Linus Roache

Image of Linus Roache
I shot a pilot for ABC, which I'm a bit confused about what the actual title is - I heard it was called 'Chosen.' It's directed by Roland Emmerich - the master of disaster himself - and it's his idea and concept for the show that's a supernatural thriller about good and evil set in contemporary modern day New York.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
I just love variety. I love being able to do different things. Do period pieces and sci-fi. I love being able to move between genres and be flexible.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
I've been to India a lot, ever since when my mum was in 'Jewel In The Crown.'
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
I realised success as an actor alone wouldn't make me happy. I needed to explore my spiritual side in more depth.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
Dad has always been - and still is - a great influence on me. He has always stood up for spirit, staying true to his beliefs... and I like to do the same with regard to my own true beliefs, regardless of potential criticism or mockery.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
In the end, it's your job to own the role, and in the end, you are playing certain aspects of your own self, even.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
When you've got good writing, you can kind of give up all the research, in a way, and start just following the emotional integrity of the journey of your character.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
Most of the TV shows I've done have all been in the U.S.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
I love working in films.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
There's so much cynicism around in Britain, especially in the press. The American press might be naive, but at least you feel as if they're on your side.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
When I went to drama school, I thought that everybody would think I was only there because my dad was on TV.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
You might get one job for having a famous parent, but you won't get your second unless you're good.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
The Vikings themselves are fascinating creatures. They're human beings, of course, but their ethos are so different from ours. The fact that they live as warriors - their willingness to die for the sake of what they believe in - is quite shocking to us, and it's fascinating to see.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
I'd be willing to do anything. I'm not precious. I'd wash dishes.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
In modern times, if you're on an airplane and it's going down, that's it. You've got a couple of minutes, if that, to work out where you stand in relationship to the whole of your life.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
Both my parents are actors, in very different ways.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
A spiritual life is 24 hours a day, seven days a week. How do you live? What's true? How do you respond? It's not about living by beliefs; it's about wanting to know.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
New York, without a doubt, is my favorite city in the world.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
If you count my childhood appearances in a few TV shows and being the son of two well-known actor parents in the U.K., plus three years of drama school, you could say that I've been pretty much surrounded by the business of acting and performing my entire life.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
I briefly flirted with some of the new age offerings available in the early '90s and found strength in Buddhism, but ultimately I was looking for something that was not tied to tradition.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
It seems to me that whatever path you choose to take, in the end its up to each of us to try, test and live what we find out, to apply it and see what actually works, and that's the exciting and challenging part of this very real adventure.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
Part of me wanted to disappear into a cave in India, and I did end up going on retreats there, but, don't ask me why, I always felt very strongly that the point for me was to find a way to live a truly spiritual life in the modern day world and be able to work with all the positive aspects of our cultural and technological advancements.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
Trying to act cold is a challenge when your makeup's running and sweat is pouring down your neck.
- Linus Roache
Image of Linus Roache
Every time you get a script and you have a scene, you start mining out how many layers there are within it.
- Linus Roache
Collection: Layers
Image of Linus Roache
As an actor, when you're actually trying to embody what it would be like to just know that everyone's at your beck and call, it's quite a thing to absorb what that might be like and what that would do.
- Linus Roache
Collection: Trying
Image of Linus Roache
You can't play everything you learn, anyway. You just try to bring it all on-board and use what's useful. In the end, it's your job to own the role and, in the end, you are playing certain aspects of your own self, even.
- Linus Roache
Collection: Jobs