Top imagination Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of imagination quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more imagination quotes.

Image of Katy Perry
I've done a lot of bad things. Use your imagination.
- Katy Perry
Collection: Imagination
Image of Felix Bloch
Free imagination is the inestimable prerogative of youth and it must be cherished and guarded as a treasure.
- Felix Bloch
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jane Campion
I can get very philosophical and ask the questions Keats was asking as a young guy. What are we here for? What's a soul? What's it all about? What is thinking about, imagination?
- Jane Campion
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jack Nicholson
It's a slight stretch of the imagination but most people are alike in most ways so I've never had any trouble identifying with the character that I'm playing.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Imagination
Image of Deepak Chopra
We're living in a time when the world has suddenly discovered India because it's run out of raw material for its imagination. The raw materials for imagination are inexhaustible here.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Imagination
Image of Julianna Baggott
Our imaginations are strong as children. Sometimes they get shoved aside, these imaginations. They get dusty and mildewed with age. The imagination is a muscle that has to be put to use or it shrivels.
- Julianna Baggott
Collection: Imagination
Image of Rhys Ifans
As an actor, our very palette is one of imagination. So it is a walk onto an empty space and then imagine the world beyond it is what we do.
- Rhys Ifans
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ron Howard
Anything that stimulates the public's imagination about the nobility and the importance of space exploration is something that I'm very excited to be a part of.
- Ron Howard
Collection: Imagination
Image of Tom Robbins
People write memoirs because they lack the imagination to make things up.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jacki Weaver
I guess just a lively imagination is the best effort an actor can have.
- Jacki Weaver
Collection: Imagination
Image of Oren Peli
In many cases your imagination is much more effective than what can be shown. It primes you to know something is about to happen - the anticipation and anxiety is worse than what ends up happening.
- Oren Peli
Collection: Imagination
Image of Blaise Pascal
Men often take their imagination for their heart; and they believe they are converted as soon as they think of being converted.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Imagination
Image of George Santayana
The degree in which a poet's imagination dominates reality is, in the end, the exact measure of his importance and dignity.
- George Santayana
Collection: Imagination
Image of Derek Jacobi
I am an actor and I live in the world of pretend in my working capacity. I live in the world of my imagination.
- Derek Jacobi
Collection: Imagination
Image of LeVar Burton
It's definitely true that there are a lot of the devices we used on 'Star Trek,' that came out the imagination of the writers, and the creators that are actually in the world today.
- LeVar Burton
Collection: Imagination
Image of Van Morrison
The first piece of music that captured my imagination was probably Ray Charles Live At Newport.
- Van Morrison
Collection: Imagination
Image of Florence Welch
I'm a light sleeper. I've never been one of those people who can put their head down and suddenly everything disappears. Nighttime is the time I get most scared, anxious or worried. In those darker moments before waking or sleeping is when I feel most, I don't know, I can turn on myself, and my imagination can take me dark places.
- Florence Welch
Collection: Imagination
Image of Salman Rushdie
What distinguishes a great artist from a weak one is first their sensibility and tenderness; second, their imagination, and third, their industry.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Imagination
Image of Paloma Faith
Sometimes when you've got too much money you lose your imagination.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Imagination
Image of Mary Pope Osborne
I get ideas from my own personal experiences, from my imagination, and from my research and from old stories.
- Mary Pope Osborne
Collection: Imagination
Image of George William Curtis
Imagination is as good as many voyages - and how much cheaper!
- George William Curtis
Collection: Imagination
Image of Cory Booker
I've taken on impossible fights before and won and I've done it not by taking on the tactics and techniques of demagogues and bullies but by calling people to our higher angels, calling to the moral imagination of communities about what we can be and what we can achieve together.
- Cory Booker
Collection: Imagination
Image of Michael D. Higgins
I love our shared island, our shared Ireland and its core decency. I love it for its imagination and its celebration of the endless possibilities for our people.
- Michael D. Higgins
Collection: Imagination
Image of Wangechi Mutu
Football has that wonderful gift of being accessible. You don't need much gear, a coach, or a lifeguard. You just need your imagination, strong legs, and a couple of friends, and it's a game.
- Wangechi Mutu
Collection: Imagination
Image of Donald Trump
A certificate of live birth is not the same thing by any stretch of the imagination as a birth certificate.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ralph Fiennes
Being an actor means asking people to look at you. I guess I accept that. But it's a profession in which the job is to show another world and other people. You may access it through bits of yourself, and your imagination and experience, but actually, in the end, you're not playing yourself.
