Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 113

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 113 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Donald Trump
The D.C. vs. Heller decision was very strongly ­­ and she was extremely angry about it. I watched. I mean, [Hillary Clinton] was very, very angry when upheld. And Justice [Antonine] Scalia was so involved. And it was a well­crafted decision. But Hillary [Clinton] was extremely upset, extremely angry.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Mean
Image of Dan Millman
Choice means saying no to one thing so you can say yes to another.
- Dan Millman
Collection: Mean
Image of Ann Voskamp
We don't see the material world for what it is meant to be: the means to communion with God.... There is a belief missing, that God is good and that he gives good gifts.
- Ann Voskamp
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles R. Swindoll
If you allow it, [suffering] can be the means by which God brings you His greatest blessings.
- Charles R. Swindoll
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Salvation is all grace, which means, free, gratis, for nothing.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Mean
Image of Elizabeth Wurtzel
Getting help for substance abuse can be reduced to the deceptively simple focus of ‘keeping away from the dope.’ But what does getting help with depression mean? Learning to keep away from your own mind?
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
Collection: Mean
Image of William Shakespeare
The means that heaven yields must be embraced, and not neglected; else, if heaven would, and we will not heaven's offer, we refuse the proffered means of succor and redress.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Mean
Image of Elie Wiesel
I don't see the junk youth. I only meet students, and even those who are not formally at the university, if they come to listen to me, they come to read me, it means they are not junk students.
- Elie Wiesel
Collection: Mean
Image of Terry Pratchett
Although she was aware that somewhere under her complicated strata of vests and petticoats there was some skin, that didn't mean to say she approved of it.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Mean
Image of William Howard Taft
There are a great many people who are in favor of conservation no matter what it means.
- William Howard Taft
Collection: Mean
Image of Lucretius
Tempests, and bright lightnings, are to be sung; their nature is to be told, and from what cause they pursue their course; lest, having foolishly divided the heaven into parts, you should be anxious as to the quarter from which the flying flame may come, or to what region it may betake itself; and tremble to think how it penetrates through walled enclosures, and how, having exercised its power, it extricates itself from them. Of which phenomena the multitude can by no means see the causes, and think that they are accomplished by supernatural power.
- Lucretius
Collection: Mean
Image of Rajneesh
This is what meditation means: how to be not identified with the mind - how to create a space between yourself and your own mind. It is difficult because we never make any separation. We go on thinking in terms that the mind means me: mind and me are totally identified. If they are totally identified, then you will never be at peace; then you will never be able to enter the divine, because the divine can be entered only when the social has been left behind.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Mean
Image of Kanye West
Whenever you get deja vu that means you're on the right path. I get it, like, more than ten times a year.
- Kanye West
Collection: Mean
Image of Swami Vivekananda
This external worship of images has, however, been described in all our Shastras as the lowest of all the low forms of worship. But that does not mean that it is a wrong thing to do.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Mean
Image of Robin Sloan
When every single piece of media you consume is time-shifted, does that mean it's actually you that's time-shifted?
- Robin Sloan
Collection: Mean
Image of Ken Keyes Jr.
Serenity is the end - and serenity is also the means - by which you live effectively.
- Ken Keyes Jr.
Collection: Mean
Image of Tavis Smiley
For me, like when you've put yourself out there emotionally, physically, and you've really put yourself on the line, for me, that means I've really done something.
- Tavis Smiley
Collection: Mean
Image of Ludwig von Mises
It is important to remember that government interference always means either violent action or the threat of such action. The funds that a government spends for whatever purposes are levied by taxation. And taxes are paid because the taxpayers are afraid of offering resistance to the tax gatherers. They know that any disobedience or resistance is hopeless. As long as this is the state of affairs, the government is able to collect the money that it wants to spend.
- Ludwig von Mises
Collection: Mean
Image of Dennis Prager
Left-wing thinking is that difference means unequal; therefore, all difference must be denied
- Dennis Prager
Collection: Mean
Image of William Saroyan
What a people talk about means something. What they don't talk about means something.
- William Saroyan
Collection: Mean
Image of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Our ordinary language has no means for describing a particular shade of color. Thus it is incapable of producing a picture of this color.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Collection: Mean
Image of Ken Blanchard
Good thoughts not delivered mean squat.
- Ken Blanchard
Collection: Mean
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
I presume that you are compassionate: to be without pity means to be sick in body and spirit. But one should have spirit in abundance, so as to be permitted to be compassionate! For your pity is detrimental to you and to everyone.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Mean
Image of Ron Paul
I think the policy makers like the idea of being the boss. I mean people who like to boss other people around like to go into politics so they can become the boss.
- Ron Paul
Collection: Mean
Image of Veronica Roth
Or you can stay frigid," says WIll, his green eyes glinting with mischief. "You know. If you want." Christina throws a roll at him. He catches it and bites it. "Don't be mean to her," she says. "Frigidity is in her nature. Sort of like being a know-it-all is in yours." "I am not frigid!" I exclaim. "Don't worry about it," says Will. It's endearing. Look you're all red.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Mean
Image of Jerry Seinfeld
I mean, she's giving and caring and genuinely concerned about the welfare of others. I can't be with someone like that.
- Jerry Seinfeld
Collection: Mean
Image of Adrienne Rich
For now, poetry has the capacity - in its own ways and by its own means - to remind us of something we are forbidden to see.
