Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 33

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 33 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Mark Dever
Friend, the church finds its life as it listens to the Word of God. It finds its purpose as it lives out and displays the Word of God. The church’s job is to listen and then to echo.
- Mark Dever
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alan Bersin
People in our so-called Rust Belt have lost out, and politics and society have not been responsive either in providing the kind of additional support they need or to retrain them for jobs that are being created in the new economy.
- Alan Bersin
Collection: Jobs
Image of E. J. Dionne
The worst kind of job to have is a job with lots of responsibility and very little power.
- E. J. Dionne
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sam Elliott
Even after nearly 50 years in this business, I still feel like I'm lucky every time I get a decent job, but an opportunity to work with people of that ilk.
- Sam Elliott
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elie Tahari
I worked in a boutique after work, my second job, selling women's clothes. And that was a way of not just making money but meeting women. That was very exciting job. I loved that job.
- Elie Tahari
Collection: Jobs
Image of Raymond Aubrac
Its very comforting to know that you are faced with a difficult job. If someone gives you a job which shows every sign of being easy, then you are a prisoner of effortlessness.
- Raymond Aubrac
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ben Rector
It's crazy to think of myself as a musician. It's ridiculous that I get to do it, and I don't necessarily mean music. Getting to do something you really enjoy as a job is an incredible privilege, I think. I still don't really feel like a musician outside of the actual music.
- Ben Rector
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dave McClure
Entrepreneurs usually don't listen to people. Trust them to do their job. Remember, you invested with the understanding the project was likely to fail.
- Dave McClure
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tina Fey
Politics and prostitution have to be the only jobs where inexperience is considered a virtue.
- Tina Fey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kenneth Rogoff
The problem - at least in the United States - is not that people can't find jobs. The problem is that they're no longer finding jobs that provide them with dignity and decent social status.
- Kenneth Rogoff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jacqueline Novogratz
Your job is not to be perfect, your job is only to be human.
- Jacqueline Novogratz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lillian Vernon
The biggest mistake was that I didn't hire all the right people. I should have done better reference checks. I should have defined the roles in a much more professional manner. I hired people who just couldn't do the job.
- Lillian Vernon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ruth Davidson
I'm proud to be British but there is nothing patriotic about a lack of a plan as to what even would happen if we came out there's nothing patriotic about putting people's jobs at risk.
- Ruth Davidson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ruth Davidson
There is nothing more positive than having a stronger econ supporting jobs and that's why I believe you should vote remain thank you.
- Ruth Davidson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jason Wu
My parents loved me, and I think they realized that I was probably not going to have a normal 9-to-5 job. For the longest time, my dad thought that I was just going to be home until I was, like, 35, which, weirdly, is completely normal in Asian families.
- Jason Wu
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jimmie Johnson
In the World Series, when a pitcher's not doing his job, they put another one in that can.
- Jimmie Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jimmie Johnson
NASCAR does a good job of trying to keep things equal with new rules. We're not allowed to have computers in our cars to tell the crew what's going on. So the only thing you have is the driver, and the driver-crew chief relationship. That's the most important thing.
- Jimmie Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barry Eisler
The job of the screenplay is to identify and extract the essence of the story from the novel and reconfigure it for the screen, maintaining its essence in a different vehicle.
- Barry Eisler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shani Davis
I’m already happy with who I am. My job is just to get on the podium.
- Shani Davis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shani Davis
I don't want to be a celebrity athlete. When you are, there's this pressure on you. It's like you have this halo over your head and have to walk on eggshells. That's not for me. All that glamour builds up a false sense of ego. It's not needed. I'm already happy with who I am. My job is just to get on the podium.
- Shani Davis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brendan Fehr
As an actor, it's exhausting being someone else. It's not physically demanding, but it's mentally demanding, if you do the job the way you should.
- Brendan Fehr
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nancy Spero
An artist's job is to articulate what might otherwise be incoherent.
- Nancy Spero
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Benton
Although I had a few jobs that I didn't like, or quit, or got fired from, I really loved New York from the moment I got here and I never stopped.
- Robert Benton
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Carlos
In life, there's the beginning and the end. The beginning don't matter. The end don't matter. All that matters is what you do in between – whether you're prepared to do what it takes to make change. There has to be physical and material sacrifice. When all the dust settles and we're getting ready to play down for the ninth inning, the greatest reward is to know that you did your job when you were here on the planet.
- John Carlos
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Carlos
The beginning don't matter. The end don't matter. All that matters is what you do in between...the greatest reward is to know that you did your job when you were here on the planet.
- John Carlos
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Carlos
Fortunately for me, I was able to see the newspaper and saw that they were hiring in a new program called the Cedar Program, and I recall going to one of my Olympic buddies and saying, "Hey, man, this might be a shot in the arm for us. Let's go down and apply for these Cedar jobs."I took a job as a gardener caretaker.
- John Carlos
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dakota Fanning
My job is all about getting inside another person's mind and thoughts.
