Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 114

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 114 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Tim Kaine
The job of a legislator is much more fixing existing law, revising it, improving it, than it is passing something that doesn't exist.
- Tim Kaine
Collection: Jobs
Image of William McDonough
Peter Drucker has pointed out that it is a manager's job to "do things right." It is an executive's job to make sure "the right things" get done. Even the most rigorous eco-efficient business paradigm does not challenge basic practices and methods: a shoe, building, factory, car, or shampoo can remain fundamentally ill-designed even as the materials and processes involved in its manufacture become more "efficient."
- William McDonough
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lyle Lovett
I joke that I've never been burdened by having an actual hit. There's something to that. My records have sold enough to make the record company money to help me keep my job. But I've never had anything so firmly ingrained in the mind of the public that I'm expected to repeat it.
- Lyle Lovett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lyle Lovett
Fortunately, I've never had a job
- Lyle Lovett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
I've laid out my economic plans. I want to grow the economy. That's why I have plans for jobs and raising incomes. I do want to go after bad actors on and off Wall Street, because I think companies that take money from federal, state, and local governments and then pick up and move should have to pay that back.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brian Tracy
Transformation al leaders pick the right people, match them to the right jobs, achieve mutual clarity on the desired results, and then they get out of the way and leave the individual with maximum freedom to perform.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
Let's stand up for taxpayers, let's stand up for consumers, and let's stand up for small businesses, which create most of the jobs in America.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Louie Giglio
God doesn't call people to a job description, He calls people to Himself and His mission in the world.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Jobs
Image of T Bone Burnett
If Picasso walked into Disney looking for a job, they would throw him out on the street. Couldn't draw good enough.
- T Bone Burnett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Akio Morita
I consider it my job to nurture the creativity of the people I work with because at Sony we know that a terrific idea is more likely to happen in an open, free and trusting atmosphere than when everything is calculated, every action analysed and every responsibility assigned by an organisation chart.
- Akio Morita
Collection: Jobs
Image of Akio Morita
The remarkable thing about management is that a manager can go on for years making mistakes that nobody is aware of, which means that management can be a kind of a con job.
- Akio Morita
Collection: Jobs
Image of Akio Morita
I often say to my assistants, "Never trust anybody," but what I mean is that you should never trust someone else to do a job exactly the way you would want it done.
- Akio Morita
Collection: Jobs
Image of Akio Morita
We want to keep the company healthy and its employees happy, and we want to keep them on the job and productive.
- Akio Morita
Collection: Jobs
Image of Fred Brooks
Job Control Language is the worst programming language ever designed anywhere by anybody for any purpose.
- Fred Brooks
Collection: Jobs
Image of Woody Allen
As an artist, you are always striving toward an ultimate achievement but never seem to reach it. You shoot a film, and the result could have always been better. You try again, and fail once more. In some ways I find it enjoyable. You never lose sight of your goal. I don’t do my job to make money or to break box office records, I simply try things out. What would happen if I were to achieve perfection at some point? What would I do then?
- Woody Allen
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Carlin
I'm never critical or judgmental about whether or not a movie is any good. The way I look at it, if several hundred people got together every day for a year or so - a number of then willing to put on heavy makeup, wear clothes that weren't their own and pretend to be people other than themselves - and their whole purpose for doing all this was to entertain me, then I'm not gonna start worrying about whether or not they did a good job. The effort alone was enough to make me happy.
- George Carlin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Carrey
but can everyone simply choose the path he loves? someone has to take the ordinary jobs. all i know is, that worked for me. and it didn't work for other people i know to get a so-called safe job, because there's no such thing anymore. the only thing that stays constant is the idea that people have to escape.
- Jim Carrey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ben Feldman
I've been pretty lucky, I like my jobs.
- Ben Feldman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Reince Priebus
Exxon [is one] of the biggest companies in the world. We'll find out whether it's [Rex Tillerson] or someone else on the list and so, listen, it's not a done deal. And it's premature. But I will tell you that I think this person is incredibly talented and could do a very good job as secretary of state.
- Reince Priebus
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dick Morris
Obama's perverse view of fairness threatens to create reverse incentives, militating against growth, jobs, expansion and upward mobility.
- Dick Morris
Collection: Jobs
Image of George W. Bush
One of my hardest parts of my job is to console the family members who have lost their life.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brian Tracy
Whatever job you take on, make yourself valuable, then indispensable.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Bierut
It was 4 or 5 years into my first design job before the idea of doing graphic design on computers started taking hold. I started working in 1980, the Macintosh was introduced in 1984, then the real desktop publishing only started coming around in 85-86, but it wasn't really until the end of the decade that the transition became irresistible.
- Michael Bierut
Collection: Jobs
Image of Janet Morris
Something awful is always going to happen, Arton. It's Sanctuary. You're a Stepson. Awful is a big part of your job.
- Janet Morris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robin Sharma
No kid is unsmart. Every kid's a genius at something. Our job is to find it. And then encourage it.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nido R Qubein
People can be unreliable and disloyal; possessions can lose their value; jobs that once stimulated you can become boring. But principles remain steady through it all.
