Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 35

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 35 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Amy Childs
I'm very organised with my money. It can sometimes feel like a full time job to keep on top of it but my best tip is to stay organised and always save first and then spend what you have left not spend and then save what's left.
- Amy Childs
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matt Keough
Whether we have a leak or roof that needs to be replaced, we can always count on Premier Roofing Services to get the job done the right way.
- Matt Keough
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom J. Donohue
One of the principal impediments to job creation is uncertainty on the part of American companies, large and small. We've all watched as companies have sat on a lot of capital. They're uncertain about what tax policy is going to be. They're clearly uncertain about how health care costs. They're uncertain about all the regulations on capital markets.
- Tom J. Donohue
Collection: Jobs
Image of Orson Bean
The TV show I do ['Dr Quinn'] is the day job that enables me to work with this theater [Pacific Resident Theatre Ensemble]. That's all I live for. That's what I care about. There's no dough in it. Nothing to do but lose money. But it's all from the heart, and that's why it's so much fun.
- Orson Bean
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Glover
I certainly think one of the really amazing things about Mr. Trump's victory is there's been an immediate - what one of my friends calls a jump-to-the-Trump in Australia. So you've got politicians of all sides looking at this amazing result in America and thinking, I'd like a bit of that. Can I have a bit of that? And so the opposition leader has been talking about immigrants stealing people's jobs. The prime minister has started talking about media elites in exactly the same terms as President-elect Trump.
- Richard Glover
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jack Dorsey
Your job as an executive is to edit, not write. It's OK to write once in a while but if you do it often there's a fundamental problem with the team. Every time you do something ask if you're writing or editing and get in the mode of editing.
- Jack Dorsey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Phil Ivey
A lot of people these days are too ambitious; their sights are set too high at the start and they end up diving in too deep, quitting their day job too soon. They move to Vegas or wherever, make an all-or-nothing commitment before they're ready, and burn out.
- Phil Ivey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laura Benanti
Some people have jobs where other people don’t clap for them. I don’t understand that.
- Laura Benanti
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sylvia Earle
Our job is to keep what is working intact and not destroy what we have got.
- Sylvia Earle
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joey Reiman
Acknowledge people, not their jobs.
- Joey Reiman
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Scott
I have a backlog of novels which I would love to be working on and would be working on if I were not obliged to hold down a full time job.
- John Scott
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Eubanks
The simple things in life ground me and keep me focused so Im able to do a good job with what is in front of me.
- Kevin Eubanks
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ted Strickland
You know, it was once said of the first George Bush that he was born on third base and thought he'd hit a triple. Well, with the 22 million new jobs and the budget surplus Bill Clinton left behind, George W. Bush came into office on third base, and then he stole second.
- Ted Strickland
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ted Strickland
I want to talk about jobs and health care and pension security and what we're going to do to stop the brain drain in Ohio and make it possible for our young people to stay here and build a life in Ohio rather than in Pennsylvania or West Virginia or God knows where.
- Ted Strickland
Collection: Jobs
Image of Isla Fisher
I love the power women have. I think women rule the world because they rule men. Manipulating men - that's our job. That's what we're on the planet for.
- Isla Fisher
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bruce Vilanch
I mean, people who watch Jon Stewart's show every night don't think he went far enough, because he couldn't do what he does on his show every night, because it's a different job. The same thing with Chris Rock. He can't come out and do a tossed-salad routine, the way he does on his HBO shows, because this is the Academy Awards.
- Bruce Vilanch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bruce Vilanch
We're shaking up a format, which I think is always a good thing. The thing about [2011 Oscar hosts] James [Franco] and Anne [Hathaway] is, they've both hosted Saturday Night Live, and they both did a good job at it. So they are accustomed to working with short rehearsal time, and live, lots of pressure, rewrites, things like that. They can make quick changes, which is very advantageous, and they're skilled comedians.
- Bruce Vilanch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frank Pallone
My whole purpose really is to try to help working families to find better jobs and get better benefits and look out for the little guy.
- Frank Pallone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Warren Ellis
Writing is basically a job for people who like punching themselves in the face, I’m pretty sure.
- Warren Ellis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Lewontin
In my mind the job of a natural scientist is to bend over backwards to say something which can be demonstrated to be true or at least which is not of such a nature that there's no way to demonstrate that it's false.
- Richard Lewontin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Margo Kingston
Big money, big Liberal Party politics and big media are trying to get rid of us, of course, by letting Packer take over Fairfax - a media-only company. But we're hanging in there and doing the best job we can for our readers while we can.
- Margo Kingston
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jessica Cutler
I have a 'glamour job' on the Hill. That is, I could not care less about gov or politics, but working for a Senator looks good on my resume. And these marble hallways are such great places for meeting boys and showing off my outfits.
- Jessica Cutler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Atom Egoyan
Every actor has a different temperament. Part of my job is to know what those boundaries are. The actor has to know you'll be there at the other end, that you're trying to represent them in the best light, who they are as they're harnessing these roles. The methods vary from actor to actor.
- Atom Egoyan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael R. Burch
Trump claims he'd be the "best jobs president that God ever created." But isn't his claim to fame firing people?
- Michael R. Burch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernard Ziegler
Flying for the airlines is not supposed to be an adventure. From takeoff to landing, the autopilots handle the controls. This is routine. In a Boeing as much as an Airbus. And they make better work of it than any pilot can. You're not supposed to be the blue-eyed hero here. Your job is to make decisions, to stay awake, and to know which buttons to push and when. Your job is to manage the systems.
