Damon Dash

Image of Damon Dash
My delivery can be intense, but it's intense because I need to be heard. I know that people don't usually listen, as it relates to constructive criticism, without getting offended. So, I speak my mind with an attitude that I don't care if you get offended; I just want you to get the message.
- Damon Dash
Collection: Attitude
Image of Damon Dash
You're only the boss if you put up your own money.
- Damon Dash
Collection: Money
Image of Damon Dash
Freedom is priceless.
- Damon Dash
Collection: Freedom
Image of Damon Dash
I think one of the most important things in evolving is forgiveness.
- Damon Dash
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Damon Dash
I work to go on vacation. Hopefully, the more money I make, my vacations will get a little longer to the point where they last a year.
- Damon Dash
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I believe in therapy, and I believe an objective opinion sometimes helps you be a better person.
- Damon Dash
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The worst disrespect of all time is to disrespect someone's children.
- Damon Dash
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Look at my life. I ain't got nothing to be mad about.
- Damon Dash
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If you're not talking about the truth, I don't even want you around me.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
I'm a businessman who puts up his own money, so I don't have time to hear about emotion. I gotta get right to the point. I'm going to tell you the truth, I'm going to address the elephant in the room, and we'll all move forward.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
I had to architect my life where I could raise my children.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
Being independent is everything. That's all I know.
- Damon Dash
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I think that the better sign of an OG is when he's happy that the person that he raised got bigger than him and in a position where they could help.
- Damon Dash
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I'm a true businessman.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
When you're a business man, you have a lot of businesses, a lot of times they think you're laundering money or you're pretending you're writing things off that you don't.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
The reason why Roc-A-Fella crossed and became so essential to pop culture is that we were probably the most authentic people that were also so sophisticated.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
Everything that scared me is losing people I love, and everyone that I really love, as it relates to females, I've lost. So what it's made me be is the animal that I am because I don't want to sit down and think about the things that are hurting me, but, you know.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
I never really considered myself super hip-hop, ever in life. I don't think anything that I've done reflects that.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
I don't like to be considered a 'hip-hop mogul.' I don't know what that means.
- Damon Dash
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It's very rare that a person, especially in his twenties and thirties, can do more than one business and do it well.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
Work harder than everyone, be patient, and just know that if you're going to do something on your own, you're gonna have to feel some pain.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
When my children look and ask about what I do, they know I'm the boss.
- Damon Dash
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My favorite record was the one I produced with Clark Kent.
- Damon Dash
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First of all, how could I be broke, and I got all these companies?
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
It's incomprehensible for me to hear another dude talk about another's dude's pockets and have that matter and argue about that.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
You do something when you're 20, and you're still paying for it when you're 40.
- Damon Dash
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If somebody asks you the same questions 25 times, maybe 2,500 times, do you still want to talk about the same thing?
- Damon Dash
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We not from Hollywood, so I'm not playing Hollywood's game.
- Damon Dash
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I don't complain about other people's game - I just create my own.
- Damon Dash
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Every little thing I've done as an adult and as a young adult, I've done diabetic.
- Damon Dash
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A diabetic always wants to help another diabetic.
- Damon Dash
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I'm proud of Jay Z's success and Kanye's success. Inside, I feel like I had something to do with their success... I don't have anything but positive things to say.
- Damon Dash
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In urban culture, Larry Davis is something of a legend.
- Damon Dash
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Big shout out to Nas: if you want to scream my name out again and put my name in your rhyme, I think it's funny. Let's make some money from it. Just don't take it so serious, man.
- Damon Dash
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I'm knee-deep into fashion; I'm knee-deep into movies.
- Damon Dash
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If I can't do things to the fullest, I don't want to do it.
- Damon Dash
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I don't wanna be yelling all my life. How loud did I have to yell to say that Jay-Z was the man and the best rapper of all time?
- Damon Dash
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I love music, but the people in the music don't wanna work.
- Damon Dash
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I never had to ask Def Jam for anything.
- Damon Dash
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Def Jam and Roc-A-Fella were two equal entities under the Def Island umbrellas.
- Damon Dash
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A 'Roc-A-Fella purist' is me.
- Damon Dash
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I become friendly with people I work with.
- Damon Dash
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I grew up in a lot of different places. I always saw the bigger picture. I was around rich kids with country houses and private jets. No disrespect to those people, but I never thought they were super geniuses. I couldn't see how I wasn't going to have those things, too.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
I've never tried to be accepted. When everyone is doing one thing, I've always had the instinct to go the other way. I don't understand how an individual with their own mind, their own values, and their own beliefs can be so willing to just follow what everybody else is doing. How can you make history doing what everybody else is doing?
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
I lost my girl a couple years back, Aaliyah, in a plane crash. I wasn't expecting that, and also, my mother died, and at the time, my father wasn't in my life; the only person that took care of me was my mom.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
You speak things into existence, but there's a gift and a curse with that. You got to be careful what you say.
- Damon Dash
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I don't believe in bullying in any form, but especially not on my children.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
When I was young, I read the Bible, and I already knew what it meant to be the good guy - and look what happened to Jesus. So, I already understood that you get ridiculed for telling the truth, and I've always been aware of that. But, I'm a guy with confidence, and I'm not afraid.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
Part of keeping work and life in balance is surrounding yourself with people that have similar aspirations.
- Damon Dash
Image of Damon Dash
There's certain lines you just don't cross. You know the one thing that will get a man out of pocket is when you mess with his children.
- Damon Dash