Dorian Corey

Image of Dorian Corey
I always had hopes of being a big star. But as you get older, you aim a little lower. Everybody wants to make an impression, some mark upon the world. Then you think, you've made a mark on the world if you just get through it, and a few people remember your name. Then you've left a mark. You don't have to bend the whole world. I think it's better to just enjoy it. Pay your dues, and just enjoy it. If you shoot a arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you.
- Dorian Corey
Collection: Stars
Image of Dorian Corey
In real life, you can't get a job as an executive unless you have the educational background and the opportunity. Now the fact that you are not an executive is merely because of the social standing of life... Black people have a hard time getting anywhere. And those that do, are usually straight. In a ballroom, you can be anything you want.
- Dorian Corey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dorian Corey
When I grew up, you wanted to look like Marlene Dietrich, Betty Grable. Fortunately, I didn't know that I really wanted to look like Lena Horne. When I grew up... black stars were stigmatized. Nobody wanted to look like Lena Horne.
- Dorian Corey
Collection: Stars
Image of Dorian Corey
If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high... Hooray for you.
- Dorian Corey
Collection: Real
Image of Dorian Corey
If everybody went to balls and did less drugs, itd be a fun world, wouldnt it?
- Dorian Corey
Collection: Fun
Image of Dorian Corey
You get in a smart crack, and everyone laughs and kikis because you've found a flaw and exaggerated it, then you've got a good read going.
- Dorian Corey
Collection: Smart