Top imagination Quotes Collection - Page 21

Discover a curated collection of imagination quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 21 provides more imagination quotes.

Image of Lani Tupu
If you take the shackles off your imagination, you can go anywhere with science fiction.
- Lani Tupu
Collection: Imagination
Image of David Mura
Imagination is intervention, an act of defiance. It alters belief.
- David Mura
Collection: Imagination
Image of Roald Dahl
There is no place I know that compares to pure imagination.
- Roald Dahl
Collection: Imagination
Image of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Imagination is the living power and prime agent of all human perception.
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Collection: Imagination
Image of George MacKay
The Orkney imagination is haunted by time.
- George MacKay
Collection: Imagination
Image of Misha Collins
We are bound only by the limits of our imaginations.
- Misha Collins
Collection: Imagination
Image of Leonardo Sciascia
All of Sicily is a dimension of the imagination.
- Leonardo Sciascia
Collection: Imagination
Image of C. K. Prahalad
Executives are constrained not by resources but by their imagination.
- C. K. Prahalad
Collection: Imagination
Image of Dennis Haysbert
Being on set and seeing all that green screen, and how it activated my imagination, was amazing to me. I fell into that world very easily, and it was incredible to be a part of.
- Dennis Haysbert
Collection: Imagination
Image of Kid Cudi
I know it's easy to imagine, But it's easier to just do, See, if you can't do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you?
- Kid Cudi
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jack Goody
The notion of representing a sound by a graphic symbol is itself so stupefying a leap of the imagination that what is remarkable is not so much that it happened relatively late in human history, but that it happened at all.
- Jack Goody
Collection: Imagination
Image of Peter London
Unless you periodically unbind yourself from the world as it is given to you from moment to moment, you will fail to release those qualities of your mind that can generate images of the world as you would prefer it to be or the world as you declare it to be.
- Peter London
Collection: Imagination
Image of Stephen Dorff
There's a lot of idiots in Hollywood, a lot of people with no imagination, so as an actor you have to constantly re-show them what you can do.
- Stephen Dorff
Collection: Imagination
Image of Rob Pike
Narrowness of experience leads to narrowness of imagination
- Rob Pike
Collection: Imagination
Image of Eugene Delacroix
Even when we look at nature, our imagination constructs the picture.
- Eugene Delacroix
Collection: Imagination
Image of Abraham Zaleznik
Vision, the hallmark of leadership, is less a derivative of spreadsheets and more a product of the mind called imagination.
- Abraham Zaleznik
Collection: Imagination
Image of Pamela Frankau
the virtue of imagination has this in common with the virtue of courage. Without it, you are less good: with it, you are not necessarily better.
- Pamela Frankau
Collection: Imagination
Image of Eoin Colfer
You know you're in trouble when your own imagination starts punishing you.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Imagination
Image of Thomas Cole
If the imagination is shackled, and nothing is described but what we see, seldom will anything truly great be produced either in Painting or Poetry
- Thomas Cole
Collection: Imagination
Image of Esther Perel
It's our imagination that's responsible for love, not the other person.
- Esther Perel
Collection: Imagination
Image of Bryce Courtenay
The imagination is always the best torturer.
- Bryce Courtenay
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jared Harris
When preparing for a role, a month is a luxury. Sometimes you've maybe got two weeks before you start on something. So you have to learn how to do it quickly. And the longer you have a role, that it lives in your imagination, the more you're going to be able to contribute when you get on set. Because it's really about your subconscious having time to sit with the part, so you're out doing something and then something occurs to you, you know?
- Jared Harris
Collection: Imagination
Image of Steven M. Greer
It's been by turns frustrating and fascinating and wonderful beyond imagination. If what I suspect is true, it's one of the most important milestones in human history to acknowledge that we are not alone in the universe.
- Steven M. Greer
Collection: Imagination
Image of David Bronstein
Chess is imagination.
- David Bronstein
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ethel Mumford
Imagination makes cowards of us all.
- Ethel Mumford
Collection: Imagination
Image of Rob Brezsny
Your imagination is the single most important asset you possess. Your imagination is your power to create mental pictures of things that don't exist yet and that you want to bring into being. Your imagination is what you use to shape your future. And so in your own way, you are a prophet. You generate countless predictions every day. Your imagination is the source,tirelessly churning out mental pictures of what you'll be doing in the future.