- Ralph Fiennes
Collection: Imagination
Image of Doris Lessing
What really fascinates me is this need that is so strong now that if you read a work of the imagination you instantly have to say, 'Oh, what this really is is so-and-so,' reducing it to a simple formula.
- Doris Lessing
Collection: Imagination
Image of Isabelle Fuhrman
I'd love to play more challenging roles, characters that would stretch my comfort zone and imagination.
- Isabelle Fuhrman
Collection: Imagination
Image of Bonnie Jo Campbell
I always know exactly where my stories take place, which gives me something certain so I can use my imagination for the other stuff. I worry though, who wants to keep reading stories about Kalamazoo?
- Bonnie Jo Campbell
Collection: Imagination
Image of Andrew Bird
My favorite literature to read is fairly dry history. I like the framework, and my imagination can do the rest.
- Andrew Bird
Collection: Imagination
Image of Graham Joyce
Every day the eye is subject to a thousand tiny shocks as a thousand industries compete for the eye-kick, the visual hook that will lock the consumer into product for that crucial second where the tiny - or not so tiny - leap of the imagination is made.
- Graham Joyce
Collection: Imagination
Image of Luigi Pirandello
Nature uses human imagination to lift her work of creation to even higher levels.
- Luigi Pirandello
Collection: Imagination
Image of Nick Cave
I've spent my life butting my head against other people's lack of imagination.
- Nick Cave
Collection: Imagination
Image of William Cullen Bryant
Poetry is that art which selects and arranges the symbols of thought in such a manner as to excite the imagination the most powerfully and delightfully.
- William Cullen Bryant
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
America is a poem in our eyes; its ample geography dazzles the imagination, and it will not wait long for metres.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Imagination
Image of Sofia Kovalevskaya
Many who have had an opportunity of knowing any more about mathematics confuse it with arithmetic, and consider it an arid science. In reality, however, it is a science which requires a great amount of imagination.
- Sofia Kovalevskaya
Collection: Imagination
Image of Dorothy L. Sayers
The Christian faith is the most exciting drama that ever staggered the imagination of man - and the dogma is the drama.
- Dorothy L. Sayers
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jason Statham
If you got a good imagination, a lot of confidence and you kind of know what you are saying, then you might be able to do it. I know a lot of colorful characters at home that would make great actors.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Imagination
Image of Erwin McManus
God has given us an imagination, and our imagination is really the principle tool from which all creativity and artistry comes from.
- Erwin McManus
Collection: Imagination
Image of Robert Baden-Powell
From the boys' point of view, scouting puts them into fraternity-gangs, which is their natural organisation, whether for games, mischief, or loafing; it gives them a smart dress and equipments; it appeals to their imagination and romance; and it engages them in an active, open-air life.
- Robert Baden-Powell
Collection: Imagination
Image of Noam Chomsky
Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Imagination
Image of Drew Gilpin Faust
The ability to recognize opportunities and move in new - and sometimes unexpected - directions will benefit you no matter your interests or aspirations. A liberal arts education is designed to equip students for just such flexibility and imagination.
- Drew Gilpin Faust
Collection: Imagination
Image of Daphne Guinness
I think life is about having the mixture of the curiosity of an older person and the imagination of a child.
- Daphne Guinness
Collection: Imagination
Image of Anthony Browne
Picture books are for everybody at any age, not books to be left behind as we grow older. The best ones leave a tantalising gap between the pictures and the words, a gap that is filled by the reader's imagination, adding so much to the excitement of reading a book.
- Anthony Browne
Collection: Imagination
Image of James Dean
Being an actor is the loneliest thing in the world. You are all alone with your concentration and imagination, and that's all you have.
- James Dean
Collection: Imagination
Image of Austin O'Malley
Reason clears and plants the wilderness of the imagination to harvest the wheat of art.
- Austin O'Malley
Collection: Imagination
Image of Sam Levenson
One of the virtues of being very young is that you don't let the facts get in the way of your imagination.
- Sam Levenson
Collection: Imagination
Image of Philip James Bailey
Imagination is the air of mind.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Imagination
Image of William Morris
A man at work, making something which he feels will exist because he is working at it and wills it, is exercising the energies of his mind and soul as well as of his body. Memory and imagination help him as he works.
- William Morris
Collection: Imagination