Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 121

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 121 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Sylvia Day
It's a full time job with a part-time companion.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ted Cruz
If you want a candidate who is led the fight against Obamacare, who will lift the burdens on small businesses and bring back jobs, I'm the only candidate in the race with that proven record.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elizabeth Lesser
Life actually is this mystery and gift. And every moment of it can be full of real radical joy and wakefulness. And for some reason in our most difficult times, we have the best chance to wake up. Many people will tell you that their divorce or illness or loss of job was the wake up call.
- Elizabeth Lesser
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nick Kroll
A job is a job, and there are days that are going to be boring, or you have a boss you don't like, or people you work with.
- Nick Kroll
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kurt Cobain
I've always quit jobs without telling the employer that I was quitting; I just wouldn't show up one day.
- Kurt Cobain
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gaby Hoffmann
There are things to be afraid of - like extraordinary poverty and suffering beyond anything I've experienced, and climate change, despots - but there's really nothing to be afraid of when your job is an actor and you're at work, if you're in a place that is safe and full of respect and love, which we are.
- Gaby Hoffmann
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephen Covey
People who end up with the good jobs are the proactive ones who are solutions to problems, not problems themselves, who seize the initiative to do whatever is necessary to get the job done.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anodea Judith
The Presence of the demon keeps the chakra from doing its job, but that challenge also forces us to bring more awareness to that job, so eventually we can do it better.
- Anodea Judith
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ani DiFranco
My feminism has evolved way beyond self-empowerment and I see feminism as a path to peace on earth. The fundamental imbalance that is behind all of the other social diseases is patriarchy. I do believe. As men and women, together, I really long to feel my society evolve its understanding since we're one of the leaders in the f-word. I want us to grow our idea of feminism collectively and get both men and women involved in undoing patriarchy. It's huge. It's a huge job.
- Ani DiFranco
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ani DiFranco
I love to exercise my creativity in many ways but as each year of specialization goes by I feel further and further from my other creative selves. I used to be able to see myself doing many things and sometimes I still long for a job that involves less pressure and grappling with people but, as you say, I am one of the lucky ones so I try to just focus on feeling lucky and carry on!
- Ani DiFranco
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cameron Diaz
I'm honestly so grateful to have a job when I get a job, I'm always amazed - I just appreciate what I have when I get it.
- Cameron Diaz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Cuban
Every job I took was really me getting paid to learn about a new industry.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Cuban
If I didn't like you, I could take any or all of what I found and invent a context that lost you your job, your relationships, your degree. People are so vulnerable online and they don't realize it. That is scary to me.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Jobs
Image of David
Loggers losing their jobs because of Spotted Owl legislation is, in my eyes, no different than people being out of work after the furnaces of Dachau shut down.
- David
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Dawkins
If we want to postulate a deity capable of engineering all the organized complexity in the world, either instantaneously or by guiding evolution, that deity must have been vastly complex in the first place. The creationist, whether a naive Bible-thumper or an educated bishop, simply postulates an already existing being of prodigious intelligence and complexity. If we are going to allow ourselves the luxury of postulating organized complexity without offering an explanation, we might as well make a job of it and simply postulate the existence of life as we know it!
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matt Damon
I think it's still hard for me to turn down work if it's really good because for so many years I was desperate to get a job and couldn't, so I think it's anathema for me to turn down work if I think it's really good.
- Matt Damon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephen Colbert
America cannot afford a rally to restore sanity in the middle of a recession. Did you even consider how many panic-related jobs that might cost us in the fear-industrial complex?
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mara Liasson
If the Congress is going to spend its whole time hauling up regulators and bureaucrats and looking like they're focusing on tiny, trivial things, instead of jobs and the economy, it could be a problem for them.
- Mara Liasson
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Cook
The higher the wages the fewer the jobs; the lower the wages the more the jobs.
- James Cook
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Cook
Taking money from job creating entrepreneurs and giving it to ever-failing government programs has to be the ultimate in economic illiteracy.
- James Cook
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Rees
Any working cartoonist will tell you this, anybody who's working in a creative field: at some point, it's a job. You have deadlines. I think, for over a year, I refused to make them for publications, because I only wanted to make them when I wanted to make them. But at some point, I was like, "This is crazy, you have an opportunity to be a professional cartoonist.
