Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 99

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 99 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Susan Sarandon
I don't like to plan. Very often, for me, acting is like loving; it's using the muscle that you use in loving, in that your heart feels open. Physically, you feel open. And so therefore your job is to enter, open, and listen. And see what happens.
- Susan Sarandon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Earl Nightingale
A success is anyone who is doing deliberately a pre-determined job, because that's what he decided to do deliberately. But only one out of twenty does that.
- Earl Nightingale
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Smith
My job is to say, 'This is how I see the world. Do you agree?'
- Kevin Smith
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
My first job as commander in chief is to keep the American people safe.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
I think we've done a pretty good job staying in touch with the American people. But at a certain point you can't help but lose some feel for what's on the ground because you're not on the ground.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Bridges
As a kid, you want to be liked for who you are. You don't want to be liked for who your parents are. You don't want to get a job because of who your parents are. You want to do it on your own, with your own gifts and your own value. So, I decided to spare my kids that and not be as pro-active as my dad was.
- Jeff Bridges
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Spielberg
Steve Jobs was the greatest inventor since Thomas Edison. He put the world at our fingertips.
- Steven Spielberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jojo Moyes
I worked out what would make me happy, and I worked out what I wanted to do, and I trained myself to do the job that would make those two things happen
- Jojo Moyes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Spacey
My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble Hell.
- Kevin Spacey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Rock
I hate when people go on TV and tell you how hard it is to do animation. No, no, no. UPS is hard work. I’ve done some animation and here's how easy it is. The easiest job in the world. I go in a booth and I go, what’s the line? And the guy goes, it’s time to go to the store. And then I go, it’s time to go to the store. And then they gave me $1 million.
- Chris Rock
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Ryan
We have a real economic growth problem in America. We are limping along. Wages are flat. And jobs aren’t being created near to the extent that they could and should be. So we think regulatory relief is very, very important.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Studs Terkel
The issue is jobs. You can't get away from it: jobs. Having a buck or two in your pocket and feeling like somebody.
- Studs Terkel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Studs Terkel
Most of us, like the assembly line worker, have jobs that are too small for our spirit. Jobs are not big enough for people.
- Studs Terkel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Rollins
What I'm saying is America has a job deficit because hundreds of thousands of jobs went elsewhere. Not because [Barack] Obama raised your taxes. He, in fact, lowered them. They are lower.
- Henry Rollins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Emma Watson
To be honest, I've always had far too much freedom. I had a job when I was 10. I started living on my own when I was 17 or 18. I've earned my own money; I've traveled the world. What would I rebel against? I've had so much freedom, sometimes it was hard. My parents wanted to protect me, but they had no idea how to. I had to learn as I went and make my own mistakes. I went from being totally unknown and never acting professionally to being in a major movie and being very famous. It all happened so quickly, I didn't have any time to work things out. It's been pretty scary at times.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Pattinson
It's a little bit over the top. I feel the same in my head I guess. I was quite a paranoid person anyway, so it doesn't really feed well when people are looking at you. I'm not really in the right job. I don't like having my photo taken. I don't like the attention.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Karl Rove
The Democratic Party's problem is that voters don't believe the president's claims that the economy is thriving. Even people with jobs feel apprehensive. Paychecks are flat, growth anemic, and people are worried about their children's prospects. Mr. Obama had a 38% approval on handling the economy in the Sept. 9 Fox News poll. In the Sept. 7 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 67% believe America is on the wrong track.
- Karl Rove
Collection: Jobs
Image of Miles Teller
For me, the greatest kind of success that I've had on a particular project or in exploring a role does come through collaboration. I wouldn't want to do a movie where everything I do the director just says, "Good job" and I'm under directed.
- Miles Teller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nalini Singh
This was the kind of job that made legends out of hunters. Of course, to be a legend, you generally had to be dead.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
It's the writer's job to stage confrontations, so the characters will say surprising and revealing things, and educate and entertain us all.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Jobs
Image of Britney Spears
These parents, they think I'm a role model for their kids, that their kids look at me as some sort of idol. But it's the parents' job to make sure their kids don't turn out that shallow.
- Britney Spears
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sheryl Sandberg
We've ceased making progress at the top in any industry anywhere in the world . In the United States, women have had 14% of the top corporate jobs and 17% of the board seats for 10 years. Ten years of no progress.
- Sheryl Sandberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sheryl Sandberg
The traditional metaphor for careers is a ladder, but I no longer think that metaphor holds. It just doesn’t make sense in a less hierarchical world... Build your skills, not your resume. Evaluate what you can do, not the title they’re going to give you. Do real work. Take a sales quota, a line role, an ops job. Don’t plan too much, and don’t expect a direct climb. If I had mapped out my career when I was sitting where you are, I would have missed my career.
- Sheryl Sandberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of J.R. Ward
Butch didn't live in his own place. He didn't spend his own money. He had no job, no future. He was a well-kept pet, not a man.
- J.R. Ward
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Packer
Hillary Clinton would say I'm going to fund a program that will find the local, you know, industrial or manufacturing jobs that are available and train you to do that job. And then you're going to get that job. And it's a much more of a nuts and bolts sort of policy vision.
