Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 20

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 20 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Christiane Nusslein-Volhard
Not everybody is talented for doing research. I think many women prefer to look for an easier job after their dissertations because it is very demanding. You have to be mobile. You have to move to different places for your post-doc training. And if you aren't successful, it isn't a very pleasant job, either.
- Christiane Nusslein-Volhard
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patricia Arquette
I know that I've had a very fortunate life, but also I think my job as an actor is to connect emotionally to human beings.
- Patricia Arquette
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Packer
People can make a real difference. One person at a time, one job at a time, one life at a time.
- James Packer
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Packer
I genuinely believe if we get the chance to do something in Sydney, the people of Australia will win out of that proposal. There will be jobs, taxes, tourism - there'll be more people coming to Australia looking to spend money and I think that is a good thing.
- James Packer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ty Burrell
My father passed away before he saw me perform. I can't help but wonder what he would think of all this. I go to a job in full makeup.
- Ty Burrell
Collection: Jobs
Image of James W. Moseley
Brand planning must continue to paint a vivid description of the consumer today. The challenge is that it can feel like this picture changes daily. Planning's job is to help separate the temporary shifts from foundational understanding that underpins overall behaviour.
- James W. Moseley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles Koch
Best part of my job is fulfillment. When I see that, that we're creating value, that we're helping improve people's lives, and we benefit from it, so it's a system of mutual benefit. Our philosophy's working. That's what turns me on. That's what keeps me going.
- Charles Koch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gary Sinise
The actors I was most impressed with and who were influencing my taste were all movie actors, so I always wanted to do movies but I didnt want to go to Hollywood and become a waiter in the meantime. The chances are really slim that an actor will be discovered in Hollywood. ... Ive never had to compromise myself for a job, ever.
- Gary Sinise
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeffrey Pfeffer
The single biggest barrier to effective leadership is, in my view, the leadership industry itself. Instead of telling people the skills and behaviors they need to be effective in getting things done, we tell them almost the opposite - blandishments about how we wish people would be, and how we wish workplaces were. That information is worse than useless as, to the extent people believe it, they often wind up losing their jobs.
- Jeffrey Pfeffer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeffrey Pfeffer
Leaders are not modest, and more importantly, the extensive social science research on narcissism, self-promotion, and similar constructs shows that these qualities and behaviors are useful for getting hired, achieving promotions, keeping one's job, and obtaining a higher salary.
- Jeffrey Pfeffer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hans Zimmer
I've never had a real job in my life. I didn't learn anything, I was terrible at school. It was just this thing. Music was all I wanted to do.
- Hans Zimmer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Chu
Suppose you had a small electrical fire and... a structural engineer [looked] at your home's wiring [and] reports that the wiring is "shot" and there is a 50% chance that your house would burn down in the next few years unless you replace all the wiring. The job will cost $20,000... so you get an independent assessment. The next engineer agrees with the first warning. You can either continue to shop for additional evaluations until you find the one engineer in 1,000 that is willing to give you the answer you want, "Your family is not in danger" or you can change the wiring.
- Steven Chu
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Goodlatte
People have a pathway to citizenship right now: It's to abide by the immigration laws, and if they have a family relationship, if they have a job skill that allows them to do that, they can obtain citizenship.
- Bob Goodlatte
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Langewiesche
Some think of Islam as an expedient jobs program that moves the female half of the population out of the way.
- William Langewiesche
Collection: Jobs
Image of Saul Alinsky
The organizers first job is to create the issues or problems, and organizations must be based on many issues. The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act. . . . An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent.
- Saul Alinsky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Saul Alinsky
In the beginning the organizer's first job is to create the issues or problems.
- Saul Alinsky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jane Lynch
For many, many years, I was always whipping up things in order to keep myself busy and moving ever forward and saying, 'What's next? What's next? What's next?' I like the equanimity that comes with my age. I don't have big highs, and I don't have big lows. Even if this job goes away tomorrow, the nonstop ambition is a thing of the past for me. I've mellowed
- Jane Lynch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eleanor Smeal
We have so few women in Congress. We are so underrepresented and whether we like it or not, we are in area - in an era that still the women, the handful that are there, have two jobs: they represent the constituency that they're from, and they also represent the women of the nation or the state or sometimes as Maloney has done, of the world.
- Eleanor Smeal
Collection: Jobs
Image of Fannie Hurst
writing is the loneliest job in the world. There's always that frustrating chasm to bridge between the concept and the writing of it. We're a harassed tribe, we writers.
- Fannie Hurst
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Horton
I'm able to support my wife and family off of gymnastics. But at the same time I do take it very seriously - it is a job for me.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Vitter
D energy - Domestic jobs; Domestic energy; Deficit reduction.
- David Vitter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gil Amelio
That ship is loaded with treasure, but there's a hole in the ship. And my job is to get everyone to row in the same direction.
