Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 21

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 21 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Robert H. Jackson
Your job today tells me nothing of your future--your use of your leisure today tells me just what your tomorrow will be.
- Robert H. Jackson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Edward Condon
There has come about a general public awareness that America is not automatically, and effortlessly, and unquestionably the leader of the world in science and technology. This comes as no surprise to those of us who have watched and tried to warn against the steady deterioration in the teaching of science and mathematics in the schools for the past quarter century. It comes as no surprise to those who have known of dozens of cases of scientists who have been hounded out of jobs by silly disloyalty charges, and kept out of all professional employment by widespread blacklisting practices.
- Edward Condon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joycelyn Elders
Health is more than the absence of disease. Health is about jobs and employment, education, the environment, and all of those things that go into making us healthy.
- Joycelyn Elders
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joycelyn Elders
We know that there are several predisposing factors to gun violence: poverty, lack of education, lack of good parenting, lack of jobs, living in an environment where violence is seen every day, all the time. And children being born to children are likely to have all of these predisposing factors.
- Joycelyn Elders
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Frankenheimer
The accolades usually come when you're dead or too old to get a job
- John Frankenheimer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frank Bruno
I see danger—awake! It's terrible, it's horrible, and it's almost here! This is why my spirit was sent to earth. This is the job God has given me. This is the job I must do, so my hands will be free of your blood.
- Frank Bruno
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alan Cooper
It's harder than you might think to squander millions of dollars, but a flawed software development process is a tool well suited to the job.
- Alan Cooper
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas G. Stemberg
The way to really create justice for workers in America is to create job growth.
- Thomas G. Stemberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas G. Stemberg
They've got a Jobs Council that never meets. A Democratic Senate that doesn't act. A President who doesn't believe and a Vice President who won't stop talking. They just don't get it.
- Thomas G. Stemberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of John C. Dvorak
People are only concerned about the next party, meeting up for casual sex, finding a job as a Web page designer, or getting a new apartment.
- John C. Dvorak
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeffrey Zeldman
Whether the task is writing, design, or hanging a picture straight, it is obvious that we do our best work when healthy, rested, refreshed, alert, and eager to do the job for its own sake.
- Jeffrey Zeldman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Max Bemis
Don't decide that you're going to be a writer or musician and just expect it to happen because it's a big gamble and a lot less predictable than a conventional job. But you do increase the likelihood of success by working as hard as you can and holding yourself to the highest standard you can muster.
- Max Bemis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bobby McFerrin
I think we listen to music because we want to be changed. Music is not solely for our entertainment. Music has such tremendous power to bring joy. To me, that's our job as artists. Not happiness, not a groove, whatever. You must bring joy. I think that's the assignment. I have no doubt about it.
- Bobby McFerrin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bobby McFerrin
To me, it's our job as artists. You must bring joy.
- Bobby McFerrin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chico Resch
Hockey is the only job I know where you get paid to have a nap on the day of the game.
- Chico Resch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tie Domi
I have 3,000 penalty minutes. I don't need people dictating to me how to do my job.
- Tie Domi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kim Cattrall
Easy? You men have no idea what we're dealing with down there. Teeth placement, and jaw stress, and suction, and gag reflex, and all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy?Honey, they don't call it a job for nothin'!
- Kim Cattrall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jack Hyles
If God called us to a task, He will then qualify us for the job.
- Jack Hyles
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Gallagher
Unless you're one of the five billionaires out there who don't have to worry about anything, every aspect of everything is stressful, no matter what your job is.
- Peter Gallagher
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mikhail Bulgakov
Punch a man on the nose, kick an old man downstairs, shoot somebody or any old thing like that, that’s my job. But argue with women in love—no thank you!
- Mikhail Bulgakov
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shane Smith
It's our job to get into the hardest-to-see places and bring back the best footage - we have the best footage of North Korea ever shot. If that's a stunt, then I'll keep on doing stunts until I die.
- Shane Smith
Collection: Jobs
Image of Janet Fish
For a long time, I kept working at part-time jobs... my goal was to build up enough savings so I wouldn't be kicked out on the streets if I didn't sell enough paintings.
- Janet Fish
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Rusesabagina
Our time here on the earth is short, and our chance to make a difference is tiny. For me the grinding blocks of history came together in such a way that I was able to take what fragile defense I had and hold in place for seventy-six days. If I was able to give much it was only because I had some useful things from my life to give. I am a hotel job never changed, even in a sea of fire.
- Paul Rusesabagina
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Rusesabagina
Everybody was willing to give me a job. But I wanted to do something different. I saw myself as an independent person, self-employed.