- Bernard Ziegler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alain Juppe
The job of dictator is now a high-risk job.
- Alain Juppe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Morell
As the briefer, my job is to carry CIA`s best information and best analysis to the president of the United States and make sure he understands it.
- Michael Morell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rebecca Mader
When I first got the job, I was told nothing about my character. She's an anthropologist and she's tough, she's a female Indiana Jones. That's what I went into [Lost] knowing.
- Rebecca Mader
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lincoln Child
My first job out of college was as an editorial assistant in a New York publishing house. Being an editorial assistant is the purgatory would-be editors must endure before they can ascend the ladder and begin acquiring books on their own. I spent a year filing paperwork, writing copy, and typing rejection letters.
- Lincoln Child
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Lescroart
One of the most productive times in my early writing life was while I had a full-time job as a word processor in a law firm and also worked part-time at night, often working until 11:00 P.M.
- John Lescroart
Collection: Jobs
Image of James W. Pennebaker
If you are looking for a lover, a job, a new house, or a serial killer, Snoop is for you. It’s great science and a fun read by a world-renowned personality researcher.
- James W. Pennebaker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Christopher Galvin
You have to give credit where credit's due. Steve [Jobs] has been probably the single hardware/software forward-looking thinker and executor in our lifetime as an individual. He's quite a brilliant innovator.
- Christopher Galvin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bobby Lee
I went to Tokyo three years ago. It was a job, though. I did an ad campaign for IBM, so they flew me out there to take pictures of me. It was IBM Global. It went to Australia, France, London, all over the world. But I think the ad campaign was a failure, because of me.
- Bobby Lee
Collection: Jobs
Image of Franco Modigliani
A situation where people can grow old without having a job that rewards them individually while adding to the collective well-being is morally unacceptable.
- Franco Modigliani
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Mark Kamen
If you've got craft, you got game. If you got game, you can write your way in and out of anything. Writing is the best gig in the whole business, as far as I'm concerned. It's the only job where you don't have to wait for someone to tell you what to do. You just sit down and make s**t up.
- Robert Mark Kamen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nathan Fillion
I love when a TV show, or entertainment in general, makes me feel something; be it positive, be it negative, be it happiness, be it awkward, uncomfortable if it can make me feel, it's done it's job.
- Nathan Fillion
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nathan Fillion
I slowly came to realize that this job of being an actor, you spend most of your time looking for work. That is your job. Your job is auditioning. You spend very little of your time actually working.
- Nathan Fillion
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lissa Rankin
You can quit your job, but you can't quit your calling.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Staceyann Chin
There are those nights where you are just so emotionally present that you crack yourself open. And it works. And on the nights when you don't have it in you because you're tired or you've got no voice, you still are able to do your job and tell the story that people have come to hear.
- Staceyann Chin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ethel Smyth
I feel I must fight for [my music], because I want women to turn their minds to big and difficult jobs; not just to go on hugging the shore, afraid to put out to sea.
- Ethel Smyth
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gerald Stern
I feel that my job, as an artist, is to disturb the peace. And to disturb it intellectually, linguistically, politically and literally.
- Gerald Stern
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gerald Stern
I floundered in my twenties. Though I wore a long scarf. And when I got to be thirty I got a job at Temple University in Philadelphia. I worked there for seven years, and I finally got fired, mostly for political reasons.
- Gerald Stern
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frederick Lenz
It is necessary to learn how to do a systems analysis of your life, to learn about the effects of places, people, jobs. There are millions of things that go into the study of meditation.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Elliott Clarke
The way racism works in Canada, it's very subtle. You may feel you're a victim of racism or have experienced racism, but you can't necessarily prove it - unless you get a [white] friend to go check out that rental, go check out that job, whatever. Unless you're willing to really dig to prove you're a victim of racism, it might be difficult to do that. And so what you're dealing with then is feeling, it's emotion.
- George Elliott Clarke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Haskell Wexler
When people have problems with their mortgages and jobs many feel they're a failure, they didn't work hard enough or speak well enough: It's their fault things are going so bad. When they see their bodies right there [at occupations], we have something profoundly in common.
- Haskell Wexler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lizz Winstead
I did the Daily Show, and then I did Air America Radio, and I realized that I was lucky enough to have a job where I could get information to people. But those spaces weren't appropriate to then tell people what to do - they were corporate enterprises. My main job was to be funny, so I was trying to figure out, how can I combine all the things I love - comedy, feminism, calling out bullshit - into a creative space that other creative people would want to join in and help out?
- Lizz Winstead
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Greengrass
The actor's job is to divine and embody the truth, and find it.
- Paul Greengrass
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Greengrass
Acting is many things. Acting is playing lines, of course, but it's much more profound than that. Acting is truth-telling, and trying to find the truth in a human situation, which will be sketched out by a screenwriter with all the skill that a screenwriter can do; but in the end, that's just the map of the journey. The actor's job is to divine and embody the truth, and find it.
- Paul Greengrass
Collection: Jobs
Image of Colleen Atwood
Be able to take any job that gives you experience on a film. Don't just think that you have to be in one department or the other, because through working on one and seeing what other people do in the movie makes you realize what your role is if you become a costume designer.
- Colleen Atwood
Collection: Jobs