Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 55

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 55 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Gugu Mbatha-Raw
For me, after emotionally intense roles, I'd need to take a step back because then there's the promoting of the film which is another job in itself.
- Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Because of my job, my hair gets played with a lot on set, so I try to give it little bit of breathing space when Im not working.
- Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Keller
Any job worth doing is worth doing well. But to be able to do that, you have to do it over and over again.
- Thomas Keller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jared Fogle
I know how long it took me to lose my weight, and people have got to understand it?s not always easy. If all this can help one child, we are doing our job.
- Jared Fogle
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ali Krieger
No matter what job you have, even when it's one you love, it's important to take some time away, both mentally and physically, to regroup, refresh and regain good, positive energy.
- Ali Krieger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jessica Lucas
I like my job and I want to do well at it but I think there's much more integrity to being a journalist maybe than being an actor.
- Jessica Lucas
Collection: Jobs
Image of Powers Boothe
Before I accept a job, I always talk to folks about it. Why does he kill these 22 people? If they say, What difference does it make? I know we have nothing more to talk about. A character has to be three-dimensional.
- Powers Boothe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ric Savage
I started doing wrestling just as a fun thing and I ended up getting some breaks and made a job out of it but I never had a real passion for it. I met a lot of great people and enjoyed doing what I did but wrestling wasn't something I lived and breathed.
- Ric Savage
Collection: Jobs
Image of Roger Housden
If we're trying to get the perfect house, the perfect relationship or the perfect job, it's likely there's some kind of fear driving us beyond the natural wish to improve. It's really the refusal to acknowledge that life - including ourselves - is simply not perfect.
- Roger Housden
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dinesh Sharma
Presidential leadership is a really tough job, does come not easily.
- Dinesh Sharma
Collection: Jobs
Image of Vincent Kartheiser
You can't compare any job or any friendship or anything to another. I think if you do, it's kind of a recipe for disaster.
- Vincent Kartheiser
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rob Payne
People never realize how much work impacts there self esteem and sense of purpose until they leave a job.
- Rob Payne
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rob Payne
In today's competitive business world, it is not enough to do your job well; no, to be truly effective, you have to develop skills and strategies for things you'll never have to do, and situations that will never come up.
- Rob Payne
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Jackson
I think that's the job of a director really, to sort of funnel all the creativity into one centralized point of being.
- Peter Jackson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Eklund
Whether it's a lower or higher budget project, a TV show or a film, the words on the page are the same to me and I approach the work in the same way. My job is to lift the character from the page, whether it's a TV or film script.
- Michael Eklund
Collection: Jobs
Image of Al Kooper
If you'd done a good job you'd just step back and let all these different chemistries interact and let it go.
- Al Kooper
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tivadar Kosztka Csontvary
I, Tivadar Kosztka, who gave up his prime of youth for the rebirth of the world, accepting the call of the invisible Spirit, had a regular civil job, comfort, wealth then... Going to Paris in 1907 I oppositely standed alone in front of millions with only the result of the divine providence, and I beat the vanity of the world hollow, but I haven't killed 10 million people, only sobered them. I haven't made commercials from things, because I didn't care for the pedlar's press; I retired from the world instead, going to the top of the Lebanons, and I painted cedars.
- Tivadar Kosztka Csontvary
Collection: Jobs
Image of Will Sheff
This is going to sound really corny, but it's the way I feel: Musicians have been around for a really long time. It's a really, really old job. When you look at the way that a small band toured back in the '50s, it's similar to the way that a small band tours now. It's been this long tradition, and when you meet somebody who has been doing this for a really long time, you have to have tremendous respect for them.
- Will Sheff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Coyle
I don't really like to watch myself [in movie] very much, even afterwards. I kind of feel that when I've finished shooting, that's my job done, really. It's not my business what happens to it next. I just do what I do and that's what I love: doing it.
- Richard Coyle
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cheyenne Jackson
People know if you've got the goods, if you're easy to work with, and if you can get the job done.
- Cheyenne Jackson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Miranda July
That's the artist's job, really: continually setting yourself free, and giving yourself new options and new ways of thinking about things.
- Miranda July
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daymond John
You don’t get rich off your day job, you get rich off your homework.
- Daymond John
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Preston Rogers
Sometimes you'll see interviews about an actor who was asked to hit the weight room to develop his body for the character, and you hear them complaining about the egg white omelettes they had to eat and the tortures of hitting the gym twice a day - I find that to be a bit saddening, it's all a part of becoming the character and as an actor, that is your job.
- James Preston Rogers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mary Elizabeth Ellis
It's nice to always have a job and not be floating out in the ether waiting for whatever the next big thing is. So, in that way I hope there's no a shelf-life for great shows. On the other hand, you don't want to be working on something that's reached its peak and become irrelevant.
- Mary Elizabeth Ellis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mary Elizabeth Ellis
I have the weirdest job. The hair and makeup people were talking the other day about how weird their job is. And costumes, they have to be in people's faces and have to reach in their skirts to pull their shirts down and stuff. I was like, "You guys, I meet someone, I shake their hand, and then I kiss them. And sober. During midday. For money."
- Mary Elizabeth Ellis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Margo Kaufman
Remodeling is like pulling a loose thread on a cheap sweater - the job keeps unraveling.
- Margo Kaufman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Kazinsky
I was never interested in anything, particularly. I didn't get through school. I was a layabout. So, I started working at a theater to earn some money, as a part-time job.
