Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 134

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 134 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Matthew Fox
A job is something we do to get a paycheck and pay our bills. Jobs are legitimate, at times, but work is why we are here in the universe. Work and calling often go together.
- Matthew Fox
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kelley Armstrong
What's the woman doing there?" he asked. "Covering a scratch on the hood. She was cheaper than a new paint job." He flipped through a few more pages of barely dressed women and classic cars. "Nick used to have magazines like this when we were kids. But without the cars." He rotated a photo sideways. "Or the bathing suits.
- Kelley Armstrong
Collection: Jobs
Image of Vincent Van Gogh
One of the reasons why I have no regular job, and why I have not had a regular job for years, is quite simply that my ideas differ from those of the gentlemen who hand out the jobs to individuals who think as they do. It is not just a question of my appearance, which is what they have sanctimoniously reproached me with. It goes deeper, I do assure you.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Milton Friedman
If you really want to engage in policy activity, don't make that your vocation. Make it your avocation. Get a job. Get a secure base of income. Otherwise, you're going to get corrupted and destroyed.
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Milton Friedman
For example, the supporters of tariffs treat it as self-evident that the creation of jobs is a desirable end, in and of itself, regardless of what the persons employed do. That is clearly wrong. If all we want are jobs, we can create any number--for example, have people dig holes and then fill them up again, or perform other useless tasks. Work is sometimes its own reward. Mostly, however, it is the price we pay to get the things we want. Our real objective is not just jobs but productive jobs--jobs that will mean more goods and services to consume.
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andre Gide
The public always prefers to be reassured. There are those whose job this is. There are only too many.
- Andre Gide
Collection: Jobs
Image of Melinda Gates
With economic opportunity, sometimes it's making sure that if they're not in a place where they can have good jobs, that when they have economic opportunity, they have digital tools to use.
- Melinda Gates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Gaffigan
Raising kids may be a thankless job with ridiculous hours, but at least the pay sucks.
- Jim Gaffigan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Gere
In the process of developing a character, you do, in fact, start to take him on as a personality. It's part of my job.
- Richard Gere
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
Keep showing up for your side of the job and give genius a chance to do its part.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Jobs
Image of Emily Giffin
Looking back, I question whether I really loved Nate, or just the security of our relationship. I wonder if my feelings for him didn’t have a lot to do with hating my job. From the bar exam through that first hellish year as an associate, Nate was my escape. And sometimes that can feel an awful lot like love.
- Emily Giffin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Whoopi Goldberg
I'd like everyone to imagine a world where you get a job as Tom, and then the next day you're Tina. Imagine you're in the world where you love what you do, but people say that you can't be who you are.
- Whoopi Goldberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Frey
Writing's not precious to me. It's not a thing that requires specific environment. You know, it's my job. Just like anybody with a job, you have to do your job when you don't feel like it, regardless of how good or bad the conditions are, regardless of how good or bad you might feel on any particular day.
- James Frey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nikki Giovanni
If i can't have what i want . . . then my job is to want what i've got and be satisfied that at least there is something more to want
- Nikki Giovanni
Collection: Jobs
Image of Morgan Freeman
That's your job as the actor, to understand the human part of the character, to make it real.
- Morgan Freeman
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Green
The job of reading is to use stories as a way into seeing other people as we see ourselves
- John Green
Collection: Jobs
Image of Louis Menand
The job of the critic, as it might have been conceived in the 1950's or 1960's, was some kind of role of moral arbiter for people, not a huge number of people, but people who were, you know, fairly educated, well-placed people.
- Louis Menand
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shakti Gawain
If you are feeling tired or ill, rest. Your body will always want rest and ease if it's sick. When you become quiet, ask your body what you need to do in order to heal yourself. Your body may tell you to change certain habits, eat more wholesome food, express some feelings, quit your job, see a doctor, or it may have some other message for you, but there is always an answer available to you. The key is to ask and then listen honestly for a response.
- Shakti Gawain
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michel Foucault
I'm no prophet. My job is making windows where there were once walls.
- Michel Foucault
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Green
We just did an awesome job of not dying.
- John Green
Collection: Jobs
Image of Milton Friedman
The unions might be good for the people who are in the unions but it doesn't do a thing for the people who are unemployed. Because the union keeps down the number of jobs, it doesn't do a thing for them.
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Newt Gingrich
What's the job of the candidate in this world? The job of the candidate is to raise the money to hire the consultants to do the focus groups to figure out the 30-second answers to be memorized by the candidate. This is stunningly dangerous.
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: Jobs
Image of Newt Gingrich
Well, I think that there's a clear record, I worked with Ronald Reagan in the early '80s and his recovery program translated into today's population of about 25 million new jobs in a seven-year period. As Speaker of the House, I worked with President Clinton and he followed with a very similar plan. And we ended up with about 11 million new jobs in a four-year period.
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lance Armstrong
I got the three things I wanted. I did my job, I worked hard in the process, and I cherish the memories, and they're mine.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Jobs
Image of Howard Gardner
Distinguish between the work and the job title. When I was leaving school in the early 1970s, many people wanted to be journalists, carrying out investigative reporting for print newspapers. Print newspapers may not exist in twenty years. But good thinking and good writing about issues that need to be reported and investigated will always be needed; but where this happens, what it is called, and who pays for it may be quite different than could have been envisioned by the great journalists of the past.