- Adrienne Rich
Collection: Mean
Image of Haruki Murakami
In traveling, a companion, in life, compassion,'" she repeats, making sure of it. If she had paper and pencil, it wouldn't surprise me if she wrote it down. "So what does that really mean? In simple terms." I think it over. It takes me a while to gather my thoughts, but she waits patiently. "I think it means," I say, "that chance encounters are what keep us going. In simple terms.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Mean
Image of Gary L. Francione
I find it very annoying that so many animal advocates talk about the difficulty of being vegan. Many animal advocates are inclined to make the issue their suffering and not the animals' suffering, and I suppose that accounts for part of the reason that veganism is portrayed as such a "sacrifice." And many animal advocates are not vegans, or are "flexible vegans," which means that they do not observe veganism at all or not consistently, and emphasizing the supposed difficulty of veganism is part of justifying their own behavior.
- Gary L. Francione
Collection: Mean
Image of Tony Benn
There is no connection between imperialism and democracy. I mean when we ran an Empire which we did when I was born, there was no democracy anywhere.
- Tony Benn
Collection: Mean
Image of Manmohan Singh
The service of India means the service of those teeming millions steeped in poverty, ignorance and disease. To see that in my lifetime we can soften these harsh edges of extreme poverty and unleash a new economic and social revolution which will bring out the latent creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of our people, I think that's what I feel, I think.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Mean
Image of Swami Vivekananda
Every time you think of doing some charity, you think there is some beggar to take your charity. If you say, "O Lord, let the world be full of charitable people!" - you mean, let the world be full of beggars also. Let the world be full of good works - let the world be full of misery. This is out-and-out slavishness!
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Mean
Image of Steve Pavlina
By all means listen to other people's advice, but when in doubt go with your gut instinct.
- Steve Pavlina
Collection: Mean
Image of Rajneesh
Meditation means you start changing your inner world. You start removing dust from the inner world, you start removing all that is unnecessary in the inner world. You remove all that clutter, all the rubbish you are full of. Meditation means emptying yourself of all that the society has put inside you so that you can have a clean, clear vision, so that you can have a mirror-like quality.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Mean
Image of John Piper
Love is doing what will enthrall the beloved with the greatest and longest joy. What will enthrall the beloved this way is the glory of God. Love means doing all we can, at whatever cost to ourselves, to help people be enthralled with the glory of God. When they are, they are satisfied and God is glorified. Therefore loving people and glorifying God are one.
- John Piper
Collection: Mean
Image of Melina Marchetta
He takes out a cigarette and offers one to me. "I try not to indulge. It's a filthy habit," I tell him. "I love that word filthy. I love the way you force it out of your mouth like it's some kind of vermin you want to get rid of." "You've had vermin in your mouth?" "You're mean in that way, you know. You don't let anyone get away with pathetic analogies.
- Melina Marchetta
Collection: Mean
Image of Bernie Sanders
When my Republican colleagues talk about family values, they mean that a woman should not be able to have the right to control her own body; that women should not be able to purchase the contraceptives that they want. Those are their family values, not our family values.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Mean
Image of Bernie Sanders
What does a political revolution look like? It means that 80 percent of the people vote in national elections, not 40 percent. It means that billionaires can't make unlimited campaign contributions and buy and sell politicians. It means that the U.S. government represents the needs of all the people, not just the 1 percent and their lobbyists.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles M. Schulz
Have you ever known anyone who was happy? And was still in his right mind, I mean.
- Charles M. Schulz
Collection: Mean
Image of Jillian Michaels
Having the right to happiness means having the right to earn it, not having it given to you without effort and action on your part.
- Jillian Michaels
Collection: Mean
Image of Joe Biden
We [US government] have no fundamental disagreement with the Saudis - I mean, excuse me, with the Iraqis any more than we do with the Arab League, which we happen to support the position they're taking.
- Joe Biden
Collection: Mean
Image of Frans de Waal
As in a Russian doll, however, the outer layers always contain an inner core. Instead of evolution having replaced simpler forms of empathy with more advanced ones, the latter are merely elaborations on the former and remain dependent on them. This also means that empathy comes naturally to us. It is not something we only learn later in life, or that is culturally constructed.
- Frans de Waal
Collection: Mean
Image of Reggie Watts
Being faced with too many options. I mean, it makes me feel as though I'm overwhelmed by too many possibilities; that can be a very vulnerable feeling because it's hard to make a decision.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Mean
Image of Al Pacino
If I find something and feel as though I can contribute to [it] in a way and feel I'm in it, whatever that means, I'm expressing something that I feel is a way to exercise my talent and help communicate a role as a human being in a movie, I will do that.
- Al Pacino
Collection: Mean
Image of Harriet Beecher Stowe
I am one of the sort that lives by throwing stones at other people's glass houses, but I never mean to put up one for them to stone.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
Collection: Mean
Image of Oprah Winfrey
I can't define "God," so to be open to the mystical and mystery of God is a natural part of myself. So people criticize me for not being what they are, and I say, it's working for me and has worked for me and continues to work for me, in a way that fills me with a sense of peace and contentment about what God means to me.
- Oprah Winfrey
Collection: Mean
Image of Frances Moore Lappé
Fear doesn't necessarily mean that we have to stop. It doesn't mean that we are failures. It doesn't mean that we are cowards.
- Frances Moore Lappé
Collection: Mean
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Whoever seeks God as a means toward desired ends will not find God. The mighty God, the maker of heaven and earth, will not be one of many treasures, not even the chief of all treasures. He will be all in all or He will be nothing. God will not be used.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Watterson
You know, sometimes the world seems like a pretty mean place.' 'That's why animals are so soft and huggy.
- Bill Watterson
Collection: Mean