- Gil Amelio
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kenny Chesney
One of these days we're gonna have to grow up, have to get real jobs and be adults, someday, just not today.
- Kenny Chesney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alex Jones
What a bunch of garbage, liberal, Democratic, conservative, Republican, it's all there to control you, two sides of the same coin! Two management teams, bidding for control of the CEO job of Slavery Incorporated!
- Alex Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alex Jones
It's a different kind of economic recovery. The kind where bankers steal trillions and you don't have a job.
- Alex Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Barrowman
I'm not one of those actors who likes to analyze things too much, so I trust what the writers are doing with the characters, in order to give them their journey. My job is to come in and try to make those words on the page come alive on camera.
- John Barrowman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anne Robinson
I eventually got a job with a television company, started to see how exciting journalism could be as a career, and decided that was what I wanted to do.
- Anne Robinson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shawn Ashmore
Getting to play superheroes is a pretty good job.
- Shawn Ashmore
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maxine Waters
If sequestration takes place, that's going to be a great setback. We don't need to be having something like sequestration that's going to cause these job losses - over 170 million jobs that could be lost.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maxine Waters
Black women are going to have to take more leadership. I think we are prepared because we bring a tenaciousness with us. We do not fear losing friends, allies, or jobs.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Jobs
Image of Helen Suzman
It is increasingly hard for young white people to find jobs, and I can understand why white parents are worried about the future.
- Helen Suzman
Collection: Jobs
Image of J. Boone
Never forget that every living thing has a particular and needed job to do in the universal Plan and Purpose.
- J. Boone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Bennet
I believe people I represent still aspire to the idea that our job as a generation is to provide more opportunity to the people coming after us, not less.
- Michael Bennet
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Bennet
You know a Senate race is obviously a much smaller deal than a presidential race. What I think makes a very hard job considerably easier when you're going to debate is if you have reminded yourself - or somebody has reminded you during the course of your campaign - that consistency is enormously important. That people don't want to hear you say one thing in one part of the state and another thing in another part of the state.
- Michael Bennet
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lilly Ledbetter
Maybe 23 cents doesn't sound like a lot to someone with a Swiss bank account, Cayman Island Investments and an IRA worth tens of millions of dollars. But Governor Romney, when we lose 23 cents every hour, every day, every paycheck, every job, over our entire lives, what we lose can't just be measured in dollars.
- Lilly Ledbetter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ananda Coomaraswamy
It is only when the maker of things is a maker of things by vocation, and not merely holding down a job, that the price of things is approximate to their real value. . . .
- Ananda Coomaraswamy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lea Seydoux
I don't pay much attention to magazine covers. One day, there'll be slack times in my career. It's unavoidable, because success is temporary. Which is why you have to stay focused on this very taxing job.
- Lea Seydoux
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lee Child
A person less fortunate than yourself deserves the best you can give. Because of duty, and honor, and service. You understand those words? You should do your job right, and you should do it well, simply because you can, without looking for notice or reward.
- Lee Child
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lee Child
So long as readers keep reading and my publishers keep publishing, I plan to keep on writing. I'd have to be an idiot to be burnt-out in this job.
- Lee Child
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles Saatchi
Being a good artist is the toughest job you could pick, and you have to be a little nuts to take it on.
- Charles Saatchi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alben W. Barkley
...the best definition that I heard of that is that a bureaucrat is a Democrat who has a job that a Republican wants.
- Alben W. Barkley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alexander Ovechkin
Nobody ever tells me to give them a pass or anything. My job is to score goals, and if I don't shoot the puck, I can't score goals.
- Alexander Ovechkin
Collection: Jobs
Image of George W. Bush
One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Wright
We have had a good working relationship. He has got a tough job. We had different ideas sometimes and we got on pretty well. I have challenged him and he has challenged me. His form has been up and down and that can be tough. I suppose we've been lucky. Sourav and I complement each other. We are two different personalities. He is softer than me. I probably spoke my mind in the change rooms in a rougher way than him. Sourav and I formed an odd couple but it seems to have worked.
- John Wright
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Glavine
In a hockey fight, barring the occasional brawl, theres actually some etiquette that goes into it. Honor, too, absolutely. Most of those guys that do it, thats their job, and they follow a certain code of conduct in doing it.
- Tom Glavine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brian Andreas
Most people don't know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable & fall asleep & miss your life.
- Brian Andreas
Collection: Jobs
Image of Foster Friess
Amazons Jeff Bezos, Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs did not start out wealthy, and actually added to income inequality, but we all benefit from their creative effort.
- Foster Friess
Collection: Jobs
Image of Masaaki Imai
The standard is not writ on the stone. The definition of the standard is that it is the best way to do the job for now. It should be regarded as a next step to make further improvement.
- Masaaki Imai
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tony Hoare
The job of formal methods is to elucidate the assumptions upon which formal correctness depends.
- Tony Hoare
Collection: Jobs