Paloma Faith

Image of Paloma Faith
I travel regularly and have learnt to be very methodical as far as packing is concerned. For example, I always check the weather in advance of where I'm going to ensure that I've packed the right clothes.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Travel
Image of Paloma Faith
I try to stick to a certain diet all the time, and then when I feel like a reward, I have it. I try to stick to no dairy, no sugar, no wheat.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Diet
Image of Paloma Faith
You know, my mum's always encouraged me and never made my gender an issue, I guess. She brought me up to believe in equality, as opposed to feminism or sexism - so it just meant that my gender was not relevant to what I was capable of achieving.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Equality
Image of Paloma Faith
I lend people money, but I'd never lend something that would jeopardise a friendship if I didn't get it back.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Friendship
Image of Paloma Faith
I agree with cosmetic surgery for medical reasons - my mother had breast cancer and I think it's very sad when somebody has no choice in what happens to their body.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Medical
Image of Paloma Faith
I feel quite fearless protecting the people I love.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Courage
Image of Paloma Faith
I design all my sets. With my tour and my album artwork, I co-design that with people who are better at drawing than me. But I've got a good imagination. I went to art school so I understand how to communicate my ideas.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Design
Image of Paloma Faith
It's amazing living alone. I'm very lucky. It's like a refuge.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Alone
Image of Paloma Faith
Sometimes when you've got too much money you lose your imagination.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Imagination
Image of Paloma Faith
I go running three times a week - outside in the park, come rain or shine, and I hate every moment of it. I hate everything about it. But I know it's important for health reasons and the reason why I run, in particular, is because my stage work is like cardiovascular work so I don't want to lose my breath on stage.
- Paloma Faith
Collection: Health
Image of Paloma Faith
There's nothing wrong with a thick eyebrow; Frida Kahlo had them.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I wish I was more stupid because I'm either completely ecstatic and joyous and absolutely high as a kite or I'm a bit morbid. There's never anything in between.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
All the things that I find beautiful have a darkness about them.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I think everybody should focus on inner beauty.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I feel quite excited about the possibility of working on multiple albums. There's something really iconic about having a catalog featuring a lot of albums, and I'd love to have that legacy.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I think I'd be a million times more successful and more iconic if I was a singer in the '40s. I'd be allowed a level of mystery, and I think I'd suit that decade.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I love interesting people with eccentric stories and outsiders of the world.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
Celebrity culture is an aspirational culture regardless of how much you don't want it to be.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
You feel a sense of elation seeing yourself on a billboard.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I think what makes me different from the average Joe is that I feel free to be myself and express myself in the way that I want. If that makes you mad, we're living in a world of dire straits. If anything, it makes you more sane.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
Dressing up is like therapy; I feel better in myself when I've made an effort.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
There's nothing better than achieving your goals, whatever they might be.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I just have an inability to lie.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
Real talent shines through regardless of how many others there are around you.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I'd rather be on my own than be with a violent man.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
My desire to experiment comes from my attention-deficit approach to cosmetics. I just get really bored, really easily.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I really hate bureaucracy and the idea that I'm not a free person.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
When you're on the pop treadmill, you don't always feel that cool because you have to do things to promote the record that aren't necessarily your environment.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I don't feel I fit in with morning television because I'm like a vampire and I like to stay up late.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
Compared to a lot of artists, I'm usually quite covered up in videos and photo shoots.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I'm not a downtrodden woman. I just won't be.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I'm not that materialistic. I like nice clothes and that, but I don't spend lots of money on stuff. I'm not really into TV, I don't have an iPod, I've got a gramophone.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
Ever since I was little, my mum used to choose an outfit for me and lay it on the bed so I'd know what I was wearing the next day. I never went to a uniformed school, so I always had an outfit - and I never really grew out of that, I don't think.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I mean, my music career and my acting career - if I want to do them to the extent that I eventually do want to get to, it's going to be a bit of a balancing act. But I'm hoping they'll just go hand in hand.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
If I see something that inspires me, I'll dress like it.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I've got so many clothes; I can dress in any style.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I'd never go on a reality show - it's too invasive.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I'm not interested in what other people are doing. That's their business.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I just really want to make albums - and however I can, I will.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I love Andre 3000 from OutKast. I think we'd complement each other, but I'm hoping he's got a good sense of humour.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
If I go out with no make-up and a tracksuit on, nobody comes up to me. And if they do, I won't do a photo because I wouldn't want any photographic evidence.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
Once you accept that we're all imperfect, it's the most liberating thing in the world. Then you can go around making mistakes and saying the wrong thing and tripping over on the street and all that and not feel worried.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I was mainly raised by a working mum who didn't have much time or inclination for making food. So I had three or four basic meals: fish fingers and a tomato; a packet scotch egg and a tomato; pasta with a tin of tomatoes; and extra mild plastic-y cheddar chopped into cubes with bits of cucumber.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
Mum doesn't like it when I mention that Dad's a better cook than her. He was born in Spain and spent eight years in Portugal and is exceptional at lots of cuisines.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I really like to please people, and I think it's a symptom of being an only child.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I was once in a long relationship with a man who ran a vintage clothes store but had been a chef, so I'd come home each night to a different three-course meal. I was quite fat, but so happy.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I think initially, the record industry struggled a lot with digital media because there are a lot of aspects to it that can potentially destroy our industry.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I'm not a pop act, churning stuff out really quickly. I find the music that arises from that style of working is distracted, not particularly profound.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I get plenty of, 'Is that song about me?' from men but I just tell them to get over themselves.
- Paloma Faith
Image of Paloma Faith
I have a lot of admiration for people who've been in relationships a long time, married for years.
- Paloma Faith