Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 14

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Image of Julianne Malveaux
If some of the recovery money had gone to cities instead of states, the urban population, read "Black" and "Brown," would be better off with recovery jobs.
- Julianne Malveaux
Collection: Jobs
Image of Craig Newmark
People everywhere have the same needs and values. They need a place to live and a job. Beyond that, they may need to sell stuff or get a mate.
- Craig Newmark
Collection: Jobs
Image of Craig Newmark
I feel that one of the best things a person can do for another is to create a job. So you do OK commercially, and then you try to make a difference of some sort.
- Craig Newmark
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Szaky
I've always learned on-the-job, in real time. A problem comes up; I research it, and try to solve it. You can't study to be an entrepreneur; you have to develop those skills day in day out. All entrepreneurial experiences are related, whether you're selling worm poop to Wal-Mart or a grade tracking application to the public elementary school system. In the end, it's all very similar.
- Tom Szaky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Edward Adam Strecker
Emotional maturity is ability to stick to a job and to struggle through until it is finished; to endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and frustration; to give more than is asked for or required; to size things up and make independent decisions; to work under authority and to cooperate with others; to defer to time, other persons, and to circumstances.
- Edward Adam Strecker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeremy Clarkson
Change gear, change gear, check mirror, murder a prostitute, change gear, change gear, murder. That's a lot of effort in a day.
- Jeremy Clarkson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Doug Ford, Jr.
We have to create jobs, put money into the taxpayer's pocket and Hillary Clinton has not shown that she is competent to be President of the United States.
- Doug Ford, Jr.
Collection: Jobs
Image of Atticus Shaffer
All I know, is that I feel extremely blessed to be on TV. Its a hard job, but real life is harder. Truth be told, playgrounds can be war zones.
- Atticus Shaffer
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Gill
Steve Jobs was Apple; Sir Alex Ferguson is Manchester United.
- David Gill
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Parsons
Go Daddy is not just a job; it's a way of life. Our employees work hard, and offering great incentives is fun and productive for the company.
- Bob Parsons
Collection: Jobs
Image of Redman
I love that hip-hop can still provide jobs for niggas to get money and to put their crew on. I would never say that hip-hop is going down. It's cool, but it needs an adjustment. I think that hip-hop just needs a little fine-tuning.
- Redman
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Carville
You know, back in 2000 a Republican friend of mine warned me that if I voted for Al Gore and he won, the stock market would tank, we'd lose millions of jobs, and our military would be totally overstretched. You know what: I did vote for Al Gore, he did win, and I'll be damned if all those things didn't come true.
- James Carville
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mavis Gallant
I wanted to live in Paris and write nothing but fiction and be perfectly free. I had decided all this had to be settled by the time I was thirty, and so I gave up my job and moved to Paris at twenty-eight. I just held my breath and jumped. I didn’t even look to see if there was water in the pool.
- Mavis Gallant
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ruth Stout
It’s a fair-sized job to write a book that people can be bothered just to read; when they begin to steal copies, you are really getting some place.
- Ruth Stout
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andre Dubus
I think the writer's job is to paint the gray because no life is clearly defined.
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Jobs
Image of Philip Slater
Our economy is based on spending billions to persuade people that happiness is buying things, and then insisting that the only way to have a viable economy is to make things for people to buy so they’ll have jobs and get enough money to buy things.
- Philip Slater
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Molitor
Whatever the 25 guys on the roster, it’s my job to get the most out of those guys.
- Paul Molitor
Collection: Jobs
Image of Darren Johnson
Don't get too caught up in making money or having a job, get excited about the fact that you can design your life.
- Darren Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Pincus
If you give people really big jobs to the point that they're scared, they have way more fun and they improve their game much faster.
- Mark Pincus
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Pincus
The only way people will have the trust to give their all to their job is if they feel like their contribution is recognized and valued.
- Mark Pincus
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sherry Lansing
The movie business was changing, I didn't want to turn 60 in the job. I picked 60 as an age where you are young enough to have a new life but not so young you can wait. And I had this incredible need: I had been so blessed in life and I wanted to give back. So I left Paramount with great joy, I have to say, and with great fondness for the memories I have in the movie business.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daniel Pearce
My dad encouraged me to quit my job and pursue the life that I am about to have. He got excited with me. He was the first one to tell me that I could do it. I am 30 years old, and I still find great power in my own dad telling me it's possible. I still find great power in my own dad telling me I can do it.
- Daniel Pearce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Andrews Millikan
Just how we fit into the plans of the Great Architect and how much he has assigned us to do we do not know, but if we fail in our assignment it is pretty certain that a part of the job will be left undone.
- Robert Andrews Millikan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Drayton
The job of a social entrepreneur is to recognize when a part of society is stuck & to provide new ways to get it unstuck.
- Bill Drayton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Drayton
What is our job as entrepreneurs if not to change things that are crazy?
- Bill Drayton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Teeter
People feel that decisions about their jobs, the way their children are educated, how their church functions, and products they buy are made by someone and some place so distant that they can't find anybody to talk to that has any influence over them.