- Howard Gardner
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Green
We do an epically bad job of acknowledging one another's work and checking our sources.
- John Green
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeffrey Gitomer
Your team will get stronger when you begin to build yourself. Teams are made up of individuals who work together . . . and get their own job done. What are you doing to be sure that your job is being done perfectly?
- Jeffrey Gitomer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Fulghum
An artists job is to see. And to go out in the world and see it firsthand, just as it is; to report with line and words what is seen. To be in the world, not just study about the world, that is the artists task
- Robert Fulghum
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ellen Goodman
Everyone who deals with teens seems to agree that the most important and toughest job is staying in connection and conversation ... not delivering a lecture but saying what we think.
- Ellen Goodman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
I interviewed one of the most powerful lawyers in the world and he told me, "At the time, it was the worst thing in the world not to be able to get a job at a fancy law firm, but it's the greatest thing that ever happened in my life." It was a humble acknowledgment of how forces much larger than himself shaped his career. I really wanted to bring that point home.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Gates
We certainly see opportunities in Vietnam for talented people to have jobs in the IT sector, including the improvement of the efficiency of the economy and the government.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Gates
Government investment unlocks a huge amount of private sector activity, but the basic research that we put into IT work that led to the Internet and lots of great companies and jobs, the basic work we put into the health care sector, where it's over $30 billion a year in R&D that led the biotech and pharma jobs. And it creates jobs and it creates new technologies that will be productized. But the government has to prime the pump here. The basic ideas, as in those other industries, start with government investment.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Gerrold
The most useless job in the world is that of the critic. That is a prejudiced statement. I admit it. I'm prejudiced. I hate critics. ... And now, as the saying goes (yesterday, I couldn't even spell critik), and now I are one.
- David Gerrold
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Frank
I think the WikiLeaks releases furnish us with an opportunity to observe the upper reaches of the American status hierarchy in all its righteousness and majesty. High-achieving colleagues attempting to get jobs for their high-achieving children. Foundation executives doing fine and noble things. Prizes, of course, and high academic achievement.
- Thomas Frank
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Gates
I got 6 jobs I don't get TIRED!
- Kevin Gates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jodie Foster
I conducted a bunch of interviews for Interview magazine. They actually paid me. I think I was probably 18 or 19. I was in college and I remember feeling, like, "Wow." I had a real job, and they paid me money, and it was exciting.
- Jodie Foster
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Friedman
I don't think we replaced the Soviet Union with Al Qaida. I think we replaced, we should have, Soviet Union with the merger of globalization and the IT revolution. I think it's that. That is the real challenge that we face today. Unlike the Soviet Union, it has no face, it has no missiles, but it is something that challenges every job, every city and every community.
- Thomas Friedman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lady Gaga
I am so excited to extend myself behind the scenes as a designer, and to - as my father puts it - finally have a real job.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Jobs
Image of Pope Francis
Do we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, so as to be an active part of our communities, or do we close in on ourselves, saying 'I have so many things to do, that's not my job'?
- Pope Francis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Fulghum
Public lives are lived out on the job and in the marketplace, where certain rules, conventions, laws, and social customs keep most of us in line. Private lives are lived out in the presence of family, friends, and neighbors who must be considered and respected even though the rules and proscriptions are looser than what's allowed in public. But in our secret lives, inside our own heads, almost anything goes.
- Robert Fulghum
Collection: Jobs
Image of Neil Gaiman
When the first living thing existed, I was there waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Girl Talk
I like to give stuff away for free and play shows for cheap and not rely on music as a job.
- Girl Talk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Gates
The job was to put into a, a computer with only 4K of memory an entire basic full blown, floating point Basic and that's one of the greatest programming feats I've ever had a chance to work on.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeffrey Gitomer
Random acts of kindness and the desire to do the best job possible lead to trust.
- Jeffrey Gitomer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeffrey Gitomer
Take your job seriously, BUT don't take their complaints personally. If you take it personally you'll get upset and lose your edge. If you take it too personally, you'll lose your edge and your job. If you take it seriously -- it's you with them. If you take it personally, it's you against them. What steps can you take to ensure keeping your cool?
- Jeffrey Gitomer
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Friedman
Galvanized people can do careless things. It is in the extreme and emotion-laden moments that distance and coolness are most required. I am tempted to howl in rage. It is not my place to do so. My job is to try to dissect the event, place it in context and try to understand what has happened and why. From that, after the rage cools, plans for action can be made. Rage has its place, but actions must be taken with discipline and thought.
- George Friedman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
I had long ago learned that when you are the giant, alien visitor to a remote and foreign culture it is sort of your job to become an object of ridicule. It’s the least you can do, really, as a polite guest.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brice Marden
I remember getting out of grad school and coming to New York and not wanting to get a teaching job because I wanted to work on my own, to develop my own ideas. There isn't that time now. Artists are exhibiting while they are still in grad school. There isn't that safety cushion.
- Brice Marden
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Godin
Someone can always do your job a little better or faster or cheaper than you can.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Jobs