- Nido R Qubein
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Cameron
It's important for me to have hope because that's my job as a parent, to have hope, for my kids, that we're not going to leave them in a world that's in shambles, that's a chaotic place, that's a dangerous place.
- James Cameron
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alan Alda
Everybody's on their toes and focused on what we're about to do, and then there's this moment where you relax because you see that everybody is there to do the best that they can. Everyone opens up to one another right away. That's a terrific thing. I love that about actors. They know how personal this job is.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cillian Murphy
You take the job very seriously and between action and cut, that's where your focus should be. And then there's a lot of levity in between and a lot of good fun.
- Cillian Murphy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
I want us to invest in your future. That means jobs in infrastructure, in advanced manufacturing, innovation and technology, clean, renewable energy, and small business, because most of the new jobs will come from small business.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
I think it's important to look at what we need to do to get the economy going again. That's why I said new jobs with rising incomes, investments, not in more tax cuts that would add $5 trillion to the debt.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
We can build a new modern electric grid. That's a lot of jobs; that's a lot of new economic activity.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of William J. Clinton
The economy has produced 6.1 million jobs since I became president, and if Michael Jordan comes back to the Bulls, it will be 6,100,001 jobs.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of William J. Clinton
I want to talk about one barrier that has not been broken. I want you to support Hillary [Clinton] for me, too, because I want to break a ceiling. I am tired of the stranglehold that women have had on the job of presidential spouse.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of William J. Clinton
You know what higher interest rates mean. To you it means a higher mortgage payment, a higher car payment, a higher credit card payment. To our economy, it means business people will not borrow as much money, invest as much money, create as many new jobs, create as much wealth, raise as many raises.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of William J. Clinton
I do think that the role of the Internet, and the way it's bringing everything into the home, has made a parent's job much more difficult. And it's harder to know what to do and how to do it. It's much, much harder.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Carell
Well, it might have been if I'd had success earlier in life, but having success that much later meant I was far more grounded when it came. The last few years of my life have just been surreal and after a lifetime of disappointment and heartache and rejection, I still don't believe this is all actually happening. I'm extremely grateful for my success - I just never expect it to last and my motto, if I have one, is just put your head down and do the job.
- Steve Carell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Miranda Lambert
I have my views and obviously my music has connotations that lean toward what I believe, but I've learned through other artists' mistakes that I'm never going to use my career as a platform for politics, especially at shows. People come to hear music. It's my job to entertain them, and it's my escape too.
- Miranda Lambert
Collection: Jobs
Image of Woody Allen
I think it's my job or the artist's job, to try and find some solution or some reason to accept things. But given the grimmest reality, I feel the grimmest facts are the real facts, the true facts: that you're born, you die, you suffer, it's to no purpose, and you're gone forever, ever, ever, and that's it.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Bryson
It's hard not to be kind of pessimistic about human beings generally, because we do tend to mess things up. If you just look at the history of extinctions, we've killed off an awful lot of animals - and I don't think we're doing a very good job of looking after the planet.
- Bill Bryson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Denis Hayes
There are a few obvious consequences and perhaps one subtle possibility. One obvious thing is that, to stimulate the economy, President Obama has committed to creating millions of green jobs that will leave a legacy - much as Roosevelt's public works did during the new deal.
- Denis Hayes
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Brown
I used to play one job and have 125 pair of shoes on the floor. What was I doing? I couldn't wear but one pair.
- James Brown
Collection: Jobs
Image of Benjamin Carson
I consider myself a logical person and, you know, a lot of people try to categorize me in one way or another. You know, there are some of the things that I say that probably would be considered very much non-conservative. But I don't think really conservative or liberal; I think: What makes sense? What's going to help the American people? What's going to give them what they need? Not only in health care but in terms of jobs, in terms of education, in terms of a whole host of issues.
- Benjamin Carson
Collection: Jobs
Image of William J. Clinton
If you wanted to create jobs in a way that has minimal effect on the deficit but has government action, the two best things you could do are the infrastructure bank and a simple SBA-like loan guarantee for all building retrofits, where the contractor or the energy-service company guarantees the savings. So that allows the bank to loan money to let a school or a college or a hospital or a museum or a commercial building unencumbered by debt to loan it on terms that are longer, so you can pay it back only from your utility savings. You could create a million jobs doing that.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andrew Carnegie
It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could do alone.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Narendra Modi
Why should it be mandatory for people to give interviews. I request state governments to remove the process of interviews for minor jobs to end corruption in getting jobs.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lois McMaster Bujold
Too late, he recalled Miles's dictum that the reward for a job well done was usually a harder job.
- Lois McMaster Bujold
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patrick Stump
I don't mind if someone thinks I'm a sell out. I go to bed happy knowing I do what I do and I'm not doing anything for reasons of money, and if I were trying to pick up chicks, I'm doing a horrible job. And if I wanted to drive awesome cars, I'm doing a really bad job there too.
- Patrick Stump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles Koch
If you're a leader at any level and your people aren't challenging you, you've got to change that or you can't be a leader here because you're not going to be using ideas, you're not going to have innovation, you're not going to fully develop your people. And if you're working in a group and you don't challenge, then you're not really doing your job.
- Charles Koch
Collection: Jobs