- Dakota Fanning
Collection: Jobs
Image of Prince Fielder
A lot of people probably think I'm not athletic or don't even try to work out or whatever, but I do. Just because you're big doesn't mean you can't be an athlete. And just because you work out doesn't mean you're going to have a 12-pack. I work out to make sure I can do my job to the best of my ability. Other than that, I'm not going up there trying to be a fitness model.
- Prince Fielder
Collection: Jobs
Image of Fabio Capello
I have a contract and I refused a lot of opportunities to be the manager of important clubs because I want to stay here. I like this job. I like to be the England manager.
- Fabio Capello
Collection: Jobs
Image of Janet Street-Porter
Far too many women are hesitant, and remain trapped in jobs for which they are over-qualified or paid beneath their worth.
- Janet Street-Porter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jack Markell
As governor, Im spending my time focused in three areas: creating jobs, reducing the expense of government and schools.
- Jack Markell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles H. Percy
Just as important, we need a new dedication to opening avenues for employee participation and motivation through profit-sharing and innovative programs of job enrichment.
- Charles H. Percy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jill Tweedie
Always suspect any job men willingly vacate for women.
- Jill Tweedie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Justin Chambers
Grey's Anatomy' has given me a lot of security, especially as my kids have grown older. Plus, for the last eight years, I didn't have to get on a plane and go to do a job out of town or in another part of the world.
- Justin Chambers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Edward
Despite all the types of rejection, the most important part is to keep on moving forward and to not give up. If things are getting bad, take a break and seek out people for their opinion on what you may do to improve your presentation. In the end, it is all a numbers game and it does become a lot easier. It stops becoming this big ordeal and is just part of the job.
- Mark Edward
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Edward
I realized that I could have been in galleries much sooner. I just needed to get past the fear of rejection. I still feel nervous when I approach a new gallery, although it has become more like a job now. The first step on this long road was getting past that initial fear.
- Mark Edward
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Ives
Ultimately one has to pity these poor souls who know every secret about writing, directing, designing, producing, and acting but are stuck in those miserable day jobs writing reviews. Will somebody help them, please?
- David Ives
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Miller
If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.
- Richard Miller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daniel Ellsberg
The courage we need is not the fortitude to be obedient in the service of an unjust war, to help conceal lies, to do our job for a boss who has usurped power and is acting as an outlaw government. It is the courage at last to face honestly the truth and reality of what we are doing in the world and act responsibly to change it.
- Daniel Ellsberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kyle Busch
Practice for us went pretty well. It started out slow, but guys did a real nice job on the M&M’s Camry today to get us to where we needed to be. Everybody back at the shop is building some great stuff and TRD (Toyota Racing Development) making some improvements for the Chase here this weekend and whatnot. Having a good time there in practice means a lot, but there’s obviously a lot of things that need to happen in the race this weekend for us and getting off to a good start and being able to carry that into the next 10 weeks.
- Kyle Busch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Philip E. Agre
So here I was in the middle of the AI world-not just hanging out there but totally dependent on the people if I expected to have a job once I graduated-and yet, day by day, AI started to seem insane. This is also what I do: I get myself trapped inside of things that seem insane.
- Philip E. Agre
Collection: Jobs
Image of Claudia Rankine
When you achieve it fully, you create something that's transparent - that people can move into and through their own experiences. As a writer, I don't want people spending time thinking, "What does she mean?" I want, in a way, my text to go away. So that the words on the page become a door to one's own internal investigation. It's just a passage. If the work does its job, it just opens.
- Claudia Rankine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sandra Pupatello
Our government is pleased to welcome MANA to Ontario, and were thrilled to announce renewed steel production and workers back on the job in Hamilton. Global leaders such as MANA choose to invest in Ontario because of our competitive business environment, skilled workforce and focus on innovation.
- Sandra Pupatello
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard F. Syron
If I had better foresight, maybe I could have improved things a little bit. But frankly, if I had perfect foresight, I would never have taken this job in the first place.
- Richard F. Syron
Collection: Jobs
Image of Taylor Kinney
I remember I was always enamored by and loved motorcycles as a kid. My grandfather had motorcycles and I remember going for a ride and then after that I was hooked. And then in first or second grade, I ganked or stole a book from the library just because it had a dirt bike with trails. It was one of those things where as a kid, the world is your oyster as far as what you can do, and you don't associate jobs and things with making money.
- Taylor Kinney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barbara Ehrenreich
no job, no matter how lowly, is truly 'unskilled.
- Barbara Ehrenreich
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Forsyth Sharpe
[What if my advisor talks only about returns, not risk?] ... It's his job to take risk into account by telling you the range of possible outcomes you face. If he won't, go get a new planner, someone who will get real.
- William Forsyth Sharpe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shulamith Firestone
The classic trap for any revolutionary is always, “What's your alternative?” But even if you could provide the interrogator with a blueprint, this does not mean he would use it: in most cases he is not sincere in wanting to know. In fact this is a common offensive, a technique to reflect revolutionary anger and turn it against itself. Moreover, the oppressed have no job to convince all people. All they need know is that the present system is destroying them.
- Shulamith Firestone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bunker Roy
Our job is to show how it is possible to take an illiterate woman and make her into an engineer in six months and show that she can solar-electrify a village.
- Bunker Roy
Collection: Jobs