- David Rees
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nelson DeMille
Job happiness is directly proportional to the distance you are from the home office.
- Nelson DeMille
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paulo Coelho
If you have a work instead of a job, every day is holiday
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gucci Mane
I value my core fans I got from the hood. I think a lot of things might hit home with them, like problems with the law or how I talk about partying - all the different topics I cover when I do rap. But I also value my suburban fans who take a liking to my music and like the way I change cadences. I appreciate all of them cause both types of fans push me to record all the time, both push me to give my best when I do a show. Both push me to be the best rapper and not just do it as a hobby, but do it as a job and take it seriously and put pride in it.
- Gucci Mane
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sean Covey
If you're planning on dropping out of high school, prepare yourself for the future by repeating aloud each day: 'I'm looking forward to low-paying jobs for the rest of my life.'
- Sean Covey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Giamatti
I get a fair amount of time between projects, which is great. It takes me awhile to start getting nervous about getting another job again. I don't mind having a lot of down time. I'm pretty lazy. So I really don't mind it. But I'm lucky; I work fairly steadily. I'm lucky that I've managed to do that.
- Paul Giamatti
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eli Manning
Coaches have the worst hours in the world. They go home maybe twice a week. They're sleeping in their office. They're watching film. It's a brutal, brutal job and that's why I respect them so much.
- Eli Manning
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ann Coulter
Historically, the best way to convert liberals is to have them move out of their parents' home, get a job, and start paying taxes.
- Ann Coulter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ann Coulter
Some jobs are so dirty you can only send in someone who has the finely honed hatred of liberals acquired at elite universities to do them.
- Ann Coulter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stuart Pearce
I'm thinking of taking a window cleaner's job to fill the spare hour in the evening.
- Stuart Pearce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Cosby
Pay off your student loan. Even if you don't have a job...Because when you finally get a job you're going to be one of us.
- Bill Cosby
Collection: Jobs
Image of Riane Eisler
We are rapidly moving into the post-industrial age, when we must redefine what is "productive" work, as more and more jobs are being replaced by automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence.
- Riane Eisler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Dell
If you don't have jobs, it's hard to have other things like health and education.
- Michael Dell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laurie Anderson
My job is to make images and leave the decision-making and conclusion-draw ing to other people.
- Laurie Anderson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Crichton
At forty, I was too old to work as a programmer myself anymore; writing code is a young person’s job.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paula Broadwell
It's part of the reason I decided to speak out now. This was the tipping point for me. If it's O.K. for [David Petraeus ] to campaign for a job in the administration, then I'm going to campaign to get back out there, too.
- Paula Broadwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paula Broadwell
I think Donald Trump is the best person for the job. It comes back to redemption campaign rhetoric. They all say that stuff.[Barack] Obama and [Hillary] Clinton said that about each other.
- Paula Broadwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paula Broadwell
My peers are all in sensitive jobs - at the C.I.A., the National Security Council, working for the Department of Defense. They can't stand up for me in public.
- Paula Broadwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paula Broadwell
As an intelligence officer, if you don't have a security clearance, you really don't have a job. My military position was, and has been, frozen, for four years.
- Paula Broadwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Plotz
I'm going to have a project-based life rather than a job-based life.
- David Plotz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lawrence O'Donnell
Everybody in Washington wants one of these jobs studies this book. It`s called the Plum Book because the people in Washington turn the pages looking for the plum that they want, the job that they want.
- Lawrence O'Donnell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Simon Cowell
I honestly can't ever imagine retiring because I don't know what else I would do - even when I'm on holiday, 70% of the time I'm working. I think I'd like to go out on the job so, ideally, 'And the winner is... Ooooh, and he's gone!'
- Simon Cowell
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Cook
The one thing that flies in the face of all human history and experience, is that the government can do a superior job than the private sector.
- James Cook
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Cook
Government is no more than taxpayers hiring the most inefficient organization to do the job.
- James Cook
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Satriani
R.I.P. Steve Jobs. I bet you're busy right now revolutionizing and redesigning the afterlife for all of us to enjoy when our time comes
- Joe Satriani
Collection: Jobs
Image of W. Edwards Deming
It's management's job to know.
- W. Edwards Deming
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hafez
The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more people worry than work.- Robert Frost Now that all your worry has proved such an unattractive business - why not find a better job?
- Hafez
Collection: Jobs