk the body that cradles them.
- Gregory David Roberts
Collection: Mean
Image of Neal Shusterman
Fine," Connor tells him. "Think about stuff until your head explodes. But the only thing I want to think about is surviving to eighteen." I find your shallowness both refreshing and disappointing at the same time. Do you think that means I need therapy?
- Neal Shusterman
Collection: Mean
Image of Margaret Heffernan
On overnight flights, I have trained myself to get to sleep almost instantly after takeoff. I always listen to the same audiobook on my iPod so my brain knows, regardless of time zone, that that voice means it's time for bed.
- Margaret Heffernan
Collection: Mean
Image of Jill Shalvis
Forever this time," he said as Sawyer strode toward them. Tara sighed blissfully. "You know what this means, right?" "I'm done guessing," he said. "Tell me." "It means you're mine," she said. "And I'm yours. No more walking away. We are going to get it right this time." His smile was slow and easy, and just for her. "Well, finally.
- Jill Shalvis
Collection: Mean