Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 133

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 133 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Al Gore
The sooner we switch away from carbon-based fuel and start relying on renewable energy sources available in the United States, the sooner we will grow our economy by creating the millions of new jobs that will come from retrofitting homes and businesses, building smart grids, renewable energy systems and planting trees and all the rest. We need to create a lot of jobs that can't be outsourced.
- Al Gore
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Green
I bet if you look at the average teenager and the average adult, the average teenager has read more books in the last year than the average adult. Now of course the adult would be all like, 'I'm busy, I got a job, I got stuff to do.' WHATEVER! READ! I mean, you're watching CSI: Miami. Why would you be watching CSI: Miami, when you could be READING CSI: Miami, the novelization?
- John Green
Collection: Jobs
Image of E. M. Forster
As long as learning is connected with earning, as long as certain jobs can only be reached through exams, so long must we take the examination system seriously. If another ladder to employment was contrived, much so-called education would disappear, and no one be a penny the stupider.
- E. M. Forster
Collection: Jobs
Image of Morgan Freeman
I think that we did a really good thing when we elected Barack Obama. I read his books. He is absolutely and totally qualified for the job. He's proven himself to be not only qualified for the job, but very good at it. The things that he's managed to get accomplished in the face of so much push-back is amazing, and I think - this is Morgan Freeman's personal thought - we're going to be in a lot of trouble if we don't reelect him, because the people on the other side of the fence scare me.
- Morgan Freeman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Morgan Freeman
I got my first job as a card-carrying actor in New York in 1967. Before that, I was a very desperate wannabe.
- Morgan Freeman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Morgan Freeman
My job, personally, is to do as much as I can to spread the warning that if we're not careful, it will end. The problem is, we don't think beyond our immediate needs.
- Morgan Freeman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chuck Grassley
Supreme Court nominees should know without any doubt that their job is not to impose their own personal opinions of what is right and wrong, but to say what the law is, rather than what they personally think the law ought to be.
- Chuck Grassley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sarah Michelle Gellar
When picking a show, I took into consideration who my fans are. Let's be honest, Buffy was a mid-season replacement on The WB, based on a failed movie. If it wasn't for the outpouring of fans and critics supporting us, we would have been canceled after four episodes. Sure, you want to stretch and you want to do different things, but it's also our job to think about who our fans are and what they want to see. Ultimately, that's why we do.
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Arpaio
I think [ immigration] is still is a problem, whether it's 11 million or 2 million. Why is it - why have the situation decreased? Are we going to say because of the crackdown or are we going to say that the jobs are not here?
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Jobs
Image of Natalie Goldberg
Sometimes people say to me, “I want to write, but I have five kids, a full-time job, a wife who beats me, a tremendous debt to my parents,” and so on. I say to them, “There is no excuse. If you want to write, write. This is your life. You are responsible for it. You will not live forever. Don’t wait. Make the time now, even if it is ten minutes once a week."
- Natalie Goldberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Temple Grandin
Steve Jobs was probably mildly on the autistic spectrum. Basically, you've probably known people who were geeky and socially awkward but very smart. When does geeks and nerds become autism? That's a gray area. Half the people in Silicon Valley probably have autism.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Temple Grandin
I'm seeing too many smart kind of socially awkward kids, a lot milder than I was, not getting employment because they're not learning job skills.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Godin
If you can raise money, you're never going to have trouble getting a job.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tyler Oakley
Best thing about doing Youtube as a job - the Youtube friends that I've met all around the world, that I never would have got the chance to meet without Youtube.
- Tyler Oakley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Justin Vernon
The whole point of being happy is not feeling like you have a job. I'm sure there are days where you're at your job and you're like, "Oh my god, this is hard."
- Justin Vernon
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Green
The way we still essentializ, we're constantly essentializing people as merely poor, or merely other, and in the end you can't have a relationship with people. I think the biggest job of adulthood is to learn to imagine other people complexly.
- John Green
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andy Grove
If the world operates as one big market, every employee will compete with every person anywhere in the world who is capable of doing the same job. There are lots of them and many of them are hungry
- Andy Grove
Collection: Jobs
Image of Carla Gugino
I started acting when I was 13, so acting has been, with great fortune, my job since I could get a job.
- Carla Gugino
Collection: Jobs
Image of Boy George
I have the best job in the world. There's not really a lot to moan or whine about. I've got the privilege of going out and doing something I absolutely love.
- Boy George
Collection: Jobs
Image of Boy George
I think for me one of the big things was realizing that being Boy George is my job. It's what I do.
- Boy George
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bear Grylls
Once a job it has begun, do not stop until it's done. Whether it is big or small, do it well or not all.
- Bear Grylls
Collection: Jobs
Image of Milton Friedman
The benefits of a tariff are visible. Union workers can see they are "protected". The harm which a tariff does is invisible. It's spread widely. There are people that don't have jobs because of tariffs but they don't know it.
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Justin Vernon
I just feel like why spend all my time doing something that makes me unhappy just to spend my time off thinking about how I have to go back to a job. It's such a vicious cycle that people get stuck in. But I'm also very lucky. I can't sit here too eagerly and say all that.
