Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 118

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 118 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Wilmer Valderrama
Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves with any kind of job we have that we kind of forget that we do this because it's supposed to be fun because we love it.
- Wilmer Valderrama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Wind has the potential to produce many, many more jobs per kilowatt hour than coal. But the coal industry has tremendous political clout on Capitol Hill because of its alliance with the railroads... and with coal-burning utilities...
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernie Ecclestone
I also would rather race than strut red carpets in Hollywood - and thank God this is not my job - but also the team principals should be more prominent.
- Bernie Ecclestone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tim Cook
Graduates, your values matter. They are your north star. And work takes on new meaning when you feel you're pointed in the right direction. Otherwise, it's just a job. And life is too short for that.
- Tim Cook
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hrithik Roshan
As professional actors, it's our job to entertain our audiences while setting benchmarks for ourselves as well, creatively and intellectually.
- Hrithik Roshan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martin O'Malley
Look, being president of the United States is the toughest job in the world and I can tell you, as someone who has worked with Secretary Clinton and competed against her that she is a tough person who is ready to do this job.
- Martin O'Malley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ice Cube
To me, it's my job not to laugh, no matter what's said. By the time we shoot, I'm ready for all that's coming. I probably do most of my breaking in rehearsals, when I know that I can.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Stephanopoulos
Secretary of State, maybe they [Republicans] would consider Steve Hadley for that job.
- George Stephanopoulos
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Stephanopoulos
I think General [Mike] Flynn is probably the top contender for that job [of national security adviser].
- George Stephanopoulos
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Coburn
I would like to believe I would not have behaved differently had I not made a term limits pledge, but my own frailties and human desire for prestige and position tell me my term limits pledge did make a difference in how I approached my job in Congress.
- Tom Coburn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Leonardo DiCaprio
I think it's a real danger, as an actor, when you try to make some statement through your career about what the business should be doing or ultimately what your image should be or how you want to be perceived. I look at every project that comes along and say, "Is this something I can sink my teeth into and can do a good job on?" That's really how I choose roles.
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joel Stein
Being in New York and having worked at Time Out New York and then being at Time, living in New York for a long time has helped because I know everybody. And they're the people who call me and give me jobs. So that kind of real networking, which is just living in a place and having jobs where people around you are extremely successful, has helped me tremendously.
- Joel Stein
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ted Cruz
Donald Trump claims - he did interview after the debate where he said, well, gosh, you can't find Americans to do these jobs to be waiters or waitresses or bellhops.What ridiculous nonsense. "The New York Times" reported roughly 300 Americans applied for those jobs. He only hired 17. Instead, he brought in foreign workers, because they're captive workers, because you can pay them less because they can't leave.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Plato
The State which we have founded must possess the four cardinal virtues of wisdom, courage, discipline and justice ... Justice is the principle which has in fact been followed throughout, the principle of one man one job, of minding one s own business , in the sense of doing the job for which one is naturally fitted and not interfering with other people.
- Plato
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jamie Campbell Bower
Of course, on a job, you have a shared common interest in the fact that you're there making a movie or making a TV show, and that creates unification within a group. There has to be something more than just the work for that to continue on, for that friendship to continue on.
- Jamie Campbell Bower
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Murray
In this world of half-jobs and liars, I will prevail.
- Chris Murray
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tori Amos
Press the button, pump the water, build the pressure, push the piston, press the button. It's the perfect job.
- Tori Amos
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Dawkins
I do think the Roman Catholic religion is a disease of the mind which has a particular epidemiology similar to that of a virus... Religion is a terrific meme. That's right. But that doesn't make it true and I care about what's true. Smallpox virus is a terrific virus. It does its job magnificently well. That doesn't mean that it's a good thing. It doesn't mean that I don't want to see it stamped out.
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Selena
I have nothing bad to say about my job. I love the public, I love to talk, get to know people, everything.
- Selena
Collection: Jobs
Image of Carol Ann Tomlinson
In my experience, professionals who are best in any field approach their work with humility. They know that their work is more than just a job. It's an exploration of life. Even on days when they feel most confident, things can go wrong. Sometimes even the good things that happen are a mystery - a surprise. There are always elements outside our control. That's humbling - or should be.
- Carol Ann Tomlinson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alan Cohen
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who make excuses and those who get results. An excuse person will find any excuse for why a job was not done, and a results person will find any reason why it can be done. Be a creator, not a reactor.
- Alan Cohen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Molly Shannon
I don't want to do something, if I don't feel like I can do a good job serving the material.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Geena Davis
I had a deliberate plan to get into movies by becoming a model, so I went to New York and got a job pretending to be a mannequin in store windows.
- Geena Davis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Geena Davis
There were so many women who had worked throughout the war in every possible job. They were told, "Now leave, so the men can come in" and there was this whole feminizing of women: You have to be very, very retiring and submissive and whatever.