- Robert Kazinsky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Kazinsky
The constant education is what keeps me interested. That's what absolutely fascinates me about this job. This week, I'm playing a faerie. Last year, I played a soldier. What am I going to be playing in six months? It's amazing! It's a wonderful job.
- Robert Kazinsky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Kazinsky
I'm a creature who bores, easily. I could never do one job, for the rest of my life.
- Robert Kazinsky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Kazinsky
While there are things with this job that remain constant, in terms of how you shoot, the actual crux of the character is always different and always evolving.
- Robert Kazinsky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Keller
It's a considerable source of tragedy in the world that people stay in powerful jobs long past the point where they're a spent force.
- Bill Keller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hoodie Allen
I get to focus on something I love to do 24-hours a day rather than trying to squeeze it in between midterms, or even during my normal workday. When I was at Google it was like you wake up at 7 and then you get home by 7 and you start your second job of music. So now I get to focus all my efforts on music, travel and play shows and do all of this stuff. That's the difference - That's all my life is, all day.
- Hoodie Allen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amy Chan
Hold yourself on your own. A man's job in a romantic dynamic is not to be your butler, bank account or your father.
- Amy Chan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nicholas Royle
There has been corruption in the Belgian civil service and at government level for decades. The Royal family do what they can to hold things together, and they don't do a bad job.
- Nicholas Royle
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ali al-Naimi
We know that pumping oil out of the ground does not create many jobs. It does not foster an entrepreneurial spirit, nor does it sharpen critical faculties.
- Ali al-Naimi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sarah Baker
I would say the biggest difference is that a movie is a shorter, more encapsulated experience, and a TV job is like having a regular day job where you get to do what you love.
- Sarah Baker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amber Sealey
The money for my movies mostly come from talented and generous friends willing to work for almost nothing. As a producer, my job is to get as many people to give me things for free as I could. And most people are kind, and they know how hard this kind of thing is, so they are willing to help how they can, and reduce their fees how they can.
- Amber Sealey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Karl-Johan Persson
No company in the world would be satisfied with less sales, less customers or less jobs just because it's supposed to be good for the environment.
- Karl-Johan Persson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Karl-Johan Persson
We [H&M] believe that growth, profit and sustainability are not contradictory. Our ambition is to be a fair and profitable company, because otherwise we couldn't open any new stores, we couldn't produce new designs and no new jobs would be created. H&M would soon cease to exist.
- Karl-Johan Persson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Karl-Johan Persson
Ninety-nine percent of everyday things are things we don't need - that goes for regular visits to the hairdresser just as it does for clothing. What would it mean if we all consumed 20 percent less? It would be catastrophic. It would mean 20 percent less jobs, 20 percent less taxes, 20 percent less money for schools, doctors, roads. The global economy would collapse.
- Karl-Johan Persson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Max Beesley
I think that if youve got 5 million people that enjoy drama and invest in characters, you must take the time to not worry about your job and getting sacked and just go for it and hit it again.
- Max Beesley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Corinne Maier
The more big business talks about something, the less of it there is. For example, it 'values' jobs just at the moment when they disappear; it revels in 'autonomy' when in fact you have to fill out forms in triplicate for the slightest trifle and ask the advice of six people to make insignificant decisions; it harps on 'ethics' while believing in absolutely nothing.
- Corinne Maier
Collection: Jobs
Image of Corinne Maier
Manager' is a title, not a function. It's better to be one than not. Since you spend all day doing the job of the person above you, the higher up you are, the less you have to do.
- Corinne Maier
Collection: Jobs
Image of Panda Bear
I guess I feel like; if you're doing something and people are accusing you of appropriating something like that so obviously, then I would feel like I've failed as a creative person. It's just like stealing something and doing some sort of slight alteration to it - I'd feel like I'm not doing my job as a musician, or as a creative person - if it's just obvious like that.
- Panda Bear
Collection: Jobs
Image of Duncan Hunter
Blue collar workers cannot hire each other. White collar workers cannot hire each other. You have to have a businessman or a businesswomen, a business owner to hire you. And you cannot make the environment so unfriendly to them or so unprofitable or so burdensome that they go out of business,because if they go out of business, you are out of a job.
- Duncan Hunter
Collection: Jobs
Image of James P. Comer
While most of today's jobs do not require great intelligence, they do require greater frustration tolerance, personal discipline,organization, management, and interpersonal skills than were required two decades and more ago. These are precisely the skills that many of the young people who are staying in school today, as opposed to two decades ago, lack.
- James P. Comer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Corita Kent
When you are not separate from the creative process, time ceases to exist. You might start to feel tired and suddenly realize that much time has passed. It isn't necessarily a happy time - and may be very difficult to start if it is a job or an obligation. But if' you start with all the concrete needs and proceed in a thorough way - the creative process will take over and you will forget whether it is work or play. Working in the here and now is one of the most uncontaminated ways to work.
- Corita Kent
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dave Liniger
Despite a lingering low inventory and increasing prices, consumers still have the confidence to purchase a home. More and more people recognize the many opportunities in this market and the significant value of low interest rates. As job creation and wages continue to improve, many more first-time buyers are now making the decision to become homeowners.
- Dave Liniger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeremy Corbyn
Labour has the responsibility to give a lead where the government will not. We need to bring people together, hold the government to account, oppose austerity and set out a path to exit that will protect jobs and incomes.
- Jeremy Corbyn
Collection: Jobs