- Justin Vernon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Neil Gaiman
I love religion. I could make up religions all day. I sort of think that in an ideal world I'd like to be a religion designer. I'd like people come up to me and say, I need a religion. I'd go talk to them for a while, and I'd design a religion for them. That would be a great job. There's a need for people like that. Fortunately, seeing that one can't actually do it, I get paid for sort of making them up anyway.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Samuel Goldwyn
If a young man is going to get ahead, if he is going to reach the top, he must be all wrapped up in what he is doing. He has to give his job - whatever it is - not only his talent but every bit of his enthusiasm and devotion.
- Samuel Goldwyn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lance Armstrong
I raced because I was paid to do a job and I felt like I had to do the job. Number two: I raced because I loved the process, I loved training, getting ready for the race, I loved all of that. And number three I raced for my memories. Regardless of what somebody wants to give or take away, you can't take my memories.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Godin
The job isn't to catch up to the status quo; the job is to invent the status quo.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mel Gibson
I like directing much better. It's more fun, that's all there is to it. It's essentially the same job, which is storytelling, but you have more control over the way you want to tell the story. It's a high. I love it.
- Mel Gibson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Temple Grandin
We owe them [animals] a decent life and a decent death, and their lives should be as low-stress as possible. That's my job. I wish animals could have more than just a low-stress life and a quick, painless death. I wish animals could have a good life, too, with something useful to do. People were animals, too, once, and when we turned into human beings we gave something up. Being close to animals brings some of it back.
- Temple Grandin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
Prayer is a relationship; half the job is mine. If I want transformation, but can't even be bothered to articulate what, exactly, I'm aiming for, how will it ever occur? Half the benefit of prayer is in the asking itself, in the offering of a clearly posed and well-considered intention. If you don't have this, all your pleas and desires are boneless, floppy, inert; they swirl at your feet in a cold fog and never lift.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Jobs
Image of Adam Rapp
I think auditioning can be very reductive and I just hate how actors work really hard and most of them aren't going to get the job, and I hate putting them through that.
- Adam Rapp
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael J. Fox
Ironic that in order to do my life's work, I had to quit my day job.
- Michael J. Fox
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eduardo Galeano
It is highly improbable that the bureaucrat will put his life on the line. It is absolutely impossible that he'll put his job on the line.
- Eduardo Galeano
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Godin
Turn strangers into friends. Turn friends into donors. And then do the most important job: Turn your donors into fundraisers.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kinky Friedman
An editor's job is to take something great and make it good.
- Kinky Friedman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Molly Crabapple
I had difficulty being friends with women who hadn't worked in either the sex or beauty industries. I felt like other women sometimes overvalued beauty and sexuality, when in actuality, they're just parts of a job.
- Molly Crabapple
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
...The Court ...[recognizes]...the persistence of racial inequality and a majority's acknowledgement of Congress's authority to act affirmatively, not only to end discrimination, but also to counteract discrimination's lingering effects. Those effects, reflective of a system of racial caste [legal segregation and discrimination] only recently ended, are evident in our work places, markets, and neighborhoods. Job applicants with identical resumes, qualifications, and interview styles still experience different receptions, depending on their race.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
I became a lawyer for selfish reasons. I thought I could do a lawyer’s job better than any other.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Green
The prospect of a world that contains neither humans nor Z's is not so terrifying. Nature will take its world back. Animals will frolic and fight. There will be no lord of the manor, which is not such a bad thing, because it seems to me that people have done a pretty poor job of guiding the biosphere for the last few thousand years.
- John Green
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Grisham
All students enter law school with a certain amount of idealism and desire to serve the public, but after three years of brutal competition we care for nothing but the right job with the right firm where we can make partner in seven years and earn big bucks.
- John Grisham
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chinua Achebe
My books have done extremely well, I know. But I don't honestly feel much different from when I began to write. I still think we have a long way to go. I suppose my name means more in Nigeria today than it did five years ago. But I feel the job that literature should do in our community has not even started. It's not yet part of the life of the nation. We are still at the beginning. It's a big beginning, because now we are catching the next generation in the schools. When I was their age, I had nothing to read that had any relevance to my own environment.
- Chinua Achebe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Gove
One of the things I know about the European Union is that the European Union can destroy jobs.
- Michael Gove
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Gates
Software substitution, whether it's for drivers or waiters or nurses ... it's progressing. ... Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set. ... 20 years from now, labor demand for lots of skill sets will be substantially lower. I don’t think people have that in their mental model.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Selena Gomez
I think regular school is harder than my job. You have to deal with kids picking on you, and you wanting to look good and all this stuff. It was way too much pressure.
- Selena Gomez
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Godin
Acknowledge to yourself that the factory job is dead. Having a factory job is not a natural state. It wasn't at the heart of being human until very recently. We've been culturally brainwashed.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Godin
More and more people now have jobs that require them to confront the risk of appearing stupid on a regular basis.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Godin
Our job as marketers and leaders, is to create vibrant pockets, not to hunt for mass.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Friedman
When you lose your job, the unemployment rate isn't four percent, it's 100 percent.
- Thomas Friedman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Godin
The time to look for a new job is when you don't need one. The time to switch jobs is before it feels comfortable.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Jobs