Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 119

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 119 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Bette Davis
I don't think in business it matters whether you're a man or a woman if you can do your job and have a brain.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Jefferies
With acting, it [auditioning] is very frustrating. I'm not very good at auditions. Sometimes I audition for a role and I'm like, I'd be really funny in that role, but I'm not good at auditions so I guess I'm not getting that role. It's a very frustrating job.
- Jim Jefferies
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Creating the new increasingly is more than 50 percent of a top leader's job.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scott D. Anthony
In the strengthening the core job, a leader can draw on their past experiences. After all, in most cases they did the job of the people that are reporting to them! So they know when something is screwed up, they know the risks worth taking, and they know the corners to cut. But when they are creating the new, no one knows what the right answer is.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scott D. Anthony
The reality is customers lie - not because they want to want to deceive you, but because they don't do a good job of predicting what they will do in the future.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terry Crews
I kind of put myself out there a lot just because I trust the people I'm working with. You have to see what works and what doesn't. Sometimes it's not my job to find that out, it's just my job to do what the character calls for. And if you change the character I'll do that too.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julie Delpy
It's easier for Europeans to give money to a movie that says a blow job is what brought down American democracy.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julie Delpy
I'm not going to pursue it the way that actors pursue it which means going to all of the auditions and getting a job and all that stuff, because I don't really need to get a job because I have a job as a writer/director. That's how I make my living mostly now. So I don't need to make a living as an actress.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jamie Dimon
I don't think you could have a banker serving in a major role in Washington in the next 10 years. I just don't think it's going to happen - it's just not politically feasible - so I don't spend much time thinking about it. Do I think I could do a good job? Maybe. It's possible.
- Jamie Dimon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paulo Coelho
Love was undoubtedly one of the things capable of changing a person's whole life from one moment to the next. But there's the other side of the coin, the second thing that could make a human being take a totally different course from one he or she had planned; and that was called despair. Yes, perhaps love really could transform someone, but despair did the job more quickly.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Jobs
Image of Billy Corgan
Being in a rock band is just an excuse not to get a job
- Billy Corgan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charlie Day
Because Guillermo's [del Toro] obviously a painter painting a picture and my job is just to provide the color that he probably already has in his mind.
- Charlie Day
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ellen DeGeneres
I had a really tough time for a few years. My show was gone. My phone wasn't ringing. There wasn't one job offer. And at that point, I thought I knew for sure that I wouldn't work in Hollywood again.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Collection: Jobs
Image of Plato
...that in our state one man was to do one job, and the job he was naturally most suited for .. And further, we have often heard and often said that justice consists of minding your own business and not interfering with other people.
- Plato
Collection: Jobs
Image of The Miz
It's pretty awesome. Mattel does such a great job with detail... I'm way better looking than Ken. Barbie's been hitting on my action figure the whole time. She actually asked the stocking people if she could hang next to me, but they said no - because it's PG.
- The Miz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Suzanne Collins
I think about going to the lake, but I'm so weak that I barely make it to my meeting place with Gale. I sit on the rock where Cressida filmed us, but it's too wide without his body beside me. Several times I close my eyes and count to ten, thinking that when I open them, he will have materialized without a sound as he so often did. I have to remind myself that Gale's in 2 with a fancy job, probably kissing another pair of lips.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Austin Kleon
School is one thing. Education is another. The two don’t always overlap. Whether you’re in school or not, it’s always your job to get yourself an education.
- Austin Kleon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lydia Davis
That's the interesting thing about writing. You can start late, you can be ignorant of things, and yet, if you work hard and pay attention you can do a good job of it.
- Lydia Davis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Howard Dean
The real truth is, there's no such thing as a red state or a blue state, they're all purple. Some are more purple than others and our job is to get them all deep purple and then blue. And we can do that.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nelly Furtado
I can't understand marketing. I think it's because I never looked at what I do as a job. I've rebelled against that and I will continue to.
- Nelly Furtado
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lily Collins
The idea that I get to travel and do what I love and call it a job is just a blessing.
- Lily Collins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ray Dalio
As Harvard developmental psychologist Robert Kegan, who has studied Bridgewater, says, in most work places everyone is working two jobs. The first is whatever their actual job is; the second consists of managing others' impressions of them, especially by hiding weaknesses and inadequacies - which is an enormous waste of energy.
- Ray Dalio
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Bloom
I think there's some evidence that when it comes to being a doctor or nurse, a police officer or therapist, that empathetic engagement leads to burn-out. Imagine if you're dealing with severely ill children, and you felt their pain all the time, and the pain of their parents - you wouldn't be able to do that job for very long. It would kill you.
- Paul Bloom
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lysa TerKeurst
Too many people think that finding the reason God placed us here on earth will come in one assignment with a big title and complete job description. I believe that discovering our purpose will unfold slowly, like a seed planted deep in the ground.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Collection: Jobs
Image of Erik Qualman
It had not yet been named Silicon Valley, but you had the defense industry, you had Hewlett-Packard. But you also had the counter-culture, the Bay Area. That entire brew came together in Steve Jobs.
- Erik Qualman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jon Gordon
I think what frustrated me more than anything else in my formative years was that I just had to work. I had to have a job. Like twenty to thirty hours a week, a lot of times in high school and college. And that was hard.