- Rob Brezsny
Collection: Imagination
Image of James Scott Bell
Structure is translation software for your imagination.
- James Scott Bell
Collection: Imagination
Image of Richard Tarnas
Imagination is no longer conceived as simplistically opposed to perception and reason; rather, perception and reason are recognised as being always informed by the imagination.
- Richard Tarnas
Collection: Imagination
Image of Eric Jerome Dickey
I deserved to find pleasure that surpassed my imagination, better than any I had experienced.
- Eric Jerome Dickey
Collection: Imagination
Image of Seth Lloyd
Programmed by quanta, physics gave rise first to chemistry and then to life; programmed by mutations and recombination, life gave rise to Shakespeare; programmed by experience and imagination, Shakespeare gave rise to Hamlet.
- Seth Lloyd
Collection: Imagination
Image of Julie Czerneda
Curiosity, fed by feats of imagination, can only grow
- Julie Czerneda
Collection: Imagination
Image of James Arthur
As a species, we create tools to control our environment. What excites my imagination is wilderness: our materials' ability to escape our control.
- James Arthur
Collection: Imagination
Image of Andy Andrews
Worry is just imagination used in an unproductive way.
- Andy Andrews
Collection: Imagination
Image of Philip Jose Farmer
Imagination is like a muscle. I found out that the more I wrote, the bigger it got.
- Philip Jose Farmer
Collection: Imagination
Image of Arthur Seyss-Inquart
The southern German has the imagination and emotionality to subscribe to a fanatic ideology, but he is ordinarily inhibited from excesses by his natural humaneness. The Prussian does not have the imagination to conceive in terms of abstract racial and political theories, but when he is told to do something, he does it.
- Arthur Seyss-Inquart
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jill Lepore
The study of history requires investigation, imagination, empathy, and respect. Reverence just doesnt enter into it.
- Jill Lepore
Collection: Imagination
Image of Richard Ford
With imagination, you can put something where nothing was.
- Richard Ford
Collection: Imagination
Image of Minnie Maddern Fiske actor is exactly as big as his imagination.
- Minnie Maddern Fiske
Collection: Imagination
Image of Zuzana Licko
A mystery is the most stimulating force in unleashing the imagination.
- Zuzana Licko
Collection: Imagination
Image of Patricia Ryan
Trust your imagination. There is always something in the box.
- Patricia Ryan
Collection: Imagination
Image of Isabelle Eberhardt
The savage hatred I feel for crowds is getting worse, natural enemies that they are of imagination and of thought.
- Isabelle Eberhardt
Collection: Imagination
Image of Norman Douglas
Learn to foster an ardent imagination; so shall you descry beauty which others passed unheeded.
- Norman Douglas
Collection: Imagination
Image of Lord Dunsany
I have lived to see that being seventeen is no protection against becoming seventy, but to know this needs the experience of a lifetime, for no imagination copes with it.
- Lord Dunsany
Collection: Imagination
Image of Hiroko Sakai
If we have received a precious gift from God, it is our imagination. When we tap into our powers of imagination, we are bombs of possibilities.
- Hiroko Sakai
Collection: Imagination
Image of Douglas Lenat
Compared to Nature we suffer a poverty of imagination; it is thus much easier for us to uncover than to invent.
- Douglas Lenat
Collection: Imagination
Image of Wadah Khanfar
These [Arab] youth who have been inspired by universal values are idealistic enough to imagine a magnificent future and, at the same time, realistic enough to balance this kind of imagination and the process leading to it - not using violence, not trying to create chaos.
- Wadah Khanfar
Collection: Imagination
Image of James Van Fleet
Imagination without initiative would more properly be called idle daydreaming.
- James Van Fleet
Collection: Imagination
Image of Paul LePaul
The illusion of magic is an idealistic fantasy; it exists only in the imagination of the spectator.
- Paul LePaul
Collection: Imagination
Image of Margaret Drabble
You have to be careful what you imagine, because the act of imagining is the act of encouraging yourself to be a certain kind of person.
- Margaret Drabble
Collection: Imagination