- Paul Rusesabagina
Collection: Jobs
Image of Digby Jones, Baron Jones of Birmingham
This is about putting education absolutely in the centre of enterprise and then using the traditions of Birmingham to inspire and grow. If you have knowledge and business linked together you will grow well, you go further down the innovative path and actually you create more and more jobs. Those jobs will only be available for people with skills but they will be real sustainable employments. That is how important innovation is.
- Digby Jones, Baron Jones of Birmingham
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Collier
You can tell everybody that Eddie Robinson's out looking for a job right now, and believe me, he's a great kid. He's happy and he's healthy. All he needs is a couple of weeks to regain game fitness. Put him on the court and when the game counts ... Eddie Robinson is about one word: winning and losing. He's a great athlete, and I love him to death.
- Paul Collier
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jay London
A guy gave me a job at an information booth - no questions asked.
- Jay London
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andrew Napolitano
All presidents but Jefferson have argued that their first job was to keep us safe. All presidents but Jefferson were wrong. If you read the Constitution, you will see that the President's first job - as Jefferson understood well - is to keep us free.
- Andrew Napolitano
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Clitheroe
For many people a job is more than an income - it's an important part of who we are.
- Paul Clitheroe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Isabel Wilkerson
At the beginning of the 20th century, before the migration began, 90 percent of all African-Americans were living in the South. By the end of the Great Migration, nearly half of them were living outside the South in the great cities of the North and West. So when this migration began, you had a really small number of people who were living in the North and they were surviving as porters or domestics or preachers - some had risen to levels of professional jobs - but they were, in some ways, protected because they were so small.
- Isabel Wilkerson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ben Bradlee
There is nothing like daily journalism! Best damn job in the world!
- Ben Bradlee
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ernst Lubitsch
The job of the director is to suggest two plus two. Let the viewer say four.
- Ernst Lubitsch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Belichick
You get the job done or you don't.
- Bill Belichick
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Belichick
I think that we'll continue to try to look at ourselves in the mirror and see where we can do a better job, maybe where we can improve the process. But I think the fundamentals of the process will remain the same.
- Bill Belichick
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Belichick
We're always trying to do a better job on that and that's what we'll continue to do.
- Bill Belichick
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Belichick
We'll continue to work hard to do a better job in every area going forward. I don't know where those little things will come from but we'll continue to be diligent on them.
- Bill Belichick
Collection: Jobs
Image of Johnny Rutherford
The walls are white, the track is grey, the grass is green, and the sky is blue...your job is to keep them all where they belong.
- Johnny Rutherford
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tulsi Gabbard
Students are suffering under incredibly high tuitions and high student loan interest rates. They graduate from school, and they're having a very difficult time finding a job. They don't feel as though there are honest leaders who are listening to them, and who will be a part of the solution.
- Tulsi Gabbard
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lee Eun-sang
The only heaven permitted to me is the part-time job heaven.
- Lee Eun-sang
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark McCormack
There are five top superstars in golf, 20 great stars, and 30 good ones. The rest should go and get jobs.
- Mark McCormack
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sam Palladio
It's a really fulfilling life if you can make your job what you love doing.
- Sam Palladio
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brian Sibley
You may have problems to solve but for every problem there is always a solution. It's a positive-and-negative thing: you can't have a problem without there being a solution. There always is. Your job is to find it.
- Brian Sibley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sven-Goran Eriksson
The only way I will leave this job will be because of results. I'm too stubborn to quit because of criticism - too stubborn.
- Sven-Goran Eriksson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sven-Goran Eriksson
It was fantastic for me to see the cheering and clapping and it showed maybe not all of them want me out of a job!
- Sven-Goran Eriksson
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Crosby
I come from a school of people, folk singers, and the tradition there is troubadours, and you're carrying a message. Admittedly, our job is partly just to make you boogie, just make you want to dance. Part of our job is to take you on a little voyage, tell you a story.But part of our job is to communicate the way a town crier did: It's 12:00 and all is well, or it's 11:30 and the whole Congress is sold. It's part of the job.
- David Crosby
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephanie Coontz
The historical weight of gender inequality has tended to concentrate women in lower-paid jobs with fewer benefits and at the same time made them primarily responsible for care giving.
- Stephanie Coontz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Alter
With his ABC News experience, perhaps Pierre Salinger's next job could be cohosting-with Oliver Stone-a 24-hour Conspiracy Network.
- Jonathan Alter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gerald Weinberg
The Fundamental Regulator Paradox ... The task of a regulator is to eliminate variation, but this variation is the ultimate source of information about the quality of its work. Therefore, the better the job a regulator does the less information it gets about how to improve.
- Gerald Weinberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Luis Suarez
I swear on my children's lives that I never look at the statistics or look at beating anyone's records. All I do is look to improve but not compete against any record. I want to win trophies and score goals because that's my job as a forward.
- Luis Suarez
Collection: Jobs