Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 56

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 56 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Max Irons
Auditioning is a funny one. It's all about energy. If you walk into a room and the room feels off or the people feel off, that can set you off. If the room is very small. I know which casting directors I should go to, because the place is conducive to doing a good job and the people are conducive and I know the other ones aren't, in which case I send in a tape.
- Max Irons
Collection: Jobs
Image of Max Irons
There are certain things that cut right to the bone, but as an actor you have to because you get turned down for things all the time. I have a friend who was told he didn't get a job because he was too hairy. I've never heard anything that bad, but you have to get used to that sort of thing.
- Max Irons
Collection: Jobs
Image of Linus Roache
You can't play everything you learn, anyway. You just try to bring it all on-board and use what's useful. In the end, it's your job to own the role and, in the end, you are playing certain aspects of your own self, even.
- Linus Roache
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Irving
A writer's job is to imagine everything so personally that the fiction is as vivid as memories.
- John Irving
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kato Kaelin
There's been so much media about me being a surfer dude and a lot of other jobs. I guess it's time to prove myself, to let the people know, heck, I've a brain.
- Kato Kaelin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Wuthnow
By the same token, frozen dinners, a microwave oven, a dishwasher, and an illegal immigrant hired to clean the house and take one's cat to the vet would have seemed like the epitome of materialism in another time, but now provide the only means available for two-career couples to work hard enough at their jobs to earn the salaries they need to pay for those labor-saving amenities.
- Robert Wuthnow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jacob Sullum
If the fact that people make poor decisions is reason enough for the government to second-guess their decisions about dangerous activities such as smoking cigarettes and riding motorcycles, why on earth should the government let people make their own choices when it comes to such consequential matters as where to live, how much education to get, whom to marry, whether to have children, which job to take, or what religion to practice?
- Jacob Sullum
Collection: Jobs
Image of Debra Granik
I worry an awful lot about people and how they're faring. When I worry about people, whether their job is squashing their spirit, pushing them into a darker pathway of not feeling good about their life, that forces me to look for what's good. What's going well. That stokes a lot of positive feelings. Although I do worry, I look for the hope.
- Debra Granik
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dick Enberg
Do kids ever tire of Christmas? The excitement of this job is never dull because in all the years and thousands of games I've called I've never done the same one twice.
- Dick Enberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dorian Corey
In real life, you can't get a job as an executive unless you have the educational background and the opportunity. Now the fact that you are not an executive is merely because of the social standing of life... Black people have a hard time getting anywhere. And those that do, are usually straight. In a ballroom, you can be anything you want.
- Dorian Corey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Danny Silk
Powerful people do not try to control other people. They know it doesn't work, and that it's not their job. Their job is to control themselves.
- Danny Silk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Danny Silk
It's my job to manage my heart so that I can respond to you in love and cast out fear in our relationship.
- Danny Silk
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Jakes
I have always had a special affinity for libraries and librarians, for the most obvious reasons. I love books. (One of my first Jobs was shelving books at a branch of the Chicago Public Library.) Libraries are a pillar of any society. I believe our lack of attention to funding and caring for them properly in the United States has a direct bearing on problems of literacy, productivity, and our inability to compete in today's world. Libraries are everyman's free university.
- John Jakes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Monte Lipman
I consider myself the head coach whose job is to keep this winning team intact. I keep everybody focused and motivated.
- Monte Lipman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maureen Johnson
It was like the entire world was colluding to make me feel insane, and it was doing a really good job.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Greg MacGillivray
My job is to find the stories, find where to go, do the research, do the logistics, be there on location, and do as much as possible to get the footage that we need to make an incredible film.
- Greg MacGillivray
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brit Hume
We need more foreign reach; no question about that. And we're working on getting that. We need more people abroad; we need some more bureaus... That is really an important job.
- Brit Hume
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeremy Irons
I get bored very easily, so I love doing different things, changing, doing a job for a month and then doing another one for six months and then moving into a different group of people. I love being able to stop. That's one of the greatest benefits we have in our profession.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Iger
Steve Jobs was a great friend as well as a trusted advisor. His legacy will extend far beyond the products he created or the businesses he built. It will be the millions of people he inspired, the lives he changed, and the culture he defined.
- Bob Iger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Phillip Verene
The Book of Job is advice on how to live in terms of the absolute power of nature. Leviathan is advice on how to live in terms of the absolute power of the state.
- Donald Phillip Verene
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Gutwein
Creating investment, growing the economy and creating jobs is what this government wants to do.
- Peter Gutwein
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Gutwein
Jobs are a key essential in the Budget.They are government's number one priority and the Budget is going to reflect that.
- Peter Gutwein
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Gutwein
We grow our own source revenue base, we put ourselves into a stronger financial position and so this budget is unashamedly going to be about focusing on ensuring that we continue to grow our economy and create jobs.
- Peter Gutwein
Collection: Jobs
Image of Fatima Bhutto
Well, I do write on political and social issues and the idea that one shouldn't - or the idea that we should censor ourselves - doesn't really work for me because it would be doing the government's job for them. And I'm not interested in doing that. I think what we need very much in Pakistan is to be able to discuss the corruption and the violence that really colours most of our life here.
