Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 29

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 29 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Lee Cowan
When NBC News first assigned me to the Barack Obama campaign, I must confess my knees quaked a bit....I wondered if I was up to the job. I wondered if I could do the campaign justice.
- Lee Cowan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Norm Coleman
The quickest way to kill jobs is to have this ordinance pass. It is dumb and dangerous.
- Norm Coleman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ryan Blair
Entrepreneurship is an addiction to being successful, not a job or career. You have to feed the addiction and recharge from it or you'll burn out.
- Ryan Blair
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ryan Blair
Steve Jobs is someone I've studied inside and out, and I've applied so many of his techniques and philosophies to my businesses. It's a remote mentorship because I've never met him.
- Ryan Blair
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jared Spool
Users scan a page looking for trigger words. If they find a trigger word, they click on it but if they don’t find it, they go to search. That’s the way it works on 99% of sites, although Amazon is an exception. That’s because Amazon has done a great job of training users to know that absolutely nothing on the home page is of any use.
- Jared Spool
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andy Dick
Yes, I direct commercials as well. I get these really weird offers and then I have to bid on them and win the job. One offer that I have now, and I've already done this last year for the same company, is for Cash Value Cheese, this cheese out in the midwest. I did two spots for them last year and I'm going to probably do three this year. I also did some for the Utah Transit Authority, which was weird and interesting and they turned out really funny - they actually won an award.
- Andy Dick
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Masur
I did a film many years ago called The Man Without A Face.Gaby [Hoffmann] was in with Mel Gibson. That was his directing debut. He did a great job.
- Richard Masur
Collection: Jobs
Image of Greg Giraldo
Once I saw a homeless man wearing his underwear on top of his pants. Now we say, why don't the homeless just go out and get a job? If he's wearing his underwear on top of his pants, I doubt his resume is in order, and I don't think he's going to make it too far in the interview process. In fact, I'm pretty sure that McDonald's has a no underwear over your pant policy.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hines Ward
It's well known that I play aggressively. When I'm not doing that, I'm not doing my job.
- Hines Ward
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hines Ward
I wanted to finish my career as a Steeler. I felt I just fit the mold as far as a blue-collar guy. I may not be the flashiest, most flamboyant wide receiver out there. But I get the job done for my team.
- Hines Ward
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jean Arthur
It's a strenuous job every day of your life to live up to the way you look on the screen.
- Jean Arthur
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michelle Rhee
Creativity is good and whatever. But if the children don't know how to read, I don't care how creative you are. You're not doing your job.
- Michelle Rhee
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terence Blacker
For those who can do it and who keep their nerve, writing for a living still beats most real, grown-up jobs hands down.
- Terence Blacker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tana Ramsay
People wonder whether I got my presenting job as a result of my own abilities or because of Gordon, which is a little unfair.
- Tana Ramsay
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wayne Watson
My dad died in May of '97. The effects of his death immediately were not all that hard, but a year or two later it hit, when my job as Dad was sort of done and I was sending my kids to college. And somehow, the emotional intensity of that event mixed with the loss of my own dad, was kind of upsetting.
- Wayne Watson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Zoey Deutch
My favorite part about my job is not that it is never boring; it is that it is always exciting. There is always something new to learn. There is always something interesting to get from someone else. Whether it is an actor, or a sound engineer, there is so much to learn and there will never be nothing to learn. There is always something there.
- Zoey Deutch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alexander Isley
If you look at any designer you admire, whose work inspires you, and whose approach somehow resonates with you, I promise you'll find a person who does not think of what they do as just their job
- Alexander Isley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Renee Zellweger
I believe in love, but I'm not sitting around waiting for it. I buy houses. I travel. I take jobs on mountaintops in Transylvania... I know that happiness comes in many ways and if you spend your life hoping to be found by or to find a significant other, you're going to miss out on all that stuff. And that's what makes you special and makes your life rich.
- Renee Zellweger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elio Di Rupo
Being the chief minister of a regional government is just a pastime compared with the hellish job of being prime minister of two different communities brought together.
- Elio Di Rupo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nat Hentoff
[Bill Clinton] was the man, as a matter of fact, who, in terms of the Communications Decency Act, which would have made the Internet, the whole concept of cyberspace, vulnerable to rampant censorship - he pushed that bill, and I know the man in the Justice Department whom he persuaded - the guy didn't want to lose his job - to write the bill.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Pooch Hall
I'm trying to get my next job as a biracial action hero.
- Pooch Hall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sebastian Stan
I get psyched about coming onto a Broadway stage every night. it's very exciting. You develop a kind of gratefulness for it when you spend months trying to get a job.
- Sebastian Stan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Heloise
Frozen peas can be shelled very fast with a wringer-type washer. Put a pan on one side of the wringer to catch the peas and the pods go on through. You will think peas will go through the wringer and be mashed the moment the pod hits the wringer, but they will pop out before they go through. A very fast job can be done this way.
