Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 38

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 38 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Frank Bettger
Selling is the easiest job in the world if you work it hard-but the hardest job in the world if you try to work it easy.
- Frank Bettger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gary Cohn
Every time you get into a new job, new location, you have an amazing opportunity in front of you. You get to play dumb for as long as people will allow you to play dumb. You get to ask all the dumb questions, you get to ask multiple people the dumb questions, and you get to make mistakes. Thats how you stand out in the crowd.
- Gary Cohn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Longley
The job has left me with a healthy disregard for what you might call Public Life. I have no desire now to go to receptions, to be seen at gatherings of the great and the good, to stand and be bored to death by men in grey suits.
- Michael Longley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Emma Donoghue
In the world I notice persons are nearly always stressed and have no time...I don't know how persons with jobs do the jobs and all the living as well...I guess the time gets spread very thin like butter all over the world, the roads and houses and playgrounds and stores, so there's only a little smear of time on each place, then everyone has to hurry on to the next bit.
- Emma Donoghue
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jon Daniels
That's the reality, and you can't overlook it. Rod can be a free agent, but we don't want get ahead of ourselves. Rod is the starter now and at some point we'll address that. Rod's got the job and the experience and you hope Gerald learns from him.
- Jon Daniels
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Hurt
I voted to repeal the government takeover of health care that raises costs, increases taxes, spends trillions of dollars that we don't have, cuts Medicare by $500 billion, and destroys jobs.
- Robert Hurt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Betty Ford
A housewife deserves to be honored as much as a woman who earns her living in the marketplace. I consider bringing up children a responsible job. In fact, being a good housewife seems to me a much tougher job than going to the office and getting paid for it.
- Betty Ford
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sergio Aragones
Fortunately, cartooning is not a job. It's something like eating or sleeping.
- Sergio Aragones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sergio Aragones
Many of the American cartoonists that want to have a job and go so much for the total right without thinking, sometimes they get a slap on the face when their politician lets them down. So it goes on and on. The thing is staying in the middle and not getting committed, trying to get the best of both and do that with a sense of humor.
- Sergio Aragones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rosellen Brown
It’s a job. It’s not a hobby. You don’t write the way you build a model airplane. You have to sit down and work, to schedule your time and stick to it. Even if it’s just for an hour or so each day, you have to get a babysitter and make the time. If you’re going to make writing succeed you have to approach it as a job.
- Rosellen Brown
Collection: Jobs
Image of Janusz Korwin-Mikke
You people are right - I am for equal rights for women. I am for that female jobs such as feeding husband and children be considered as valuable as male jobs.
- Janusz Korwin-Mikke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shahid Afridi
Fast bowling is not an easy job. Especially if you are also a batsman as well as being a fast bowler, a fast bowler has to work harder than any other cricketer on his fitness.
- Shahid Afridi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Simonon
The problem is a lot of people don't think. The general bloke just goes through life, gets a job, gets married and all that, and that's it.
- Paul Simonon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Simonon
I'm sure nobody wants to just work and earn money and all that stuff. I know it's difficult for people to break out of the syndrome, doing a normal job.
- Paul Simonon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Allan Gurganus
I think Walt Whitman went to the help wanted section and found a squib that said "Wanted: National Poet." And he was innocent enough to believe there really was such a job. And if he could just write a poem that incorporated everything he felt and suspected and hoped for from America that he would have the position.
- Allan Gurganus
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bonnie St. John
We don't always get everything. And sometimes we worry too much about our circumstances. We think oh I'll be happy when I get my job back, or I'll be happy when I get a man back, but it's really about allowing God to give us joy now.
- Bonnie St. John
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bryan Ferry
It must be quite difficult if you have a father who's sort of known. On the other hand, you can get a job in his band.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jessica Hart
A normal modeling job consists of hair and makeup starting at 5:30 a.m. On location, we shoot until theres no light, then drive home. If were lucky, well have a hotel close to the location, which takes out the driving time. Otherwise, its pretty brutal, from airplane, to car, to job, and back again.
- Jessica Hart
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Irvine
For years - especially in England where I come from - cooking was a subservient job. When I told my Dad I was going to be a cook, he wouldn't talk to me for two years. Even though it was associated with my military service, he thought cooking was beneath me.
- Robert Irvine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Greg Gutfeld
They [policemen] are in a profession that if you do the job incorrectly, or proceeding incorrectly, it's over for you because there isn't any supporter backup. If you make a mistake as a plumber, you know, you fix it and everything goes on or you get sued. But if you make a mistake as a cop, you are more infamous than Jesse James, everything's over.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sandy Gallin
I originally started redoing houses to deal with stress. I found that the hour I could go to a job site every day took my mind off the 24/7 of thinking about my clients.
- Sandy Gallin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Isabel Paterson
Nothing increases the number of jobs so rapidly as labor-saving machinery, because it releases wants theretofore unknown, by permitting leisure.
- Isabel Paterson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Aylwin B. Lewis
Never go for the money. You have to match the job and your values so you can bring your whole self.
