Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 70

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Image of Seth Rogen
Alzheimer's is a family disease...It requires countless hours of care, which are typically provided by family caregivers...Wi thout professional help, it can be impossible to juggle providing that care with jobs, raising kids or just time for yourself.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
A green, Fifa Coins| Fifa Coins| Fifa Coins| Fifa Coins| Fifa Coins| replica watches|renewable energy economy isn't some pie-in-the-sky, far-off future - it is now. It is creating jobs - now. It is providing cheap alternatives to $140-per-barrel oil - now. And it can create millions of additional jobs, an entire new industry, if we act - now.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernie Siegel
As one woman told me, "When I decided to come in to work happy, everybody around me became happy." This woman had decided to quit a job she hated, and on the last day of her two weeks' notice, she woke up happy. At the end of the day, she noticed that everybody around her was happy, too- so she didn't quit after all. She decided to come to work happy instead. Two years later, she's still on the job, radiating happiness and love.
- Bernie Siegel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Zack Snyder
I always say, thank god I have this job or I don't know what I'd be doing. It'd be sad. I've always felt like I have been trying to brand a world for a quite a long time. You know what though, I feel no different. I feel like I'm doing the exact same thing I did in high school. Only I have more people helping me out now. And we have to take it all the way.
- Zack Snyder
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mariano Rivera
I'm human -- all I do is try to do my job. When I don't do it, the way it happened today, it's out of my control. He put the ball in play and it happened to find a hole. I wish I could take it back, but I can't. You move on.
- Mariano Rivera
Collection: Jobs
Image of Neale Donald Walsch
Each of us has a Soul. But no one has stopped to tell us what the Soul is in the world to do. Or if they have told us, they've given us incomplete information - for example, that our job is to get back to God. That is not our job. We couldn't get back to God if we wanted to, because we never left God.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Batterson
You are someone else's miracle! God is setting up divine appointments and it is our job to keep them
- Mark Batterson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Biden
I acknowledge these are very tough jobs a judge has in determining whether or not there is an openness that is required under the Constitution.
- Joe Biden
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernie Sanders
In terms of Iran and in terms of Saudi Arabia, of course they hate each other. That's no great secret. But John Kerry, who is I think doing a very good job, has tried to at least get these people in the room together because both of them are being threatened by ISIS.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernie Sanders
Corporations are not going to stash their money in the Cayman Islands. We are going to reinvest in America, create jobs, make education available to all.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernie Sanders
We have to invest in our kids, we have to invest in our communities, we have to create jobs. We have to make certain that kids are not dropping out of school and hanging out on street corners.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernie Sanders
Essentially what my campaign is about, it`s about anything, this is saying we`ve got bring that money back into the middle class and working families. We have to create jobs, we have to raise, we have to make public colleges and universities tuition free so kids in that community who are studying hard understand that some day they will be able to go to college.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Jobs
Image of Catherine Fisher
I always was going to be a writer. The other jobs were just to keep me in food. Though I enjoyed the archaeology.
- Catherine Fisher
Collection: Jobs
Image of Manmohan Singh
We have to walk on two legs. We have to create conditions in which manufacturing and services - the economy outside agriculture - move and move fast enough. And at the same time the working force that is available must have skills which will fit the kind of jobs which will be in demand.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michelle Obama
Our job is, first and foremost, to make sure our family is whole.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Justina Chen
A pathfinder's job is hard enough — blazing trails where there are none, guided by nothing but hearsay and gut. While you're hacking your way through bracken, worrying about lurking beasts, all you can do is hope you had chosen the right direction.
- Justina Chen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Driscoll
If you really want to be a rebel, get a job, cut your grass, read your bible, and shut up. Because no one is doing that.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Jobs
Image of Helen Mirren
What I feel personally and what I can act are two different things. Maybe one of the great pleasures of my job is being able to inhabit worlds that you are never going to inhabit personally.
- Helen Mirren
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sheryl Sandberg
Every job will demand some sacrifice. The key is to avoid unnecessary sacrifice.
- Sheryl Sandberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
Republicans have not won the state of Pennsylvania and look what you have. You're companies are all gone. Your jobs are all gone. You haven't won the state of Pennsylvania in 28 years.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
People who forecast simply because "that's my job," knowing pretty well that their forecast is ineffectual, are not what I would call ethical. What they do is no different from repeating lies simply because "it's my job."
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andy Serkis
I suppose the biggest strain was that Hoodwink is a high-octane character and he's up there like all the time. Once he's on his journey there's no let up for the man, so I actually found it a massively exhausting job to keep that level up.
- Andy Serkis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gail Simmons
I eat for a living, so working out is definitely part of my job, the same way that the eating, tasting, and drinking is.