- Jon Gordon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Audra McDonald
A doctor can be a doctor today and they will be a doctor tomorrow. But an actor, well you're not working at anything right now, whereas the doctor is going to have their job tomorrow, for the most part. So there's the insecurity of that, and you have to go where the work is.
- Audra McDonald
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tim Cahill
My first real writing job was at 'Rolling Stone,' so I wrote about rock-and-roll and politics and the like. At the time, I really didn't know what I wanted to write, and I did a bunch of investigative journalism.
- Tim Cahill
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tim Cahill
For many years I thought my job was to go to places where it would be difficult for most of the readers to ever get to. Now, in the more than 20 years I've been doing this, the concept of adventure-travel trips or expeditions by groups has sprung up. The places I went 20 years ago now have adventure-travel trips.
- Tim Cahill
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ted Cruz
As president, I wouldn't be making the day-to-day combat decisions. The job of the commander-in-chief is to lay the objective out and then you rely upon the generals and admirals and commanders to give you their expert advice on the tools needed to carry out that objective.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jay Mohr
I don't know how you do it [working at office]; I would just get up and walk out. That's what I did for pretty much every job I've ever had.
- Jay Mohr
Collection: Jobs
Image of Justin Cronin
Writing is a job: you must show up.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Jobs
Image of A. R. Rahman
I went to London to do the stuff. I was like "What am I going to do? What's going to happen?" But then once you start working, you forget all that and you start enjoying what you're doing. Once you enjoy the process, you know that people are going to do the same thing. If you don't enjoy it and just do it like a job, then it's going to be feel that way. That's my theory of doing a movie.
- A. R. Rahman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julie Delpy
Some people have bigger egos than others. You have to take a lot of abuse, and take it in and not respond, because you don't want conflicts on the movie, you don't want to start screaming at people even when they treat you - even when they're not behaving properly, because you want them to do their job, and keep on doing it.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Simon Cowell
I was so tired, wasn't having fun any more, and wasn't sure if I wanted to do this any longer. So I turned my phone off and sorted my head out. It was the opposite of a breakdown really, it was a break-up - I got rid of all the idiots, realised my job was supposed to be fun, and got on with my life.
- Simon Cowell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Bring different groups together internally, send them out to visit other companies, or bring in interesting speeches. Show that you love learning by having people on staff whose job it is to explore without any near-term metrics. Publicly shut a project down and talk about what a great job a team did because they learned so much. And so on.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rasheed Ogunlaru
What people say and feel about you when you've left a room is precisely your job while you are in it.
- Rasheed Ogunlaru
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Cuban
In every job, I would justify it in my mind, whether I loved it or hated it, that I was getting paid to learn and every experience would be of value when I figured out what I wanted to do when I grew up.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marie Calloway
I first emailed Tao Lin a story I wrote about the experience of losing my virginity sometime in April 2011. He didn't respond until it was later published on Thought Catalog, after which he sent me an email that said something very similar to, "I enjoyed reading this on Thought Catalog. Good job."
- Marie Calloway
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeremy Irvine
I've been very reluctant on the Twitter front. But I do Instagram now, so I'm slowly coming around. I'm quite a private person, so much of what I do for my job means that I have to be quite public so I'm just nervous about everything being public. I might turn around. Three years ago, I was against all social media but I actually really enjoy Instagram now. Who knows? I never say never!
- Jeremy Irvine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeremy Irvine
People expect your life to change completely. The main difference is I can get work now. I can do my hobby as a job. It's great. It's a privilege. But in terms of the rest of the stuff, I still got all the same group of friends I always had. I don't do anything different. We still go to the same dirty bars and do the same things. So nothing really changes.
- Jeremy Irvine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anna Faris
I did come to realize that getting your first job is hard, but it's not nearly as hard as getting your seventh job. That is hard. That's when you really have to prove it to people.
- Anna Faris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anna Faris
Playing those one-dimensional characters is actually really difficult because you're not dealing with somebody you would ever really know. I don't think anybody here could imagine actually knowing Cindy Campbell from 'Scary Movies.' So, in a way, your job is so much easier when you're playing a person that you really understand and that seems very relatable. I think I was coming to a place in my career where I was like, "I'd like to do something a little more rewarding."
- Anna Faris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Blake Lively
I actually think that craft service was the reason I got into acting: the free food. I literally remember on my first job being like, "Yes! I get to have craft service every day!"
- Blake Lively
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bradley Cooper
I always sort of talk about - to myself at least, or to my friends, about wanting to just keep life very simple. I've found it most simple here in New York. You know, it's basically I have a, in a way, a 9-to-5 job, you know? I do eight shows a week. I live in New York City. I get to walk everywhere, and you know, just be one of the people of the city. And it's actually wonderful.
- Bradley Cooper
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robertson Davies
Are you going to be just kind of a walking monument to a job, or are you going to have some kind of really significant inner life of your own? Because the external things the job, the house, the this, the that do not really fill the place inside.
- Robertson Davies
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alden Ehrenreich
The actors at that time had to learn all that stuff, it wasn't just hyperbole. What was appealing to me about being an actor at that time is that there was a home base, with job security. You were employed on a regular basis, and you had to sometimes do things you didn't want to do, but it was there. I also liked Hobie Doyle positivity.
- Alden Ehrenreich
Collection: Jobs
Image of Miley Cyrus
I like keeping my mind as far away from money and the material aspects of my job as possible.
- Miley Cyrus
Collection: Jobs