Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 28

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Image of Christiane Amanpour
Some people accused me of being pro-Muslim in Bosnia, but I realised that our job is to give all sides an equal hearing, but in cases of genocide you can't just be neutral. You can't just say, 'Well, this little boy was shot in the head and killed in besieged Sarajevo and that guy over there did it, but maybe he was upset because he had an argument with his wife.' No, there is no equality there, and we had to tell the truth.
- Christiane Amanpour
Collection: Jobs
Image of Valerie Solanas
[M]any females would, even assuming complete economic equality between the sexes, prefer residing with males or peddling their asses on the street, thereby having most of their time for themselves, to spending many hours of their days doing boring, stultifying, non-creative work for somebody else, functioning as less than animals, as machines, or, at best - if able to get a "good" job - co-managing the shitpile. What will liberate women, therefore, from male control is the total elimination of the money-work system, not the attainment of economic equality with men within it.
- Valerie Solanas
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Cook
All in all I'd rather have been a judge than a miner. And what's more, being a miner, as soon as you are too old and tired and sick and stupid to do the job properly, you have to go. Well, the very opposite applies with judges. *
- Peter Cook
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Cook
Job was what you'd technically describe as a loony.
- Peter Cook
Collection: Jobs
Image of Selena
I'm pretty confident in who I am. I know that for parents everywhere, it's my job to be a role model, and I'm going to do the best I possibly can.
- Selena
Collection: Jobs
Image of Suzy Welch
Just keep asking questions. Does this job allow me to be myself? Does it make me smarter? Does it open doors? Does it represent a compromise I accept? Does it touch my inner being?
- Suzy Welch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Suzy Welch
Ask yourself: Does the job touch my heart and feed my soul? You will never be what you were meant to be if you aren't having fun.
- Suzy Welch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Suzy Welch
It used to be you rose up through the ranks, and by the time you got a job as a boss, you had done the work of everybody beneath you.
- Suzy Welch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eli Manning
I try to be a smart quarterback. I'm not the fastest or the best athlete, but if I can know what the defense is doing and stick to my job and what needs to be done I can make the plays needed to move the ball and score.
- Eli Manning
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alyson Stoner
For me it's a new experience every single time, because - The dance community has a great strength in synergizing immediately. So we recognize that opposed to being competition, which we are in the audition process, once we're on the job is about cohesion, it's about striving to highlight each individual in their own element, while also creating something that is visually tantalizing to the audience. While the ingredients of each movie has been different, the recipe for success is the same, which is to click immediately and make the best possible movie.
- Alyson Stoner
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mathieu Amalric
Im always intrigued when you are travelling through a place and there is somebody who has lived there and done the same job for years.
- Mathieu Amalric
Collection: Jobs
Image of Viviane Reding
If we use our policy instruments wisely with regard to broadband, we can do some very practical things to make 'growth and jobs' a reality in the less-developed and rural regions of Europe, too.
- Viviane Reding
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Zayas
Part of an actors job, in my opinion, is adjust to the characteristics of the director and try to understand to how he tries to work.
- David Zayas
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Badge Dale
The hats are tough. I've got a weird head, so believe me, there were a lot of hats. Penny [Rose], our costume designer, who I knew from other jobs said, "Badge, that looks terrible on you. Hold on. No, we can't do that one."
- James Badge Dale
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wendell Pierce
I'm so thankful when I have a job. I would say the worst job I ever had was the one I quit after the first night. I was an overnight restaurant janitor. And it wasn't because of the job. We had to do four restaurants in the night, overnight. But I was working with a den of thieves. I just quit the next day.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sandra Steingraber
We can decide that the presence of cancer-causing substances in our air, water, and food is too expensive. A 2009 study, for example, has found that coal miners in Appalachia costs the region five times more in premature deaths, including from cancer, than it provides to the region in jobs, taxes, and economic benefits. In California, the production and use of hazardous chemicals cost the state $2.6 billion in 2004 alone in lost wages and health-care expenses to treat workers and children with pollution-linked diseases.
- Sandra Steingraber
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hortense Odlum
It seemed pathetic and terrible to me and it still does, that men and women work eight hours a day at jobs that bring them no joy, no reward save a few dollars.
- Hortense Odlum
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joseph McCarthy
Our job as Americans and as Republicans is to dislodge the traitors from every place where they've been sent to do their traitorous work.
- Joseph McCarthy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joseph McCarthy
The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because the enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer - the finest homes, the finest college educations, and the finest jobs in Government we can give.
- Joseph McCarthy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gina McCarthy
Even if there's controversy, I'm going to make the decision, and people are going to be happy in one instance and unhappy in the next. But that's the job I've been given and the job I'm going to embrace.
- Gina McCarthy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Randy Savage
All I care about is that people are being entertained. It's not about being the world champion [in wrestling], it's about exciting the people. If you walk away entertained, then I did my job, and that's all I care about.
- Randy Savage
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alison Lundergan Grimes
When I'm in the U.S. Senate, I will fiercely oppose the president's attack on Kentucky's coal industry, because protecting our jobs will be my No. 1 priority.
- Alison Lundergan Grimes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jack Gelber
Give a woman a job and she grows balls.
- Jack Gelber
Collection: Jobs
Image of Helen Chenoweth-Hage
Don't let anything like trees in the Clearwater National Forest get in the way of providing jobs and fueling the economy, even if that means cutting down every last tree in the state.