- Gail Simmons
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andy Rooney
I think a draft produces a better Army than the one we would have with all volunteers, because I think you get average Americans if you have a draft. And if it's an all-volunteer Army, you get people who join up because of some problem in their own lives. They don't have anything else to do, they don't have a job, or they can't find what they want to do, so they join the Army. And it doesn't produce the best Army.
- Andy Rooney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
Or they'll talk about fear, which we used to call politics- job politics, social politics, government politics.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Pattinson
I was doing progressively smaller movies in England, after Harry Potter... to the point where I was doing nine-day shoots for, like, 20p and a packet of Space Invaders. And then this happened. So I'm not just another actor who's around and jobbing. When you hire me for a job, you're hiring.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jodi Picoult
Suddenly, I don't want to be this person anymore. I don't want to pretend I'm fooling the world when I'm not. I want someone else to have a plan for me, because I'm not doing a very good job myself.
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anna Quindlen
Your kids are launched. You love your work but you understand how to place it in the panorama of the rest of your life. There's this line in the book, and when I wrote it I thought yes, that's it - if you think of life as a job, maybe by the time you get to, say, in my case, 60, you've finally gotten good at it.
- Anna Quindlen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anna Quindlen
You realize that these accidental decisions you make about changing jobs, about moving into an apartment where you make new friends and confidants, about going to one city over another, that sometimes they're completely arbitrary decisions that you haven't put as much thought into as perhaps you should have, and yet they change the course of your whole life.
- Anna Quindlen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Rollins
All of the jobs have gone away to satisfy the stockholders, so that's where the economy has gone. These major multinational corporations do not see their futures in America.
- Henry Rollins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Wozniak
I don't think I was talking specifically about Steve Jobs. It was just a general philosophy about one person grows up and he's kind of managing companies and every day he's working making sure this is in place and that's in place.
- Steve Wozniak
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Wozniak
We truly could have used the later Jobs in earlier years at Apple, is what I feel.
- Steve Wozniak
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Haidt
The mind is divided, like a rider on an elephant, and the rider’s job is to serve the elephant. The rider is our conscious reasoning-the stream of words and images of which we are fully aware. The elephant is the other 99 percent of mental processes-the ones that occur outside of awareness but that actually govern most of our behavior.
- Jonathan Haidt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elizabeth Wurtzel
My God, I could raise a family of six children and hold down a full-time job with all the energy I expend on depression!
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Ryan
Grow jobs. Get this economy growing. Raise wages. Simplify the tax system, so it's easy to comply with.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Ryan
The other thing that's really important in tax reform is making sure that we don't tax American businesses at much higher tax rates than our foreign competitors tax theirs. It is costing us jobs. It's one of the reasons all these American companies are moving overseas.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andrew Weil
I've always been willing to take risks and chances. Often I'm on talk shows and hosts will ask 'How do you feel about it, when people say you're controversial?' And I say that, 'I think if I stop being controversial, I wouldn't be doing my job.
- Andrew Weil
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Rock
You know, you get famous and you work in these weird jobs and you don't have a lot in common with people. But once you have kids, you have everything in common with everybody.
- Chris Rock
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Spielberg
I really trust the authenticity of real people and my job is to get them to be themselves in front of the camera. Often what happens is, you'll get a newcomer in front of the camera and they'll freeze up or they imitate actors or other performances that they've admired and so they stop becoming themselves. And so my job as the director is just to always return them to what I first saw in them, which was simply an uncensored human being.
- Steven Spielberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Spielberg
I think that the Internet is going to effect the most profound change on the entertainment industries combined. And we're all gonna be tuning into the most popular Internet show in the world, which will be coming from some place in Des Moines. We're all gonna lose our jobs. We're all gonna be on the Internet trying to find an audience.
- Steven Spielberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Pitt
I was about to move out of my apartment because I was so broke. I'd sort of made a pact with myself that I wouldn't take a job unless it was interesting to me, and I became broke very fast.
- Michael Pitt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
Donald Trump seems to do a good job mentioning his own name.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ronald Reagan
The best social program is a productive job for anyone who's willing to work.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Viggo Mortensen
I look at my job as looking at the world from points of view that are different from mine - sometimes radically different from mine.
- Viggo Mortensen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Pratt
It's weird as actors because I mean we're fortunate in the group of people who have to spend time away from their families. There are men and women serving overseas who certainly have it a lot harder than we do, and there are jobs that take people away from the families, and that's a reality with some jobs that you have. One thing that's really difficult I find is the transition, because not only do you have to learn how to transition to living on your own again, there's a transition that happens learning how to live with somebody again.
- Chris Pratt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julia Roberts
The jobs don't get married. The people get married.
- Julia Roberts
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Sessions
We need more American energy. It keeps wealth at home. It keeps our wealth from ending up in Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. It creates jobs at home.
- Jeff Sessions
Collection: Jobs