- Aylwin B. Lewis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Harrison Ford
There are a lot of different paths through the jungle, but...the simplest thing you can do is make yourself useful. Be easy to work with, be a hard worker and help people get the job done. And do it with as much passion and quality as you can.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Jobs
Image of Carol Thatcher
Part of my dogsbody job during the 1983 election was choosing Mum's missile-proof clothes. They had to be disposable.
- Carol Thatcher
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dan Kieran
What is it about maps and globes that seems to require our undivided attention? I've spent hours looking at maps of places I will never see and maps so old that they are a record of nothing but the faintest glow of the past. Perhaps they turn us into gods, letting us look down at the insignificant drones that occupy the earth. Or maybe they simply feed off our hunger to go off into the unknown. Venturing off to places where people don't chain themselves to tedious jobs and financial debts but places of imagination, mystery and freedom Perhaps they're just trying to tell us something.
- Dan Kieran
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Heatherwick
At the root of everything I do is a fascination with ideas – what ideas are for, what jobs they do.
- Thomas Heatherwick
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Zandi
It is hard to be enthusiastic about the economy's prospects when house prices are falling: Households spend less, small business owners can't use homes as collateral for loans and local governments are forced to cut jobs and programs as property-tax revenue disappears.
- Mark Zandi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Zandi
Lenders look at potential borrowers from many angles before extending credit: How much of its income will a household need to put into debt repayment? How large is the down payment? Does the borrower have a job with a stable income? What is the borrower's credit score?
- Mark Zandi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ryan McGinley
I spent all of my money on film. I remember I would do these set-design jobs or transcribe or just anything to get, like, a $100 check and go immediately to Adorama and buy expired film.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andy Rubin
In projecting the future, I think Apple did a good job of figuring out when the technology was ready to be consumer-grade.
- Andy Rubin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Arnold Adoff
I began writing for kids because I wanted to effect a change in American society. I continue in that spirit. By the time we reach adulthood, we are closed and set in our attitudes. The chances of a poet reaching us are very slim. But I can open a child's imagination, develop his appetite for poetry, and more importantly, show him that poetry is a natural part of everyday life. We all need someone to point out that the emperor is wearing no clothes. That's the poet's job.
- Arnold Adoff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephen Dobyns
Writing is a job, a craft, and you learn it by trying to write every day and by facing the page with humility and gall. And you have to love to read books, all kinds of books, good books. You are not looking for anything in particular; you are just letting stuff seep in.
- Stephen Dobyns
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles W. Waterman
Most of the world is covered by water. A fisherman's job is simple: Pick out the best parts.
- Charles W. Waterman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Howard Kurtz
There are some Trump detractors who feel like it's the media's job to stop Trump.
- Howard Kurtz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scott Raab
The first time I learned I could sell myself was when I convinced a wealthy American family to give me a job as a nanny. Childcare. Totally unqualified. But I learned to be ready for anything. And that I can adapt. That I can become the best diaper changer.
- Scott Raab
Collection: Jobs
Image of Liza Dalby
It seemed to me that people do a rather good job of creating levels of hell all by themselves, and this was something worth writing about.
- Liza Dalby
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Berkley
As many times as [HIV] changes its clothes, it's still wearing the same socks, and now our job is to make sure we get the body to really hate those socks.
- Seth Berkley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ngaio Marsh
We do not wait for inspiration. We work because we've jolly well got to. But when all is said and done, we toil at this particular job because it's turned out to be our particular job, and in a weird sort of way I suppose we may be said to like it.
- Ngaio Marsh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ngaio Marsh
Why do you want to become an author? I will accept only one answer. If it is because you feel you can write better than you can do anything else then go ahead and do it without frills and flourishes. Stick to your present job and write in your spare time: but do it as if it is a whole time job.
- Ngaio Marsh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Arthur Rock
Steve Jobs is a national treasure. He is so visionary, and so bright. I had to fire him, though.
- Arthur Rock
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mookie Wilson
I have no decision-making role at all in my job description. I would have liked an explanation as to why I was moved from first base coach to the ambassadorship, but none was ever given.
- Mookie Wilson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Omar Samra
People tell you keep your job, start the company on the side. If I'm doing it on the side, then probably one of the reasons it fails is because I didn't dedicate enough time to it.
- Omar Samra
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ken Loach
Shaping it is something I would expect to do together with a writer, because that's a director's job.
- Ken Loach
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matt Kenseth
You know, I was pretty comfortable where I was at. We had cars that could win races... I know they're expecting me to perform and do my job. Before this year I can't remember the last time I've ever been nervous at all inside of a race car.
- Matt Kenseth
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kate Thornton
At 16, I got a part-time job selling double-glazing door to door. That was soul destroying but the worst part-time job I did was at university working on reception in a sexually transmitted disease clinic. Because no one else wanted to do it, they paid £8 an hour.
- Kate Thornton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Deron Williams
A point guard is judged by wins and losses. I think I'm doing a good job.
- Deron Williams
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chad Pennington
When I'm decisive, I feel I do a good job.
- Chad Pennington
Collection: Jobs
Image of Roddy Doyle
Do be kind to yourself. Fill pages as quickly as possible; double space, or write on every second line. Regard every new page as a small triumph. Until you get to page 50. Then calm down, and start worrying about the quality. Do feel anxiety - it's the job.
- Roddy Doyle
Collection: Jobs