- Fatima Bhutto
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frankie Knuckles
I refused to be disrespected. So, at 16, of course, I was a gentleman about it, but I told them and it cost me my job.
- Frankie Knuckles
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frankie Knuckles
A friend of mine that happened to be a DJ at another club actually offered me a job [as a DJ]. I didn't think I could do it but he said, "You know all the music. You are at all the parties, and everybody knows you."
- Frankie Knuckles
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frankie Knuckles
The first job I got when I was in high school was working for a department store in New York. I worked in the stockroom. That's when I learned that I couldn't work for anyone else, because I was spoken to in a way that I wasn't spoken to at home.
- Frankie Knuckles
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Very few people in prison have voices that go beyond the wall. It's my job to do the work for them because they have no one.
- Mumia Abu-Jamal
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rob Letterman
If you do your job right, no one realizes you did your job, and that's a good thing. You strive for that.
- Rob Letterman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Derek Jeter
In my opinion, I've had the greatest job in the world. I got a chance to be the shortstop for the New York Yankees, and there's only one of those. And I always felt as though it was my job, was to try to provide joy and entertainment for you guys, but it can't compare to what you brought me. So for that, thank you very much.
- Derek Jeter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Graham Joyce
Why can’t our job here on earth be simply to inspire each other?
- Graham Joyce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bruce Babbitt
I would argue that practices that destroy ecosystems always destroy jobs.
- Bruce Babbitt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jason Isaacs
The weird job of acting is that it is so simple. You just see the person in the situation. It is whatever you have to do to get there. Some people want to stay up all night or cut their toe off. For me it is a bunch of reading, and hanging out with real people, I do that. You never know what you are going to get. It might be the shoes people wear.
- Jason Isaacs
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jacob Braude
The surest way to get a job done is to give it to a busy man. He'll have his secretary do it.
- Jacob Braude
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jason Kidd
My job is not to scream and yell, my job is to cheer you and be positive. If you miss four shots, I'm still going to pass to you.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Winne
Food banking as well as other antihunger programs do a good job of managing poverty by alleviating its worst symptom, hunger.
- Mark Winne
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Kaufman
I worked for Jeff Kelin. He was a marketing genius before his time. Coupons, car rebates and the value meal (as we know it today) all came from his marketing genius. At 19 years old, I had two jobs, one with Andy Warhol, and the second with Jeff Kelin.
- Steve Kaufman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frank Spotnitz
It sounds corny, but I think people need stories to process the world. That's our business. That's the job we're in. We tell stories.
- Frank Spotnitz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joseph Kosinski
The commercial music video industry is very hard to break into, and until you break in, that first job is the hardest thing in the world to get.
- Joseph Kosinski
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Richard Reid
From my point of view, it is better to take the chance, having had nine jobs in 10 years, to recharge my batteries
- John Richard Reid
Collection: Jobs
Image of Phil Keoghan
I once had a young musician come to me and say that he wanted to be a professional musician. I asked him to write his list. When he came back to me, the three things in his life he most wanted were: to be paid for his music; to travel around the world; to meet new people. We came to the decision, after thinking really creatively, that if he got a job on a cruise ship, he would fulfill those goals.
- Phil Keoghan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joseph Losey
My job as a minister is not only to make heaven my home, but to make my home on earth sheer heaven.
- Joseph Losey
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Brandis
If I could say something about Capricornia, and it came out in your previous report, there is no doubt that the end of the mining boom has led to an economic downturn in central Queensland, and that is why people in Capricornia, and elsewhere in central Queensland too, are so desperate for a government that will protect their jobs and create new opportunities for jobs in the future. And that is why [Malcolm] Turnbull government's message of jobs and growth and its six point economic plan is so important to them.
- George Brandis
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Brandis
This is a very practical discussion about the fact that one of the largest coal companies in the world, Adani, wants to build one of the, develop one of the largest coal mines in Australia in this region of Australia. And if they get the green light to do that, that will secure the economic future of people in Rockhampton, and people in central Queensland. It will secure their jobs in the future, and that's what they're concerned about.
- George Brandis
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Brandis
If you were a person in Rockhampton who is wondering where your next job was coming from, and you had the prospect of one of Australia's largest ever coal projects with a very, very long life span being developed and reviving the regional economy. And you saw the Greens in particular doing their little best to stop it happening.
- George Brandis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gene Kelly
Like an athlete, [dance] is an everyday job. You have to stay in shape - unless you just want to loaf through a couple of hoofing routines. But that just didn't satisfy me.
- Gene Kelly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jay Inslee
We have had a loss in manufacturing base and a loss of some of our productive capability that can be filled with the green-collar jobs of tomorrow. But it will only happen if we recognize the scale and scope of both the challenge and the opportunity.
- Jay Inslee
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dean Heller
I want to talk about jobs, the economy, foreclosures. I want to talk about energy prices.
- Dean Heller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Kane
Unlike life, you've got more or less complete control over what's going on in your stories. That's not to say you can make characters do whatever you want them to - they usually have a life of their own if you've done your job properly.
- Paul Kane
Collection: Jobs