Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Alan Chambers
This is the church's job. This is who we are as the body of Christ to reach out to people who are in need, who are struggling, who need to be discipled and to pursue Christ in their life. That's good news and the church should offer it wholeheartedly to anyone.
- Alan Chambers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scotty Bowman
Rick Tocchet is what I call a warrior. He really brings a lot to a team because he really believes in team play. He's tough on himself and he's tough on the team. As a coach, if you had even one guy like him on your team, you'd have a heckuva chance to do your job well.
- Scotty Bowman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Samuel M. Vauclain
If you don't get a kick out of the job you're doing you'd better hunt for another one.
- Samuel M. Vauclain
Collection: Jobs
Image of Josette Sheeran
Eighty percent of the people in the world have no food safety net. When disaster strikes — the economy gets blown, people lose a job, floods, war, conflict, bad governance, all of those things — there is nothing to fall back on.
- Josette Sheeran
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robin Ince
I don't have any hobbies because my working job is my hobby. What I do is I spend my whole time looking through telescopes and having brain scans and buying books about various different ideas and I just sit around, that's my life.
- Robin Ince
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amy Irving
There is a sort of creative purity in an independent film, in the passion of the director, the passion of the crew. They're not getting a whole lot of money, so you know they are not there because they want to get rich. Instead, they are there because they want to make a movie. In the bigger films, I remember when I used to do those, it's just a job for a lot of people, so there is less of an intense energy devoted to the whole project.
- Amy Irving
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Tomlin
People aren't very good listeners, by nature. Part of being a good communicator is recognizing and understanding that and trying to make the complex simple. I try to capture a concept, an idea or a moment in a few words. If they remember it, job done.
- Mike Tomlin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bobby Ray Inman
If the intelligence we send forward support the views that the administration has, it is welcome and we are told what a great job it is. And if the intelligence that gos forward don't support the views of the policymakers, it is instantly condemned.
- Bobby Ray Inman
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Carpenter
I'm pretty happy with who I am. I like myself and what I'm doing. I don't need to be the world's greatest director or the most famous -- or the richest. I don't need to make a whole lot of great films. I can do my job and I can do it pretty well. This is the realization I've come to, later in life. It's called growing up.
- John Carpenter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sam Hamill
That's one of those questions that would just love to have a pat answer. You know, poetry's job is to make us feel good. Poetry exists to allow us to express our innermost feelings. There isn't one role for poetry in society. There are many roles for poetry. I wrote a poem to seduce my wife. I wrote a poem when I asked her to marry me. Poetry got me laid. Poetry got me married.
- Sam Hamill
Collection: Jobs
Image of Johnny Marr
Coming from a working-class background, where my father did manual labor, was a good grounding; I was obsessed with getting a job or getting out of the house at 15.
- Johnny Marr
Collection: Jobs
Image of Holland Roden
I just simply am not a dater. I think I have been on three official dates in my life. They are like job interviews and I refuse to be romantically employed.
- Holland Roden
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alexander Kotov
All candidate moves should be identified at once and listed in one's head. This job cannot be done piecemeal, by first examining one move and then look at another.
- Alexander Kotov
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andrew Davies
I had a very high opinion of my father's judgement of things and he said, "You better get a job that pays the bills because a writer doesn't make any money. If possible, get a job that allows you to write in your spare time."
- Andrew Davies
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dave McKean
I think the two jobs I dreamed of doing as a teenager were comic book artist and record cover illustrator. Maybe film director was in the mix as well, but that seemed to be an impossible mountain to climb.
- Dave McKean
Collection: Jobs
Image of Fady Joudah
We all exist in similar systems that mirror and reproduce the same American culture for the most part. What Oscar Wilde said about the lucky author who has a non-literary day job no longer holds, if it ever did. Artists seek validation as much as they seek money. The creation and invention of culture and canon is where most of the trouble lies.
- Fady Joudah
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jon Gordon
There's a story about when President Lyndon Johnson visited NASA and as he was walking the halls he came across a janitor who was cleaning up a storm, like the Energizer bunny with a mop in his hand. The president walked over to the janitor and told him he was the best janitor he has ever seen and the janitor replied, "Sir, I'm not just a janitor, I helped put a man on the moon." See, even though he was cleaning floors he had a bigger purpose and vision for his life. This is what kept him going and helped him excel in his job.
- Jon Gordon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Danny Trejo
Acting is just a job. I'm exactly the same as that lady bringing us coffee, and I have to remember that.
- Danny Trejo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Danny Trejo
I didn't make a deal with God, because you can't make a deal with God. He put me here to talk to kids and to talk to drunks and help addicts. He gave me this "job" which makes it a lot easier to get through to people.
- Danny Trejo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paula Broadwell
We had to communicate through our lawyers a couple of times over the years, and [David Petraeus] told me that people have been like, "Good job, Dave." Congratulating him. That's the double standard. I've concluded that sharing it won't change anything.