- Geena Davis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cameron Diaz
I learned and it was exactly what I needed [Transcendental Meditation]. The thing that blew me away was that it was the easiest thing I've ever done- not the easiest meditation, but the easiest thing I've ever learned. I learn a lot of things- that's my job! It's so simple to learn, so simple to practice. And the restoration that comes to you, the benefit across your life; it's changed everything.
- Cameron Diaz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stewart D. Friedman
People of all ages, but especially young people, require work that as meaning, or social value. Since they're not getting the kind of long-term guarantees of yore, they're willing to job hop to find the right fit.
- Stewart D. Friedman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daniel Fried
The usual practice is that the people in their jobs keep their jobs until their successors are named. Now, that`s the way the [George] Bush administration treated the [Bill] Clinton people. And that`s the way the [Barack] Obama administration treated the [George W.] Bush people.
- Daniel Fried
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matthew West
Go is such a refreshing language to program in, there is very little clutter just the stuff you need to get the job done
- Matthew West
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gillian Jacobs
Your agents and your managers will always say stuff to you like, "It's really important to make a good first impression on a casting director. And even though you didn't get that job, because you did well that means they'll keep bringing you back in." But when you really just need a job to pay your rent, that stops being very consoling.
- Gillian Jacobs
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gillian Jacobs
I always try to have a bigger picture view of my career. But that didn't mean that I didn't cry about not getting jobs.
- Gillian Jacobs
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daniel Craig
What I like about Layer Cake is its intelligent through-line. First of all, I think it's very close to the truth; I think this is what successful drug dealers are like. They don't drive around in flashy cars, they don't show off, they behave very quietly, they get on with their job and they earn lots of money. And it goes up and up and up and up the scale. Secondly - and selfishly - I like the moral aspect of the movie, which is that violence has consequences, and you feel emotionally involved with the violence.
- Daniel Craig
Collection: Jobs
Image of Leonardo DiCaprio
The last thing I want to turn into is a fat Hollywood jerk. I was brought up without much money and I was happy. I don’t think that I will strive for money or success and end up greedy or big-headed. That only leads to unhappiness. I can still be down-to-earth and do this job as long as I enjoy it.
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
If the firms that employ an increasing majority of the population are driven solely to satisfy the owner's greed at the expense of working conditions, of the stability of the community, and of the health of the environment, chances are that the quality of our lives will be worse than it is now.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Many business leaders today view their jobs as entailing responsibility for the welfare of the wider community. These individuals do not define themselves as profit-making machines whose only reason for existing is to satisfy escalating expectation for immediate gain.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Cromwell
The person is a mystery. What I'm playing is the person so I really get to tell you and show you and communicate to you who I think the real person is and that real person is me. The most important thing is to play the human being you are creating, which is my job.
- James Cromwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Cromwell
For my entire career, I wanted to be a director. When I was in the theater, it was very difficult to get directing jobs, and I fell into the acting by default. I got in the habit of accepting whatever came my way. Not things that I disagreed with, though. It's not like I had aspirations - well, I did have aspirations to play Hamlet, which I ended up doing.
- James Cromwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Confucius
The man who loves his job never works a day in his life.
- Confucius
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rich Mullins
It's not the job of government to help the poor. The church is the mechanism that God put on earth to help the poor.
- Rich Mullins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ann Coulter
I am not the first to note the vast differences between the Wall Street protesters and the tea partiers. To name three: The tea partiers have jobs, showers and a point.
- Ann Coulter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alden Ehrenreich
I got turned down for a million jobs until I got my first movie with Francis [Ford Coppola].
- Alden Ehrenreich
Collection: Jobs
Image of Angela Davis
One of the reasons that so many people of color and poor people are in prison is that the deindustrialization of the economy has led to the creation of new economies and the expansion of some old ones – I have already mentioned the drug trade and the market for sexual services. At the same time, though, there are any number of communities that more than welcome prisons as a source of employment. Communities even compete with one another to be the site where new prisons will be constructed because prisons create a significant number of relatively good jobs for their residents
- Angela Davis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Cuban
The same applies to the music and film industries. Until the heads of the labels start wanting to make money rather than creating controversy, tension, and excuses about why piracy is making the job so hard that no one could do it but them - and oh by the way, they need a raise to really focus in on the fight - the music industry is going to have a very tough time of it.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paulo Coelho
We must have a university degree even if we never get a job in the area of knowledge we were forced to study.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles Dickens
"I know quite enough of myself," said Bella, with a charming air of being inclined to give herself up as a bad job, "and I don't improve upon acquaintance..."
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom DeLay
If we had those 40 million children that were [aborted] over the last 30 years, we wouldn't need the illegal immigrants to fill the jobs that they are doing today.
- Tom DeLay
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jamie Dornan
There's very exciting directors who haven't made a feature yet. That's what's cool about the job - the ever-changing landscape of people you could potentially work with.
- Jamie Dornan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tony Gaskins
Relationship is like a job but you can't ever retire. When you stop working at it, it stops working.
- Tony Gaskins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Costner
I think I just wanted to work when I finally came to Hollywood. That's what it was. I wanted to get a job, and then I wanted to get the second one.
- Kevin Costner
Collection: Jobs