- George Packer
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Packer
We focus on that really repulsive minority of racists. But then there's a continuum that goes all the way to, you know, what used to be called the white backlash or to, you know, the feelings of some white people that they're losing out and that the jobs and power and sort of the culture is drifting away from them and toward people who don't look like them, who don't - who they don't know very well. And that's not necessarily - I don't equate that with the hardcore ideological hatred of self-identified racists.
- George Packer
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Packer
Hillary Clinton said we need to bring back vocational education in high school. We need to support community colleges. We need to make sure that people who are not going to finish college have a job waiting for them and the skills to do the job. These are all - have become fairly standard Democratic policy positions.
- George Packer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tony Robbins
The ability to connect and influence people, that's the job of a leader. And we're all leaders at some level.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michelle Obama
The beauty of my job is that I get to see more of that America. And that feeds me.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Carly Simon
The advancements that women have made are very threatening to men in the job place. There haven't been that many women in politics. If you look at the conventions, it's kind of pathetic how many men are the heads of companies. On the other hand, I'm not sure what the reality should be.
- Carly Simon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wendell Berry
People who blame the Bible for the modern destruction of nature have failed to see its delight in the variety and individuality of creatures and its insistence upon their holiness. But that delight-in, say, the final chapters of Job or the 104th Psalm-is far more useful to the cause of conservation than the undifferentiating abstractions of science... Reverence gives standing to creatures, and to our perception of them, just as the law gives standing to a citizen.
- Wendell Berry
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernie Sanders
In a world of massive wealth and income inequality, Europe must support Greece’s efforts to build an economy which creates more jobs and income, not more unemployment and suffering.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Jobs
Image of Melina Marchetta
You blame me for this, don't you?" he says. "I don't need to. You're doing a better job.
- Melina Marchetta
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Rohn
Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job, you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune... Income seldom exceeds personal development.
- Jim Rohn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eric Schmidt
If you thought when you got your job at 20 that it would never change you were misinformed. Retrain yourself to be curious.
- Eric Schmidt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mitt Romney
We have to understand that America can't just surrender and lose jobs year in and year out. We have to say to our friend in China, look, you guys are playing aggressively. We understand it. But this can't keep on going. You can't keep on holding down the value of your currency, stealing our intellectual property, counterfeiting our products, selling them around the world, even to the United States.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lynne Truss
I mean, full stops are quite important, aren't they? Yet by contrast to the versatile apostrophe, they are stolid little chaps, to say the least. In fact one might dare to say that while the full stop is the lumpen male of the punctuation world (do one job at a time; do it well; forget about it instantly), the apostrophe is the frantically multi-tasking female, dotting hither and yon, and succumbing to burn-out from all the thankless effort.
- Lynne Truss
Collection: Jobs
Image of Theodore White
The job of intellectuals is to come up with ideas, and all we've been producing is footnotes.
- Theodore White
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ben Stein
I have talent at playing myself. I don't have a very broad range, but at playing myself I am a wizard. It's more than fun; it's the best job on Earth.
- Ben Stein
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Orwell
The capitalists owned everything in the world, and everyone else was their slave. They owned all the land, all the houses, all the factories, and all the money. If anyone disobeyed them they could throw him into prison, or they could take his job away and starve him to death. When any ordinary person spoke to a capitalist he had to cringe and bow to him, and take off his cap and address him as 'Sir'
- George Orwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dan Quayle
You have a part-time job and that's better to no job at all
- Dan Quayle
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jon Stewart
Republicans are no longer allowed to say that people are rich. You have to refer to them as "job creator." You can't even use the word rich. You have to say, "This chocolate cake is so moist and job creator."
- Jon Stewart
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sarah Palin
Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities.
- Sarah Palin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Simon Sinek
I can't stand those people, speakers in a room, they say this all the time, "If I can just help one person in this room, I've done my job." You have an audience of 500 people and your standard of success is one person? That's terrible. If you help one person in the room, you're an abject failure. You have to change something.
- Simon Sinek
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dorothy L. Sayers
I know what you're thinking - that anybody with proper sensitive feelings would rather scrub floors for a living. But I should scrub floors very badly, and I write detective stories rather well. I don't see why proper feelings should prevent me from doing my proper job.
- Dorothy L. Sayers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Octavia Spencer
My job as an artist is to present the material. My job as a woman is to receive from it what I need.
- Octavia Spencer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Emo Philips
My first job as a kid was going from door to door selling Christmas cards, to raise money for my grandmother's hip replacement. Because, you know... You break it, you buy it.
- Emo Philips
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
I put forward a budget of what I called "middle-class economics" that continues to be fiscally prudent but makes necessary investments for us to continue the economic momentum and job growth.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frank Zappa
As long as you're just smart enough to do a job and just dumb enough to swallow what they feed you, you're gonna be alright. But if you go beyond that then you're gonna have these grave doubts that give you stomach problems, headachesmake you want to go out and do something else. So, I believe that schools mechanically and very specifically try and breed out any hint of creative thought in the kids that are coming out.
- Frank Zappa
Collection: Jobs