Lissa Rankin

Image of Lissa Rankin
You can quit your job, but you can't quit your calling.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lissa Rankin
When we can build community based on truth and authenticity, rather than masks, false perfection, and being phoney, we heal, connect, and thrive.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Perfection
Image of Lissa Rankin
Promoting health without encouraging others to seek wholeness is an exercise in futility. Not until we realize that our bodies are mirrors of our interpersonal, spiritual, professional, sexual, creative, financial, environmental, mental, and emotional health will we truly heal.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Lissa Rankin
The longest journey you'll ever make is the journey from the head to the heart
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Heart
Image of Lissa Rankin
The body isn’t the foundation of your health. The body is the physical manifestation of the sum of your life experiences.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Foundation
Image of Lissa Rankin
When you focus on gratitude, positive things flow in more readily, making you even more grateful.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Lissa Rankin
When your life falls apart, you either grow, or you grow a tumor.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Fall
Image of Lissa Rankin
We are all incredibly different and rather than being something to be ashamed of, that's something to really celebrate.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Different
Image of Lissa Rankin
If I took fear out of the equation, what would I change about how I spend my days?
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Equations
Image of Lissa Rankin
Love opens your heart, trumps fear, and paves the way for healing in all aspects of your life.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Healing
Image of Lissa Rankin
It's easy to get caught up in how our figures look when we stand naked in front of the mirror. But we must remember that we are more than how we look. We are not boobs who happen to have hearts, minds, and souls; rather, we are souls that just happen to have mounds of flesh protruding from our chests.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Heart
Image of Lissa Rankin
The holy grail is right here in this gem of a book. Tosha Silver’s wisdom goes down as easy as a mint milkshake and leaves you feeling so free you’ll want to do cartwheels on the beach. But don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this message. Look no further for an easeful path to enlightenment infused with rapture and hope, which comes as much needed medicine for the soul.
- Lissa Rankin
Collection: Beach