- Robert Teeter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Bierut
Every little job counts. Design counts.
- Michael Bierut
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Riley
I ask you: turn a deaf ear to the special interests. Let politics stand down for a while. don't waste anytime thinking about future elections until we've done our jobs here.
- Bob Riley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Allison Williams
I was only allowed only to watch public television until I was 12 years old. I would come home from friends's houses with a list of demands. 'OK, We have all the wrong cereals. You guys are asleep on the job.
- Allison Williams
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Redington Hewlett
Men and women want to do a good job, and if they are provided the proper environment, they will do so
- William Redington Hewlett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Wiseman
Unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they are too focused on looking for something else. They go to parties intent on finding their perfect partner and so miss opportunities to make good friends. They look through newspapers determined to find certain types of job advertisements and as a result miss other types of jobs. Lucky people are more relaxed and open, and therefore see what is there rather than just what they are looking for.
- Richard Wiseman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Armand Hammer
People will always work harder if they're getting well paid and if they're afraid of losing a job which they know will be hard to equal. As is well known, if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
- Armand Hammer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Harriet Harman
For many young people mobility has turned into a bus down to the job centre.
- Harriet Harman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Berton Braley
The best verse hasn't been rhymed yet, The best house hasn't been planned, The highest peak hasn't been climbed yet, The mightiest rivers aren't spanned; Don't worry and fret, faint-hearted, The chances have just begun For the best jobs haven't been started, The best work hasn't been done.
- Berton Braley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Keough
Don Keough's (CEO Coca-Cola) 11 Rules on "HOW TO LOSE": 1. Stop taking risks 2. Be content 3. Never deviate from what the founder did 4. Be inflexible 5. Rely totally on research and experts 6. Concentrate on competitors instead of your customers 7. Put yourself - not the customer - first 8. Solve administrative concerns first 9. Let others do your thinking for example, headquarters 10. Rely on T-G-E: "That's Good Enough" and T-N-M-J: "That's Not My Job!" 11. Rationalize slow growth
- Donald Keough
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Nance Garner
Worst damnfool mistake I ever made was letting myself be elected Vice President of the United States. Should have stuck with my old chores as Speaker of the House. I gave up the second most important job in the Government for one that didn't amount to a hill of beans. I spent eight long years as Mr. Roosevelt's spare tire.
- John Nance Garner
Collection: Jobs
Image of Klaus Kleinfeld
Only successful businesses can create and secure jobs.
- Klaus Kleinfeld
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jay Chiat
Sometimes the most important job advertising can do, is to clarify the obvious.
- Jay Chiat
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wes Unseld
It's not my job to look good. It's my job to make other people look good.
- Wes Unseld
Collection: Jobs
Image of Neil Kinnock
Devolutionary reform will not provide a factory, a machine or jobs, build a school, train a doctor or put a pound on pensions.
- Neil Kinnock
Collection: Jobs
Image of Greg Maddux
Oh, poor me (jokingly, after being told that Randy Johnson & Pedro Martinez would make more in 2003 than he would). What do I do now? I guess I'll have to get a second job.
- Greg Maddux
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marc Crawford
Mike Keenan has been responsible for creating a lot of good things for coaches, like mid-season job openings.
- Marc Crawford
Collection: Jobs
Image of John le Carre
In every operation there is an above the line and a below the line. Above the line is what you do by the book. Below the line is how you do the job.
- John le Carre
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cherrie Moraga
we have let rhetoric do the job of poetry.
- Cherrie Moraga
Collection: Jobs
Image of James R Newman
Games are among the most interesting creations of the human mind, and the analysis of their structure is full of adventure and surprises. Unfortunately there is never a lack of mathematicians for the job of transforming delectable ingredients into a dish that tastes like a damp blanket.
- James R Newman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Silas L. Copeland
A code of ethics cannot be developed overnight by edict or official pronouncement. It is developed by years of practice and performance of duty according to high ethical standards. It must be self-policing. Without such a code, a professional soldier or a group soon loses identity and effectiveness. Once we know our job, have a genuine code of ethics, and maintain unquestioned personal integrity, we have met the first and most demanding challenge of leadership.
- Silas L. Copeland
Collection: Jobs
Image of Satya Nadella
The opportunity ahead for Microsoft is vast, but to seize it, we must focus clearly, move faster and continue to transform. A big part of my job is to accelerate our ability to bring innovative products to our customers more quickly.
- Satya Nadella
Collection: Jobs
Image of Satya Nadella
This is a critical time for the industry and for Microsoft. Make no mistake, we are headed for greater places — as technology evolves and we evolve with and ahead of it. Our job is to ensure that Microsoft thrives in a mobile and cloud-first world.
- Satya Nadella
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brian Regan
They always say that Albert Einstein was a genius. Then how come when anyone ever calls you that, it's an insult? 'You don't know where you parked the car? Good job, Einstein.' I don't think we're honoring that man properly by using his name in vain in parking lots.
- Brian Regan
Collection: Jobs