- Heloise
Collection: Jobs
Image of Max De Pree
The leader is the servant who removes the obstacles that prevent people from doing their jobs.
- Max De Pree
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martin Amis
People? People are chaotic quiddities living in one cave each. They pass the hours in amorous grudge and playback and thought experiment. At the campfire they put the usual fraction on exhibit, and listen to their own silent gibber about how they're feeling and how they're going down. We've been there. Death helps. Death gives us something to do. Because it's a fulltime job looking the other way.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Buerk
If you got the job in the first place mainly because you look nice, I can't see why you should keep it when you don't.
- Michael Buerk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Flacco
I would assume everybody thinks they are a top-five quarterback. I think I'm the best. I don't think I'm top five, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'd be very successful at my job if I didn't feel that way.
- Joe Flacco
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jerry Andrus
Magic is something that seems like it goes against how the world works and its us magicians job to be doing that.
- Jerry Andrus
Collection: Jobs
Image of Darren Criss
My name's Darren. I'm a musician, part time idiot. That's a full time job actually.
- Darren Criss
Collection: Jobs
Image of Phoebe Cates
Kids today are much more independant than their parents were. We're really into getting jobs and we mature sexually much earlier than a generation ago. Or, at least, we are involved in sex earlier.
- Phoebe Cates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jurnee Smollett
Maybe you should think about the choices in your life, how someone can come and spit some kind of game to you and make you doubt every single thing that is your life, your relationship, your appearance, your job, your ambitions, your marriage, and how those thoughts can lead to choices and behavior that you never thought that you were capable of.
- Jurnee Smollett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Ross
You can take this job and shove it because I quit.
- Jim Ross
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Ross
I do have high expectations for Alex Riley. He seems athletic, articulate and intelligent. Only time will tell how far he goes, but Riley has bonafide potential. FCW did a nice job of preparing Alex for WWE. Alex's future success is largely up to Alex.
- Jim Ross
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Rees
To me, if you're lucky enough to make stuff that people will pay money for, do a good job. Really do a good job. Especially if you're talking about real stuff, like terror atrocities and human rights abuses and pencil-sharpening techniques.
- David Rees
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nicole Malachowski
I'm an Air Force officer first, a pilot second and then Nicole. The female part is last. . . . My job is to be the best right wingman that I can be.
- Nicole Malachowski
Collection: Jobs
Image of Adepero Oduye
I would come to L.A. for a job, but I love New York.
- Adepero Oduye
Collection: Jobs
Image of Damon Dash
Jobs are for lazy people who don’t want to invest in themselves.
- Damon Dash
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paula Patton
I really appreciate and respect the audience. People pay their hard-earned money to go watch you, so I feel like it's my job to give 100,000% of myself to what I'm doing.
- Paula Patton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Christopher Gorham
My jobs often end up being our family vacations, and so far it has been great.
- Christopher Gorham
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tony Danza
Every job has its pros and cons. The NFL just has more of both.
- Tony Danza
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lena Headey
I'm sort of like a T. rex in the world of female actresses. Every time a job is finished, I look at my car and think, 'Could I live in it?
- Lena Headey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stuart Rose
I have always been an advocate and was, in my last job at M&S, a supporter of the Al Gore dictum that a sustainable business can be a profitable business. We were the first sizeable company in the UK to prove that was the case.
- Stuart Rose
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Walsh
When I give a speech at a corporate event, I often ask those in attendance, 'Do you know how to tell if you're doing the job?' As heads start whispering back and forth, I provide these clue: 'If you're up at 3 A.M. every night talking into a tape recorder and writing notes on scraps of paper, have a knot in your stomach and a rash on your skin, are losing sleep and losing touch with your wife and kids, have no appetite or sense of humor, and feel that everything might turn out wrong, then you're probably doing the job.'
- Bill Walsh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rob Kardashian
My job is — I make socks. That’s all I do. I don’t necessarily care about the show. I would rather film this — me doing what I do — than being around my family.
- Rob Kardashian
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dale Archer
Kids take work, effort, love, blood, sweat and tears and are a full time job. You have to commit, for better or worse and then give your all and hope for the best. The one thing you can never, ever do is give up and say, 'Oooops, never mind, my bad, you can take this one back'!
- Dale Archer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nikki Reed
Animals don't have a voice, so I think it is our job to give them one.
- Nikki Reed
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tim Cook
I personally admire Steve Jobs not most for what he did, or what he said, but for what he stood for. The largest lesson I learned from Steve was that the joy in life is in the journey, and I saw him live this every day.
- Tim Cook
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gilles Marini
We only live once, and how would you want to be remembered? I have kids. I have, due to my job, a probably higher responsibility to do good things in my life. But also, since I was a kid, I love doing things out of context, helping friends, being different, being a special kind of man is important for me.
- Gilles Marini
Collection: Jobs