- Paula Broadwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kiran Desai
You lived intensely with others, only to have them disappear overnight, since the shadow class was condemned to movement. The men left for other jobs, towns, got deported, returned home, changed names. Sometimes someone came popping around a corner again, or on the subway then they vanished again. Addresses, phone numbers did not hold. The emptiness Biju felt returned to him over and over, until eventually he made sure not to let friendships sink deep anymore.
- Kiran Desai
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kim Gandy
Abusers are engineers and architects and janitors and police officers and any other walk of life. There's not a job or profession that is exempt.
- Kim Gandy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Petra Kvitova
We did a good job and I'm just glad I have it for a second time.
- Petra Kvitova
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ben Schnetzer
If they're going to cast one person and not another, it's not rejection of your talent, it's just that they want one person and not someone else. As an actor, unfortunately, it's not your job to cast the movie.
- Ben Schnetzer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Bruce
There was never any question about Scholesy's quality as a footballer. He was known as the little ginger magician in the youth team. Some reckon he's the best United player of the modern era, and there's a case for saying that. You don't hear him blowing his own trumpet, though - he just gets on with his job. He's the real deal.
- Steve Bruce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ted Danson
My job playing Sam Malone was to let the audience in, to love my bar full of people. And that informed my life. I mean, we're so different [in the cast], some of us. Miles apart. [But] when I see anyone from those days, I tap into that instant love for them.
- Ted Danson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anthony Doerr
I found my first novel difficult. I don't want to make it sound like it's any more difficult than driving a cab or going to any other job, but there are so many opportunities for self-doubt, that you just kind of need to soldier on.
- Anthony Doerr
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rick Perlstein
Only liberals know how to make you freer on the job, which is where most of us suffer the gravest indignities in our lives.
- Rick Perlstein
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alvin Martin
Sir Alex, Mourinho, Wenger - none of them could have done a better job at Wigan than Steve Bruce.
- Alvin Martin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rebecca Hall
Of course, any job is scary, but you tackle the challenges head on and hope for the best.
- Rebecca Hall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mireille Enos
The way that being on the job works on your adrenaline highs and the crashes that come after the adrenaline highs. It really takes over your life.
- Mireille Enos
Collection: Jobs
Image of Les Miles
I am disappointed, but I am realistic too. When you put your defense back on the field repeatedly, the offense needs to do its job and the defense needs to get itself off the field.
- Les Miles
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sharon Cooper
What I do believe happens in a lot of these cases is that we somehow want to place blame on the victim for their behavior or that they brought it upon themself. As law enforcement official, you are held to a higher standard. You are expected to execute your job in that regard.
- Sharon Cooper
Collection: Jobs
Image of Krafft Arnold Ehricke
The economic function of space industrialization is to generate jobs on Earth, not in space.
- Krafft Arnold Ehricke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stuart Pearce
It would be absolute folly to rule myself out of any job.
- Stuart Pearce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stuart Pearce
We are in a results business, so Stuart Pearce being a jolly old boy won't keep me in a job.
- Stuart Pearce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Khandi Alexander
People come into work and actually go home to their families. They want to go there and explore and have a good time, but they also want to go home, which is the best kind of working environment. You go in and do your job, and then you go home and enjoy your life.
- Khandi Alexander
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Goldberg
At the end of the day you go out and do your job and follow your directions.
- Bill Goldberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Graham Coxon
My hobby is my job. it's a jobby!
- Graham Coxon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dale Bumpers
Does it sound outrageous to you that military spending for fiscal year 2000 will be almost $290 billion and all other domestic discretionary spending, such as education, job training, housing, Amtrak, medical research, environment, Head Start and many other worthwhile programs will total $246 billion, the biggest disparity in modern times ?
- Dale Bumpers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Evan Mecham
I'll hire blacks as long as they can do the cotton-pickin' job.
- Evan Mecham
Collection: Jobs
Image of Pat McCrory
Starting in high school and continuing through our higher education system, we must ensure our students are on the right path to acquiring marketable skills that will lead to a productive and satisfying career. My goal is for every student to get a job after they graduate – not move back in with his or her parents. To do that, we must emphasize skill attainment in our community colleges and universities, use our resources more efficiently and measure success in a comprehensive way.
- Pat McCrory
Collection: Jobs
Image of Natalie Dormer
The Tudors”) “I walked away thinking, well, if I don't get the job, it doesn't matter - I've kissed Jonathan Rhys Meyers!
- Natalie Dormer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alan Pardew
I didn't listen to half of the criticism I received. I just didn't let it enter my brain. It affects people around me, but it was my job to see through that. When you are in charge of a top club, where expectations are high you have to deal with that.
- Alan Pardew
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alan Pardew
I look at Rafa Benitez in his time at Liverpool, he had difficult periods and the same goes for Brendan Rodgers in the same job now. These difficult periods come and you have to accept that.
- Alan Pardew
Collection: Jobs