- Helen Chenoweth-Hage
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Odenkirk
Acting in particular is a fun job when you have a good script. I don't know about acting when you don't have a great script. I'm gonna say that's not a great job, it's kind of a dumb job. But when you have a good part in a good script, it's the best job, in a way.
- Bob Odenkirk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Abhishek Bachchan
Critics have a job to do. They do not criticize you without reason.
- Abhishek Bachchan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sallie Krawcheck
If it comes down to your ethics vs. a job, choose ethics. You can always find another job.
- Sallie Krawcheck
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mamie Till
Two months ago I had a nice apartment in Chicago. I had a good job. I had a son. When something happened to the Negroes in the South I said, `That's their business, not mine.' Now I know how wrong. I was. The murder of my son has shown me that what happens to any of us, anywhere in the world, had better be the business of us all.
- Mamie Till
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Johnson
I take my job very seriously and I work the best that I can on every drum that I hit. I want all the drums and cymbals to sound the best. I strive for perfection and I won't take anything less.
- Chris Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Jeter
It's strange that so many people think it's glamorous and fun to be on a set, I guess it shows they do a good job of hiding reality!
- Michael Jeter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Stanford
Never trust an economist with your job. Learn about economics yourself. And make up your own mind about what might protect your job - and what might destroy it.
- Jim Stanford
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barkhad Abdi
I dont see myself only as a Somali character. I think of myself as an actor, and if the job fits me and I like the story, I will go for it.
- Barkhad Abdi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Douglas Conant
Courage means feeling all those hard human emotions - all that uncertainty and anxiety - and getting the job done anyway.
- Douglas Conant
Collection: Jobs
Image of Douglas Conant
If you have people who are high-performing working for you, it's so easy to do your job. Otherwise, you can't even agree on the time of the meeting or who will bring the coffee.
- Douglas Conant
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Schaller
For what are the whales being killed? For a few hundred jobs and products that are not needed, since there are cheap substitutes. If this continues, it will be the end of living and the beginning of survival. The world is being totaled.
- George Schaller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Emily Browning
My job is to portray real human beings and real human experiences, and if I haven't had a real human experience myself outside of the film industry, how am I going to be able to do that?
- Emily Browning
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marci Shimoff
The third doorway is the Doorway of Unconditional Self-love, which corresponds to the energy center located in the solar plexus area. As I said earlier, the key to feeling love and living in love is having self-love. I mean real unconditional self-love, not "I love myself because I'm a good wife" or "I love myself because I do a good job at work" or "I love myself because I look a particular way." It's because I love myself no matter what. That's where our real power lies, in the ability to love ourselves unconditionally.
- Marci Shimoff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kristin Lehman
I found out that detectives are really good dressers. I'm not even exaggerating. The woman I interviewed had these fantastic fuschia suede heels on that I coveted. And that they're invested in their jobs the same way you and I might be. We think of them as doing these jobs that we could never imagine doing, but their relationship to what they do is the same as our relationship to what we do.
- Kristin Lehman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kristin Lehman
One of the things the police officers told us in the first minutes of being with them is that the way that they cope with their job is by using a lot of inappropriate humour. It's really a lovely opportunity to try to challenge our ideas of what it is to deal with complex issues, and that they're not always dower. Having that kind of humour along with the pathos for what people are going through is a really nice challenge.
- Kristin Lehman
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Hunt
This isn't higher education studying itself. There are a lot of higher education people here. But there are also people here who are directly involved in whether or not (the United States is) going to have the good jobs in the future.
- James Hunt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bat for Lashes
Exploring the different avenues and being open to synchronicity and crazy coincidences and little things happening is part of going on your journey to investigate - and the little jewels you might find along the way, my job is to bring those back home and put them on my album.
- Bat for Lashes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dana Perino
Take any job, get started and stop with the video games and pot. I'm not for that.
- Dana Perino
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dana Perino
Get a job and when you earn a little bit of money, then you can do more good. Then bringing your values doesn't mean you have to compromise yourself. You got to get over this idea that you can't work for a big corporation, or for big oil or bigger pharma, because actually, those are some of the great jobs are and you can do good there.
- Dana Perino
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eleanor Tomlinson
I enjoy it and just smile through it. There are days where you're just pulling your hair out, but, at the end of the day, we are the luckiest people alive, doing what we do and loving our job as much as we do. Things don't get that much better.
- Eleanor Tomlinson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eleanor Tomlinson
Wow, I think you grow all the time when you're working. You start the job and by the end of it, if it's a long one, you kind of say, "My God, I was so different at the start of this job." I always feel like I've changed for the better with each one.
- Eleanor Tomlinson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robin Thicke
There is nothing normal about a musician's lifestyle; I don't have a nine-to-five job at the post office.
- Robin Thicke
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Wolk
Acting is great. It's so much fun. It's a job where you literally get to do something that's a great experience, and then you try a new experience, and you take things from all of it.
- James Wolk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Warren Miller
Most people work fifty weeks a year so they can do this the other 2. Well the smart ones live in a ski resort, where the boss lets them have powder snow days off. And almost forty feet of snow falls every winter thats a lot of days off. A lot of doing what you moved here to do. Most major ski resorts are now so big that regardles of what kind ofjob you have in a city there's probably a job almost exactly like yours in a ski rsort like this. So quit your job and rent that U-haul trailer now so next winter this can be you. Not you just sitting there watching this and wishing that this was you.
- Warren Miller
Collection: Jobs